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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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dollars is a record figure. mining dump trucks, drilling rigs, and spare parts for heavy trucks made in belarus are in high demand in the region. there are plans to expand the supply of public transport to the cities of the kemerovo region. in addition, another significant point of the plan is the desire of belaz and belshina to deepen interaction with coal mining enterprises in the kemerovo region of russia. residents of the sco countries almost quadrupled the volume of exchange trading on butb, for the first time. powder paint production plant opened in the veleisky district, the syransky company became the owner of the plant. by the
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way, iran has been one of the largest suppliers of these products to the world market for almost 30 years. $20 million was allocated for the implementation of the project in belarus. currently, the plant has created 106 jobs when switched to a two-shift work schedule, the number of employees will be increased to 150. the mir and belkart payment systems can be synchronized by the beginning of 2025. to do this, you need to build appropriate hosts. in addition, in in the future, it is planned to make payments for russian services using belarusian cards and through erip available. let me note that last year the national bank noted the growing popularity of the billcart system. now about the exchange rates that emerged as a result of trading, the russian ruble has fallen in price, the dollar and yuan have risen in price. so, for an american dollar they are asking 3 rubles2. euro at the national bank exchange rate is 3 rubles
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47 kopecks. 10 yuan costs 4.39. 3 rubles 64 kopecks. they ask for 100 russian rubles. belarus and russia plan further harmonization of national species classification economic activities and products. union statistics were discussed in smolensk. the heads of belstat and rosstat signed a plan of joint activities until 2026. in addition, the parties examined the prospects for expanding new sources of information. application of information technologies in statistics. this was the news of the economy, successful transactions and productivity in business. see you.
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the morning broadcast continues with the program zone x. i am violetta sokolovich. hello. parallel life on instagram. fraudsters attacked this social network trust of subscribers. in minsk , several people contacted the police with statements that their accounts had been hacked and a message posted asking for financial help. there , the scammers indicated the coordinates where to send the money. many responded, believing that a fellow instagrammer really needed help. but the money went to the scammers' accounts. i gave 350 rubles to scammers on instagram, and because they hacked my friend , they asked me to transfer 350 rubles there for some needs, i transferred them with two checks from two different banks. a twenty-three-year-old menchan woman contacted the moscow rvd, who became a victim of cybercriminals. the girl told investigators that her personal account on the social network instagram was hacked by an unknown person and messages were sent to subscribers on her behalf. ask to borrow
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money. three of them believed and transferred from 140 to 350 rubles. to a card whose details were also indicated in the scammers’ message. the girl learned that her account was hacked from friends who had already transferred money to the scammers. the review will continue to be released criminal and emergency incidents. the amount of damage turned out to be higher than what they wanted to save. polish carriers tried to carry it through belora. border goods with counterfeit documents. both facts were revealed by belarusian customs officers at the kozlovichi checkpoint. in the first case, the carrier was carrying a shaft for a glued press. in the information provided, the cost of the goods was underestimated by one and a half times. the real amount was almost 900,000 rubles. a batch of medicines transported in another truck cost about the same. but the carrier apparently did not want to pay an additional 26,000 rubles. that's why i quoted a different price. based on this fact , administrative processes have been initiated. carriers will have to pay. detachment with
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the force support of the typhoon special forces of the internal troops of the mpd, this was reported by the state border committee of the country. according to the department, during an inspection of residential and non-residential buildings, nine gps trackers, four batteries and five propellers for the drone were found and confiscated. charging station, night vision devices, radios, laptop, mobile phone, and also four diving suits and a car. for what purposes the detainees were going to use all this, experts are now finding out. in borisov, a man was shooting from a window with a pneumatic pistol. a three-year-old child was suffering, whether an adult thought what he was doing is unknown, but he will have to answer under the article of hooliganism, and reportedly, back at the end of june, a woman contacted the police and reported that the child had a leg injury from a shot from a pneumatic gun, detectives interviewed the mother, the girls established that they were shooting at one of the houses on lopatina street, where at that moment
