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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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according to these elevators, the compressor is installed in the under-engine niche, by the way, and what is the most expensive thing in a refrigerator, the compressor is the heart, this is the heart of the refrigerator, which determines the life cycle, and how much it weighs, well, about 7-8 kg, let’s try hold it in your hands, yes, of course, please, so as not to disassemble the refrigerator at home, which one to choose? well, let’s do this, well, yes, you know, if you spend a whole day installing them like this, then 8 hours, then i understand that your hands will definitely hurt later, well, everything is better instead of the gym lift the compressors, i honestly want to tell you, i thought that the compressor, yes, it’s a special device that malfunctions, which you can turn and twist like this, it’s as round as a ball, but when i started to somehow turn it over, i realized that there is something inside there...
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so we cut it off, let’s say the installation connection is cut off, but that’s it, that’s it, that’s it. they cut it and
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soldered it a little, that’s it, guys, we’re walking with you through the refrigerator factory, this is the first time i’ve even seen a woman, otherwise it’s all men and men, here we’ll see what they’re doing, that’s it so noisy, we are at the final stage of assembly, where everything is the most beautiful and most elegant, yes, it’s like a decoration, one might say, of any refrigerator, but in general how long does it take from the stage, as we saw, of the frame to the reference refrigerator, on average it takes about 3 hours, well, it’s very fast, i would say, but it depends on the model being tested. refrigerators and here what are you doing
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on this one we are already assembling the finished product, which from this site goes to the warehouse of finished products for the consumer, everything this is already the end, we have completed everything, we have completed the last stage of 100% inspection for defects, then a serial number is assigned and the product is packaged, great, so let’s complete it? what is the thing for, for sausage, in my opinion, they didn’t take the cap, this is also for bottles, bottles for men, sausages for women, i understand, this is what they told me to do, but seal it, today i have ribbons.
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oh, i recorded it normally, otherwise it’s fine, everything is great here, that’s it, the next one, if you’re not tired, you can try again, let’s have a shelf for and bottle holder, bottle holder, let's now try to do one action and another at the same time, so stick it evenly and naturally, what are these ribbons for, let's continue to seal it, the shelf is fixed with tapes. and this one has already made two refrigerators, let's go to the record, start the third one, he gives everything to me in general, in general, let's stuff something in and we'll pass on some greetings from the program to the buyer, that 's not possible, you don't, sorry, he doesn't will pass, but you didn’t have such a thing that someone joked and stuffed a love message, for example, with me. i would dream of meeting someone like this, okay,
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that’s it, i give it to the girls, that’s it, we’re waiting, now the guy will lift it. box, when pasha and i went up to the place where they put boxes on the refrigerator, it seemed to us, well, what is a box, put everything on, yes, oh, bravo, listen, how much does such a box weigh, on your knee in front of the refrigerator, well, anyway so here's a kilogram, a kilogram, that's all, i did it, well done, i'm great! and as many as three refrigerators will be good luck for someone, but he just started lifting it all up, it turned out to be so huge, everything was so heavy, but listen, he’s great, he’s already made the perfect box the third time, i think he would have studied there for 3 years, ksyusha, here he comes, one might
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say a worker the day at the plant is coming to an end, i want to know about your impressions, listen, i’m delighted, the plant is very cool, i’m very... really glad that you liked it, because it was also my first time at this production and i was also very impressed, cool, thanks for inviting me, thank you and you, now you also know how a belarusian refrigerator works, but if you want to become the hero of our program and... visit places you haven’t been before, record a short video, send it to us, and together we will find out how it’s done.
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from soviet - july 4, 1944, the minsk offensive operation ends, the first baltic front liberates polotsk, miory, myadzel, the third belarusian front liberates. the cities of uzda, kletsk, rudinsk and railway stations, mikhanovich, setcha, rudyansk.
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there were 24 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. day. good evening, this is about six straight, this is data from the ministry of economics, investors are attracted by the favorable geographical location, access to the market of the eurasian economic union, preferences, human and natural resources.
