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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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they knew where the houses were, this is absolutely, absolutely documented. the mound of glory is a national monument that grew up on the site of fierce battles, during which a group of one hundred and five thousand nazi troops was defeated. from all over the country, people carried soil soaked in blood from the cities of heroes, the site of military burials, mass graves. both memorials are places of special worship for the heroism of our people and the victims of that war. bembel worked a lot before this.
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74 thousand belarusian partisans who literally made the ground burn under their feet fascists. today, their stories are captured in a single narrative through archival documents. the union state library project is intended to present to a wide audience a publication dedicated to the bright pages of the history of russia and belarus, reliable materials about the heroic past of peoples, culture, traditions, and the bonds that bind belarusians and russians. so, through the union state , half a billion rubles were allocated to the museum. brest fortress. if it were not for the liberation of belarus, this is the eightieth anniversary of which we we note that yes, it means that if this had not happened, then there would be neither the belarusian nor the russian peoples, there would be no our states, because the plans that nazi germany set for itself were clearly understood. by the way, having grown up with the support of the collective west at that time, people don’t like to remember this, but we shouldn’t forget about it, so we must remember those tragic pages of our history associated with military events, yes, that genocide. multinational soviet
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of the people, which was carried out in the occupied territories, our people were not broken, their spirit remained powerful and strong. today in minsk is the second day of live auditions for the factor buy show, pre-castings, that’s what this stage of screenings is called, before the selected heroes appear in front of the star jury. the initial, but most difficult level, the requirements are simple: come with a passport, register , perform several diverse compositions without musical accompaniment. at first.
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944 years. the first belarusian front completed occupation in the lyakhovichi district of the brest region. liberated the city of turov. the third belarusian front captured the city, the large railway junction of molodechin, and liberated the city of smargon. during the day, the formation of four fronts liberated more than 400 settlements in belarus. fights are underway to eliminate a large enemy group in the minsk cauldron. there were 23 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. now i’m also taking a lot of risks by voicing this thing in public space. as a joke, my colleagues in the administration call me president representative of the presidential district. a lot of people called me after the president told me that the first deputy prime minister and the president’s press secretary were working on a project called.
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when not for real, then 18 hours so intensely without sleep and without a minute of rest, there are no negotiations, i have exactly the same format, the head of state calls, calls when he has something to ask or wants to listen to you, i’m demanding, and i am a tough leader, i understand that in this case i am not me, and they are not writing to me, talking to him and listening to him, i want to say that... not for a second, not for a split second, i had no doubt that everything would be fine, i really want more initiative, we can and should work even more interestingly and even more professionally and better quality, we don’t have this under the heading of information, in no case, there is no directing and there cannot be, we’ll leave it to those who don’t know how to do it any other way.
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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent.” victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest is the press secretary of the president of the republic belarus, natalya eismand. good afternoon, natalya nikolaevna. good afternoon. we are very glad to see you in our studio at the end of the season. and we read that on november 6 you took office in 2014. simple mathematics tells us that soon...
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i have been working in my current position for 10 years, oh, i think you understand perfectly well that there were so many events during this time that there is no way to place them in one photo album, this is at least a whole a photo gallery or a series of photo albums, so to speak... if i hadn’t visited, this, well, it seems to me, impressive, i myself was impressed by this figure, you should not have a photo album, but a map where, you know, you color in the countries where there is such a map, there is such a map in the phone, but our events within the country are absolutely and honestly, absolutely sincere i can
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say that they are no less interesting, maybe not in the moment, in the moment you are busy implementing the tasks assigned to you to implement them, but from the passing. last week the president came to derzhinsk. even though i’m from iminsk, i consider derzhinsk, this city, my small homeland. city difficult, i am very worried about him, as a joke
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my colleagues in the presidential administration, many, they know this, call me the presidential commissioner for derzhinsky and derzhinsky district. why? because when i go there i tell you what’s good, well, i concentrate on there, i very often, if possible, of course, shared and share with colleagues in the administration and sometimes from the head of state my impressions of what’s bad, i really want this to be my hometown, as i consider it, this is what i repeat, at first glance, it’s enough an ordinary event on the president’s schedule for me, according to my emotions, according to my feelings, it became epoch-making, or something, it became...
