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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 4, 2024 4:50am-5:50am MSK

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more fraternal union, our people, i am magima, live forever, belarus, our beloved mother, radhiba lived forever. once again, my husband , we lost our relatives well, you and i, earn your slaughter, with yourselves, lay down the earth. neither our light is your name, glorified to the people,
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the prover union, our beloved maskina, live forever, isdisila, our beloved matsi.
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faith is divine, the joy of the saints, the evil earth is our bright name, the fraper union is layered upon the peoples, our beloved march, manic life. belarus, our beloved mother.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute he will be with us a hero who will answer everything. but first, according to tradition, our questions. anastasia, what feelings are you experiencing now? is this similar to the excitement before going on stage? the feeling is wonderful, i am in the mood for a wonderful conversation between friends. do you agree with the statement that children should never be told lies? i think that lies should not be told to anyone, neither children nor adults. but you understand that children can ask very uncomfortable questions. yes, i'm ready for this. well then, good luck!
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dear program participants, today we have our guest is the people's artist of the republic of belarus, head of the bolshoi theater opera troupe, silver soprano, anastasia masquina! anastasia, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute. to briefly tell you about yourself. time has passed. my name is anastasia moskvina. i was born in the city minsk. i am a soloist of the bolshoi theater of belarus, head of an opera company and a professor at the belarusian academy of music. great, you did it in one minute. but this is
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only the beginning of our dialogue. we have 100 participants in our studio. everyone has their own question. let's see how fast you can answer. you are ready? yes. let's start, let's start with the red sector. hello, my name is ksenia. at the beginning of the program, the presenter called you silver saprans. may i know what this means? you know, many people say: the silver soprano or the golden voice of russia, here maybe they heard people talking about nikolai bassky once. in fact, this is pleasant, because silver and gold are such precious, semi-precious metals, and if such a characteristic applies to the voice, it means that it is beautiful.
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hello, my name is antonina, from whom did you get such a beautiful voice, did your ancestors too? it seems to me that the temperament of the voice is given to us from the lord god and from our parents, but another thing is that, to the extent that i was able to take advantage of this gift that was given to me at birth, someone becomes a musician, having a voice, someone becomes a vocalist, sings, someone simply goes to a completely different job, gets a different profession, but sings for the soul. how do you think? music is a compulsory subject at school, why? i believe that this subject is compulsory, correct me if i’m wrong, now we have music, singing, music until the fourth grade, yes, as far as i know, now at school, when i was a student, we had singing until the eighth grade , here until
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the ninth, and i believe that if i were asked whether singing and music should be returned to school up to the ninth grade, i would say, it is definitely necessary... to turn it up, because music brings only benefits, because we must develop not only our intellect, not only our body in physical education, but our spiritual and heartfelt abilities to empathize, to see everything there is beauty all around, no matter who studies, regardless of whether you were in music school for 1-2 years , then many drop out, or a full course, you visited music schools, i think that when you grow up, you will then remember how good thing i was once in the music industry school that your parents sent you to, because you will understand the style of music, it develops, helps a person to see the world as beautiful, and also, please tell me, have you ever lied to your family? i told the truth, but
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the problem was that my mother was a teacher at my school, so it was difficult for me to hide something, everyone knew about it, because my mother taught... and i am the daughter of a teacher, so i tried to behave approximately, because everything secret always becomes obvious, i advise everyone, never lie to parents, it’s better to tell the truth, they will help you, everything will be fine, what do you remember about your first stage appearance, what it was like, do you mean the stage of the bolshoi theater of belarus or the stage in general, the stage in general, the stage in general. these are two different concepts, it’s one thing to go on stage at the most important theater in our country, this is of course very exciting, but i once began my journey in art as a dramatic actress and appeared on stage as an actress in children’s plays, in
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matinees, in which children's fairy tales, it was an interesting experience, which was very useful to me later, when i became a singer, when i graduated from the belarusian academy of music and came to serve in the bolshoi theater of belarus, i already had experience of appearing on stage, and i can say that when i appeared on the stage of the bolshoi theater for the first time, it was such... a small part of the first lady in the opera magic flute and of course i was lucky that i got on stage, it was very exciting, i even forgot the words at some point, but everything comes with experience, then later you understand that what a blessing it is to get on the stage of the theater, our task so that the next day a person will remember us about the trip to... theater, so that he would have wonderful emotions, so that he would want to come back and think how
