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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 4, 2024 7:25pm-7:56pm MSK

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olga, you have been in belarus for several days now, tell us why you had to leave latvia? due to the fact that i could have been sent to prison, and i have a small child, and i can no longer afford this, they wrote an article about me. that the special services were dealing with me, they were already dealing with me, they warned me, therefore, that is, the fact that they were, well, they started to deal with me officially, it was already serious, and after a couple of days they banned me from tiktok completely, well, as always, without any explanations, that is, if it were tiktok, yeah, then there are always warnings, there you break such and such rules there, and so on and so on, that is, it happened more than once, then he just disappeared.
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offered to nominate me for the european parliament, well, my first reaction: i’m not qualified, i’m not a politician, he says: you don’t need to be a politician, well, maybe, well, as if any person can run, he says that everything is in place for you, there our values ​​coincide, our views coincide, visions of the whole situation, i’m so good, well then, let’s meet, well, let’s meet, that’s it we talked and i agreed, that’s all, it was interesting to me, because i speak english with... freely from the podium i can
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speak freely, and that is, i believe that i represent the values ​​of a large number of latvian residents. yes, given the situation in our country, so i realized that this is a good idea, what a program, and what i wanted to change in latvia, because again, you talked about this on your social networks, and i understand that this is the same position i’m going to promote it within the party in the european parliament, yes, although my party wasn’t there, here we have it right specifically, it wasn’t written down in the program what kind of russian language we are there or anything else, because...
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it’s good that they meant what it means to be with yourself, what you were like before you got involved in this dirty business politics, i was very loud, very direct, but i just didn’t want to be this talking head that wraps everything up very beautifully, this beautiful wrapper, yes, that is, i just wanted to tell the truth so that this is the truth that comes from the soul and from the heart, i am very...
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yes, that is, well, i don’t even know what to call it, well, in your opinion, what is the current economic situation, terrible, disgusting, simply, well, how can we, how can we have in our country the most expensive utilities in the world , this is generally how, where, where does such income come from, that is, having lived in england, in america, you compared and came to the conclusion that, of course, my relatives in america say where do you get these, well, you have five times more utility bills than... the russian language, everything connected with it, the russian language, the russian world, well, that is, if you if you don’t run around, there with the ukrainian flag, then that’s it,
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you, no matter what nationality you are, you can even be latvian, that’s it, you’re a quilted jacket, you’re a kremlin agent, you’re a fascist racist, and an occupier, in general, that is, all the words, which ones are possible.
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explain that we are against so many things, such as the green deal, plus we were against the pandemic treaty, because it took away all our powers as a sovereign state, yes, that is, we would not have decided virtually anything in our country, if we signed this agreement, and that’s it, there is complete censorship, complete censorship, yes, that is, you have something there, what about freedom of speech, what freedom of speech, that’s what our rulers told me, ulya, what freedom of speech, there is no freedom of speech here, i’m like that, i say, i ... i got used to it like in america, i learned from them there for freedom of speech, for your rights, but there is a constitution back and forth, they told me so, we don’t have freedom of speech, who said, i can’t say, those important people who they say: don’t do this, or else there will be a prison, these are the same
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people, that is, as i understand it, this is the special service, which again you we warned you more than once, well, let’s leave it as you say, as you understand? at the beginning of the conversation, you mentioned that at first the intelligence services began to study you, after you became inconvenient, they began to persecute you and tell us. about this in more detail and why, again, you had to leave, why didn’t you sit through this election campaign in latvia and didn’t wait for the results, yeah, well, we became interested right away, yes, that is, as soon as i became a candidate, everyone called me like this here are folders with such things, everything is there, i don’t even i know how much they had there, and i say, why? well, that’s it, you’ve become a candidate, now your words, they... are much more important than some simple blogger, man, yes, but what’s most interesting is, before
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they wrote an article about me in the latvian smees , they banned my tiktok, and we had several arrests, and just bloggers, that is, people who are not political, well in the sense that they are not candidates, they don’t do anything like that, and if before they were released before... yes, now they were simply swept away . in two weeks four people. wait, so the elections to the european parliament ended on sunday, have they already been released or not? no, they won't be released until the trial. yes, that is everything, and what did they say? they criticized our government, told the truth, well, they are simply creating chaos, our budget is simply being stolen. nothing goes to either the people or the country, well, for example, our schools are closing,
