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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 4, 2024 3:25pm-4:30pm MSK

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broadcast on the belarus tv channel 1 praccek budz naviny. capital of the minsk region, elizaveta lashkevich is with you on the air. the days are good and the worst days are short. shmatlyudna and from the atmosphere of the 80-year-old belarus caused by the heroic fathers of the minsk region , the mound of glory of the memorial 55. ў steel. highlight of the day: yuletide fireworks. new
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project on the tourist navigation of minsk in the forest area of ​​the zavodskaga district of ekastezhka-shyshki will be told by the prime ministers to the khvaev watermen. the day of independence on a large scale marked our country. and in the central months , holy day is celebrated in the minsk region as a mound of glory. the day of the 1980s, which caused the hell of the german-fascist buryings of the great memorial in belarus, was crowded. in these parts of the world there are 44 hectares of the savets army. kіraўnіstva minsk region.
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there should be such memorials, there should be such complexes so that people come here to remember what was here 80 years ago, we tried to update the mound of glory today, you see what has been done on the lower sites, i’ll make another one...
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school, headquarters, sailing, and our gymnasts were hovering at the same time, the pilot at the exhibition of new equipment, the savetsky locomotive. retravystavy city masters, cinema packages, dozens of offices at the day of the independent bright sustrels and in the capital with a festive program in all areas. asnovnaya garadskaya dance for the palace of sport - geta amal 12 gadzin musical non-stop. young artists appeared on the stage, vigilant belarusian stage performers, creative leaders of the vishvans danced to the hell of the well-deserved... we came from moscow, we first time in minsk, the atmosphere here is very chic, friendly, we like everything here so much, this is a big holiday, because my father fought, my grandfather had five sons, five sons fought.
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my belarus, the whole holiday is a tribute to the past, a tribute to our great ancestors who preserved the peaceful sky for us, and the song will be like the sky of belarus, and of course, this is the memory that we keep, which everyone talks about, and we want to carry it and feel it to the end, so you stand in front of the stage, you’re very worried you tune in to convey all your feelings as sincerely as possible on this truly great holiday. the final chords were the actions of celebrating the hymn at times, and sometimes the atmosphere of the people's adzinism was filled with panache, the brightly completed holy day, the bright fireworks.
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the tourist navigators of minsk have a new approach to the forest waterways of the zavodskaga district of st. petersburg and the shyshki excavation. theatricalization of the saint with interactions and tastings. the schoolchildren of 144 minsk schools, creative teams and enterprises of the city were sleeping. i think it will this place is popular because it was changing before our eyes, just recently almost no one walked here, now people noticeably appear and seem to be walking here, it’s interesting, there are both small and large here.
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since nine more zones have been created in the city, such a direction as eco-tourism is developing at a rapid pace in our country and, within the framework of this eco-tourism, as one of the components of the development of ecological trails. if we take the city of minsk, as of today there are already 21 open and successfully operating ecological trails in the city. very it is important to accustom a person not only to culture, not only to the traditions of our state, but to culture. summer adpachynak with emphasis on sports, creativity,
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rights, education, in the health complex zmena smalyavitskaya district ryhtuyutstsa yes tretsyaga arrival zyatsey, adna putyoka - geta 18 saturated zens with peers. seleta ў this zіtsyachiym asіse has become more... bow down to the feat of the hero, of course, along with our entertainment events, which we try to provide for children as much as possible, and we carry out civil-patriotic actions, events improvement of sites from the molevichsky district, well, it’s fun at school, well, i like it more at the camp, i like the counselors, competitions, other
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entertainment here, in the evenings there are discos, you can have fun, the administration of the minsk wheel tractor plant. makes a very big contribution to the development of camp smena. this year we have a new basketball court, we have equipped a football field, and a spinning town has appeared for very young children aged 6-8 years. flight for the first change , 40 thousand minsk schoolchildren, to choose from more for thousands of camps of different types, you have 30 camps with round-the-clock knowledge. that's all, mostly on our site premnaga of the day and yes sustrechy.