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extreme responsibility, you know, in preparing an event with the participation of the president , there are no trifles, this is our base, but such, conditionally, let's call it that, extreme, it begins at the moment when we switch to the format of improvisation, and of course there is enough of it, we are preparing an event, and of course, the president always starts from this, but when these moments that everyone loves very much, when the president...
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we don’t understand how and where this will happen, if we talk about some kind of extreme preparation conditions for the event, then i remember these are the negotiations of the norman four at the palace of independence in 2015. in this case, if we take the organizational, and not the political, context, it is clear to everyone, a lot has been said about it. there , the essence of the moment was that, of course, in an extremely short time, we could prepare an event for which, well, without exaggeration, everyone’s eyes were riveted all over the world. literally in a matter of days and hours, we prepared an event that she immediately attended.
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so: when it’s not real, then 17 hours are so tense, without sleep without a minute of rest, it really was like that, there are no negotiations, the tension that was in the air, it spoke for itself, and we remember all this, and of course , this is the event, we are talking about 10 years, if we return to the topic of my personal impressions, which are among the most difficult and most memorable, you understand perfectly well?
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the main slogan was, send the walkers to me, we we can’t cut a bottle there in half , we can’t shove sausage or meat in there, we can’t, there are fries there, and we can’t, we can’t do anything, i think, let me check whether we can or can’t, the press secretary is sitting, i say , i was at mcdonald's, i was, you know what it is, i know, you will control it, i work in the government snaps, in a strong-willed way, it was assigned to two characters
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to work, but at the same time, with everything, with this relative freedom, you naturally have to be 24 hours on line, and a call from the president and the report to the president by telephone, first of all, naturally, can take place at any time, often this happens on weekends, i have a government telephone number at home, a closed connection, on which you can discuss any
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urgent, burning, urgent the question is, if god forbid something happens, there is no such format. that i really wanted to call the president, of course not, moreover, i want to say, this is an important point, the president communicates on a daily basis with all the highest and highest officials of our country, especially with those responsible in the most important areas, with the leadership of the entire power bloc, they are constantly reporting to the president in the same way, well, depending on the situation, there is no need to tell you about it.
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communications, you asked what we are talking about, well, in broad categories, then of course, first of all, this is the media agenda, and these are the events that happened from the most pressing, perhaps they need comments, perhaps they need further elaboration in the development of the topic , we always have a huge number of requests from journalists, from private specific questions to requests for interviews, this is naturally also promptly reported to the president, and we are working on everything with my colleagues from the administration and... colleagues from the ministry of foreign affairs, but the president must be aware. sometimes, you know, i call my mobile phone a book of complaints and suggestions. for me, my phone number has not changed for many years, it was naturally in all the black books and so on. and it is widely available and i
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receive a huge number of requests to the president first of all. they write very different people, you would be very surprised now. definitely not because i want to indulge in some kind of writing, that’s definitely not the case, but i perfectly understand the importance of this moment, i understand perfectly well that our enemies will tell , write, leave behind all this, all this lies that is upon us today pours out, we must, we must speak someday, when we can say it, when we are allowed
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to speak about it, and the moment comes, we must leave behind this truth, we must... the first president of our country, and then , what he knows, of course, no one knows, i really hope, i really believe in it, that such a book or a series of books will one day see the light, soon, at the right moment, everything should happen on time, if you remember yourself, say 10 years back to your current self, yes, what has changed in your character,
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maybe you adopted some traits from the president, or maybe something didn’t work out? what has changed in my character, this, of course, is best to ask my relatives, my family, my friends, they can probably tell you a lot of interesting things, how to evaluate this yourself, well, it’s somewhat difficult to do this, nevertheless, well, to be completely objective, of course, i’m also trying to think about it, analyze it, well, first of all, we’ve gone through everything in these 10 years and i personally have undergone very serious training in all senses. then they can also tell you a lot of interesting things, if they tell the truth, tell you, i am demanding, and i am a tough leader, from, probably, the constant awareness of
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the responsibility you bear, we show the president of the country to the whole world, and i, working for every event with the president, i understand that with our eyes, in fact, through the lenses of our video cameras, the press service, first of all, the presidential pool, now on the president... and i teach my subordinates to think about where we did not work, where we could have helped to avoid this, where we could have intensified, accelerated, yes, of course, i
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will ask those who made this mistake, but i will always think about how we can do this in the first place in order to avoid such situations in the future, and you also know , a little more personal, well, firstly, i learned to be open exactly...
