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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 4:20pm-5:00pm MSK

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thousands, thousands of people will die, this is a terrible weapon, but it’s a weapon, of course, it’s not a machine gun, but it’s a weapon, and in order to use such a weapon, you have to train, you have to be able to do it, this is our third training session, i’m already today said about this, the second stage of maneuvers of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun; during the exercise , issues of joint training of the russian and belarusian military for the use of tactical nuclear weapons are being worked out. at this time , a big commotion off the coast of miami worries the americans very much. the presence of the russian navy off the coast of cuba. there is the carrier of hypersonic missiles zircon, the frigate admiral gorshkov, as well as the nuclear submarine kazan with cruise and hypersonic missiles. the distance from havana to the us coast is 180 km. usa as a show of strength.
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retted cigarette butts, plastic bottles and feces, and the capitalist force sends propaganda leaflets, flash drives with television series, and recordings of popular k-pop performers on the same air flights. in addition, activists from south korea sometimes adds one dollar bill to films and music, as well as propaganda offensive to pyongyang. and recently, north korea published a video of a massive ballistic missile launch.
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the chinese people's liberation army has developed paratrooper combat robots in the form of a dog; the mechanism can be transported through the air, drones that have already become familiar in combat operations, and then covertly move across rough terrain, overcome water obstacles, and also carry out combat work in cramped areas. urban conditions. into the enemy's hiding place.
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the robot is very useful for reconnaissance and clearing of buildings and structures. depending on the task, it is equipped with a machine gun, flamethrower or grenade launcher. the mechanism is capable of jumping, independently planning a route, avoiding obstacles, approaching a target, collecting and transmitting intelligence data in real time, and also executing other commands. such four-legged animals are already part of the chinese army’s exercises; robots are regularly shown to the public and... parades are held with their participation, let us note that such and similar mechanisms in the celestial empire are produced not just mass-produced, but en masse, this was the trends program, all the best to you.
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we are located in the minsk-sovorod military school, where children from the age of 12 are trained, for 5 years, we are engaged in their development, education, becoming as men, my position is that of a senior officer. cadet
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schools, but we have a huge difference in that only certified military personnel teach and work with children, in each company we have a psychologist, we have our own spiritual mentor in each company, our children are under constant control, under the constant care of military personnel, so we try to reveal all the best qualities that the guys have, we try to find an individual approach to...
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strong, how beautiful they are, how developed they are , since we receive completely different children from different regions, from different backgrounds, from different families, some of whom are orphans, it is natural that each child receives an individual approach, taking into account their characterological characteristics. during the adaptation period for the children, of course, at first it is very difficult, because they are separated from their family, from home, but we try to give them this... care, love that we each have as much as possible, to make their stay here as comfortable as possible when the guys are just they come, it’s the end of august, my responsibilities include meeting them, getting to know them, building, then i get up with a diary, write down data about
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them, look into their eyes, find out something special, immediately select guys who will be able to give an interview on september 1 , why they were able to, why did they want to enroll here, so of course that the child comes, he doesn’t really want to be here right away, once he wanted to enroll, when he sees some kind of system that they are already starting to build them strictly, in a military way, they they begin to get upset because they grew up in a family where the mother was always nearby, here the mother remains behind the fence, of course the child gets upset, but given the fact that i have children myself, of course i want to somehow hug him, talk to him , then it becomes more fun for him, you...