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the most current events from the world of sports. 50 days before the start of the olympic games in paris , the french authorities presented the olympic rings, which are installed on the ephel tower. minsk is stronger than victoria 5:1. with this score, the third match of the final series of the belarusian field hockey championship among women's teams ended. hard training
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exciting competitions. the second training camp, the belarus national biathlon team, has begun in the current off-season. in july there will probably be a mid-mountain gathering and it will also probably be the well-known tsakhkor in armenia. the belarus- russia friendly match was the first international match in our country in 2 and a half years. a lot of efforts were made by many ministries to organize it. exclusive interviews with athletes. here in russia at the brix games everything works like at the olympics. we have a common village where we can meet representatives of other sports. it was not an easy path to victory for me, but i am happy that everything worked out. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. from the soviet election to the pen.
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july 4, 1944. the minsk offensive operation is ending. the first baltic front liberates polotsk, miory, myadzel. the third belarusian front liberates radashkovichi, zaslavl, and naroch. occupies the railway stations kolodishchi, ratomka, kryzhovka. to baranovichi. direction the troops of the first belarusian front take possession the cities of uzda, kletsk, rudensk and the railway stations mikhanovich, setcha, rudyansk. there were 24 days left until the complete liberation of belarus.
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music, dj, hello everyone, soon a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the heroes: where is it exciting to perform?
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you have the right to refuse a question three times and be careful at the end of the program you will have to choose the best question. you now have one minute to briefly introduce yourself. time has passed. i am dmitry kuchuk, born in the republic of belarus, in the city of marinagorka, grew up there in the family of a military man throughout his life. we are very proud. thank you, you did it in one minute. excellent bearing. well, now questions from the audience. we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question. let's see how fast you can answer. you are ready? yes. then let's begin. why did you decide to become a military man and did you have a
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role model? yes, indeed, an example before the donation was my father. i grew up like a military man, my entire childhood was spent in closed military camps, so that’s probably why seeing what officers do, what soldiers do, instilled in me this love for the armed forces; for fifteen years i had a clear idea that i would be an officer and an officer. special operations force. did your father often bring you to his place of work? constantly, i was next to him at all different events, and the events were different, these were some kind of demonstration performances in hand-to-hand combat, and parachute jumping, fire
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training, and many moments that included in the combat program. training these units, that's why i'm here and i'm in shape. what was your first step towards your dream profession? my childhood can be, so to speak, divided into two parts: this part, when i was at school in order to enter the sovarov school, the second part, when i studied at the young paratrooper club, this is, well, according to modern patriotic class, etc. ..readiness
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to take it and pass physical tests. preparation for professional selection, as well as pass the support test on mathematics, the russian language, and the most important thing - to be healthy, that's it, the road is open, now you have to turn into the purple sector. how does studying at the svorov school differ from studying at a regular school? well, probably from the first days of being within our walls. the boy understands that on the one hand, this is a school, on the other hand, this is a small army, what does this consist of, well, here’s a simple example for you, yes, after school you go home, somewhere you’ll go outside, run, somewhere- then
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look at the computer there, i got the hang of it clearly a regulated daily routine, at... 7:00 in the morning, making the bed, washing, physical exercise, breakfast, after which he leaves for classes, after lunch he has time for personal needs, as well as for visiting various clubs, electives according to his interests, after which he masters self-study, what it is, it’s just preparation for tomorrow’s classes, what is asked. usually at school svorodets is given homework just like in an ordinary school , he does it all, but the only difference from school is that you are at home you do it alone, and the suvorovites do it as part of a training platoon of the group, after that dinner, watching tv shows, an evening
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walk and lights out, that is, if the usual... we move on to the yellow sector, do you think you were a good student, what were the subjects your favorite? well, probably... i was an ordinary student, yes , like any boy, i could run, jump, play around somewhere, and as for
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my favorite subjects, my favorite subjects were history, geography, foreign languages, and even though i loved foreign languages, so to speak, my main least favorite subject - it was the russian language, and you ironed the shirts and hemmed the collars yourself? yes, there is such a tradition in our seversk military school that after the first line, after handing over the scarlet shoulder straps to the freshmen, the senior courses come to their location, show them how to properly hem the collar, help him sew on his first shoulder strap in his life, and then everything is just on one's own. my name is snezhana, and at what age did you first pick up a real weapon? you were scared, it was in childhood, so, let’s say, 10,
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11 years, probably, somewhere it wasn’t scary, it was most likely, probably, exciting, because it was a military weapon, well, probably, it was, as there was already a question before, first step. my childhood dream of becoming an officer, why do you think in our time people fight and kill each other, why can’t they come to an agreement, a very relevant question, anya, i’m very pleased, it probably won’t be possible to answer it unequivocally, well, first of all, i think, as in the past, so now, there is a certain circle of people who believe that their opinion, their desire, is higher than other people, which is no better than other people, and
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probably this is the reason that wars develop, wars break out, or human blood is shed, unfortunately,
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black the sector is to your left, who do you think is better at resolving conflicts, politicians or the military, and what is stronger, the word or the weapon? there is such an expression, a fight prevented, there is a fight won. our politicians are doing everything to prevent bloodshed in our country. earth, and as i said earlier, we are lucky in this, first of all, we are lucky that at the head of our state is a very strong -willed person who madly loves our country, our people, who offers the maximum.