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great it is that i was in the big theater in belarus yesterday, the whole week will pass with him feeling that wonderful performance that he saw, he will be in a very good mood, i i'm sure of it. but what do you think, at what point does an artist need to stop and retire? i think that every person understands uh. when he needs to leave somewhere, but not every artist can accept this, because the stage is so beautiful that no matter what you no matter your age, you don’t want to leave it, you want to stay at it forever, because this work brings pleasure not only to the viewer, but also to the artists, it’s very difficult to tell yourself... that’s it, the time has come, you should leave already, no everyone has the character to
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admit this, but in the theater there are many different roles, if you play at some young age, for example, you perform the part of tatiana, a young girl in the opera evgenia anegin, then after 20 years you can perform the part of her mother and also stay on stage, happiness. and pleases everyone with his singing and his acting in operas, so i think that
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there are no limits. the next question from the purple sector will have you turn to the left. anastasia, hello, my name is valeria, where did you receive your education as an opera singer? this question is often asked to me when i tour, because you know that there is such a stereotype that... the best vocal school is italian, in italy, italian opera, only you need to study there, but i will tell you a secret , i studied in minsk, in belarusian academy of music was educated in belarus, my teacher, honored artist of the republic of belarus, professor lyudmila yakovlevna kolos, is the teacher who made me a real opera singer. singer, she spent many summers in our theater, in the bolshoi theater of belarus, then
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she went into teaching, i was very lucky that i ended up with her, and after graduating from the belarusian academy of music she became a soloist of the bolshoi theater, you perform, try to put yourself in your place viewer, so that you like yourself, and no, you know that there is no subtitle in the opera house. you know that we sing without microphones, someone knew about this, guys, many people don’t know, many people think that we have this kind of small microphone, that we sing with a microphone, that’s why we can be heard so loudly in the hall, because that when we sing, at the same time the orchestra is playing, which is in front of us in the pit, in the orchestra pit, they all play very loudly, at the same time, they all play musical instruments, at this time we must... sing louder than a whole orchestra playing without a microphone . it's quite difficult
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probably, when you come to the auditorium, and you begin to evaluate first of all the strength of the sound, which looks different for different performers, some are heard better, others are heard less, well , i’ll honestly tell you that mine is very strong the voice is very loud, and i can be heard very well. and often viewers ask, why do some of the soloists have microphones, because some can be heard louder, others can be heard quieter, they ask, what about anastasia’s moscow microphone? "no, she doesn’t have a microphone, everyone is on equal terms, so that’s probably why as a spectator, i would appreciate that the entire hall of a large theater is filled with sound. tell me, are you self-critical, maybe there is something you don’t like about yourself? yes, i am self-critical, and i think this is a good quality for an artist, because if you
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stop and say that everything is fine with me, then this is the end of my career, thank you, what didn’t you like the last time? i have such a secret, i have difficulty watching television interviews and programs when i am invited, then i cannot see myself from the outside, adequately evaluate it, it seems to me that i am in life is better, that’s in vain, today we have a wonderful dialogue, which we continue with pleasure, then, the red sector to your left, hello anastasia, i have a question for you, how to sing? so that everyone remembers, here i have a counter question , why do you think this happens, you like someone, you don’t like someone, they look brighter, they sing louder more beautifully, there is a concept of an artist’s complex, that is, these are vocal data, appearance , artistry, charisma, there are artists
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who catch you, there are artists who sing beautifully, but nothing touches you, here the main thing is that your heart is touched. performance of an artist, when you go out, this requires all the emotions and everything good and kind that is in you, you opened and gave, if this does not happen, no one will love you, no one will listen to you, this is not a technical moment, you opened your mouth, you sing, a beautiful sound comes out, absolutely not, you need to put your heart in, and be very frank and be... a very open viewer, because artists are people too, some can give, some cannot give , but this does not mean that he is some kind of bad person, he just has a different character, he is in himself, the viewer always feels it, is it hard for you to part with your best roles, as a child you had a lot of toys, yes, yes,
