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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 4:20am-4:50am MSK

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members of the sco right now, at this very historical moment of the ostanensky summit , the procedure for signing documents is taking place, which confirms that belarus is becoming a full participant in the shanghai cooperation organization. the organization has recently built up its geopolitical muscles, well, of course, there are plenty of pressing issues, but that’s why this platform is needed, to conduct dialogue and strengthen cooperation. minsk took the right course in foreign policy even earlier and was able to build with all the participants of the current shanghai family.
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the sco is the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. this is a wonderful gift to the belarusian people. taking this opportunity, i would also like to sincerely thank my colleagues, heads of state. members of the organization for unanimous support of this decision, just a few words about specific areas to which we, as a full participant, plan to pay increased attention: firstly, this is international security, we are deeply convinced that in the 21st century it is necessary to build a genuine and indivisible global security, while we must take the initiative...
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as a result of the conversation, the shanghai ten signed about 20 documents, agreed, for example, on an anti-drug and energy strategy and jointly counter terrorism. the main document , the ostonino declaration, was finalized until the meeting of the heads of state, and speaks of the countries' intention to build a more just international order. the shanghai cooperation organization now consists of 10 countries, but there are also observer states and partners in dialogue, in order to... communicate among
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like-minded people, a meeting is held in the sco + format. here the presidents of mongolia and azerbaijan will join the meeting ; our memories from the visit to these countries are still fresh: the president of turkey, where the visit has long been planned, as well as the chairman of the people's council of turkmenistan, emir katora, and the un general secretary. alexander lukashenko will start with the fact that shanghai is important not only for belarus, but for everyone.
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by colonizing and mercilessly exploiting all other countries, the west, using such pirate methods over the centuries, created the foundation of their wealth, political, economic and military superiority. the washington-london hegemon is watching. to the world as his property, the multi-billion population of the planet is not people for him, a means to achieve personal well-being. that's all political economy is. this is the main reason for numerous challenges in the field of international security. it was within the framework of this
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philosophy that the conflict in ukraine was provoked, which continues to this day and we know for what reason. as a result, peace today in the deepest crisis, in this situation, what can we, sco members, do about the current situation. the best response to challenges in global politics is cohesion and unity. lukashenko calls on world leaders to consolidate. it is necessary to create a greater eurasia. what is needed for this? minsk, as always, offers concrete steps of action. first, we need to choose a concept. the name and project that already exists, the eurasian charter, diversity and multipolarity in the 21st century. her idea arose as a result of an international conference,
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held in october last year in minsk. now this is an annual event on regional security in our capital. moreover, we are considering it. as a kind of eurasian alternative to the transatlantic munich conference, an invitation to the leadership of your foreign ministers to the minsk conference, which will be held this fall already directed. i would very much like representatives of your countries to participate in the discussion of the charter. we believe that it should be adopted at the level of heads of state. by chance, i would like to express my gratitude you, vladimir vladimirovich, president of russia, for your recently expressed words of support for this initiative. there are enough formats for interaction between countries in the eurasian space, in addition to the sco - this is
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a union state, the eu, the csto is gaining momentum, asean and the league of arab states. in fact, our president proposes to be friends through integration, this will connect the countries more closely. the situation now is that people... the world is in confusion and ignorance, the secretary general has just confirmed that conflict in the prospect of dangerous development of our planet, people are waiting for some kind of orientation and certainty, the sco can do this, but it must be done quickly, because time is compressed, this is not what it was like after the second world war and...
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everyone should benefit from advanced developments, not only western countries are transnational corporations. leaders will say that the world is changing. china and russia putin is more direct about multipolarity about who is muddying the waters in the world, sidingping in the chinese spirit is very philosophical. in the face of dramatic changes, it is extremely important to gain wisdom, resourcefulness and complete determination, it is necessary to be guided by the shanghai spirit, unswervingly adhere to the development path in accordance with national characteristics and realities in the region, it is important to jointly build a wonderful home for the sco family, where the people of our... seems to be very relevant,
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the topic brought up for our discussion: strengthening multilateral dialogue, pursuit of sustainable peace and development. this, in fact, reflects the essence of what the sco has been doing since its founding in 2001, meaning efforts to form a atmosphere of security in our common eurasian region. and trust, in this regard, we are grateful for the sincere and concrete proposals of the sco member countries for the peaceful resolution of the ukrainian crisis, which arose as a result of the absolutely unceremonious adventurous policy of the united states and its satellites. russia, as you know, has never refused, is now ready to continue peace negotiations, and has refused negotiations. it was ukraine, and it did it publicly, on direct orders from london,
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which means there is no doubt about it, and from washington, as ukrainian officials say directly and openly. this time in astana there is a real marathon of bilateral meetings. alexander lukashenko begins negotiations with the prime minister of pakistan with words of gratitude for his support in the sco with a plan of work on the bilateral track. i will definitely.
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it’s time for us to move on to specific events . our colleague from turkey, minsk and ankara always maintain contacts, trade exceeds the billion dollar mark, but there are no statements for the press yet. a meeting was held behind closed doors with the un secretary general. belarus with high the tribune has always come out with global initiatives, always in principle always against unilateral coercive measures. but even more journalists’ attention was focused on the negotiations between alexander lukashenko
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and sidin pina. last year, the president of belarus visited china twice, visiting minsk and beijing. serious plans to develop an all-weather and strategic partnership. yesterday your country celebrated independence day, and today your country has become a full member of the sco. i warmly congratulate you. we will definitely contribute to the further stable development of our relations and move towards this.
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it is beijing that is taking over the chairmanship of the shanghai organization, which means that the next time the summit will be organized by china, everyone will gather there, and astana’s chairmanship will be remembered as a historical moment for belarus; we have the shanghai spirit of the organization based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and solidarity to your liking. natalya,
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katerina krutalevich and alexander oleshko, agency.