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turn, this is such a multifaceted concept of patriot. in one of your interviews, you said what you understand by the word patriot? well, first of all , the main task of the suborov school is to educate a patriot of your country, what are you , but this is a person who selflessly loves his family, for the sake of...
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interests, this is the person who wants to bring benefit to his state, this is the person who does not run around the squares, does not shout various slogans, calmly does his job, let it be in the military sphere, economic sphere, in education, well, in any activity of our society, but for him the most important thing is the task will be to bring it. benefit, and if each of us brings benefit in our place, our state will only prosper and develop. did you immediately learn the military salute? are your hands confused? i saw what the military personnel were doing, how they passed drill classes, among other things, so adaptation went very quickly. can you
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teach me? easy, come in, well, first turn around, well, look here, yes, shoulders are straight, chest is straight, some things have been removed, legs are together, not so, heels are together, toes are a little apart, there are several options for giving a military salute, while moving place with a headdress, without a headdress, today i will show you how easy it is to give a military greeting without a headdress in place when a senior commander appears in in some room, the first person to see it gives the command to attention, at this command the military personnel rise up, take a drill stance, they turn on the hands on the sludge, so do it, since the hands are dirty, the chin is higher, here comes
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the return of the military salute. on the spot, also in motion, this is five or six steps before the boss, go over the alignment step, when you are level with him, turn your head towards the boss, set the foot for the next step, continue moving, thereby giving a military salute, well also let's say, due to the nature of my work, i often communicate with young people, this is a traditional question, i was ready for it, therefore... for your memory, here is a reminder of drill training, thank you.
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they say guys don't cry, are you shy about tears, what can make you cry, well... am i shy about tears? well, probably in childhood, yes, i was a little shy, now a different understanding comes, a consciousness that wants to make me cry, well, probably this is the loss of a person close to me, whom i loved, appreciated, respected, well in particular, the loss of my mother, yes, really made me cry.