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this toy was so dear, dear, you didn’t want to to part with her, some toys, let’s say you played? you no longer play, you outgrow, you grow up, you are already interested in this toy, this game, we also outgrow our heroes, the age of the performer is very important, if i was 20, then at 30, let’s say, tatyana sang, for me it was harmonious, because i felt like a young performer, i understood that i felt organically in the image of tatyana, if i were at the age i am now ... tatyana, i already understand that this is not for me naturally, i don’t feel it anymore, this is not the same emotion that i have, it’s no longer interesting to me, and the viewer will no longer believe me, because he, they want to see tatyana, exactly as the author wrote, so i think it’s not difficult to part , because, let’s say, tatyana, i sang for 20 years, i want
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sing something new, you want to learn something new, so what makes working in opera interesting is you constantly. you learn something, so the interest is precisely in the fact that there is no such sadness and sadness of parting with the party, you understand that everything in life goes to some other, some stage, only the best awaits you ahead and new. this is how my life turned out, that firstly, i am a person who has such education, on
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the one hand, one of the most important artists in this profession, on the other hand, i am a lawyer who... graduated with honors, you need respect the state and you need to behave the same way with an ally, as russia behaves with belarus today, but this is warlike rhetoric, we will bend everyone, we will build everyone up, it can lead to the most terrible consequences, only common sense, cold reason , respect for each other can lead to world, i am a creative person, i have many times, i never wanted to be a rector, if the president of our country had not approached me and said , should i? to prove ourselves today, we don’t need to rely on our hot heads, because our hotheads heads during any confrontation, they only worsen the contractual position, you understand what the matter is, you cannot be saved until you are on your own.
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we are under the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, our equipment today is actually very reliable, the safety margin is enormous, these are the most knowledge-intensive, the most complex machines in principle in mechanical engineering that exist in the world. let us introduce you to people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and ideological inspirers in general this museum has become. it was the director of our museum, this was her long-time dream, i have three children, and it is impossible to love someone more, someone less, these are also our children, yes, they are all good in their own way, so really
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the attitude towards everyone it is the same for the product, watch the “quality mark” project on our tv channel. hello, my name is nastya, have you dreamed of being on the world stage? everyone dreams of performing on various stages, not only in their own country. why? because you want to show yourself in other theaters, see how they sing, how are playing. what performances and what performers are in other countries, such musical energy is exchanged, and you begin to feel yourself in the world space, that you are not
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alone, that you are not only in belarus, you came to another country, showed your skills , felt at the level of another scenes, when you come to another theater, to another country, they ask you where you are from, you say, i’m from belarus, they say: what is this, and where is belarus, and what for? your country is judged by you, how you look, how you are you say, how you sing, what you bring, what message you bring to the world about your country, because there are many countries in the world, such small countries as belarus are not known to everyone, the happiness is that through music you can tour, you can come to another country and tell with your songs and your performances about what a wonderful country we have. someone will hear belarus and say: i have never been to belarus, i want to come there, they sing so great there, there is a big theater of belarus, great, next time
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on vacation we will go to belarus, so i am happy that i sang in the bolshoi theater of russia, in moscow, in the mikhailovsky theater in st. petersburg, in european theaters, the bolshoi theater tours and has toured a lot, so this is one of the most pleasant moments for.. . artist when we go on tour. in your opinion, which country in the world has the best opera voices ? i am deeply convinced that all countries in the world have the best production voices, because talented people are born everywhere. but i love my country, i love it very much belarus, and i think that we have a very good production, very good voices. and how can you assess the level of the bolshoi theater of the republic of belarus? do you have enough for your creativity? i believe that a country that has such a theater, a large theater of opera and ballet, is a country that
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invests a lot in art and culture and supports, and everything that is needed for us to sing, dance, play, we have there is, the most important thing is that the viewer comes, that you come to us, then everything will be great, because we cannot... perform without an audience, you know, when there was covid, there were many moments, everyone was sitting at home, and the artist cannot perform in front of an empty hall, and even when it is electronic, when it is via the internet, many they showed concerts, performances, there is still no that living emotion that exists in real time, in the evening during a performance, when the viewer is sitting in the hall, the artist on stage, this emotion can never be conveyed 100% through the screen. only live communication, so we have a very wonderful theater, we have magnificent soloists, choir artists, orchestra artists, we have a wonderful education.