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production, industrial symbiosis, areas such as eco-design, resource-efficient packaging and sharing business models. exchange exports of woodworking products to azerbaijan have increased more than fourfold . according to the belarusian universal commodity exchange, the amount of transactions for 5 months of the twenty-fourth year exceeded 47 million dollars. as of june 1 , 109 residents of azerbaijan were accredited on the belarusian exchange, which is 18 more than at the beginning of the year. full-scale implementation of digital. technologies. domestic foreign manufacturers presented their developments at the chiba 2024 exhibition. the forum was attended by about 88 thousand people. last year's record has been broken. the business program included 35 events, over 300 reports and presentations. main topics - ensuring cybersecurity,
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strengthening technological sovereignty, protecting personal data, artificial intelligence and digitalization. how is the digital transformation of the belarusian economy progressing, with which ones. right now, today in our studio we have experts who are well versed in issues of digital development: anna ryabova, deputy minister of communications and information, artyom moroz, executive director of the development bank. gradusov, director of the national center for electronic services, andrey kosovsky,
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general director of the central research and project institute of technology of organization and management technology. dear guests, kind evening, thank you for coming, we are glad to see you in the studio of the economic environment, but let’s explain to our tv viewers what digitalization is, what is the importance of digital development for the country’s economy? you know, of course, the definition. what do you think, artyom igorevich, is digitalization what is it, what does it mean to digitize business processes? this is the most interesting thing,
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because it is impossible to digitize without order, this is probably the most important thing in digitalization, because before we move on to digital, we must work out the order in processes, direct them in such a way that they are optimal, then they can be superimposed on the figure to speed up the entire process. arkadivich, well... the importance of digital development for the economy of our country, what is it in your opinion? the importance, as we believe, is mainly an increase in efficiency, which means an increase in profits, and the most important thing is to ensure the competitiveness of our enterprises, because in this regard we cannot lag behind, this is the creation of high added value, this is what there is, i think main meaning.
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digitalization, as you think, roman anatolyevich, digitalization should be considered, probably in a wider spectrum, why, because it consists of a large set of elements, precisely for the benefit of the citizen, let’s say, for his maximum, let’s say, communication, in digitally, there is such a thing as e- government; in fact, there are quite a few different formulations. but we believe that the main goal of e-government is to optimize the work of the state apparatus in
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the interests of providing public services and other services for citizens, in order to make these services more transparent and thereby correspondingly increasing the standard of living and the range of services that will be provided, it must constantly expand. that’s right, i’ll probably add, in your good example, when you said about the same payment for services in housing and communal services, yes, we see only one plus on the part of the citizen, this is convenience, this is one interface, these are instant payments for all services , regardless of the supplier, but there are still other points that the multipliers work, but they work in the background, we don’t think about what happens as citizens behind the system, and there is a settlement going on between service providers. funds, and it goes on the same day, which is important, it happens instantly,
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banking costs are reduced there, because only net positions are calculated and the bank receives into its account only what it should receive. plus, if we remember tiba, which took place not so long ago, the prime minister, opening tiba, said that we have unique products in belarus, the uniqueness is that they are not found anywhere in other countries. also erip, which you mentioned, because this is our national intellectual asset, and we can use it both internally and, in principle , not export it.
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references, returns are not very visible yet. do you remember what difficulties we faced when technological sanctions were imposed against us, we saw how dependent we were on foreign software, and what risks this brought, so the creation of domestic software and its implementation must to become an absolute priority for all organizations involved in relevant developments, we heard that the creation of domestic software, its implementation, this is very important for ensuring digital sovereignty, national security issues are involved here, and so on. tell me, when will belarus be able to refuse imported software, that is, in other words, when will we use only domestic
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belarusian software? well, you know that i wouldn’t pose the question as categorically as only yours. even russia, which got involved much earlier than us, is still setting horizons there, in the thirtieth year, about 85% in industrial production, there is the example of china, for example, i understand, there is comparability and adequacy of resources, this must also be taken into account, so i would talk about technological sustainability. that is, what is our main task? to prevent someone from undermining the performance of our enterprises, our economy? that is, this is how we interpret our concept of national sovereignty, it is from these positions that we are now we are developing a roadmap. some things, of course, need to be replaced very intensively. we have the strength to do this, as the head of state said, rightly so, we have been growing this
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potential for many years, now the time has come to reinvest it into our internal circuit. these tasks were set, tasks were set that htp should work on, this, of course, is a story that needs to be dealt with, but you must agree that the risks of using imported software are high, so when we discussed technological issues sovereignty with respected experts, an example was given there that as a result of the introduction of unfair and illegal sanctions against the republic of belarus, individual software manufacturers tried...