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to enter the sovorod military school, you need to pass exams, three exams in physical education, mathematics, and russian or belarusian of your choice, plus you need to pass a medical commission in two stages, this is quite difficult, so not everyone can pass, we have a big competition , but when a child has a great desire, he prepares, he tries and he overcomes these difficulties, it happens that the parents want the child to do better. rather than the child himself, who may not yet realize what awaits him here, when he arrives, he is faced with difficulties that he needs to get up early, he needs to do exercises every morning, he needs to run one and a half kilometers every morning, he is not used to this, then all the teams need
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to come for breakfast, this is also difficult for many, so this period of adaptation leads to the fact that it becomes difficult for every, absolutely every child, no matter how strong he is. he sometimes asks his parents to go home, for them the system has been changed a little for two years now, the first quarter completely, the first year he goes home every weekend, regardless of how he studies, from the second quarter children already go home only on merit, if there are no bad grades, if good behavior, then the child goes on leave, when the child returns from home, it happens that the child doesn’t want to... get involved in studies again, then you have to work with them, somehow direct their energy into a peaceful channel in order for him to switch, it takes at least a year for the child to fully imbue the place where he is, because we have there are a lot of events, we have a lot of trips, the guys don’t sit
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permanently inside the walls, they study, then they have all sorts of performances, contests, competitions, that is, the child is so busy with the whole outside world. he doesn’t even have the desire or time to sit on a mobile phone, about which everyone is so worried that these mobile phones are taken away from them, to call, of course, if they want to call, for example, their parents, they also have payphones in their companies. .. is already finishing her second year, amazing a child, very smart, talented, he
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participated in many filmings, since my position also has the responsibility to work on films, tv shows, select people for performances, i worked with him very closely, here i just see, here we are going to filming , i see that he’s kind of sad, i start talking to him and i understand that somehow the guys started treating him differently... due to the fact that he has already become famous, he has already starred in many films , he is already so popular, and some guys there are jealous of him, so he wanted to leave this place, but having told this , we came up with another situation with him, so that the guys would also participate, we organized a filming where a large crowd was needed, i included his entire platoon there, everyone was happy, then they lost their resentment even for this child, that is, on the one hand , it costs nothing. on the other hand , it seems to me that it is necessary to treat with great attention, probably, in order to
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make everyone feel comfortable, both the team, and specifically some individual, the club of editors, i wanted to say, hitler’s germany, well i’ll tell you how it is, europe can be united.
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a native menchan goes to the village to find out why it is better than the city, this is a house that was built in parallel with the first house from which it all began here, and here i want to tell you, a corner of india, here people lie down, once everyone has a small table, the tandoor is here, right here it will be prepared on a bed, lay down and yes, everyone is lying, some are carrying, serving, some are not you, i hope i will not lie.
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"if i work, that means i'm alive, when they don't work, that means i'm already like that, that's why i i’ll work and work, we’ll come up with something , we’ll do something, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. three suvorov graduates who will enter military universities in both the republic of belarus and graduated with a gold medal from the russian federation. the gold medalists are the guys who... from the first year to the final year they graduated with 9-10, on the contrary, it is easier to study in this regard, because if at school they can not do their homework when they come home, then here they cannot not do it, because here there is self-preparation, here in you located officer, teacher, and you physically cannot help but prepare for the lesson, so if you have
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a great desire and perseverance, then the guys become gold medalists, this is much more difficult, of course, because... they have a daily routine, 7:00 they get up, 22 they go out, plus they have a lot of training, classes, dancing, ethics, aesthetics, vocals, clubs outside the educational institution, so there must be scrupulousness, it is necessary to show maximum perseverance, go, study with teachers who always we are ready to provide this assistance, we have teachers of the highest and first categories, and this also bears fruit for my constant participation. in various international, even competitions. in addition to the high general educational level of development, our guys are intensively engaged in drill training, which even the russian state was so impressed with, which we have been going to parades for the second year in a row, we are opening parades. last year we opened the parade in nizhny novgorod, this year the guys
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took part in kemerovo in nizhny novgorod. in this year for the first time in its existence. we had a graduation ceremony from the surod military school on the coat of arms and flag square. few people know that the minsk suvodsk military school has its own traditions that relate specifically to graduation. on the last night before graduation, the graduation company traditionally shines the shoes of sovorov, who is located in our building. and at the graduation itself, the guys dance the waltz with the ladies with whom they dance, all the balls are girls from the choreographic college, from the national school. beauty, then in the last passage they throw they say coins, but that’s all, for the second year in a row we are presenting a suvorov statuette from a graduate to a first-year student. over the 70 years of the existence of the minsk-sovorov military school, more than seventy graduates became
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generals, for example, lieutenant general rovkov, major general zhup, the school gives this understanding to young people, because for 5 years, when you are hand in hand, shoulder shoulder to shoulder, you overcome some difficulties, you go through trials together, then it doesn’t matter whether you’re an orphan, from a poor family, middle class, or from rich of that family, you all become one when graduates arrive at our
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homecoming day, this is an amazing event, they all get into formation together, from the general to the ordinary civilian, but they remember that they are suvorovites, they are solemn they march in front of the podium, they again carry out all the commands, they walk with the troops for such a huge period of time, when they have already graduated, they are already 60 years old, some are 70 years old or more, colonel general, who give god bless him with long life, defense, this is the first graduate of the suvorov military school, he also becomes, he also marches in a solemn march, this is such an amazing event, you know, this gives hope that after all , together we are a huge force, together we can a lot, in spite of everything, all the people,
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after all, having passed through, being within these walls, returning here, they are boys again, the same ones again... the young men who walked here trampled this parquet, we are one whole and it doesn’t matter , how old are we, what position are we in, we are together again, and this is huge joy, it seems to me that in order, no matter whether it is a suvorovite or just a person, you need to treat him as a person first of all, you don’t need to think about the fact that he is 12 years old, he is 16 years old, you just need to take into account the fact that he is a man, he has his own desires. your own vision of the situation and you need to enter into a dialogue with him, when you remember some features of his family there, yes, you will know what his grandmother’s name is, you will remember this, there are not many guys here. only 480, you can remember, you can remember your name, you can remember, what kind of problems did he have there, what kind of girlfriend does he have, who does he want to dance with at
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the disco, for a year now we have been holding discos in suvorov so that the guys can communicate with girls, girls come to us from different places, there from zhoden a women's gymnasium, from a choreographic college, from an art school, from a national beauty school, that is, we select...
