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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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brings these democratic values, european, to share our approaches to how we work with our youth. the dpr delegation consists of 30 people, these are working youth, students, volunteers, and participants in a special military operation. on the agenda are issues of implementing youth policy, civic patriotic education, and identifying the main points of further interaction. that's all i have for now, see you.
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western front, participant in the defensive border battle in belarus. in august in 1941, he was recalled from the front and sent to the rear of the enemy with the task of launching a partisan struggle in the velei region. from september 1941 he became the commander of a partisan special group. the brigade under his command was destroyed from january to october 1943. 72 vehicles, 35 trains were derailed, 42 railway and 140 road bridges were blown up, for exemplary fulfillment of government tasks in the fight against the nazi invaders in the rear and for showing courage and
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heroism to fedor grigorievich markov awarded the title of hero of the soviet union with the presentation of the order of lenin and gold star medals, awarded two orders of lenin, the order of the red banner of labor, medals, including for the partisan of the patriotic war of the first degree. many belarusian streets are named after him. in the city of molodechno there is a park and street named after markov, on which a bust of the hero is installed.
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anton, hello, good evening, not everyone supports me when i invite not officials or experts to the program, there are political scientists, but i’m interested, so i invite, and the more i'm communicating.
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well, the first in the cis and the only one, as far as i know, everything is so, everything is so, everything is true, it’s true that you started your career by burning your debut dish as a child, let’s say, you just burned it to the ground, only a spoon remained, a spoon in the very center, in this heart, it was pearl barley porridge, with meat, with pork and carrots, they made it in the oven, in the oven, i put it right in the carriage,
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then a little older i began to read my mother’s recipes, and my mother is a health worker, they write all the letters o there, always, uh-huh, something, something understood, but didn’t understand something. but i still tried to cook, i went to the trash a lot, i have an older brother, he was always my taster, and these were pancakes that i fried in a waffle iron, it was, well, there was a lot of things, there were some derivatives cakes, i tried to make cutlets, that’s all, so i came home after school, did something all the time, just this, well, i always played sports, yes, i always went to some clubs, basketball, i just went there. the gym just wanted to go outside with the guys to play ball, so at least somehow develop, well, i know that basketball and auto racing are still a hobby, yes, yes, this is such a thing, well, look, anton, there is a motivational moment in our invitation, we are so used to living in stereotypes , that higher
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education supposedly will definitely help you become successful, and many parents and children ignore working professions and colleges, yes. now is the time to apply, so maybe an outstanding cook or hairdresser is better than a sad lawyer or economist, i agree, in general, i’m in favor of people they didn’t go to work, but went to do what they loved, so that he would get up in the morning and the sun, like the sun would burn with this work, and he would fly there, he would go crazy, then he would succeed, then he would be outstanding, famous and glorify himself ours. aside, well, well, i’m not talking not only about belarus, you can do it everywhere, the main thing is not to go to work, but this word for me is work, and such a cutting ear , this is a hobby, this is the work of your whole life, yes, you choose what you will always do and my
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my parents did not support the choice, i ’ll be honest, and when i went, they just kept pushing me according to my brother’s thesis, it was a higher college of communications, i went to the exam, it was the first exam there in mathematics, what was it called, i just passed a blank sheet, that is, it was a matter of principle on the right, i gave a blank sheet , i came and said, well, i wrote, well, i’ll wait for this result, but i myself knew that no, well , what would happen there right away, i don’t go through, i took the documents, then i came, which was called vocational school number 221 of cooking, and they told me: young man, in 2 days you have to go somewhere, uh-huh, you have such a certificate, that is, you were dissuaded directly from vocational school, right?