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so there is no need to be shy, we all know that they are boys studying at the cathedral school, did you like some girl in those years, of course you did, yeah, but did you manage to meet, did you go on a date? i managed to date, in order to meet the girl i loved, i had to behave well for a whole week, study well, without getting bad marks. so that on saturday-sunday i can get a leave of absence to go home to meet her, and if i got a bad mark or was playing around, then i didn’t go anywhere, interesting details, let’s turn 180°, the next question is from there, the red sector, is it true that all suvorovites belong to the brotherhood, is this some kind of secret brotherhood,
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no, there are no secrets here . as i said earlier, since we are a closed educational institution, in what sense in the sense that from monday. that he likes some girl, that he would like to achieve some goals, to become an officer of this type of troops, and this brings him closer together boys, they become, so to speak,
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adult men, then my brothers suovorovites, cadets, with whom we still communicate, we help each other in various situations, not only in joy, but sometimes there are also... sorrows in life, and you really carry this throughout your entire life, do you communicate with your friends from college? we constantly communicate, call each other, meet, literally that year at the anniversary of our school we celebrated our seventieth anniversary, i saw many, even guys who, well, let’s say, have not been for a long time i see each other, constantly in touch, constantly... some problematic and joyful questions, they are always always next to me, including during my service there was also always a person with whom we entered this seversky school at one time, before
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that, we sat at the same desk in high school, then throughout the entire service, say, until i moved on, we always went through the service. side by side. does svorovets have his own oath? do you remember it by heart? of course have. your oath. because the guys are, or have not yet reached the age of 18, they do not have the right to take the oath according to our law. but upon entering the sovorov school, they take the suvorov oath. this happens solemnly, on a solemn line. on the fruit, always, uh, with an invitation to the top officials of the state, with an invitation to graduates of the school, well , accordingly, parents, brothers, sisters, our boys come out and solemnly take
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an oath, and you’re lucky, come out here, such an oath, it includes three sections, the first - be loyal to your fatherland, second - combat traditions of the armed forces. but nevertheless, they have time to relax, to pursue their hobbies, this is the time after school, when the guys attend various clubs, electives, at present, so to speak, it arouses great
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interest among the guys, this is in unmanned aerial systems, also schools , guys can master these skills. only within the walls of the school, but also outside it, a lot of attention in the school . also, the guys attend various clubs, but this is not paid to the development of creative skills, singing, dancing, the ability to communicate and joke. so called kvn, that is, an expression that the guys don’t have free time, they have a lot of free time, it’s just that they spend this time usefully, so i think that
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they have enough time, and the most important thing is that with all this they constant supervision of trained teachers, trained educational officers. a lot of officer-educators are graduates of our school. please tell us about your happiest memory from the kazetsky period. well, probably the happiest of the cadets period when we took the cadet oath, it took place near minsk, at one of the training grounds of the republic of belarus, in the evening, during the evening inspection, the castle platoon read out the oath, and we all led, everyone answered their last name, i’m a cadet, probably , this is the most vivid impression that has remained in life, what is
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the main difference between modern wars and those that we study in the textbook? well, the most important difference is that the world does not stand still, it moves, develops, military science develops with it, it changes forms of methods of conducting combat operations. therefore, yes, we analyze how various military conflicts proceed or occur, and not that we study, but we inform, we tell the suvorovites that there is such, such, such a method and form, there is such a method and form, and there is a classic, therefore we are definitely like modern military personnel. we constantly
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study, analyze, and then teach our students. they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty, but how are things going with this in school and is there any food? your favorite dish? well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our slorov military school, come to the checkpoint. you will say that they will meet you at my place, feed you, then you will tell everyone how they feed you, and no joke, the food is very good, very tasty, the diet is different, these include meat products, these are sausages, these are fish products, these are yoghurts, juices, various, various cereals, soups, here i’ll be honest, the diet is very, very rich, and as for my favorite dish, well, probably, since my childhood passed
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some are on the territory of military camps, and some are with grandparents, we grandparents lived in the village, our favorite thing is probably fried potatoes, and fried meat, lard. many years later, after graduating from the syvorov school, you returned to it, but now in the role of a boss, what has changed in... within the walls of the school over the years, and did you immediately recognize the corridors and classrooms? the school is a cultural and historical value of the republic of belarus, the first floor, at one time it was a theological women's seminary, and in fact there the corridors have not changed, they have been transformed, as there are certain points. the very location of the school, since it is in
