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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 4, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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grandfathers, but at the same time we know from the excellent belarusian literature that we studied, we know that both sotnikovo was not on the lists and sotnikovo, you know, that is, there must be a balance here, we are talking about this, because there is a feeling well, i’ll say straight out that they are trying to push us to some extreme, just as they are trying to push us into the fire of a hot war, so they are trying to push us to some extreme of renunciation.
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crossroads, we are exposed to various external influences and other things, everything that today sounded right, absolutely 100%, but this requires some time, we are in this direction, i cannot agree that we have done nothing, a lot has been done, i will emphasize once again, our belarusian domestic concept of national history, this pantheon is being created, this does not mean that tomorrow people will all take to the streets with portraits of historical figures, this requires work in the education system, in the media, popularization of these historical... personalities, historical events, facts that work objectively for our belarusian people for our sovereignty, as a historian who analyzed our historical past, i can tell you with all confidence, we don’t need to say anything and falsify absolutely, the history that is in our all historical periods, it clearly emphasizes the strength of spirit of our people, despite all the difficulties, our ancestors, i will say again, survived at this heroic crossroads, not only survived, but defended their right to live on this land with their mentally so.
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he needs to come up with something, somehow get out, do something there, you understand, that’s why he ’s developing so progressively, i’ll say it politically correct, when we have a base, so... let’s even draw a parallel with industry, we have the same microelectronics, we have a base, we have a school, so of course we can talk there, the head of state can conditionally demand that they develop faster, move forward faster, in the same way we have wonderful belarusian literature , y we have belarusian cinema, a belarusian animation school, so there is such a slight bewilderment, why when we had such a super base and have a base, why are we somewhere a little bit... as if
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we stopped, slowed down, so we’ve probably gotten used to to the fact that the head of state spurs us on there all the time and speaks faster, faster, faster, faster and, probably, now we realize that yes, our biggest task is not to miss the moment, but at the same time to be absolutely attentive to what's going on, don't step on anything what a historical rake, well, as for history, i want to congratulate everyone on the day regardless.
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my life has developed so that, firstly, i am a person who has such education, on the one hand, one of the most important artists
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in this profession, on the other hand, i am a lawyer who graduated with honors, you need to respect the state and you need to lead behave the same way with an ally, as russia behaves with belarus today. but this militant rhetoric, we will bend everyone, we will build everyone, can lead to the most terrible consequences, only common sense, cold reason and respect for each other can lead to peace, i am a creative person, i have done it many times, i never wanted to be a rector if the president of our country had not turned to me and said: we need to prove ourselves, today we need don’t rely on hotheads, because you can save hotheads, tell me the project, i won’t be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. the state security committee of belarus together with the television news agency bel tv and radio companies are presenting a documentary film for eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from
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the nazi invaders. top secret . orders and reports from special groups. secret operations of state security officers. according to the non-group data, information was obtained about the places in the buildings where the charges are located,
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how many there are, where the wires are laid, unknown facts about operation bagration. rakosovsky. bagrotion is the largest operation of the second world war, its goal is the liberation of belarus. the task is to defeat the largest operational-strategic formation of troops wehrmacht, army group center. the development of the offensive company lasted several months. when we talk about operation
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bagration, we practically don’t talk about the cover operation, about adigart, the operation of misleading the germans, but part of this operation is soviet. the soviet union will launch an offensive in belarus where the wehrmacht does not expect, and according to rokosovsky’s plan there will be two main attacks to break through the enemy’s defenses on two sections of the front at once: one in the area of ​​​​the settlement of parichi, the southern phase of the offensive, where the general is located armyrosovsky, the second in the rogachov region.
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accordingly, this information was transmitted through its agents and through the special group. the operation to liberate belarus began on the morning of june 23, 1944, but preparations were carried out long before the first salvos, not only by units of the red army, but also by the people's commissariat of state security. this is an unexplored page of operation bagration due to its closeness. not a single document has yet been entered into.