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of course it requires large resources, both human and financial, but one must understand that a financial investment in solving this problem is an investment in the country, an investment in the economy, an investment in national security, yeah, this will ensure sovereignty, the issue is always difficult to resolve deadline, but there is no need to say that it is difficult,
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you just need to start, it is from this point that the solution to the problem will begin, yes it ... will be a long way, yes, it will be difficult, but it will be, that is, if i understand correctly, individual problems are solved through the development of our own software, individual problems are solved through cooperation with friendly countries and the use of their software, and if the problems are not solved in either the first or second way, then what are the options? we spent on tiboforum on industry 4.0 means everyone is an expert.
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i’ll say, maybe it’s so direct that we need to bring them together, so in principle, in this part, i think that in most aspects of industry we are not lagging behind, yes, but there are a number of elements or areas, but for example on computer-aided design systems, yes , yes, in this part, we, together with the russians , have something to work on, but in general, i want to say, we conducted a study on it a year ago.
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and it all dragged on for a long time, it had a lot of side effects, constantly, which means that some flaws arose that had to be corrected, and we always sold out by the end of the program, in principle, this is also happening now,
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because the legislation only came into full effect 3 months ago, but now the programs will, firstly, they include ready-made projects, expertized, not as it was before, secondly, they have created a huge institute of assistants, these digitalization offices, which of course need to be trained, not all of them are still at a high level, but the backbone. andrey arkavich was created here, one of shining examples who, in general, will become the real right and left hands of their ministry. we know that the development bank is involved, what digital projects are you working on now, the issue of financing digital projects is being successfully resolved in our country. there must be a system in the state, there must be consistency in government agencies, this is a bureaucracy in the good sense of the word, therefore there is order, there are regulations, procedures. are being successfully implemented, but there are so-called urgent tasks that require instant solution, well, instant in the field of it, this is from three to 6 months, well
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, urgent, without a suspensive nature, it is for the implementation of such tasks that the development bank was given additional powers, it is precisely such tasks that we solve by uh, well, as if by government decision, which brings these tasks to us, probably one of... which appeared recently, it solves the problems that were set out, including in directive number two on de-bureaucratization, it leads to a reduction in the reporting load in the first place agricultural enterprise, that is, this is a kind of information system that automates, digitizes the reporting processes of business entities to - well, statistical bodies, the state, in other words, yes, well, as they say, it’s easiest to do it on your fingers, yes, after having previously examined and visited the enterprises that should mind their own business, but we realized that
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they have one thing per day... in a short time, they develop and solve the problem, and it’s convenient, why? because it is in the cloud, it does not require the deployment of a software package on computers, there must be a clear one. it gives the desired results, there are people who have completed their work and are engaged in immediate responsibilities, not to mention the fact that there is analytics inside, this is great, but what other projects? well , which further expands this data and if you remember, not so long ago the head of state spoke about the need to bring order to
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imported goods in prices. accordingly, the government also assigned such a task, and we carried out a project that we completed in 4 months, which our complex allows price analysis, we are still able to track the goods for a small number of groups of goods from the moment of entry into the territory of the republic of belarus to the actual receipt that the end user punches at home, that is, the entire chain, the entire chain. why is it important? of course, this work is carried out by government agencies, but when we are talking about five groups of goods, this can be done, it’s just possible, but more difficult. and when we are talking about several thousand product groups, how to track this online, how to influence in a timely manner those moments that occur inside, this is big data, this is absolutely true, there should be corresponding algorithms, swinging forward, we have already learned to build models using artificial intelligence and make a forecast
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for next year. at prices that will be adjusted for groups of goods, but this is very important in the context of the decision, here is the implementation of the instructions of the head of state to prevent the growth of inflation, control over pricing, fairness in this area, this is very important, and well, i’ll probably tell you no more not about the development bank, but about that application, which appeared in our country from our colleague at the national center for electronic services, so tell us what it is...
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that is, in fact, i probably really see the future digitalization, how the state is so comfortable that you don’t notice it, this is you know, as if it already a priori knows all your life situations in which you will need interaction with the state, a priori it will tell you, a priori it will do something, the level of innovation is growing. we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in the era when people sailed i understand, but here on the shore there were columns, boats could be tied to them, well, vetins, so yes, there were dogs again, anyway, yes, everything is correct, the very name svyatilovichi, svyatilovichi says that this was a holy place , and one of the legends says that once on the shores
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of lake svetilochskoe there was... a pagan map, artifacts with a centuries-old history - a real puzzle for us as time travelers. during their stay at this site, our ancestors hunted 25 mammoths, except mammoths, a lot of remains of reindeer and one six-hundredth rhinoceros were found here. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to touch belarusian culture.


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