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in training our talented children, so i believe that belarus has the highest level of musical level in general for the entire culture. please tell me, when people see opera singing on tv, they often change the channel, what is the reason for this, do you think? my question is, do you
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do this too? often, why? but personally, i think that opera is a little old-fashioned, i love theaters, but specifically opera singing, not really. it seems to me that there are a lot of stereotypes in life, and this is one of the stereotypes that you voiced, now the world is like this, technology is developing, you don’t have to go anywhere, you can turn on the tv, computer, even watch an opera, but uh, even it has the same name... it goes every month, but every evgeniy aniggin, it goes completely differently, and people who love these moments, they come to the opera because they understand that nowhere else can they experience this they won’t see, i once didn’t go to the opera when i wasn’t studying classical music, when i didn’t study at the academy of music, i didn’t go like this, as you say, i wasn’t interested, but when i started studying, when i started studying
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academic performance. voices to go to the opera, i fell in love with her, i never thought that this would happen to me, because i was not connected with it, i studied music since childhood, but i went to drama theaters, but not to opera houses, when i got there to the opera house, i realized that i really want to go there, that is, it’s worth a try, no need to say no, everyone said there, no, it ’s not interesting, it’s boring, i won’t go, in fact , you should always check it yourself, you need to come and see whether i like it or not, and i... think that opera is old-fashioned, if we talk about the classics, here is the mona lisa, she is old-fashioned, no, no, these are things that last forever, opera is the cultural heritage of all mankind, so this is a stereotype that i hope that today i will try to destroy a little, and what does the world of opera look like from
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behind the scenes ? cruel in terms of competition, but how the world of opera looks from behind the scenes, i would like to invite you all to see it with your own eyes, because at the bolshoi theater we have backstage tours of the bolshoi theater, i think that in any school you can make such an offer to classes to come to us or some part of the class to come to us in the big theater in real time. visit the backstage, orchestra pit, costume shop, make-up room, attend a rehearsal of a ballet, opera, stand at the conductor's console in the orchestra pit, hear a story about the most the beautiful chandelier that we have, and then you will plunge a little into this world, you will see not only from the stage what is happening in the theater, but behind the scenes, i think that the world of opera and the world of theater in general, backstage is
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the usual... peace is like in all organizations, we have a very good team, i don’t feel everything that you are saying, because honestly, you have no time to constantly work, constantly sing, plays, rehearsals, you simply don’t have time to do all this nonsense, because you have a lot work, in fact, what kind of music do you like to listen to, or maybe actors, when, for example, you’re driving in a car, i don’t... i listen to any music, when i’m driving in a car, i turn off any music, because i hear music all the time at work , therefore, there must be moments in life when there should be a little silence, imagine a situation, a person comes to the opera, does not know foreign languages ​​at all, he wants to experience
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the opera, but how is it... there is a running line where there is a summary in russian language of what is happening, for foreigners, if this is a russian opera, translated into english . in an opera, the most important thing is not the plot, but the most important thing in the first place is the music, that is , you must imagine that you have come to a concert of symphonic music, where there are also voices, you must tune in to the perception of beautiful, very beautiful music, then a beautiful picture, gorgeous costumes, gorgeous scenery, opera plots are very simple, nothing complicated happens there, a love triangle, someone loves someone, someone doesn’t love someone... someone kills someone in the end, someone suffers about this, that's all quite simply, there are operas with a happy ending, there are operas with a tragic ending, but in fact the stories that are told in
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the opera, they are close to the stories that happen in our lives, it’s just told in the language of music, why people come, people in the opera, it would seem, is some kind of primitive absolute plot, we shouldn’t have it at all in the 20th century... we are led by these fairy tales that they tell us there, everything is clear from the very beginning that something will happen there , but the impact of the music, the movement of acting, at the same time the orchestra, the voice, but it has such a strong impact on a person that suddenly at the end of the performance he comes out stunned, i don’t even understand how this happened to him. i was once as a spectator in the hall at the ialanta opera, and in front of me sat two women who, apparently, came to the theater for the first time, and the feeling of happiness that
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they received at the end of the performance, one, two, one he says, second, you know why you and i haven’t gone to the opera before, let’s walk, that is, the feeling that they got after the performance and that happiness, they didn’t even... didn’t understand why this happened, but they realized that they would come to us again, so sing to us some excerpt from a foreign opera, and we are trying to guess for the whole audience, what emotion are you experiencing, are you ready for this little impromptu? yes, let’s do this, i’ll sing it, it will be in italian, and you will try to guess what it’s about, i’ll even tell you what it will be, it’s lauretta are, cucini. from the opera gianni schichi, italian composer, this one of the most hit arias in the whole world, you can hear it in the background in some films, advertisements, that is, it is such an operatic hit.