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materials of special groups and special squads, documents
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in a single copy. there are no copies. everything was created and written in between operations behind enemy lines on the eve of and during operation bagration. each volume is the result of a secret mission of one of the groups. mobile special groups and detachments have been operating in the occupied territory since 1941. basics. the difference between groups and detachments is the number of personnel. a special group is 5-7 people, a special squad is 15 or more. the detachments were formed mainly from already trained, experienced employees of state security agencies. the leaders of the detachment group were primarily the heads of operational units. detachment commissars, these were also employees of state security agencies. the overwhelming majority of radio operators in the groups were women, i don’t
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know how to explain this, but this is 99%, they were women, there was no specific location for the special forces of the kgb of the bssr, there was a drop point and an area of ​​operation, after completing the task the groups moved from one area to another, this is one of the main differences between reconnaissance and sabotage units. from partisan formations , for conspiracy, each special group and special detachment had its own name, the commanders deputy operational pseudonyms, in order to avoid failures, groups and detachments did not know who was operating and where, how many people were included in each unit. despite special training for operations behind enemy lines, soldiers of special detachments and reconnaissance and sabotage groups died, each one carried out the order not to surrender alive. this is confirmation.
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accumulation of equipment, accumulation of troops , and this information came from special groups, it went to the main intelligence department, to the intelligence department management, respectively, of the fronts, concentration in gomel, in vitebsk, where these attacks were carried out on babruisk, that is
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, what forces are located, what military units, what equipment, how many, the participation of special group fighters.
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partisans, specifically partisan detachments, groups, formations, about special groups, due to the confidentiality of information, people don’t have the information to tell everything in full, yes, the time has not come yet, we can’t tell everything, not all the truth that was on actually. in addition to intelligence and sabotage, one of the main activities of special purpose groups, organization of counterintelligence work, special units.
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special forces soldiers were sent to fight the punitive operations of the nazis, which in 1944 were more reminiscent of military operations on the fronts. regular units of the wehrmacht, tanks, artillery, and airplanes were sent against the civilian, unarmed population. the sabotage work of special group fighters consisted of the liquidation of military equipment, enemy manpower, and the destruction of headquarters saving people both from death and from being deported
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to germany. at the end of may '44, command. together with the sss they begin a large-scale punitive operation kormaran, also known as cormorant. according to the plan of the nazi leadership, it was supposed to end with the complete defeat of the partisan formations of the borisov-begomal zone. in the area of ​​lake palik , more than 20,000 people found themselves in a triple ring of encirclement, and an eighty-thousand-strong enemy force was set up against them. squeezing the ring, the nazis destroyed everything in its path, villages and farmsteads, was shot and burned civilians. the forces of partisan brigades, special groups and reconnaissance and sabotage units were sent to break the blockade. about 20 partisan brigades and... several thousand civilians found themselves in the blockade , people sat in the swamp for days, there was practically no food, it was impossible to light a fire, there was a ghost of smoke, german aces were bombing the territory,
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people were surrounded, and in front of them were three lines of nazi defense . the first line is, say, the one that was the infantry german police units, who, so to speak, squeezed this ring, the second line of the blockade - this was before...
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and as it was written in the award documents for the special squad soldiers, attack aircraft, machine gunners
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silenced the dug-in tanks and bunkers of the enemy. the fighters of these special groups, they went to the rear of the germans, in the location of the germans, they signaled those most important objects that needed to be bombed. in a mass grave near the village of makovya, modern borisov...
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either by aviation, or given specific tasks, to clarify whether there really is a concentration of troops in a certain place. the elusive special group, commander alexey maksimenko, operated in the mogilev and vitebsk regions. before our units attacked orsha, the commander of the third belarusian front, ivan chernyakhovsky, had complete information about the situation in the city and its environs from a special message from the group. over the past few days in the city of orsha. air defense work has been stepped up, they are conducting training, walking around with gas masks. around the city at all heights , excavation work was carried out to install artillery, machine guns and mortars.