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a woman and a child were walking, they shot from this house, it turns out that there was a shovel on the street. and people were crossing, approaching the pedestrian crossing, like this woman, here, there are a lot of holes in the fence from shots, and the girl was walking here, they just hit her in the leg, already during the operational activities it became clear that a fifty-year-old local resident decided to have fun; the man took an air rifle from a legal opening and, according to his words, shot at the trees. behavior of a potential son-in-law. clearly disappointed the resident of minsk. unpleasant the surprise for the sixty-year-old man was the news that the young man, his daughter, literally had a hand in the disappearance of 44 thousand dollars from his apartment. detectives from the sovetsky district of the capital helped clarify the situation and find out the true passions of the person now involved in the criminal case. employees
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of the criminal investigation department of the soviet rvd detained a twenty- seven-year-old man from mensk on suspicion of embezzling money. it was established that the young man was in a romantic relationship with the applicant’s daughter and periodically came to visit her. one of these days the beloved told the defendant that she was going to buy an apartment, as evidence, she showed the money that she took out of the chest of drawers, clouded her mind, took the money, the money was in her closet, in her nightstand, remember, later, taking advantage of the girl’s absence, the man from mensk stole her savings and transferred them to belarusian rubles and lost in a casino, a criminal case was opened for theft on an especially large scale, taking someone else’s property can only get you a criminal charge for nothing, i was convinced of this. pinsk, who could not resist the temptation, took advantage a stranger’s bank card, or, as it turns out later, a stranger’s. a forty-year-old resident of the regional center contacted the bank first, and then the police, only 2 days after the plastic went missing. about 250 rubles had already been written off from her. they told the police.
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the operatives quickly identified the one who organized the unplanned shopping spree at someone else’s expense. this was also helped by recordings from cctv cameras. it turned out that a fifty-five-year-old man found the card on the street and then went shopping at the nearest one. the stores bought mainly food and alcohol. by the way, the defendant had previously come to the attention of law enforcement officers due to his addiction to alcohol, and had also committed petty thefts. now problems with the law can be much more serious; theft of money from a card falls under a criminal offense, punishable by up to 12 years in prison . where did a thirty-eight-year-old resident of minsk end up on the hunt, earning money from the sale of two bicycles. there would be no questions for him if not for one nuance. two-wheelers were rented. a representative of the organization where the goods were rented wrote to... an unscrupulous the client filed a statement with the police, by the time ogro’s officers came to the defendant, he had managed to sell the bicycles at a price below the market price for 500 rubles and spent the money himself, a criminal case was opened. this was the project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1.
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good morning belarus good morning belarus good morning country we continue to greet. to this category, here the question arises, is it such an innate feature, the desire to be on time everywhere, or some kind of acquired
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forced skill, i think that you she said correctly, this is a forced skill, sometimes, that is, sometimes you still want to pause somewhere, let’s be honest, after all, during this time we have already had a professional deformation, and we perceive work as a favorite thing, it’s cool, and even during vacation, friends, yes, we are interested in work, we manage to do some work somewhere in parallel with our vacation, this is great, in any case, experts say that... any productive day begins with quality work, you know what? , after all, warm-ups, that’s where you need to start, any day, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekday or a weekend, so right now we suggest you come closer to the screens and repeat after our colleague tatyana matusevich all the exercises for exercise, stand up. you need to start the morning without sudden movements, so we will perform today’s exercise smoothly and slowly. victoria, am i correct in saying that it is better to do exercises slowly? not all of it, but
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the stretching exercise is best done at a slow pace. sit on the mat, position yourself in a position that is comfortable for you, and i recommend adopting a cross-legged pose. then we take the power band with our hands, slightly wider than shoulder width. our task is to exhale... raise our arms up above our heads, then we take a deep breath and then, as we exhale , we try to move our arms back as far as possible, we should feel the stretching of the chest muscles and the stretching of the upper shoulder girdle, we brought them back as far as we can while exhaling. to the initial position of the hand in front of us, the wider we take the tape, the easier it will be for us, we do everything slowly and smoothly.