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this will happen during the meeting with the secretary general a wide range of issues were discussed, almost the entire meeting was devoted to the activities of the un in the republic of belarus, the beginning of a new cycle of interaction, and he focused in great detail on the fact that the republic of belarus is a very reliable partner in the implementation of all the goals of the tasks that the un sets for itself. then they talked a lot about sustainable development goals, which the secretary general also said several times that he liked it that way.
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the sco resolves issues of countering terrorism, radicalism, and issues of economic security. opinion political scientist, teacher of the faculty of economics of ruden, farhad ibragimov. the sco, despite the fact that it is tied to shanghai, yes, it would seem, is already a more global organization, it is an organization that is not an alternative to nato, we are not going to build any blocs or alliances against anyone, as has been said repeatedly spoke in minsk in moscow. but first of all, we proceed from our own national interests and by forming such alliances, such associations, we show the whole world that there is an alternative point of view, an alternative a position that can be followed by certain countries that have similar interests with us, not even the same ones, because we , unlike the west, do not dictate or impose on anyone any of our own rules, traditions, and so on, we want so that clear
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relationships are established with our partners, and what is most important, the entire highway actually has a future, not only in political matters. this was stated by the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov at the meeting of the union of communist parties, which took place in moscow. today we must congratulate the fraternal belarus, he was accepted by shosana. already the tenth in this interesting association, i believe, brix and sco are two unique associations, state-patriotic forces that
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have proposed a new course, contrary to anglo-saxon globalism, and this course is not only making its way in the world, but it shows an example of how the most ambitious programs can be quickly implemented. today is the biggest threat on the planet. revival of nazism. at the plenum this topic was discussed very seriously, in particular the discussion was about holding a second anti-fascist forum. the first one took place last year in minsk. the next one is also planned to be held in belarus in september or october of this year. more than 100 countries have already agreed to participate. also today, on behalf of the president of belarus, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation was solemnly awarded the order of honor. gennady zyuganov was awarded this award for his significant personal contribution to...
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participants in the celebrations, guests of the capital could fully experience the whole atmosphere of the holiday. impressive scale, level of preparation of army equipment. such reviews are heard about the military parade. coherently and clearly the armed forces of belarus, together with its strategic allies, showed the world the strength and power of peoples for whom neo-nazism in any form is unacceptable. the crimes of the fascists do not and cannot.
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with our natural resources and territories, which for some reason should belong to the entire world community, now we allegedly have the wrong kind of democracy, then hitler’s germany took on the role of teacher, today the entire european union, led by the united states, is trying to teach us, we know the true goals, we know who is behind every provocation on state
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the history of the winners marks the high level of defense capability of the union state in one formation on... and this is a guarantee that our voice - the voice of allies, partners, which sounds in defense of a multipolar, fair world will be
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heard, our parade will take place in a peaceful future. 36 foot parade units marched along the avenue while shaking. in the same ranks with the belarusians are allies from azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, russia, tajikistan, uzbekistan, and china. there are more than 300 units of equipment in the mechanized column, and this the latest and modernized models, including the belarusian polones m missile system with a target engagement range of up to 300 km, mi-35m attack helicopters, the tor m2, s-400 anti-aircraft missile system, as well as two divisions of iskander m missile systems. today this is the most important an element of deterrence against any enemy and a guarantee of our security. in the air parade, there are combat helicopters from the air force and air defense forces of belarus and the russian aerospace forces, these are 12 parade crews, including the berkut and russian aerobatics teams.
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complemented the bright emotions, a fundamentally new program with unique elements was presented. figured elements with a carabiner are made according to the domino principle. 80 victorious years flew by before the eyes of the audience, in them the achievement of post-war modern belarus, as well as the feat of the generation of winners who restored the country and continues to develop it. an endless stream of people to saints for every place. a sea
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of ​​flowers, a military parade, fireworks, a beautiful tradition of singing the anthem together, this day will be remembered for such a large scale independence. the festive concert brought together ustely of minsk, the hero city of thousands, tens of thousands of belarusians. all the emotions in karina gurevich's report. new homelands stand, there is nothing more beautiful in the world, there is no more beautiful in the world, these same dear shores, an unchanging meeting place, stela minsk is a hero city, behind me there are thousands of people, they are all here for the atmosphere of the main holiday of belarusian statehood and, of course, the star holoconcert to the stars sky, belarus, one for all, great victory, festive
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concert for the first time. passed under the auspices of the union state, both everyone’s favorite songs and new ones performed by young singers of creative groups were played non-stop; the peaceful sky and their heroes were sung in chords and lines. our children live in peacetime, in a peaceful country, we are proud of this and , of course, we will carry this happiness through many years, but as for the atmosphere, we are artists, for us it is a special honor to be a stele today, every belarusian knows about this remembers,
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on the screens are portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war, on the stage is boundless love and devotion to their country, and it comes not only from the lyrical compositions and dance numbers of the artists, the audience also shared their emotions with us, a huge number of people gathered as if under such a platform, as if all this was done for the people, of course, they take pride in this country, wonderful mood, incredible atmosphere. plays, everything is very cool, the weather, the sunset, everything in the bag is very beautiful, every year we come, we look, we look from the window, we were also present at the parade, it was a very large-scale event, the final we will sing a chord, an action, an anthem together, in unison, we are belarusians - peaceful people, performed by thousands of people, a genuine atmosphere of national unity in velino. the rodovol union was salted.
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a colorful end to the holiday, bright fireworks decorated the peaceful skies of belarus in all corners of the country. as a reminder, be grateful to the heroes who defended peace and freedom. honor and remember the great history. independence day, a holiday of pride and courage in belarus.


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