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i’m probably learning as a president to understand many processes, perhaps even forgive some people, i haven’t learned this yet, well , now we’re taking this again after tasting the events of the twentieth year, which were acute for us, i i just know and see how the president in any situation, in any, i won’t be specific, puts the interests of the country, and not some personal, maybe... grievances, i’ll say, rudely, or emotions to the fore. this, if we talk about what you have not yet learned from the president, and i remember, yes, that you then spoke with
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the first interviews after these hot events said that among those who betrayed, the first were those whom alexander grigorievich personally helped, and this is so understandable, for some reason the first to rush with a knife in the back are those closest to them, there is an expression, a man biting the hand that feeds him. uh-huh, he licks the boot of the one who kicks him, and for now we ’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we have connections, since... when choosing zucchini, it’s important to consider method of their preparation, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the integrity of the fruit and its
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skin, in no case should there be any cracks or damage on the skin, a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. nikita, looking at the ingredients, i honestly can’t even imagine what you and i are cooking today, but you will be preparing all the... eggplant pancakes, and i will be preparing stuffed zucchini. today, friends, is a celebration of the belly, and let’s not forget about invigorating exercises. first exercise - we will stretch the muscles of the neck, lower our head down, put our hand on our ear and stretch our other hand back to the side, do this several times. watch in the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today our guest is the press secretary of the president of the republic of belarus natalya eismand. natalya nikolaevna, since we have already mentioned 2020, we cannot help but ask you about how the president behaved during these days, the difficult august days, what did he say? well, here you are, everything is actually on the screen. often asked i have this question, many people after 20. this year have expanded greatly, the circle of communication, the format of work has seriously expanded, the simplest example is that people from all over our country come for an excursion, very ordinary people, when we’ve already met, when we’ve been talking for 2 hours, we go , we look, the halls, the chairs where the president works here in the museum, in the museum we have a small exhibition dedicated to the events of the twentieth year, a machine gun, that same collage, a painting based on real events, and
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of course people get in.
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every day there was an opportunity to see and hear head of state, to attend not all, of course, but many important meetings, to take part in various events, to speak with the president on an ongoing basis, then naturally on the phone, and talking to him and listening to him, i want to say that not for a second, not for a split second... i had no doubt that everything would be fine, as when this, of course, was the question, but you were imbued with this confidence and its strength, this is what i ’m talking about now, to people who are far away looked and worried, because they had no one to look after was fueled, they talked with friends, neighbors, acquaintances, the excitement
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was perhaps only growing, the president was natural. he was incredibly immersed in all processes, was constantly in touch with everyone, we had a situation center in our palace on the third floor in the meeting room of the security council, on weekends the president worked there, 24-hour communication, 24-hour reports by phone, the president wanted to see the situation from the inside, he talked with those guys, with the unit commanders who were directly in the process of...