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according to the description, this exercise is quite simple, but in reality it is not so. how once you start doing it, you will understand that it is not so simple, not everyone will be able to do it the first time. what mistakes can we make when performing this exercise? the mistake in this exercise would be to take the band too narrowly; it will be harder for you to perform. take it wider at once. in fact, this exercise would be uncomfortable to perform at a fast pace. that's right, stretching exercises are best performed at a slow, smooth pace. take your time, give yourself 5 minutes of quiet stretching. let's start with
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the most common seasoning in our world is salt. until one year of age , a child has virtually no need for salt. starting from the age of one year, the need for salt increases to approximately 0.5 g for every 10 kg of the baby. from 10 months you can add dill to your child’s diet. dill contains a lot of karati. essential oils and vitamins that will contribute to a balanced diet for you and your child to fight a viral infection. seasonings such as basil, rosemary. garlic should be added to a child’s diet no earlier than a year and a half, for example, it is very turmeric, which is popular today, is better not to be introduced into a child’s diet until school years, because curcumin can cause allergies, and we don’t need this; seasonings such as horseradish, ginger, mustard, hot pepper
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are best introduced starting from school years, despite on and... huge benefits for our health and a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals, they still have a fairly strong irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and can cause health problems, so with these ingredients it’s better to use a little hold off. a useful property of spices in baby food is that they contain essential oils that stimulate production. and digestive enzymes stimulate peristalsis and prepare the child’s digestive tract for digestion of food, however, there are some conditions in which it is better to limit or completely eliminate spices in the child’s diet, these are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, pancreatic disease, and also
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heart disease -vascular system, nervous system kidney diseases. artifacts with a centuries-old history are a real puzzle for us as time travelers. during their stay at this site, our ancestors hunted 25 mammoths; in addition to mammoths, many remains of reindeer and one six-hundredth rhinoceros were found here. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to experience
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belarusian culture personally. we have a tradition that everyone who comes into the house, the place where yakub kolas was born, here on this couple, they make a wish, travel together with the tv channel belarus 24.
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on the calendar, a beautiful date: july 5, and it’s friday, but what does it promise, this is a significant day, olga venskaya will tell us about the weather, of course, yes, this day brings us a rainy morning, i don’t i want to exaggerate the colors in the sky, but look for yourself, in minsk today it’s already raining and up to +15, in brest and vitebsk it’s just a little more than 14-16 with a plus sign, and note the precipitation too,
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even in vitebsk there are thunderstorms , wow, wow, sound performances early in the morning so everyone wakes up. in gomel today up to +17 and the same in mogilev and also the precipitation in grodnoy today is quite modest for a summer morning, in my opinion the figures are 13:15 above zero. well, let's see how the situation changes during the day, should we expect a hot day, belhydromed knows, let's also ask, in minsk today, well , again, in my personal opinion, a modest 1921 with a plus sign in brest is a little warmer, 22:24 , the same number in mogilev, further. gomel 23:25 with a plus sign in grodna 20-22 heat, while note, in many regional centers. today there is precipitation except for the city of brest, here it is cloudy with clearings, nina, how do you like the fact that summer suddenly decided to please us with rain, well, it seems to me that a little
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respite did not hurt us, and as we see, this is indeed the case, by the way, gomel turned out to be the most immodest in terms of temperature indicators today, we continue in the same spirit, well, by the way, any weather is no problem, our colleagues in the borovskaya family, she went on another trip and the most important thing she met. good people i i’m sure she always meets good people, you know, it seems to me that these very good people find her themselves, the lights just come to the city and good people gather around her, let’s see which city has become the object of her attention this time , this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to the grodno region, you have to be an artist, you have to be an artist, here is the recipe, you have to adapt, adapt, also keep quiet, just like with your mother-in-law. happy girl, now you will always have a good morning, let's go watch zhorik, let's go, let's go, let's go, but he doesn't bite, i'm not sure that i like to dig and plant, but i just love the bouquet, what one of the best
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veteran farmsteads is famous for, for those who work on a dairy farm, what is the secret of a long family life and a rich harvest, you will find out in the new release of the program this saturday, turn on the good backpack of belarus with svetlana borovskaya, tomorrow at 9:15, i came to work, counted the calves, i...