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they called me the squid man, because for six months i came and cleaned squid at the sink, i didn’t go further than the kitchen into the pile, they weren’t allowed, well, i was a protikant, well, i cleaned these squid 60 kg, then quite 60 kg then i grew up i grew and grew all the time, i
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needed more, well, look, so that mothers and grandmothers were completely calm, yes - that’s how many cooks you have under your command at the same time now, now there are about 20 of them people, 20, but this is not... the maximum, yes , i once had such a peak, these are our summer olympic games, which were in minsk in the nineteenth year, i was then responsible for the global such structure for the guest house of belarus, at at that time and every day there were about 110 pawars subordinate to me, at the same time everything went well, i just can’t imagine how you can manage so many people who do this, well, the dish needs to be prepared in any case. cook quickly and at the same time you need to have time look, and what’s more, you’re also a playing coach, and it’s also very important, this is what the japanese taught me, i’m there with them, i studied with the japanese in 2000, this mood is very important, this is what i always say, so if
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you you’re not in the mood, don’t stand at the stove, as soon as you’re in the mood, come to the stove, i just once read your statements that the main thing you learned in france is to smile, right? and what happened between the vocational school and getting into the top 200 best chefs in the world? it was work, it was smiles, work, yes it was italy, where i i studied at an academy where they didn’t... accept our education, and i had to study from scratch in italy, but i graduated with honors, then after 3 years i confirmed my training by passing additional exams, and i’m there, well master chef, her studies in france were small, it was not long, it was only a month there, but this was an opportunity to meet the great paul bacuse, for me it was just such a standard that taught me. he didn’t teach, he gave more of this fuel
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for this fire, that this business needs to be loved, yes, and you convey your love through dishes to the guest, and you change his mood for the better, yes, you can even cure him, yes, from the blues, this is important, so for the chef it is important to start the day not just to say hello to the staff, to so that before the start of the service.
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yes, even when now i go on some culinary travels with my own master classes, i return home, and i realized that i am at home, so i cross the border by car, and i realized that this is it, this is my land, i grew up here, i love this land, i can’t imagine how you can leave and live there and say that you’re a belarusian, and you’re some kind of belarusian then, but as for your own restaurant, of course it will be there, it will be... it will be there soon it will be such a cuisine, both belarusian and even my cuisine,
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but it seemed to me that guests of the city know me, as the residents of the city know me, it will be tasty, it will be interesting, with stories, of course with me, well, if we are talking about belarusian cuisine, what is belarusian cuisine, why even if potato pancakes are not the top of the food chain, yes, then, really, we we know so little about the diversity of our own cuisine, but well, our cuisine is generally subsistence, well, that’s it. these are now belarusians, bulbash, potato pancakes, but here potatoes were brought literally here about 200 years ago, well, we ate something before or we were waiting for potatoes, well, yes, they brought them from america, yes we have river fish, yes, we have forests in which there are wild animals, we have, well, wheat has always been root crops, but there everything is possible; before potatoes, we used a lot of silderia root for food, this ours he grew up with him too.
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the hotel where horses were changed, carriages were repaired there, well, where exactly the guests spent the night there and lived for some time, including the mir castle, the neschi castle, where only italians worked for the ardivilles, and we asked the grandmothers for recipes from the grandmothers, well, their grandmothers, but those forgotten ones, and we found amazing things, we had our own lasagna, only it was called lazanka, it was prepared on pancakes, and thanks to the french, the idea came to us, well, modan... for cream soups, they were called podkolodka because the deck choked
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potatoes, they were boiled, mashed and added to the soup, boiled and mixed, it turned out like a cream soup, have you ever made dishes like this? yes, yes, sometimes i do it for the guests of the city, especially when i worked in a hotel, it was right we did a lot of this ethnic belarusian thing, that is, before the europeans worked for us, yes, now they are trying to force us to work for them, oh well. well, yes, our milk is recognized all over the world, 100%, yes, and you developed a croissant recipe based on ours belarusian flour, and our sweet butter, no worse than the french ones, i have already tried, and literally before the broadcast, this is a delicious karuaasan, here are some other products that we ourselves undeservedly avoid, we, well, we actually have here like in italy they have mortadella, but it’s a bad sausage, it’s not very tasty there in italy, honestly, they try to add it there, dilute it