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the center of the city of minsk, has also not actually changed, yes, the educational and material base has been expanded, a lot of sports facilities have appeared, a lot of computer classes have appeared, a modern medical center has appeared on the territory of the school, somewhere the uniform changed from... to say that they globally changed the corridors, no, everything remained the same as it was with me, so, of course, i i learned, and one more such remark, that throughout my life i still came to the scene of my native school, met there with friends, teachers, so such a failure that i graduated here, appeared here, i didn’t have, where- then periodically i visited the stages of my native school. it’s true
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that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, well, for a long time, i wouldn’t say so, but in order to hone their drill bearing, for this there are certain drill classes, where, let’s say, suvorovites are on the parade ground for a certain time and... well, probably, there is no need to say that it takes a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it takes, because, well, it’s no secret that our boys are always the first to open parades in our country, they set the pace for the whole parade, and you
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can imagine how responsible these boys are, that they are the first to follow the drums, striking a step, beautifully. believe me, this is very exciting, and you can teach me, easily, miron, don’t be shy, please come out to the parade ground, but i suggest that some other young man do this, i try, stand, take an island stance, chin higher, let’s walk, this. preliminary command, correct, bend your body forward, correct, center of gravity on your toes, jump like this, do a clear island step with your left foot, march, we are almost ready for the parade, great experience, let's move on to the next question, this
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the purple sector is to your right, why aren’t girls accepted into the school, girls are very offended, don’t you think? change some of your foundations, rules. throughout the development of the sourov schools, which were created in 1943, the first of them, these schools, were based on the traditions of the cadet corps of the tsarist army. the cadet corps of the tsarist army always enrolled only young men. and this tradition is not changed in any svoroda military school, in the russian federation, in our country, and for girls we have created cadet schools, patriotic classes, where you can undergo the same training as the suvorovites undergo, only a little, so
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let's say, at a lower level, and after that , to enter the military academy, we are always waiting for beautiful girls to join the ranks of the armed forces. everyone sees that when the west comes to a country, when it develops a network of ngos, when it imposes its policies there, the country loses its sovereignty. sovereignty, today the concept is very vague, we cannot ensure our security alone, this is impossible, but for many decades we have been taught
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that if we cannot do this, then in an alliance with another country, for example, with the russian federation, this means automatic loss of sovereignty.
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we are not telling dry historical facts, we are immersing ourselves in the era when people sailed along the neman, but here on the shore there were columns, you could tie up boats, and well, vetins, so yes, columns again, it doesn’t matter, yes, everything is correct, itself the name svyatilovichi, svyatilovichi suggests that it was a holy place, and... one of the legends tells that once on the shore of lake svetilovichi there was a pagan temple. artifacts from centuries of history are
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a real puzzle for us, like time travelers. during their stay at this site, our ancestors hunted 25 mammoths. in addition to mammoths, a lot of remains of reindeer and one six-hundredth rhinoceros were found here. the task of our guides is to ignite desire in you. touch the belarusian culture personally, we have hello together with the belarus 24 tv channel, everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene,
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current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan. kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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what is more important for voyanny: to be strong or to be smart? you know, the modern world is modern. weapons require very high mental abilities from military personnel, because these are various sights, these are quadcopters, this is a large system, so to speak, of communication, control, so there is no such thing as being strong means he is better, but smart means he is weaker, no, this combination of these two qualities and... is currently probably the criterion for servicemen of the armed forces of our homeland.
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who's ready to ask a question? hello my name is ivan, what does the word boy mean to you? well, probably, at my age it is more relevant to say the word of a cadet, the word of a man, the word of an officer, but nevertheless, the meaning does not change from this, this is, first of all, a responsibility. what's your favorite song? blue, blue berets. let's sleep. the blue splashed, splashed, spilled over the shoulder straps, over the berets. i want this song to continue, according to the harsh, landing covenants.
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an all-round brave man, in what situations has army discipline helped you in everyday life? well, in childhood, like all children, sometimes you don’t want to do something, learn mathematics or something else, but you understand that if you don’t learn it, then accordingly your comrades also won’t, say, get fired or... some movie and then inner consciousness that this is necessary, this is necessary, this is your main task, then the question is from the red sector, you will have to turn around, raise your hand, whoever asks it, i wish you good health, my name is rastislav, the young hero of the movie, the officers received
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a punishment for giving lessons instead of lessons i went to see the hippopotamus. did you receive for the time of course, he received punishment, somewhere he did not understand instructions and orders correctly enough, somewhere he himself was wrong, so he had to receive punishment, and then, of course, he tried to do so in order to correct himself, in order to receive encouragement.