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about 400 schools have been closed over the last 20 years and continue to close them, people constantly write to me, olya, please help us they are closing the school, there is nowhere to send the child, they wanted to close about 100 post offices, yes, that is, this is primarily in the regions, that is, they tell us, we don’t have money for this, we don’t have money for that, we don’t have money for schools , we don’t have money for education, we don’t have money for the post office, we don’t have money for roads. what is money? there is money for ukraine, for weapons, for example, we have money to dig some trenches, mine the border, and with russia, we have allocated, for example, almost a billion euros there to give to ukraine for 10 years, but us there is not a penny, they tell us, howl, we don’t have 2 million to save the post office, 2 million and a billion, well, that is... i’m just telling you as an example, yes, that is, of course people are indignant, everyone is very
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unhappy prices, taxes and fines are increasing for everything, more and more more, we have money to wash trees in the city, have you ever washed trees in minsk, and we yes, you know, rain, no, no, no , haven't heard, we pay taxes for the rain, we pay money for the rain, you pay, well i heard about it for the first time, and we pay, but... everyone is afraid to say something, people don’t believe that they have some kind of power, that they mean something, that their voice means something, almost 70% of our people now did not show up for the elections, uh-huh, can you imagine how small the turnout is, no one believes, that is , 30% only voted, 33, yes, uh-huh, why don’t people believe that, that their voice decides something, ugh, because once a voice.
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who won in latvia, what kind of games are they? the new unity party defeated the national
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unification, and the new unity party, which has actually been in power for 20 years, who don’t like it so much that, for example, in russia, and putin has been in power there for 20 years, although they themselves sit in this power in the same way and won’t let go, they simply squabbled in these chairs and don't let anyone through, they fake them. that is , election fraud, of course, how can you stay in power when the majority of people are dissatisfied with you, a person comes to me and says: i saw how... these ballots were planted, how elections were rigged, i was an observer, there was another person with me from another party, he also saw all this, she said, when i called the head of our party, i was like, what should i do, what should i do, we have a video recording there, we have something, we are there, didn’t do anything, go home, that’s it, all people are afraid to say something, they’re afraid that they will be grabbed, that
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the special services will grab them, that they will be imprisoned, and so on and so forth, are latvians really that intimidated, right? they will fire me very much, they will persecute me, and so on and so forth, that is, the latvians will not can say nothing, both russians and latvians, who can speak then, only the ruling ones can say only what they consider necessary, but if our ruling ones say that there will be a war, russia will come, then this is normal, but if one of us if ordinary mortals say that russia will come, there will be a war, then we have an article for this. we are duns, which means they write us a 93 -page booklet about what to do when there is a war, how to behave, so i was very indignant when i found out that it was written there that we would need to support the state, government, and i was naturally indignant at how i could support the state, that is , instead of saving my children, i
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would support my government, which made enemies out of us, which made us out of us. some occupiers, fascists, racists, kremlin agents, and so on. what was the key moment because of which you left latvia and left the country? i was being followed, yes, that is, there was a certain incident, and i realized that, oh, i’m not making this up, and the people around me, who have been in this much longer than me, have great experience, they all... shouted: “olya, olya, olya, olya, olya, you are the one now, quickly, quickly, we need it urgently.” and i say, i called my party head, he says: “well, he says, i think that no one will touch you before the elections, because this is election time, if they take you away, this will also give you great, yes, great popularity and so on, the state security service
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invited you to conversations, in the past, yes, in this election process, why they talked to you, if possible about this, they are very interested. i didn’t like how i negatively represent latvia in my videos, that everything is bad, everything is bad, i generally love my country and i love my homeland, this is my homeland and so on, yes, that is, it hurts me a lot, now a second, what do i a lot of people had to leave it too.
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well, the intelligence services also really don’t like it, that i say that america is the masters of latvia, as i assess, this is how i assess it, that is, latvia today is not independent, it’s called, you know, soft occupation, i don’t know how soft occupation is, americans don’t even like it, that we just worship them, we agree absolutely completely, we never even say, no, here we want it a little differently, here we want it somehow differently, but we all
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worship like that, mistress , hostess, it’s just disgusting everything that’s happening, that’s how you... generally assess this situation, today experts say that, in fact , nothing will change in the near future, the war in ukraine will continue, sponsoring ukraine will also continue, escalation situations in countries the baltics in poland will also continue, at the moment yes, i just want to believe that everything will get better, but i just don’t see it yet, i see some isolated cases in individual countries, deputies and in the european parliament and... with a trembling voice they are telling the truth, yes, that is, there are few of them, i hope that after these elections there will be much more of them, latvia is generally an exception, there are no oppositionists there at all, who will be something.
