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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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we need to bring our country into line and pass it on to those generations of our children who will come, which i have, you will have and will come for us, i also took my son on a tractor to work, he was interested in it, which means that kolya is also interested this, my father took my son to the tractor where i work, but so what...
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let you love it like a patch of grass in the field. like
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a young bird, who flocks above the crayfish, like a patched bird, who is alive in the wild, may you love, may you love for the song that i can smell, for the deep laughter that is so sweet ring for your clear eyes, for your young soul, may you love me. may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every time, for the most intense, dear daughter, may i love you.
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the most current events from the world of sports. 50 days before the start of the olympic games in paris , the french authorities presented the olympic rings, which are installed on the eiffel tower. minsk, stronger than victoria, 5:1. with this score, the third match of the final series of the belarusian field hockey championship among women's teams ended. hard training exciting competitions. the second training camp, the belor national team, has begun. the first
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international one in our country in 2 and a half years, many ministries put a lot of effort into its organization. exclusive interviews with athletes. here in russia everything is at the brix games. it works like at the olympics, we have a common village where we can meet representatives of other sports. it was not an easy path to victory for me, but i am happy that everything worked out. all this is in sports projects on the belarus tv channel 24. it’s not time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work ahead, it’s time to understand and feel your information enemy. and this is, first of all, a center of information and psychological operations, which...
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their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way, complicated, having started studying, already performing at concerts, participating in competitions, of course, everyone around me, i myself realized that this music is mine, this is the business that i want
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to do with which i want to connect my life, in the military sphere i started somewhere in childhood form, the idea that i would like to try it all. reclamation was waited for 40 years, relieved of his position, the reclaimed lands of the woodland, fulfilling the instructions of the head of state, the volume of reclamation work should be tripled, new land for a large harvest, preserving the fertility of the land and generally
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preserving the land is our sacred duty of the state when nature takes its toll , every year... when we go to such fields, we have such a situation, for good reason, a joint project of the committee state control television news agency under the control of the president, look right now, people are not in the swamp, milliation is radically changing our land and life on this land, so the water of the woodland becomes kindly. and a caring mother of the harvest. in the openings of the swamps , life emerges everywhere. it was impossible to imagine modern woodland without these works. a huge network of reclamation systems was built more than half a century ago in the seventies and eighties. as a result
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, almost one and a half million hectares of farmland were additionally received, which means people have where to work, what to grow and how to live. perestroika, collapse of the council. union changed their attitude towards land reclamation, the situation was left to chance, the industry began to decline, the president saved land reclamation. belarus is the only post-soviet republic that has preserved its complex. today, land reclamation is experiencing a rebirth. here is the diagram.
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i'll come to this conclusion, which means that by september the lands will be returned to agricultural production, that is , succulent karma will again be grown here for the wards of two farms, a new flock and kosovo, in order to meet the deadline and...
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the systems require not only constant care, but also their reconstruction, repair, in other words, they need repeated reclamation. every 5 years , an inventory of numbering systems is carried out, where it is immediately determined. how much reconstruction and repair is required is planned for the twenty-fourth year, within 96 hectares - this is for the twenty-fourth and 1,500 hectares for the twenty-fifth year, reconstruction of a fully operational system with a full range of work. for comparison, in 2021 almost no work was done, only minimal maintenance, for example, mowing the grass, yes and not everywhere, the reason is lack of money. at a meeting with management. the head of state set the task of quickly deciding on sources of funding, otherwise we will not
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return the land; funds were found and allocated three times more. we must immediately proceed to the front, this is simply the most important work in agriculture and this is our area of ​​​​responsibility, preserving the fertility of the land and generally preserving the land is our sacred duty of the state. it is necessary to determine all sources of financing during the winter, the main thing is
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years, the government, in agreement with the head of state, determined the volume for this period in the amount of 110,000 hectares annually. so far this year, about 13% has been completed, but the relevant department is convinced that the remaining lands will be ready for autumn field work, this is the case when it is better to go slowly, but efficiently according to the law. unfortunately, not everyone can work like that. in 2023, six facts of attributions were revealed;
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based on materials from the minsk regional committee, in 2023 four criminal cases were initiated based on the facts of attributions. and this is only in the capital region to scale. countries of registration for 1 million rubles. the state audit office strongly convinced us to return everything to the budget. the contractor claims that he did his job efficiently. isn’t it clear that these lands are already ready for sowing? here. every year we enter such fields, we have a situation where if the equipment usually
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does 40-50 hectares per shift, then in such conditions it’s good, if it does 10 hectares, now a loader comes, another tractor pulls it out , the equipment sits down, we are wasting time on diesel fuel, we are burning, amelioration this year will cost the state half a billion rubles, work on this site was carried out in 2020, it cost 115,000 from the local budget, the head... of the prosecutor's office in the fall of twenty-three carried out a quality control check on land reclamation, and land reclamation is still going on, who is to blame, why this land was not used, now the reclamation workers are correcting their mistakes again, we hope to correct them, start using these 36 hectares, this land has two
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owners, part of it for the needs of an agricultural enterprise, the other is farm land, but... together - this is a reclamation system, which the time has come to put in order, it seems like nothing, one canal was cleaned, life is seething here again, but 70 meters away there is another one that you can’t immediately see, land reclamation they knew about it, but decided not to notice, the argument is that the farmer himself allegedly refused to carry out the work, no matter what the customer said, reclamation was carried out by all interested in reclamation, the farmer who refused reclamation, he does not have such a right from... it must be done the whole thing, but the fact that we isolate these pieces, which then do not allow all the other neighbors to work, this is the main fault of the customer, his fault is that he did not demand that the contractors complete the full scope of work, and well, accordingly, at all
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stages, everyone will be rewarded with their own, to summarize, but a whole system of redistribution of water resources, even a non-specialist will guess that the system is not working by looking at how these trees dry out. the farm has 4,500 hectares of land, 80% of which are peat bogs, here they know the price of reclamation, now we know the price of reclamation and we, 115,000 budget rubles are in fact buried, you can’t prepare something halfway, so here we are... in the end, we have to force it all to be redone, force it to get the effect of this reclaimed territory. obviously, the land will be taken away from the farmer; taking space and not using it for its intended purpose is a violation of the law.