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security guards are being installed along highways, bridges along highways are being repaired, and security from the local police is being installed. we received complete information about german positions, fortifications, and the number of wehrmacht military formations. before the liberation of minsk , a reconnaissance and sabotage group. sent a message to the commander of the first belarusian front, rokosovsky, about the situation in the city. wehrmacht units in minsk and its environs are building defensive structures. multiple lines the trenches are located in the green meadow area of ​​the botanical garden of the big and small slepyanka. in the blind, 12 anti-aircraft guns were installed, 12 dugouts and two bunkers were built - 6x4 m. information from the okhotniki special group. it was sent to rakosovsky’s headquarters back on may 4 , 1945. well, in addition to
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the fact that information was sent about the fortifications around minsk in the city, adjustments were made to the offensive operation, in particular, tanks broke through into the center of the city and broke through, and the first group with them were a demining group, people's commissar state security. in the spring of forty-four, the bssr lavrentian nava sends operational data to moscow, the people's commissar of state security of the ussr, sevolad mirkulov, received from the chervonovo special detachment, the operational pseudonym of the commander. the unit operated in several areas of the modern grodno region. on april 20, the germans began building airfields along the nemon river in the skidel region for airfield transportation from minsk. grodnomo.
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several districts of the brest region, sent to the center, developed data on dislocation of units and formations of the wehrmacht. near the village of milashe. one of the enemy's large airfields is located in the brest region. up to 300 german aircraft of various types land daily. among them are large six-engine bombers. the enemy is building fortifications across the buk river in the brest region. anti-tank ditches, trenches, trenches and pits for pillboxes are dug in the three lines of defense. the command of the military units of the red army received
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a spark. part of the brez fortress with some bridges, which are specifically indicated under what kind of pile and bridge the charge is located, how much explosives are there, schematically and showed where the charge is located, it was already the job of the miners of the red army units or even special groups to... correctly approach the bridge and clear it of mines, because it was needed for upcoming happiness. the northern gate of the brez fortress, in the summer of forty -one, defenders defending the outpost broke through it; in forty-four , the fortress was one of the main fortifications of the wehrmacht and those who fought on the side of nazi germany. in the territory hungarian troops are based in the brest fortress, since all the buildings have been destroyed, the soldiers
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are stationed in the forts and are located there. auto repair shops. german units are also present, but insignificant. from the inside of the northern gate, hoping for reliable protection from the advancing units of the red army, formation. brest, schematically speaking, instead of the previously planned attack from the south, they began to attack from the north. the contribution of special groups is invaluable, yes, it may not be analyzed by someone due to the confidentiality of information, but this is an invaluable contribution made by the fighters
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of the connected special groups of the nkgb, bssr detachments, to the liberation of belarus, every populated area, thanks to their...
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burials, the statute of limitations for establishing it is unknown, how unknown places of fate do not exist, their clarification and search for the resting places of the soldiers special groups - work that is currently being carried out by employees of the state security committee of belarus.
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we have a very wide scope of activity, there are great prospects for growth. we have unique technologies, which, in principle,
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not so much in the world, i go to work with joy, it’s a pleasure, it’s very nice here, very interesting, strength and power, reliability and durability, performance and ergonomics, tradition and innovation, diversity and quality, beauty and safety, it’s about products one of the leading belarusian machine-building enterprises, when they came up with a car and there after... 9 months, 12 months, if you put the right effort in the right direction, it leaves the workshop, then it really gives great pleasure, it’s like the birth of a child, even if it’s not so exciting, yes, but in fact it evokes admiration and pleasure from the achieved result. the machine-building giant is the production of special equipment, without which full-fledged equipment is impossible... chips do not fly, with it shoots emerge from the same grain,
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the holding, figuratively speaking, when the forest is cut down, and the road is really a smooth tablecloth, the equipment produced by the holding digs, loosens, mows, loads, builds, fells, chops, compacts, profiles, it is definitely capable of, if not everything, then a lot, today, more than 145 models are already modifications of various cars, this surprises many. we are trying to present the entire technology to the consumer, yes, not just some separate machine for a specific job, precisely the technology, this is a comprehensive solution that will suit all consumers today, we are developing thanks to this wide diversification, in literally 3-4 years we should to become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals in a holding together with subsidiaries
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there is something to be proud of, for the centenary,
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surely new developments will replenish the already impressive treasury of achievements, the story began back in 1927, on february 1, a revival factory was founded in minsk, which produced children's toys. in the thirtieth year, we began to produce some weight products, metal products, the udarnik plant appeared, before the war the line was produced, after the war, of course, there was no plant, everything was destroyed, but... the soviet people were able to recreate this quickly we will restore production since the 50s they began to produce loaders, well, let’s say the first approximation of loaders was a loader like the to-18, and that’s what we started producing in the seventy-first year - from that moment the direction of expensive construction machines began. today, the number of cities that are in one way or another connected with the holding has increased significantly compared to previous years, and the range of products has increased from... in total
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, the holding’s line includes more than 6,500 product items. forestry equipment, the pride of the holding, is in its element on forest edges, in tracts, on cutting areas, in dense thickets. her main task is to indicate the place and scope of work, and the job will be done efficiently and effectively. the specialized enterprise is the only logging manufacturer in belarus and the countries of the eurasian economic space. technology, it is one of the three world leaders in the production of such machines, this is a unique achievement, these are the most knowledge-intensive, the most complex machines, in principle in mechanical engineering, that exist in the world.