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hello, hello, continues the on-air relay of the program wow news, i, nastya rudskaya , i will share with you all the interesting news immediately, make yourself comfortable. because today we will discuss how goats conquered the belarusian capital, who made the legendary tony hawk stand to applaud, a herd of scythes was spotted in minsk, a video with animals first appeared on tiktok, the video shows how several animals graze on the grass trying to snack on leaves from trees. an unusual picture. dali in malinovka, as it became known, a herd of goats has an owner. the man lives in a private sector on kurgannaya street. it is reported that the gate of the enclosure in which the animals are kept is
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the children opened it. the goats ran out and had a little walk. in the green building of the moscow region they said that the trees that the goats liked were still not damaged. the trunks and branches remained unharmed. but the owner of kos was asked to be more vigilant in the future. wow! a rare pink diamond called the rose of eden was sold at an auction in new york for almost 40 million belarusian rubles. the lot was previously priced a little less. of particular value, according to experts, is the quality of the stone, ideal galley, exceptional purity pink color, without the presence of any shades. the diamonds weigh just over 10 carats. the rose of eden got its name from its resemblance to. with light pink flowers of the eden rose variety, bred in 1985 . the diamond had never been put up for auction before; it was purchased by an anonymous
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buyer. the beauty is unearthly, but what to wear it with, and most importantly where. the underground storage facility of the cervantes institute in madrid was opened to visitors for the first time a few days ago. there is an exhibition of time capsules there. in which personal belongings are stored writers from spain and latin america. the institute launched an unusual project to preserve artifacts of spanish-language literature in 2007, when it moved to the central bank building. where gold bars were once kept, memories are now kept. writers and their heirs were asked to place things important to them in the safe deposit boxes. and choose the opening date for this unique time capsule. there are not only manuscripts and manuscripts inside. and letters, but also personal items, literary awards, typewriters, there is even a handful land brought from the colombian aracataca hometown of gabriel garcia marquis,
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which he... glorified throughout the world under the name macondo. in 1999, skateboarder tony hawk etched his name into the sport's history books when he managed to perform a trick 900, considered one of the most technically difficult. its essence is that the skateboarder must make 2.5 revolutions in the air, and tony, a well-deserved skateboarding legend , achieved success not the first time. and recently the famous athlete admired with surprise a nine-year-old japanese named kawakami, performing at a competition, the talented boy managed to perform not just 1.900, but three such tricks in a row. seeing the success of the little japanese, record holder tony gave him a standing ovation. it looks like the young athlete is now in the running for a world record, for which he is being highly praised. and i, nastya rutskaya, was with you
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for now. bye, let me love you like a flower in the field, like a young plant that flocks over a crayfish. like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, may you love me, may you love me for the song that i am i feel, for the deepest laughter, what a precious ring, for the clear eyes, for the young soul, may you love me. may i love you for
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the bright hours that you give me and many happy experiences, may i love you dear daughter, good morning belarus, good morning country, today is a beautiful friday , july 5, greeting you. i wanted to say, subscribe to the official account of factor byy, there you will see current stories about how pre-castings are going, what interesting people come to auditions in our time it turns out that you don’t have to be able to sing in order to be remembered by the jury, yes, the power of a personal brand is also at work here, you can really be remembered for charisma, energy, history in the end, so don’t skimp if you ’re filling out a questionnaire right now for some epithets about yourself, we of course, we will check these facts, but nevertheless you will be remembered, that’s
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for sure, by the way, of course, we always remember our colleagues from brest, kristina melnichenko, andrey polagin, in touch with us, as always, the most interesting, memorable news is prepared by our colleagues, good morning brest, good morning, good morning, how is the weather in brest sodra early, it’s getting warmer and warmer, we’ll sunbathe on the weekend, it sounds like an invitation to a wonderful delirium, because in minsk, you know, it’s getting colder and colder and it’s raining, there’s a story, but you have an optimistic forecast, that’s good, but what about? tell us about the region? yes, we have prepared the most relevant news for the past week. so, the first news: new diagnostic capabilities have appeared at the ivanovo central district hospital. as part of the reconstruction of one of the blocks in x-ray computed tomography rooms have been opened at the medical institution, which will operate in two shifts. 24-hour reception will be provided by two doctors and two radiologists. there will be two more specialists in the reserve who , by the way, have specially improved their
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qualifications. the installed equipment has a high degree of digitalization and automation; there is a minimum number of people per shift. highly maneuverable and fast-acting installations can deliver rated power to the network within 15 minutes. at this pace technologies are developing in our brest region. listen, if we weren’t on the dobroya ranitsa belarus program right now, i would have thought that this was some kind of economic
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section, because the level is truly colossal. colleagues, well, i’ll tell you that the opportunities are also colossal. colleagues, confirm it or not, i heard that on this ridge, in special sedimentation channels , there are piranhas and even krewe. well, the press wrote that they actually caught just this kind of predatory fish, it’s there i spent the winter there and they said that there’s not even one of them there, regarding shrimp, people say, to be honest, they didn’t catch it themselves, but they probably exist, i think they caught it and ate it, yes, that ’s right, why waste time, you need to be gourmets in the end, there is only one life, what other news, what other news, yes colleagues, well, we have one more news for you, now. the interregional sportslandia step to longevity took place around the world ; more than 230 representatives of the silver age took part in it.
