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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day on the calendar friday, july 5, see the issue. shanghai cooperation organization. a model
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of a successful world order and we are full participants with our initiatives , we will talk with experts about the historical event. systemic build-up of nato coalition forces and ukrainian troops along the belarusian border. today the general staff of belarus assessed what is happening. there is a good harvest in the fields of belarus, the main thing is to collect everything on time. at a meeting in the government today , the coherence of the company was assessed. landscaping, water quality and construction of new facilities. we spent one day with a member of the national assembly. what issues have already been resolved and what is on the agenda today? see below. kilometer-long foot courts and shopping arcades, presentation of belarusian brands and merchandise of the first, as well as the ruler of the village and a lot of sports. there is less than a day left until the most soulful summer holiday, kupala in alexandria. two anniversaries, cult. places for belarusians.
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it is 55 years since the opening of the khatyn and mound of glory memorials. on our broadcast, the history of the monuments will be told by their authors. belarus is proud to have become a full member of the sco. the key words of the president at the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization in ostan scattered across many media. an association that is a little over 20 years old. has become a real mouthpiece of eurasia, economic, geopolitical and strategic, and most importantly, it is our people. the sco charter clearly states that the organization, unlike nato, is not aimed at deterrence or antagonism, but the western media attacked the summit from all sides, calling the platform a legitimization of the putin regimes and sidinpina. what really happened in the fields?
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members of the organization for unanimous support of this decision, just a few words about specific areas to which we, as a full participant, plan to pay increased attention: firstly, this is international security, we are deeply convinced that in the 21st century it is necessary to build genuine and indivisible global security, in doing so, we must take the initiative...
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the acceptance of belarus, which borders the european union, really highlights how the sco's mission has changed for last few years. the sco has become the most important diplomatic one. channels, and as
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china's relations with the us have deteriorated sharply, beijing is now less concerned about the sco being labeled as an anti-western organization, a perception that has only deepened since the recognition... they want the sco to be perceived as a major bloc that can no longer be ignored. after the accession of all these countries, china and russia show that they have many supporters of their worldviews. cnn is barking, minsk is coming, let's go, and the one we've known for the last 10 years is like three whales american geopolitics, sanctions, wars and a unipolar world, we can already say exactly what happened to washington’s atlanta, food security. we are challenged in this area not only by traditional factors, climate change, natural disasters, but also by artificial barriers, including illegal sanctions on mineral fertilizers, equipment, plant protection products, routes, and supplies. as
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a result, people in developing countries, including the poorest countries in asia, africa, and latin america, are forced to starve. v we have the power to destroy the walls of a unipolar world, feed people, eliminating many contradictions and conflicts due to social inequality, food and resource shortages. but for such an organization to be friends against is petty and ineffective, here are more than twenty documents, the anti-drug strategy and the ostanino declaration sound much more weighty and meaningful for the future.
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all other countries, the west, using such pirate methods over the centuries, created the foundation of its wealth, political, economic and military superiority. the washington-london hegemon views the world
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as his property; for him, the multi-billion-strong population of the planet is not people, a means to achieve personal well-being. that's all political economy is. development of greater eurasia, moving away from the dollar, whatever one may say, but evergreen pieces of paper set the tone for global finance and trade turnover, yes, there is progress, we are switching from russia to payments in rubles, china is introducing its yuan, but so far this is a drop in east china sea. for
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belarus, joining the sco is a way to ensure own sovereignty. the western system of trade was based on and exploited the dominance of the dollar. how good nato countries are for imposing their political will on other countries. minsk, the belarusian people, rebelled against this system and faced sanctions aggression along with russia. therefore, it is now very important to build relationships with other groups of countries that want to live by their own minds, their own political culture, without orders from washington. the leaders of the summit also touched upon the topic of the ukrainian conflict, despite the kiev echo chamber and to the thesis that putin is out for blood, the russian president again emphasized: we are ready to negotiate, and the sco is not anti-nato by design, opponents, don’t distort it. leaders of countries. sco members have stated from the very beginning that the organization is not an alternative to nato, but the sco, which continues
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to expand, is seen as one of the important centers of a multipolar world order, which russia and china are talking about more and more often, among the reasons pushing russia and china to this search , we can call the deterioration of us relations with russia due to the ukrainian problems with china over the taiwan issue, concerns of both powers regarding the american hege.