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we have such assets as design bureaus of harvesters, design bureaus of forders, design bureaus of agricultural machines, design bureaus manipulators and harvesting heads, design bureau whip technologies, a harvester head has now been developed and is currently being tested, these products are quite complex, they are produced only in 6x6 and 8x8 wheel arrangements, on machines up to 90% of the components are made in belarus, on some equipment almost 100%. in principle, we no longer had terrible sanctions, even before the twentieth year we had our own hydraulics, our own transmission elements, our own metal structures, our own cabins, and in the cabin we had interior and exterior elements we produce our own lighting equipment, headlights, i mean, we produce our own, control systems ourselves, we
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buy the engine, we buy the cooling systems and we buy the tires, the rest, in principle, we manufacture at our own enterprises. your skin's day begins to deteriorate, but what is the effect of changing the pale earth, there? that on the pale land you go and sleep well, if you sleep, whenever you sleep, you will know something unique in any corner. breathing is easy for those who wear ice, in the case of the ice, everything is green, just like our weight, there are many such weights in all the circles, and the yans are
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tanned and beautiful. zhanchyna palyashachka - geta zhanchyna, which means everything. well, on the contrary, i can tell you what i mean and here i fall. dedicated history of your little radzima. the growth of meat has been growing since 1820, and it began with alexander skirmunt. archaealgic news reports that the first people appeared here in another thousand years and our era. excavations were carried out to identify the boundaries of the settlement of drygavicho. glyadzice project palishuki on the tv channel.
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in 1951, the minsk plant udarnik began production of road and earth-moving machines; today it is the head enterprise of the holding; procurement, welding, assembly and painting production is concentrated here, and road-building equipment accounts for 50% of sales volume. today it is engaged in the development of the product line through the entire life cycle of road transport. machines, enterprises today include both factories on the territory of the republic of belarus and in the russian federation. ruler the machines are very wide, starting from small loaders with a load capacity of 800 kg and pumping 7 tons, the entire line of rollers, the entire line of excavators, bulldozers, that is, a very large model range. the key thing is, of course, to satisfy our consumer;
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equipment is supplied not only to the market of the republic of belarus. and today it can easily compete with any manufacturers. the xc231 excavator, which we... gave to menselkhosprod for testing, it is now participating in competitions, showing comparable results, that is, i believe that this is also achievement, we created an excavator in belarus, which has a bucket volume of one cubic meter, this is an achievement in the future expansion plan for this line, when a car goes into the city and you see just joy and pride in your enterprise, our equipment today is actually very reliable there is a colossal margin of safety built into it. about 2,500 single- bucket wheel loaders with a lifting capacity of 2.5 to 6 tons are produced annually. universal loaders with skid steer and telescopic. boom, cars airfield sweepers, snow plows and trenchers, bulldozer loaders and backhoe loaders, drilling and
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drilling crane machines and other equipment. i have three children, and it is impossible to love someone more, someone less, these are also our children, yes, they are all good in their own way, so in fact the attitude towards any product is the same, the main thing is to love it all. a kind of brain of the company, its scientific and technical center. here ideas are generated, hypotheses are expressed, truth is born in disputes, here, figuratively speaking, stars are lit, mechanical engineering, new types of equipment that are assembled by professionals on modern machine tools and equipment. back in 2020, we created a scientific and technical center; it is equipped, well, let’s say, with advanced software products for designing machines, for conducting virtual tests, in order to speed up the design cycle. yes , small-scale production, on the basis of the scientific and technical center there is a pilot plant, where a designer can draw or create