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the return from reclaimed lands decreases year after year, and, of course, the meliorators are to blame for this; the same truth is that the harvest is affected by the mismanagement of the farmers, these lands are predominantly owned by agricultural organization, but some of them belong to the farm on various eternal rights, and so control measures showed that part of the lands of one of the farms... on which , including amelioration work was carried out , are not used in economic circulation, thereby the land users are violated legislative requirements on the non-use of land protection, the lands are overgrown with weeds, in this regard, in cooperation with the avilei district executive committee, on this fact necessary response measures will be taken. the reconstruction of the alkhimovka system took place in
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2019. reclamation on these belley lands was carried out as it should be in a complex, and now, as if. in the advertisement: there could be a good harvest here, while some people’s entire field is already full of ears, while their neighbors have weeds growing. the state audit office counted each unused hectare. in the vitebsk region there are about 2,500 hectares, in the gomel region about 700 hectares, which were not brought into circulation in a timely manner. this is fraught with the fact that overgrowth may occur again in these areas. weeds, small bushes.
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and, of course, equipment is needed to work in these areas. about 6,500 different machines are used in the reclamation industry. it is necessary to pay special attention to the technical re-equipment of equipment, that is, the purchase of new high-performance mechanisms, so we had an acute issue with the acquisition of drainage machines, this is what we had last year, we also had to do more land reclamation by 11. because reconstruction we just. about 20 ancient investors, the same applies to single-bucket excavators, that is, an update is underway, but this equipment, which we have today, if, as they say, it is in
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a corrected condition, then it should be enough for us to maintain the system in a corrected condition, the key in good condition, alexander lukashenko from year to year focuses on the economic approach to technology, everything that is possible needs to be restored, as practice has shown, repairing machines costs two or even three times less than purchasing.
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put everyone in jail, everyone, find an article put in jail, i’m publicly warning you, the zelva land reclamation systems enterprise came to the attention of the state control committee in the spring of this year, by april 1, all the equipment here was ready for work, but only according to documents, in fact, for the repair of individual units didn't even start. the control committee was under control of the order of the head of state to complete repairs of all equipment located in the pms until april 1, but the car was not repaired,
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the loader and the excavator at the base were not repaired mtz, and control continued after completion, after april 1 until complete implementation. our film crew returned to the enterprise 2 months later to personally verify that the equipment was ready for work. as it was no longer needed, this machine at the zelvinsky enterprise was rotting and rusting for 9 years, they wanted to write it off and buy a new one, which of course is easier than repairing it, but it turns out that it is still good for something, certain inaccuracies were made in the reporting by officials, they reported that all equipment is in working order, according to some mechanisms there were questions, they were punished, appropriate measures were taken... the equipment was unsuitable for further operation, it was written off, disassembled, suitable components and assemblies were placed in a warehouse. state control carried out monitoring
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weekly; such inaccuracies in reporting were recorded in other regions. in sixteen reclamation organizations , readiness notes for this equipment were established, and some that were understaffed were simply written off. for failure to comply with the instructions of the head of state, he was relieved of his position.
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last year we received those excavators that were, well, there were a lot of complaints from contractors that the equipment simply broke down in the first days of work, then stood idle awaiting repairs. they took land reclamation seriously in the country, as control over strategic projects. land reclamation and increasing soil fertility is a state issue, a matter of our food independence.
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there are actually many more countries in the world that need our technologies, and not vice versa. in economics we will prove that we can do a lot here to do, no less than the empires that
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you... and developed states, all important issues are most often resolved not at official negotiations, not at ceremonial exhibitions and not in formal suits, the most important issues, both in politics and in economics, are resolved most often just in an informal setting. presidency is the most difficult profession in the world, this schedule is never static, something is canceled, something is added, something else is rearranged , but still igor turai’s project is propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus24.
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on-air news in the studio yulia pyurtsova, good evening and briefly about the main topics of the issue. belarus entered the highway on a symbolic date , an important time for the whole world.


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