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ore maria, pita, pita,
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children, who is ready to speak out, what anastasia was singing about now, about love, about hate, about money, maybe about something else? it seems to me that you sang about something so heartbreaking, about despair, something struck you so much that you lost your mind, maybe a little, in my opinion, you sang about love, but not about a declaration of love , but about memories of love, i certainly don’t translator, but it seemed to me that you were singing about fear and disappointment and some kind of... loss, it seems to me that you were singing about life, inspiration for it, here are the joys of life itself, what interesting assumptions our children have, anastasia, let's tell the truth , what the song is about, the truth is that a girl wants to get married
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, asks her father for money, says: dad, give me money, otherwise i ’ll plunge into the river and die, but i want to marry this young man. that's why i need an inheritance, how wonderful it is, so passionate sing american about money, bravo anastasia! this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels,
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it’s time to work proactively, it’s time to understand and feel your information enemy, and these are, first of all, the centers of information and psychological operations that are grouped under the roof of nato: ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. international non-governmental. reporters without borders presented its new rating world press freedom index. ukraine ranks 61st, while belarus and russia are 167th and 162nd, respectively. lithuania - 13, latvia - 12. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there at least one portal, russian or belarusian? no, they were cleared out right here one by one, if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are there. alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon.
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ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. look at tv channel belarus 24. meeting amazing people and immersing yourself in their profession. the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, as in some cases this happens with an increase in yield. dilution, reduction of nutrients. we mix the ingredients, which consist of clay, sawdust and sand. and we end up with a product called stitching. all the characters are completely different, what unites them is the desire to achieve the best result. our consumer who buys our products can check. high-quality brick or not, so
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we exclude the ringing sound, which means the quality of the product corresponds, because few people know, but rapeseed oil is very close in the composition of fatty acids to olive oil, and although we don’t have our own olives in belarus, we have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed. watch the project one day on our tv channel. anastasia, hello, is family the most important thing in life for you? yes, of course, i think for each of us family is the most important thing. if there were a family, you and i wouldn’t exist,
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once upon a time, our parents brought us all into the world, and i am very grateful to my parents, dad, mom, grandparents, i am a product of my family, of course, i am very happy that i have a very large family, i have a son, and of course, my second family is the bolshoi theater of belarus, i have two big families, i’m happy. would you like your son to become a great artist too? my son did not follow in my footsteps, he will never be a great artist, well, you never know in life there can be different things, of course, you know, it happens people change professions at some age, but at the moment he is engaged in a similar profession, he is a sound engineer at the belarusian radio. is also associated with music, but he deals
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with technical aspects, sits at the director’s sound console, so the profession is quite close to the theater, but this is television, this is radio, and i think that everyone should do exactly what he likes, and children do not must follow in the footsteps of their parents, it is not necessary to repeat the path of their parents in life, you need to choose what you like and what you like, then you will... one more question: does your son share his plans for life? yes, we have a very good trusting relationship, and my son shares. plans, and i have a very close relationship with my parents, they always know about my plans, and we always support each other and wish only the best in achieving some goals that everyone sets for themselves. do you
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think it’s true that first love is remembered forever and if it’s not a secret, then... who was your first love? everything that happens to us in life for the first time is always remembered forever, my first love, it was at school, it was a guy who came to us from another class, and this was my first youthful love, of course, i remember it forever, love is the most important thing that unites us all, love for family, love for a young man, love for your profession, love for your school where you study... this is such a beautiful concept, without which it is very difficult live because you need to love everything that surrounds you, then you will be happy, this is the craziest thing a man did in your life, my classmate was in love with me,
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but our love was not mutual, and he tried to win my heart, and how- then in the morning , when i went to school, before... the doors to the entrances were not closed to the intercoms, they were open, and the doors to the common corridors were not closed, and anyone could walk straight to your apartment, unhindered, in the morning when i left to school, i went out and saw in the corridor there was a whole flowerbed of cut tulips, that is, at night somewhere in a flowerbed in the city he cut these tulips and brought them to me and laid them out, knowing that i would go to school in the morning, i of course appreciated it, but... i didn’t love him, unfortunately, tulepans didn’t help, have you ever had an event in your life that seemed bad, but in the end everything went for the better, a lot of events happen in life when we think it’s a disaster, and then you