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something, go down to the workshop together with workers to implement this in hardware, quickly understanding what he gets and somewhere to work out some things that, well, cannot be immediately understood. there is also a center for research and development of machines, this is an accredited laboratory that tests everything we produce... therefore, from the idea to the release of the finished machine, we concentrated all this on one site. the scientific and technical center of the holding employs more than 800 people, their task is to create prototypes and design equipment for manufactured products. products. even our developments are based on the achievements of science and technology, on fundamental research, we work closely with the departments of the academy. aim and so on, that is, we jointly implement government programs, there should
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always be new products, that is, enterprises must have such trump cards up their sleeves, this, firstly, creates some kind of certain kind of security, and secondly, it allows engineers develop competencies for the future. the greatest value of the holding is the people who are here work, some are no longer the same. decades, the company's team is workers with golden hands, a bright head, the desire to fulfill their duties clearly, promptly, and efficiently. 70 percent of the team is already such an established core that works, and i hope and think that it will work, we don’t have such a thing that the retirement age has come, we send a person, he works as long as he wants, more than 700 people work, probably , more than 30 years, therefore... there is, i say again, the backbone on which all this is holding together, but at the same time, rejuvenation of our team is taking place,
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i came to the plant, everything, of course, impressed me, a large, large workshop, huge machines, my god, how painters paint, what professionals, and i thought that i i will never cope with this task, but time passed, the team helped, they always met halfway on some issues, there were some shortcomings that i didn’t know. i learned, that’s it, now i’ve been in the profession for 16 years, you need to have a great desire, hard work, patience, acumen and make quick decisions in this or that situations, and of course the professionalism that comes with age, well, basically, loving your profession is the most important thing in our business. of course, the worker’s contribution is the primary contribution, it is he who creates this product, it is in this product that his soul is primarily created. of course, this is the personnel that we have, it is priceless, probably today we are holding, we are ready to recruit people today, our
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production volumes are growing, we need cnc machine operators, we also need ordinary workers, we need managers, that is, we are always on the lookout, behind this year our number has increased by about 5%, our average annual increase is 3-4-5%, there is no outflow of personnel, we have a branch of the department of the belarusian state technological university and we are taking students. students even ask, how about you get in and so on, and we look, that is, of course, initiative guys are valued, they don’t just sit there for a while, they strive to learn something, find out. modernization of production, large-scale investment programs, introduction of innovative technologies, continuous development and improvement, these are not dreams, but reality, one might say, the everyday life of the belarusian engineering giant, working with the mark of quality, here they receive satisfaction from what they are allowed to eat. have bold dreams and daring desires, because they know everything will work out. my work is life for me. this is, first of all, a decent
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salary, but it brings benefits to society. great benefit to our country, well, probably the basis of life, family and work, my work for me is a pleasure, just like the life cycle of a product, and my work is the meaning of life for me. we will prove that science is closer than you think. research related to tremors requires a certain serious attitude in order to optimize technological processes and improve the quality of food products. fats
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should be in our diet. because they are still a source of energy and a component of our hormonal system. we explain complex things in simple language. yeast extract is a product obtained from yeast; we isolate all the valuable components that are found in yeast, and also share the most interesting ones facts. by the way, in russia, ice cream has been made with the addition of milk since ancient times. of course, it was a winter dish, sweet milk dish. the mass was taken outside, and in the morning they were spooned into plates. the soviet doctor, lev zilber, invented an effective cure for vitaminosis based on moss and yeast. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel.
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