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the oldest participant is 85, a good holiday an example of how the strategy for active aging is being implemented in belarus. a total of 39 teams participated. their teams presented boarding houses, territorial centers, social. services to the population, rural executive committees, veterans and trade union organizations, as well as public associations of disabled people. the team from ivatsevichi won, but according to good tradition , absolutely everyone received diplomas and gifts. this is some positive news. and this is great, what an inspiring story, in general it seems to me that looking at these people, growing old is not scary at all. i i wanted to ask you again how many you said, 85, the oldest participant, i don’t believe it, they are so cheerful and active that it seems that everything is just beginning for them in life. this is another confirmation, by the way, of the thesis that movement is life, everything is true, especially movement towards each other, this is important, colleagues, what story will please you today, we will delight you with the story, we have also prepared about the fact that the capital of belarusian
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writing this year it will be ivatsevichi, you probably know, but it’s traditional, yeah, the holiday is celebrated on the first sunday of september, in the city of ivatsevichi, of course, large-scale landscaping has been carried out, our colleagues. we found out how the regional center will appear to numerous guests and are now ready to share information. we’ll be happy to take a look, but before that we’ll say a huge thank you once again, kristina melnichenko and andrey polagin, who were in touch with us from brest this beautiful morning. well, let's look at the story right now. today ivatevische is one large construction site. the improvement of the city infrastructure is being actively carried out, social facilities, street road network, construction and major repairs of houses. in total, in the ongoing renovation of 22 houses throughout the city,
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modern stopping points will be replaced, road signs will also be replaced , ongoing renovations, improvement of the most special attention to the central lenin square, the square,
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well, we move on to the main thing, yes, we move on to the fact that the time has come for us to give way to our news colleagues, or rather colleagues from the news release, but first we will announce our guests, ahead
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it will be very interesting, yes, in the third part we are waiting for the appearance of doctor, nutritionist svetlana koshitska in the studio of good belarus with another portion of useful advice, well, at the end of the broadcast we will talk with the honored artist of the republic of belarus lyudmila khitrov. and also with the conductor of the ballet opera, or rather the ballet cinderella, i already thought about opera, because you know, in the big theater it is now very fashionable to create a synthesis of arts, when ballet and opera meet. and how exactly this will differ, that’s how many questions you have we have accumulated, the premiere, by the way, is tomorrow july 6, if anything happens, yes, friends, we are preparing in full, we are already looking forward to this event, and also our parting with you will be short-lived, we will definitely see you, we will hear from you in part three, we will again be happy to tell everyone country, good morning, belarus. we change
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addresses, we change numbers, sometimes they even change us, with other names, with other voices, with other people, they change us, where are you and i, the sky above your head, the same as always, what say with your soul in this room big, there is no one, just you and me, even if everyone goes crazy with him. you have you, you have me, even if everything is here, the data
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is burning, unchanged, only we will be, tell me how many stars fell that night, we just didn’t sleep until the morning. so many tears have been shed, so much has broken us, it’s time to start all over again, we changed cities, we changed everything around, while the earth rotates, you are always my sister, you are my most faithful friend. know that you always have me, even if the whole world goes
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crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here is patched together, not changeable, it will only be us.
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the morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with news in the studio pavel lazovik. hello. a new page in the history of international cooperation in belarus.


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