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scientific potential both for themselves and for allied states. the development perspective is of the most global nature. belarus is geographically eastern europe. and by becoming a member of the sco, minsk is de facto expanding the boundaries of the shanghai cooperation organization. with belarus joining the sco, the western design of... isolating your country, you see, such an amazing thing, surprising in that they could not calculate
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it in the west, that is, while they were broadcasting that belarus and russia were isolated, we are the countries of the union state, as well as china, kazakhstan, and other powers, were able to unite and build such a new model of global development. within the framework of the sco, and what is the west, and what is the west? we now see that it is taking ever-greater steps towards de-industrialization and industrial degradation. the fact that belarus has become a full member of the sho is a sign of special importance and a cause for pride for belarusians and russians. this opinion was shared by the secretary of state union state dmitry mezintsev. for several years he was the secretary general of the sco, so he is grateful for the right to be involved in the processes that led belarus to acquiring the status of full rights.
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a new level, this is a new framework, this is success.
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interest in official minsk is now being shown on at least four continents. the project “clear politics, great journey” was convinced of this by traveling even to very remote corners of our planet. 60 thousand kilometers and a dozen countries. listen to what their leaders say about belarus. on different languages, this is a man who cares about the country, without lukashenko in such a geographical position...
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mr. lukashenko is a very strong man, a strong leader who has great respect for his people, he has been promoting the development of the republic of belarus for many years. i believe that belarus under lukashenko's presidency will be a very strong country in the future.
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well, the collective, or rather the occupied west, is also showing interest in us, but not at all healthy, militaristic and aggressive. near the western borders of belarus on the situation on the border around belarus, as well as analysis of ongoing maneuvers, movement of equipment and increase in numbers. troops, only the neighbors have already had more than 200 different types of exercises since the beginning of the year. vladimir korolev summarized all theses. according to the department, today 10 multinational combat tactical groups with a total number of over 11 thousand people have been deployed in poland and the baltic countries alone, and this does not take into account the military
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formations of the national armed forces of their neighbors. the setting is also against this backdrop. on our southern border remains tense and challenging. just a few years ago, to protect the ukrainian-belarusian section of the state border, exclusively regular forces of the state border guard service of ukraine numbering about 4,500 military personnel were involved. however, already from the second half of the twentieth year , near the border, the belarusian military recorded an increase in presence due to the involvement of reconnaissance units, the formation of territorial troops, as well.
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composition of mechanized formations, territorial defense brigades, national police and the national guard of ukraine. at the same time , the movement of heavy equipment, including tanks, artillery, and air defense systems, is recorded in border areas. according to the department, the units carried out tasks not only to strengthen the protection of the border of the border territory of belarus. the ukrainian country has carried out engineering equipment in border areas at an accelerated pace.
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we have analyzed the situation, we understand perfectly well that we do not need any aggravation, we have always talked about this, ukrainians
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understand that we will respond, and as recently some of my journalist friends in russia said that lukashenko has positive color blindness, he is color blind, he will not draw any lines, the answer will be terrible, you know, if someone... approaches that border, where i served, and i know well what the border is, i’m not just a good talker, night blindness can fall on me, so the answer will really be tough and sharp. in the interests of ensuring border security, belarus regularly conducts joint training of diverse forces to respond to possible provocations and incidents, the air defense forces on duty have been strengthened, as well as the development of surveillance and control systems, which allows us
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to constantly monitor the situation on the border and respond to its changes in a timely manner. the ministry of defense noted that despite the difficult situation on the border on the belarusian side there is no escalation and there will not be, however, our country will be forced to respond to provocations and incidents. vladimir. the anglo-saxons simply force their eurovassals to escalate the situation, while they themselves problems are through the roof, they have no time for kyiv. therefore , ukraine will simply be forced to negotiate, but on what terms? the main topics of the week are discussed by experts and guests of the editors' club, the ruling elites of europe are miserably losing elections, economic assets are flowing overseas. in the usa, on the other hand , a new strong support of the multipolar world is growing, and belarus is now its full participant. the more their sanctions, the more
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their disrespect, the more of this mentoring look at us, the more we will unite in such associations as sco, brix, eac, cis, we will integrate, because in principle we have everything to be friends on our own. hungary continues its movement towards peace; after a visit to kiev, viktor orban arrived in moscow,
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where he met with russian president vladimir putin. the parties had a frank conversation on pressing issues, including the situation around ukraine. as the russian leader noted, today kiev does not want to resolve issues diplomatically; ukraine’s sponsors continue to use the country and its people. as a battering ram and victim. in its turn, the hungarian prime minister said: the conflict is hitting the european economy hard and its continuation is not the desire of the people. the greatest development of europe happened precisely in the peaceful decade, but now we have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years. this is causing enormous difficulties in europe, we cannot feel safe, we see pictures of destruction and suffering, and this war has already begun to have an impact on... one