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film, why do you think the twentieth year became this watershed, well, we had more than one election, yes, the tenth year, the fifteenth, the twentieth year became like this, and the historical context, the historical moment, a lot of things, and the president talked a lot about this, maybe i don’t want to repeat myself somewhere, the same pandemic, yeah, this is the most important factor that simply distracted everyone’s attention, and most importantly the attention of the president, he... also admitted this, no political campaign , only, well, everyone knows the president’s immersion in those processes, the processes in the healthcare sector, the president did just that every day, just like here he turned out to be right too, he turned out to be right, who would admit it today, but of course they haven’t accused for a long time , they have not been reproaching for a long time, they are simply silent, they only report that their
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vaccinations are deadly. it’s impossible not to say this when answering your question, the standard of living in our country, the way of life of our people, when people have become much more... if 2020 had not been in our lives, it should have been, as alexander grigorievich recently said, i will come to an agreement with my people, he has already tested this formula many times and for many years, it works, but let’s talk
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a little more about the telegram channel, why natalya nikolaevna would like to discuss it with you, because i have heard more than once that you are doing it alone, is this true, this is the first question, alone? it seems to me that the funniest thing is when you talk about it, your laughter is the answer to this question, for me in general it’s been a surprise for the last few years that so many questions have arisen about this telegram channel, i of course understand both its role and its significance, well, at least let’s dot the points and, in principle, i have such an indirect relationship with the telegram channel, well, naturally, it cannot exist and some news and posts cannot exist there. to go out, everyone understands this perfectly well, without my direct participation, but to speak directly, specifically, not a single post has ever been launched by me personally, and not a single day the channel was created in the fall of 2019, not a single
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day did i have, well , in modern language, an administrator button, never a telegram channel - i will say this, a team of like-minded people, moreover, a team of enthusiasts, no special staff was recruited there and is not being recruited , there are guys representing different media working there, i was once a manager, they also tortured me about this, even they don’t know, but there are guys working there representing all of our republican media, it’s not classified in our country information under no circumstances.
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there are 5 minutes left, and at 5:12 i’m recruiting the head of the channel, and not the manager, the chairman, most often a mid-level manager, in order to naturally shorten this chain as much as possible, sometimes the deputy
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director of a television news agency, or if i know someone, then right up to the production editor, maybe i dictate this format so that in 5 minutes this information will already be on the air, in these 5 minutes it will be absolutely calm.
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and first you throw it as a
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belt journalist, then immediately instantly duplicate it in group, we have a group with media managers, promptly, then the editorial board of the first pool, and then, excuse me, who’s first, i used to think about this especially often, a few years after the creation of this telegram channel, just massively, the most different people, from ordinary people, from the youth with whom we communicate to the highest officials of our country, began... to tell me about this and say that for them the most important source of obtaining information about the activities of the president is half past twelve, not because everything is so good there, you can work much better, i also criticize them very seriously, but in general and in general, i then realized that of course this is actually already a full-fledged source of information, but well , we haven’t registered the media yet, but at least a full-fledged source of information for too many people . how do you decide what to broadcast, what to publish, and what not
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to publish? the base is the president’s schedule, it is covered everywhere by all the media and not only by the first pool, but by all the telegram channels that we have in our circle, and not only in our circle, in russian telegram channels, they still watch them, read them, and these are also full-fledged sources of information now, so the president’s schedule is the basis - this is the base, then, of course, just some variety if possible, again, i say again , that i understand perfectly well that we can, moreover, we must, all of us, not only half past twelve, we you, all those of the journalists and media managers who are watching us now, can and must work even more interestingly and even more professionally and with better quality , there are reserves for this, there is potential for this, i and i demand it, because i know it, i really want more initiative, i really want what i’m missing from... the main and main thing, this is precisely the initiative of some creative
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ideas, something for which i may have , sometimes there is not enough time, i try to think about something, come up with something all the time, but it’s not always possible to achieve a very large volume of tasks, so natalya nikolaevna, your husband, ivan mikhailovich eismand, the other day literally announced the release of a new information channel, like you are deeply immersed in this agenda, we are here for now hid from... everything that happened at this presentation, but nevertheless, it has already taken place for those who should be aware of the opening of this channel, and will this become the very platform to which you will finally say, well, yes, well done, they approach the matter creatively, regarding immersion, it is as deep as one can imagine, we are constantly working on this project with... my colleague, deputy head of the presidential administration vladimir borisovich pertsov,
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he is still a minister information started, and is now continuing, of course, ivan mikhailovich and your semi-leaders, who have been appointed to participate in the implementation of this project, in my opinion, this is a truly landmark project for the entire media sphere, it is in our common interests that it be very , very lively, operational platform, we want there to be a lot of live broadcasts of the most important political events. much more, albeit brief inclusions, and we will naturally follow this path, well, we just started a little later, the managers of your channel are not missed the moment and invited me for literally a few minutes to the neighboring studio, we went into the control room in which the director’s team will work on the information channel, and we went into the studio, it is of course still in such a far from assembled state, but i too for itself is a turning point.