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table for for completely for the company, well, there is a line when you stand on the bedside table, well , for about an hour, there are 45 minutes, without a habit it’s quite difficult, standing in one place, you can’t lean, you can’t sit down, you can’t lie down, you just stand by your will, well, i see there’s no one there, i think i’ll go and sit in in this room, well... the time has come for the foreman, well, that was probably my first punishment, yes, it’s clear that no one shouted at me there, nothing, they tried to explain to me that i was wrong, the punishment consisted of suggestion, that there is a need, you are responsible for this, for this, and you are obliged to be here, especially since at that time there were still a number
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of premises that we guarded. this was probably my first reprimand. belarus is a very peace-loving country, then why do we need an army? you know, girl, back in the 18th century, the french commander napoleon, who tried to seize our territory, enslave our peoples, said a very good expression: whoever... doesn’t want to feed his army will feed someone else’s army, what am i getting at, the armed forces are a deterrent factor so that no one has the desire to enslave our people, to seize our land, our republic of belarus, therefore not a single state in the world can do without its armed forces, then the black sector is to
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your left, so what? is it more important for you to be able to attack or to be able to defend? well, depending on what angle these are considered, if considered? tell us about your family, do you have a wife, children, of course, you have a spouse, she
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is her teacher, there are children who have grown up, they have their own families. well , i think i’ve been lucky in life, i have a like-minded person next to me, who, you know, like in the movie matchmakers, yes, who watched it, ivan stepanovich gave a good definition of what a family is, it’s a mechanism of domestic assembly, which, when needs to be stroked. when you need to stick it in, that's why i think that i i was lucky, my wife always supported me in everything, guided me in some ways,
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gave me hints in others, and most importantly, even now i really listen to her very much, because he has many times more teaching experience than i do, she is my primary school teacher, so for... for me , family is sacred, it is the most precious thing that any person has, in particular me. dmitry vladimirovich, did your children become military? some have journalism, others medicine. somehow these directions. the red sector is next for us. i heard that cyber troops have appeared in belarus. what is this? this is playing shooting games and tanks on a computer, well, it’s probably not entirely correct, but in principle, yes,
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indeed, the development of the armed forces does not stand still, and modern trends dictate the conditions for us to have. will contribute to the accomplishment of victory objectives when necessary. next are questions from the violet sector. how do you cope with stress? well, i guess i’m just trying
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to leave this stress behind the threshold of my family. somewhere. well, of course, i come home, my wife always says, why are you silent, why are you nervous, i carry it inside myself, inside myself, then in conversation, when you tell a person, someone close to you, about your problems, then, what’s boiling over somehow becomes easier on the soul, already in a calm state you can make the only correct, correct decision. “hello, my name is zlata, you have come a long way from cadet to colonel, you wore different shoulder straps, if the military has star fever and do you dream of becoming a general? well, there is an expression,
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a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general, so, of course, any soldier, excursionist, officer, he wants to achieve some specific career growth, including becoming a general. "everyone , of course, manages to reach this level, but still however, i believe that there is no star fever, behind this lies everyday painstaking work, you cannot achieve some high ranks in the armed forces while lying on the couch, this is first of all work, work on yourself, work with your team, and the most important thing. for every commander, 90%, even 95% of his success is his team, these are the people who stand behind him, if the team trusts their leader, the leader. there is every
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chance of achieving high ranks and positions, if the team does not trust, i think it is very difficult to do this. the next question is the red sector. hello, my name is svetlana, i have a question: is it true that every suvorovite knows how to dance? yes, it’s true, we are purposefully working to teach our students to dance ballroom dancing. do you know how to dance? a little bit, and if i make you sad, you won’t refuse to dance, easy, please, it’s called a white dance, when ladies invite gentlemen, you know how to dance, quietly, come on, look, stand up carefully, left leg back, back, oh , then we turn over, you put your foot on me, oops! like that, well done, then
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again, thank you, this is one of the oldest, very worthy, in my opinion, traditions of the suborovsky school, bravo. if you were offered to film a biography, who or perhaps what would you like to be about? to make a movie? well, first of all, about your family, family, not only your wife and children, but about your parents, about your grandparents, about your friends, about how...
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