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up, that's all, but european values, no, this is bad, very bad, very bad. olga, thank you very much for coming to the interview,
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thank you for inviting me. this day will go down in the history of belarus as the date of our country’s accession to the shanghai cooperation organization, said president alexander lukashenko, speaking at the summit in astana. today belarus has become the tenth member of the shanghai family. the sco sets the vector for the development of the entire eurasian continent, interacting in various fields, politics and security, economics and culture. over a quarter of a century, the organization has become one of the most influential and authoritative international structures.
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including the initiatives on world unity of various decisions of statements, which include for a just world the consent of the draft development strategy. sco until 2035, improving the organization of cooperation in matters of economic development, investment, finance and energy, as well as in the areas of countering terrorism and extremism, and combating drug trafficking. the president held a number of bilateral meetings with state leaders, and held negotiations with the prime minister of pakistan shahbaz sharif. there was a proposal from the belarusian leader to finalize and approve a road map for the development of bilateral cooperation. in the future, shahbas sharif invited alexander lukashenko to visit pakistan. on july 3 , belarus celebrated independence day and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from
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the nazi invaders. a parade took place in minsk. 36 foot units passed along the avenue, among them military personnel from azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, russia, tajikistan, uzbekistan and china. there are more than 300 units in the mechanized colony equipment, including the belarusian missile system polones-m. in the air parade there are 12 crews, combat helicopters, aircraft of the air force and air defense forces of belarus and the russian aerospace forces. the belarusian real sector has adapted to the sanctions, economic drivers are on the rise. the traditional leader is industry. minsk motor plant is just one example. exports of mmz for 6 months of the year increased by approximately 10% compared to the same period last year. the numbers prove that the troubled nineties or the current western sanctions are not an obstacle. minsky. the plant was put into operation almost two decades after the end of the war, production was supposed to become an important link in the chain of the domestic automotive industry, this
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was the emphasis, the first thing they did was... they mastered the production of diesel engines for mtz tractors, and today the company is a leading engine manufacturer in the cis. equipment with minsk engines operates on five continents, in more than 120 countries. the minsk motor plant has more than 160 service centers in the post-soviet space, and 57 in belarus. all other neighboring countries and far abroad. the machines on which our products are installed must be. always at work, because the engine is the heart of all machines. 70 years ago, in the very heart of the belarusian capital , a 38-millimeter stele, crowned with the order of victory, was unveiled. the all-union competition for the creation of the monument was held in 1950, more than 70 applications were received from all over the ussr, but the project of georgy zaborsky and vladimir korol was the winning one. the majestic obelisk is decorated with national ornaments, four garillefs, each of which
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reflects a certain stage of the great. which in july 1961, the first fire broke out here that took part in the liberation of the country. 3 belarus eternal flame. the honor of lighting the unquenchable flame was given to the hero of the soviet union alexei burdeyny. for 40 years now, young people have been keeping a vigil of memory here. this is an understandable policy, we continue our great journey, a new series and a new continent,
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behind africa and latin america, i follow. dot on the map the many faces of asia - three countries at once - indonesia, vietnam and laon. new markets and promising partners for belarus. is sanction pressure really a thing? time of opportunity and who is against the unipolar dictate of western values, a place where there have not yet been cameras of belarusian tv channels, people, cities, enterprises where they know, value and respect minsk. i highly appreciate the prospects of belarus and believe that trade turnover with vietnam can increase significantly. colonialism began in indonesia, but it ended here. we burned our cities to keep the dutch out. hello belarus. hello belarus. hello belarus. hello belarus.
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hello belarus, hello belarus, hello, belarus. you have many years of experience in developing a very dynamic agricultural system. belarus under lukashenko's presidency will be a very strong country in the future. i think that we need the same leader with his own confident position. belarus produces some goods that we do not have.
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indonesia is an agricultural country, there are a lot of farmers here, they need technology, belarus has large hypermarkets in a huge country, we understand that belarus is good in the production of dairy products, this is the chocolate president, you have something that others don’t have countries, and take care. independence square is the main point of the indonesian capital, under the scorching sun we are trying to take the first shots after arriving in the city, this is quite difficult to do, belarusians are in high demand in the center of jekarta.


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