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realize that it’s so and it had to happen because you were supposed to be in another place, i tried to enroll in moscow. conservatory, i didn’t succeed, and i was terribly upset and thought that, in principle, i would be finished with this profession and i would not continue to do this, but when i entered the belarusian academy of music, i understood what it meant had to happen, and we probably need to learn to take it more calmly, you understand that all the best awaits us ahead, we didn’t manage to enter one door, which means you’re in... another door, because there’s a lot prospects for a person to achieve exactly what he wants. please tell us what comes first on your wish list, you and i all choose a path in life, but all
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this may not happen if there are not certain conditions that surround us in life, and the most important condition... which should to be is peace, if there is peace around us, then you and i will achieve everything we dream of, our dreams will come true, and my dream is for there to be peace everywhere on earth, for there to be no wars, for there to be peace, then we are with you let's discuss, let's answer first, then i, perhaps this is the ability to show ourselves, to show ourselves as a people, as... an individual, is it possible that we are clean and know how to stand up for ourselves? excellent answer, but i would also add to your answer a sense of patriotism and love for your homeland, because if you don’t love the land on which you live, if you don’t appreciate it, what kind of spirituality can
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we talk about? we must understand that this is our land, which was given to us by god and understand that this is pride. that we live on this earth, here spirituality concept and patriotism, i believe that this concept is inseparable, it is love for your homeland, love for your family and love for everything that surrounds you, and this is so important, the country, our family, our friends, our relatives, and this a place where you feel safe, then you can talk about spirituality and culture, when you have peace, when you have land, when you understand that... everything is fine, then you can do music and drawing, singing, anything, the most important thing is to understand that this is yours homeland if you were given the opportunity to live for a week at any age, what period of your life would you choose and why? i think that very often
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adults remember when they were children, because it was such a carefree age, when your responsibilities included only studying, this feeling of some kind of happiness, serenity in childhood, it disappears when you become an adult, so, of course, i would probably like to go back... during childhood, when you go to school, i also went to music school, i had a lot of friends, i i went to penera camps, i really liked it, i had a very happy childhood, so if there was such a need, i would happily return there for a couple of hours, in fact, and of course, uh, happiness still consisted of that the parents were young. and this is a great happiness, you will understand this when you also become adults, when you have children, when
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you have a mother, a father, when they tell you a daughter or a son, and you really, despite your age, feel like a child. eat do you have any special traditions or rituals at your workplace? and when you go on stage. you are always worried, and so that this anxiety is not so strong, each artist probably has some of his own techniques to calm himself down, you talk to yourself, do something like, say, psychotraining, you say that everything will be fine, that you are going out now and want to give the audience warmth and your energy, but you are still worried because you are going out on stage, and... there are 1,200 people in the hall looking at you, it’s quite exciting when i i go out on stage, if i’m worried, i believe in god,
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i say a short prayer, and after that i go out on stage, that’s all, then everything goes well for me on stage in the evening. hello, my name is anastasia, i want to invite you to play a game, is the action true, you must choose truth or action, if you choose the truth, you must answer honestly, and if action? then execute it, are you ready? yes, what will you choose, truth or dare? the truth, what action in life are you ashamed of? no way, i can't remember any such a moment that i was ashamed, well , maybe in my youth, in childhood, i can’t remember now, to be honest, i only remember a good one, a property of my memory, probably the fi is removed somewhere. these ones further away, by the way, are a very good feature when everything bad goes somewhere, but nevertheless, since the truth didn’t work out, then we’ll have to move on to
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action, girl, what does anastasia need to do now, show us all your tongue, wow , how, anastasia, ready to show your tongue, no, you refuse to comply, we are recording the first refusal, to answer the question, to more precisely perform this action, you have two more, two such opportunities. what role do awards play in life and what is the most valuable award? i think that regardless of the awards, any artist goes on stage, no one asks what awards you have, you need to go out every time and prove to the stage again, every evening, that you really deserve to go out, the most important thing is, that when you are presented with awards,
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not only your team, not only your family, but the whole country, and the president, you really support, but what does