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with pistachios, anything, peppers, you can give it a taste, our bad sausage is cool. according to state standards it is still being done, which according to to the guests, yes, this, this is the thrill itself, that we have preserved these standards, yes, that our factories prepare according to the standards, without adding any - all sorts of chemical elements, everything is natural, well, our vegetables are good if they are ripe, but there is always some - such life hacks, a fashionable word, how to ripen the same tomatoes bought in a store in winter, buy a couple of apples, salt the tomatoes with apples, put them uh, this is the first time i’ve heard about this. true, well, we all know the word banana gas, well, everyone knows these, well, who is involved, yes, yes, banana gas is what is needed for the bananas to ripen, because they are picked green, yes, they put the truck in this container, let's go and put the gas in there, banana gas is malic acid, the apples emit - such a gas, let’s call it something like that,
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yes, and this way you can ripen everything, well, of course, except for potatoes, it will start to grow, wow, this is the first time i’ve heard about it, well, these are like this... life hacks were used by our grandmothers, yes , our great-grandmothers definitely used it to do something to preserve in order to convey something, we need to restore it all again, we just somehow went very much into european culture, we want it to be like it, but we have forgotten how it was, it was with us, but with us it was no worse, we never had these taverns where we eat next to a carriage, a cart, plows , and so on, and drink some kind of terrible liqueurs, we had everything. well, we had tablecloths that our great-grandmothers knitted with their hands, lay on the tables, we ate delicious food, yes it was from the oven, yes, our culture is stewing, this is some kind of baking, everything came from the oven, but it was very tasty, but what is this story with cast iron frying pans, we are all accustomed to fashionable anti-stick
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coating, it’s very simple, anyone can make one of you home life hack. buy cast iron, metal, teflon or some other super coated cast iron, make the same pancakes, our pancakes, yeah, here are pancakes in a bowl, yes, put four frying pans on the fire, well, so that there is an honest life hack, yes, a spoonful into every frying pan, but the chigun will have the most delicious, it’s not for nothing that all of us, our grandmothers, grandmothers, they cook only on cast iron, and what are you cooking on now, i also cook on cast iron, i... already have a short-term chigun at home and, of course, there are also teflon ones , all these fashionable ones, yes, but it’s very tasty in chigun, and i bought myself just such a cast iron pan in order to make something like that, well , it’s also a stew, it tastes different, okay, so western savories, how they affected haute cuisine, were replaced with hazel grouse, yes with these
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belarusian shrimps, yes, in fact, yes, in fact, they said the same thing. potato fields are growing, but no, in fact , production is normal, it is there, yes, for our progress, in general sanctions, on the one hand, are even good, because we still may not feel it as strongly as our brothers the russians, they already have sanctions long ago, and this gave a huge impetus to this word import substitution, yes, when our factories start, they begin to move, think and offer us something new, including in the food sector, yes, yes, we are talking about her we mostly talk. they are starting to turn out, we have some delicious cheeses, yes, and really tasty, well, really tasty cheeses, well, they can turn out to be beautiful and hard with mold and how well-aged, everything is there and so in everything, ours , well, our meat has always been great, i remember the baltic people there, 20 years ago, they
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came for our chicken, because they , i talk to the baltic couples, they say that the broth on your chicken is so... fatty, saturated , delicious, on ours is just water. let's go on a trip to belarus. the river kaunya flows through our city, so kalen kavnya or swampy kavnya, a settlement on a swampy ditch, that’s the name. is unique in that it is signed, usually for icons, this is not traditional, and we will also visit the bright sights of our country: they say
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that this water heals many diseases, unmarried women come here to drink a sip of court water to find a husband, well scientists, in turn, claim that it is very useful due to its high content magnesium, in the art gallery of victor gromyk there are three halls, it contains... the entire artistic heritage of the region, its path, history, and more. look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. 100 brave children gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. do you promise to tell only the truth? i promise.