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and here it allows me to work in such a way that now no nostalgic notes arise, but at the same time, of course, there was such a warm feeling when i return to these walls, well, you are a dangerous press secretary, of course, because that you can’t tell you why you didn’t do it, that is, you know everything about journalistic work, yes, of course, absolutely, and it helped me a lot at first, of course, especially
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at the beginning, when i had to go into many processes, i feel that colossal responsibility in each moment, well, i know this. we need to compose, content, we stand in front of them, we need to write even though
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our enemies have a problem, they don’t have something, there is nothing to write about, we need to lie and invent what concerns me and what concerns our family. i'll just say we they would win any court case, they lie, they themselves are perfectly fine, they know, well, what to do about it, we, if we talk about personal things, unfortunately, are used to living with it, this phenomenon has been around for more than one year, and if we talk about state, then we must work with this, and the president has set a task, we must carry it out, to form immunity in our people to all this information. vbrorosom process. let's start for a while, after a short pause we'll return to this studio again. for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our releases on youtube channel belarus 1.
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they know for sure. what is success on sports grounds? she actively expresses herself not only in front of the screen, but on sports grounds, she has worked as a volunteer at many major tournaments, and she herself prefers dancing and zumba. at one time he played in the svisloch football club in the second league of the belarusian championship, and was also the captain of the amateur hockey team red fire. but what will be the result in a real battle of intellects. what is the name of the element representing gymnastics ?
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this is the program say don’t be silent, our guests today, press secretary of the president of the republic of belarus natalya eisman. you have already said, natalya nikolaevna, that our president is active, public, and not always everything goes according to plan, but we cannot help but ask you, official. the statement that the president will take part in the upcoming election campaign has already been made or not, but it has already been made, as some publications interpret that it was made, other publications do not interpret it that way, so we are asking you personally, it is clear where the legs grow from in this
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situation, in march of this year at a women's forum in such a very good company, the president commented on this moment for the first time, answered... the question, well, a thousand girls and women from all over the country, of course, he did not leave this question unanswered, who... then he asked a question, will you go to the elections, i didn’t listen to the end of it, i’ll go, i’ll go, this, this doesn’t mean that i have already decided and made a decision, i just wanted to tell them, yes i will go, calm down, many of you, i i understand perfectly well, it’s just that back then they were very active, it was our journalists, our... people, somewhere maybe even wishful thinking, and this can be perfectly understood, and this is not bad. i will answer this question this way: we really want this. moreover, i will even say somewhere sharply, we insist that it be so, we mean this in the broad sense of the word, this is , of course, not only those who work with
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the president, not only all of you, well, i suppose, journalists, everyone our people, there are millions of us, it’s true, we insist, but the decision is naturally up to the president, and he, as always happens with us, at the right moment, when he makes this decision when he deems it necessary, himself... will say about this, we note that many successful brands in the country are associated with the first person of the state, let's name in this series the pool of the first, the merch of the first, the first handel house, and finally, the first information channel, which we have already mentioned, how would you appreciated the historical structure of the moment belarus really is experiencing many things for the first time, the republic of belarus is our country, although it is certainly strong, although it is certainly established, but still of course...