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in any case, i go up and ask what happened to him, even if i can’t immediately remember his name, i remember that there mom is doing something like that, dad is doing this, i ask him about it, he becomes happy, he can come and eat candy in my office, although i think that this is not so important, but still he becomes pleased and then he talks to me as if friend, not just as a senior boss. only
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for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, the only city in belarus in which you can arrive at one railway station and wake up from another, we are in the west of the country, welcome to baranovichi and set off. good news, exhibits you can touch it with your hands, that is, literally touch history, not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness
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enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. show, which will not leave anyone indifferent. as soon as they lifted me up, i looked down and thought, maybe i don’t need it. why did i even come here? please let me out of here! meanwhile, alexander is almost overtaking him! grab your arms, come on! the main thing is to choose your path, even if it is the most dangerous! calmly, don't rush, don't, wait, not there, not there, not there, wait, don't rush, yes, carefully, top bottom bottom, who is ready to overcome himself from... to become a hero, time of great feats, this is a turn , we have never seen such emotions, this is a cossack, i’m in
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i don’t know about sports, i don’t remember when it’s like that, you can cry, you don’t come to compete in order to compete, in order to win, i always have the same mindset, either everything or nothing, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are in one of the most beautiful favorite places of the minchians is the horse.
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i was born in germany, because my father is a military man, he served there, so i was born in magdeburg, my mother is from russia, she was born and raised in kolomna, this is near moscow, we have been together since the age of four age we are in belarus, which i’m not happy about, since my mother is a creative person, she spent her entire childhood and youth studying in a theater studio, then probably this was somehow passed on to me to some extent, since i was five years old. with choreography, then sports latin american dances, i received a degree in choreography, because i have five gold medals for the republic in sports latin american dances, then somehow the creative beginning, it did not leave me, and the army, one might say, used all my specialty, including creative, my childhood was spent in a family of career officers, all my great-grandfathers, father, uncle, they were all
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senior officers, where they participated in the war, both in the first world war and in the second world war, so my i spent my childhood, one might say, in barracks conditions on the territory of a military unit, i always saw conscripts and officers, i had this, you know, concept that, after all, an officer is a noble profession, an officer is someone who always will help absolutely any person, and it doesn’t matter on the territory of this military unit or outside it, so somehow i... decided after all, even though i’m a girl, i’m the only girl in my family, i have all brothers, all uncles, i don’t have any aunts, and but i also decided to go into the military profession, to become an officer, it seems to me that in order to raise a true patriot, you must always show a personal example when a child sees that you are neatly wearing the same uniform, because everything starts with the uniform clothes when he sees
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that you... don't break the rules that you always you want it to be, well, according to the regulations, this is probably strictly stated, but it is still necessary to adhere to the regulations, otherwise it will be complete chaos, the child sees, he is imbued with this, it does not matter what position you are in, a psychological officer or a senior department officer, first of all, you must all be educators, you must take care of the children, give them a sufficient amount of time and attention, and remember about each child. there are not so many of them, there are more than 400 of them, when you live their life, but at the same time do not forget about the service, then everyone will have everything it turns out, now, since of course there is not much time, two children, plus work, i spend 90% of my time in service, but in my free time i have a hobby, i paint oil paintings, i have two children, she is 12 years old, my daughter is 4 years old , my son is involved in a military-patriotic club, probably
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because he saw at... we really like to travel around our country, see historical places, castles, the past, it’s very interesting, because it doesn’t bother him, they’re mine best friends, and we can't have a future without the past, with the last places we visited were the grodno region, lida, i really remember the beautiful castle.