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pop after pop, he says: why didn’t you come, tomorrow at ten, that’s it, and so off we go. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. brsn calls itself the heir of komsomol, but why do we even need to preserve this soviet legacy? i believe that a successful state and country understands that building a reliable foundation and state is possible only by respecting the past. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. new horizons for mutually beneficial
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cooperation are opening between minsk and baku. the parties also plan to create a joint production of medicinal and veterinary drugs, mixed fertilizers from azerbaijani nitrogen and belarusian potassium. today, business makes a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations. let me remind you that the task is to reach the level. economy. domestic enterprises are developing new markets. tell us about examples of successful supply diversification. there are plenty of them. one of the latest in the industry. grodnoazot. the company began supplying its products to brazil, india, and turkey. exports exceeded the plan; the july volume was sold out. alexandria is preparing to gather friends again this year. the date of the festival coincides with the folk calendar 6 and july 7. 22 regions of russia have already confirmed their participation, from moscow to arkhangelsk, that’s more than 90 people. we also welcome guests
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from azerbaijan and uzbekistan. the festival on the banks of the dnieper will unite connoisseurs of folk art for the fifteenth time. a large fair will unfold, an exhibition of products of belarusian brands will be dedicated to the year of quality, and thematic platforms will also operate. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting things. facts, watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. a couple of years ago, a popular culinary online guide, yes, he is with. rated the most tasteless dishes in the world, 100 dishes, from different countries, including the well-known and beloved by our
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compatriots, jellied meat, yes, yes, why is it so wonderful, in fact a delicious dish, well, in my opinion, both my mother and my grandmother, well, great, my mother still cooks, my grandmother cooked this dish perfectly, why is it on this list along with the same rotten one, put it on the floor. decomposed shark carcasses, yes, a little drying or whatever they do there, well, how can this be put it on the same level, well, like any other top there, but it’s always very subjective, because it’s chosen by a certain number of people, maybe they didn’t understand the taste, they had a very bad recipe for our jellied meat , because our jellied meat is very tasty, tastier, it’s tasty, it’s also healthy, there’s so much collagen, well, yes, there’s no need to look for anything else, right? for women, this is generally the best recipe; for our audience, this is an excellent cosmetic product, let’s say, well, lard is the most
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the best belarusian dope, that’s what he once said. and well, it will be uncomfortable to sleep when you eat something light, fish, fish, it ’s absorbed very quickly, it’s healthy, each one is healthier than some fried piece of meat, you sleep well and you feel light in the morning, well, for sure you need to drink a little more than from meat, but in principle i agree with him, well, in general, potatoes are potatoes,
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we even remember these soviet ones. times, maybe no one even thought about it, and this is a very important stage, when we cleaned it, we always put it in water for a while, it just lay in the water, excess starch was removed so that it would be easier to digest, yeah, now this step is trying to remove something there, get around it, yes, just clean it, fry it right away or boil it, leave it there for half an hour in the water, so... in the armies they don’t use potato peeling machines, but cadets, yes, well, it used to be like that, well, now also, i think, they peel them with their hands and while the potatoes are lying in this water, i peeled a lot of potatoes during 5 years of military school, here they are, here they are lying in the water the starch goes down, well, it’s there all the time , but it doesn’t clean it quickly, it takes several hours, several hours,
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so this is a great option to do. the life of a salad is easier, but well, i was told that you have some kind of unique recipe for the perfect mashed potatoes from our potatoes, yes, this is actually a recipe, in general, mashed potatoes were invented by the french, this is their national dish, it is included as a vulnerary book of france, as the main thing, the main dish of france and there is a recipe that cannot be violated, there are already two components, we all laugh, but it’s real very tasty, it's one-to-one butter potatoes, wow. well, yes, but the main thing is, of course, not to beat with a mixer, not to beat, not with a mixer at all, but just mix and just mix with a masher yes, just with a mixer we immediately get wallpaper glue, but you can immediately both glue will stick, one to one i have to try it, it’s very tasty, i even remember about all these mixers, all these gadgets, studying in france, the academy
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of baquuse fields, a class on... squirrels, we come to class to study and it seems, well, we already have everything, they’ve definitely already invented a mixer, and they’ve invented whisks, but we don’t have either whisks or mixers, the teacher tells us: guys, when they came up with this recipe, there were no whisks yet, they were just so small brooms, they are like rods, and here is a small whisk, we will do it as we did before, i will say that with these small whisks we beat, well, four times faster than with a whisk. we would shoot it down, because there is a lot of air and it’s very tasty, and it’s really better than with a mixer, because you feel the product, and you understand when you need to stop, and with a mixer, even at our national cook , we see that it is sometimes better to remove it, because people get into some kind of passion, they want to make their life easier , they just spoil everything, well, i memorized the recipe, i’ll try to make potatoes, one to one with butter, anton, here’s nekrasov...
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