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a person think when he receives an award from the hands of the president? i think that in general being next to the president at such a close distance and, moreover, receiving an award from his hands is a great happiness for any resident of our country, because the most important person in our country is our president, and not everyone succeeds with him, even to stand next to him and chat for a little while, so this is one of the most important... if you had to re-compile a list of the seven wonders of the world, what would you add to it? i would add to this list such a country as the republic of belarus, because i believe that it is unique, we are a unique nation, the fact that you and i now live in peace, the fact that we have such a wonderful
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situation that you and i... can learn work, go to the theater, it’s all thanks to our president, because look what ’s happening around, yes, when there is a person, when there is a state that protects you from everything that exists, you need to appreciate it, why are opera singers always so bright makeup? the stage is very large, the auditorium is very big, between us there is an even larger orchestra pit. from the viewer to the artist is very large, and if the makeup is not bright, then the face will not be visible in the hall at all, moreover, the spotlights are super bright, and just like if you do the makeup is not bright, then you have neither eyes nor lips , no eyebrows, nothing, that is, it turns out like just a white pancake, so
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you have to do it in an exaggerated way. bright makeup, so that from afar, from the last row of the stalls and from above, the artist’s face can be seen; the light that is applied to the stage, it washes away the color a little colors, that is, brightness, that’s why makeup is so bright, in everyday life do you often use cosmetics or go to a cosmetologist? in everyday life i prefer neutral makeup, and yes, i visit a cosmetologist, which i believe is an integral part of the profession. and most importantly, every girl and woman should visit a cosmetologist. tell me, if you had a choice between never hearing music again or losing the ability to sing forever, what would you choose? tough question, i think i would like to even if i can't sing, listen to music. what music can
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be the soundtrack to your life? of course, this is classical music, i think that there are such works, different composers created them, which is called ave maria, a prayer to the virgin mary who gave birth to the infant christ, many composers, bach, and schubert, many turned to this very theme, i believe that this is the most important theme that exists in music, the virgin mary, who gave birth to christ, is the basis. of our christianity, in general of all religions that exist on earth, this is where we all come from, so ave maria can be the soundtrack not only to my life, but i think the soundtrack to the life of all humanity. anastasia, this signal means that the time for questions has expired, now you have to choose the best question
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of this program. yes, i would like to choose. such a question, i think it is very important, because this, unfortunately, is a stereotype that, it seems to me, undeservedly exists in society in general, this is the question that opera is boring, please introduce yourself, where do you study in what class, hello, my name is sophia, i am a student of the ninth glass gymnasium number 61 in minsk. i am very grateful that you came to us, and after your dialogue with us, i will definitely visit the opera. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. i would like to give myself a small
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souvenir like this, from me personally. whatever opera, ballet, concert you want, and i will be very glad to see you in the theater, i hope that you will receive great pleasure and will love our theater - opera, actually. thank you very much, i will definitely attend the opera with my family. anastasia, now you have the opportunity to ask the children one question: if you were asked what country you came from, describe in one... phrase the country you represent, what could you tell about belarus? i am from a beautiful region called the republic of belarus, this country
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has a lot of forests, fields, very beautiful lakes and rivers, first of all i would talk about our friendliness, because all belarusians are very friendly in the first place. sympathetic people, i’ll try to say my version: belarus is a country in which you will definitely be happy, i agree with you. anastasia, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. so, people's artist of the republic of belarus, soloist of the bolshoi theater, anastasia moskvina, is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. i'm waiting for you at the entrance to the site. well, here, anastasia, i’ll ask you to stay. which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? well that's the question i couldn't answer answer was the most difficult. thank you, what question were you waiting for, but you were never asked? one of the most important stereotypes, a question
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that i have been asked very often throughout my career, is the question of whether it is true that opera singers drink raw eggs to make their voices sound better. for some reason i thought that this question would definitely come up, because... this is another stereotype associated with the voice. today you managed to answer 44 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? sure, with pleasure. i am asking our young audience, do you think that the heroine was as frank as possible with you today? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. anastasia was absolutely honest with us, because when she answered our questions, she...
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said that she had not had such moments in her life, i don’t think that at that moment she was completely honest. anastasia, can you comment on the young man? of course ...


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