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you shouldn’t do this, you should do it all yourself, but still bring some kind of feminine zest, create comfort, a woman in the army is still, it’s beautiful, it’s some kind of concern, after all, because men are still the majority, and men become more rude when they are only with each other, and a woman dilutes this in a team, they become softer, do not show their concern, they somehow open up differently, accordingly they treat the personnel a little... more carefully, they remember that they are not just a man, i am an officer, they understand that they are a senior mentor, or in sogorskoye, an educator, for me happiness, probably , this is when my loved ones are healthy, when i don’t experience
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any pain, because when my loved ones are sick, especially children, naturally, it’s doubly harder for me, when after all, thank god, there is a peaceful sky in the country and i would like so that it is preserved, when people know how to notice joy in little things, this is also happiness for me, when they don’t have anger, this is probably the most important thing, because when people focus on some kind of negativity, it started to rain, that’s bad, well, that’s not bad, in any place, in any situation there is happiness , your own buzz, your own pleasure, you just need to learn to notice it, you need to enjoy every moment right here now, advice to those who want to enroll... drink in the military service, you need to listen to yourself, if you really like it, this applies to children , you really like it weapons, you like discipline, you like living in a team, you like becoming smarter, stronger, better, then you
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really need to go to the minskol military school, because the team that exists there helps young boys to mature, become stronger, become more resilient, become really smarter and life becomes much easier for them, this is the system that never leaves them, they are still up to 100 years old, until the end of their lives they remain suvorovites, they carry this throughout their lives with dignity, they achieve success in life, they achieve those heights that an ordinary civilian does not achieve, and they, they are like brothers, these are brothers who... live in different parts of the world, they help each other, it doesn’t matter that’s why they become a huge force, they achieve simply amazing results,
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our young cadet years have flown by, they will not return, they will not return. when how quickly our youth flew by in overcoat, over these long five years we have matured a lot, we will never forget, our shoulder straps, we will forever remember the three letters svu. at the kazet, in full wine , we will raise the cups and pronounce the year's hearing, honor is dishonest to anyone, from the soviet election to the pyro,
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july 5. 944 years old. the first belarusian front completed the occupation in the lyakhovichi district of the brest region. liberated the city of turov. the third belarusian front captured the city , the large railway junction of molodechin, and liberated the city of smargon. during the day, the formation of four fronts liberated more than 400 settlements in belarus. fights are underway to eliminate a large enemy group in minsk cauldron. there were 23 days left until the complete liberation of belarus.
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to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there. it is enough to behave at a party like the host of
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the show “at home”. i specifically chose daramiki, this is my love. it looks and smells so delicious. we study the history of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners. our region is considered such a homeland, such a poetic page, because ours is so beautiful. nature and it inspired kolos, and many other poets and writers. dios mio, what a treat you are beautiful and prominent, yes, this is a great life, this is what it looks like, i agree, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i just thought that in order for a person to be happy, he just needs to eat very tasty food on time. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. freshly grated raspberries with
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flour and honey and honey, yes, that’s right, you see, you guessed it all, an illuminating taste, this dish, i think, is hundreds of years old, and it has been prepared here for a long time, but what remains unchanged is the quality of the taste of ivyevsky chanterelles, let’s find out more about the historical past of belarusians, and have you heard anything about the treasures of the august canal, this is not a joke, they really exist, once upon a time there was a russian army corps stationed here, which was surrounded; all the treasure of this corps was hidden. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes, sour cream, pepper, salt. that’s all, and you want to feed me something else tasty? yes, and i want to feed you. kulish has a very interesting texture, it is meat jelly with flour, and the flour is very good, clearly felt on the tongue. see the project. food anywhere. on tv channel belarus 24. on air news
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now, yulia pertsova is with you. hello. nato forces are systematically active near the western borders of belarus. the alliance is implementing plans to further increase its military presence in the territories of neighboring states. the ministry of defense emphasized that the intensity is not decreasing.


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