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conditions, there is no need to tell and specify to remember what is in the world is happening now, you just need to open your news feed, of course, for the first time , such a hot conflict is so close to us, in our sovereign history, this is of course also a very important factor, this is our historical context, and we are a state in the very center of europe, no, probably now country in the world, which would not be affected by everything that... happens globally to a greater extent, to a lesser extent, but we are a country in the very center of europe, all processes reflect directly on
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us, we are at the intersection of those same geopolitical paths, and such difficult historical context, naturally for the first time within the country, well, of course, we are probably for the first time so seriously improving our political system, the all-belarusian people's assembly, we talk a lot about it and you... you talk about it, we are mastering a lot for the first time, although we have already achieved a lot, but yes, this is the first time is also happening, and we are developing technologically, our very space program, and many other things that we are mastering, the peaceful atom and so on, this is all for the first time, i think that we will not even manage to cope, there is no doubt about it, we will continue to develop, it’s not for nothing that the president says the time of opportunity is now. you know, tomorrow scares so many of our viewers, and we are thinking about whether there will be a war, whether there will be, and so on, these are
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very simple things that worry us, do you have peace of mind and confidence that everything will be fine, as then in the twentieth, i know that the main thing that the president is now focused on is to ensure that this fragile peace is preserved, this fragile balance, the belarusian balance that we now have, precisely against the background of that... under no circumstances relax. it is known that our president is the number one music maker, not only for our country, but for the whole world, but for the press secretary, is this rather a blessing or
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is it still a reason for insomnia? this is at the same time an unconditional blessing, well, a reason for insomnia, including the president, the speaker, in modern language, he calls himself a lecturer. the president knows how and loves to communicate with the audience, and of course, for a press secretary... this is simply the best leader, because i know absolutely exactly, and you never have to worry about doubting that the president will answer all the questions of our people, journalists, opponents, it is, of course, a pleasure to work with this, and the fact that insomnia is only that responsibility, i no longer since i mentioned this in our conversation, it’s a colossal burden on you, especially... at the present moment, well, this is also more of a passing moment, internal, somewhere feminine, maybe because the president knows what
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to say and how to say, our task is primary. natalya nikolaevna, what a girly question, excuse me, but we can’t help but ask it, because our group is predominantly female, tell me, don’t be silent, how do you look so amazing and how did you lose so much weight? well, yes, this is one of the most popular questions that i personally have been asked over the last six months, first of all, there is little interest in any kind of behind-the-scenes details. political processes, the first question is always this from completely different people, in short, willpower and nothing, that’s all, internal attitude, internal attitude is very important, it’s important to tell yourself now or never, as my plesetskaya taught, everything is absolutely, terrible, the most difficult is the simplest, it just seems, believe me, in my case, looking back, i’m simply amazed
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at how easy it was, yes, and, well just everything, all the different genres are mixed here, used, and we see farce, and we see slapstick, and we see tragicomedy, and comedy, and tragedy is right next to us, we see everything, unfortunately, in fact, in fact , politicians, especially westerners, use these techniques very often, as for our
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realities, not as a press secretary, but as a person, we faced harsh criticism on this matter when we tried, well, at least somehow to create that very base, but it is clear that the president doesn’t give a damn about everyone and 8: 15, the longest event in the history of our country, a big conversation with the president august 9, 2021, 8:15, how this can be staged, we are sometimes told, questions have been prepared and distributed to everyone, how it can
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be staged 8:15, 300 people in the hall, in including, but very spicy. there is no direction and cannot be, let’s leave it break for 8 hours to talk, no for those who have a different opinion, well, i remember that these 8 hours then have millions of views, that is, well, the level of dramatic tension, yes, as the president himself says, he is a lecturer, yes, live broadcasts with simultaneous translation into english and german, it’s simply not unsurpassed, but here you, as
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a press secretary, are lucky to have a leader. with such a leader you are loaded, thank you very much for coming, because well , first of all, for openness through you, here we are we have the opportunity to hear what the leader of the state is thinking about, how to get at least a little closer to the mood, plans for the future, and generally learn some behind-the-scenes details from the life of the top officials of the state.
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something needs to be told, but not today, and nevertheless, i am absolutely sure that time will pass, which, as usual, puts everything in its place, the time will come when everything will be fully appreciated, what has been done, everything that is done every day for each of us and for all ours with you... natalya nikolaevna, today we discussed a lot about the historical moment, that we live in such a turning point, but i would like to record the fact of your presence in our studio, also financially, so leave us your wishes and an autograph.
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the time has chosen, we must comply.
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this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day on the calendar friday, july 5, see the issue. shanghai cooperation organization.
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