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after another they began to accuse budapest of destroying european unity, the outgoing head of the european council michel said, what hungary's presidency of the eec council does not give it the right to interact with russia on behalf of the entire european union. the prime minister of estonia called orban a troublemaker, and the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the bundestag completely called the visit a scandal and called on the hungarian government to resign from the post of chairman. however. officially, budapest responded unequivocally: hungary is a sovereign country and acts in the interests of the people, and therefore there is no need to pay attention to such criticism. well, here is a real example of what the shortsightedness of politicians in the matter of choice leads to between the interests of its own citizens and serving washington, including supporting kiev. power is changing again in britain. citizens no longer intend
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to pay for the ukrainian conflict. at a loss to yourself. for the first time in 14 years , laborists won the parliamentary elections. the conservatives had their worst showing ever . the king of great britain has already accepted sunak's resignation. labor leader keir starmer became the new prime minister. and here is his first statement about perestroika. changing a country is not just a matter of flipping a switch. this hard work, patient and determined. we are beginning a new chapter, beginning the work of change, the mission of national renewal and the rebuilding of our country. it is hardly worth expecting changes; as experts believe, the new government will continue to move in line with us policy, including support for kiev, perhaps a little quieter
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and a little less. size. the main challenge for the laborists is solving internal problems, however, some other changes took place during the elections. the party of reformists, opponents of the war in ukraine, received 13 parliamentary mandates. this is not much, of course, but it gives hope that the voice of the movement will be heard. a hurricane of change is also brewing in france, the country is awaiting the second round of early parliamentary elections. according to polls, the party is national. the popularity of the far right is explained by the country's disillusionment with macron and his circle, belligerent rhetoric, exorbitant spending on ukraine, inflation, falling living standards and illegal migration, all of which are attributed to emmanuel, who was raised by washington. people are disappointed
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in politics and the economic situation under macron, we hoped that everything would change for the better, but no, in the end we said, we need another solution, another government, and you know what, thanks to macron, the olympic games were in danger, head mock considered canceling. thomas plans to make a final decision by mid-july, according to sports officials.
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the weather is generally conducive to good growth rates, plans for karavai 2024 are big, and it is important to fulfill the president’s instructions for growth agricultural production by 6-7% compared to 2023. to do this, agricultural organizations need to obtain about 10 million tons of grain, more than a million tons of rapeseed, 5 million tons of sugar beets, more than a million tons of potatoes, and up to six vegetables. the harvesters are already setting their first records. to date, farmers have harvested more than 137 winter barley, which is almost 52% of the plan. last year this figure, as of this date, was only 6.5%. the government assessed the coherence of the cleaning company today at a conference call, discussing the pace of work with the availability of personnel and equipment. about work
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in the summer, which is fed for a year. the main task for farmers this year is to increase agricultural production by 6-7%. to do this, we need to add all our grain bins, rapeseed, sugar beets, and all the vegetables. today there is a good harvest in the fields, but it is always important not just to grow, but to harvest everything correctly. the prime minister paid special attention to this at the conference call, so that work would not be delayed for secondary reasons. proactive systemic, financial and organizational decisions have been made at the government level to conduct field works, in turn from local authorities and personally from each manager.
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of course, it shouldn’t be idle; all harvesters must be used. 90% of the farms have their own domestic equipment, all requests for equipment have been fulfilled, and we have done a lot for the fields and farms ourselves recently. everything is high-tech and in no way inferior to previous imports at a better price, sometimes half cheaper. the enterprise of the system of the ministry of industry of the republic of belarus is ready to fully satisfy almost the entire line necessary for our technicians. every year , enterprises of the ministry of industry develop new models of equipment. in the very near future we will introduce new tractors with a capacity of over 500 horsepower to our market . this is the type of energy-rich vehicle that
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farmers are looking forward to. this will be an import-substituting product that will allow us to carry out, highly productively, a whole range of agricultural works. this year we will also present it to our farmers. expected model a forage harvester with an engine power of 650 horsepower, it is a completely import-substituted machine, which consists of components from belarus, russia and friendly countries. and this process of updating agricultural equipment is ongoing. technologies are changing, it is important for us to keep up with them, because the speed of work, the quality of grain and, of course, the weight of the overall loaf depend on them. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh, telenovosti agency. the final of the republican project vlastelin sat down with the most hard-working creative family in the country, the kupala festival program started today, and tomorrow the winners will be awarded in alexandria. now, on
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the picturesque bank of the dnieper , the final preparations for the festival are being completed, where, according to tradition , friends and guests of belarus will gather on kupala night. let's find out how the preparations are going, from our correspondent andrei yastrebov. there is less than a day left before the start of everyone’s favorite and long-awaited holiday here in the agricultural town of alexandria, as we see, on the main stage, the last runs, the foot courts and courtyards are ready, the most talented and original the country's artists are already planning to travel to alexandria. oh, you swim, swim, little one, swim, my little one, swim, don’t drown, this is our tradition of giving the best, especially for the guests of the bathing holiday in alexandria the artist shares.
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a holiday where everyone gives each other a good mood, this time we are also expecting guests to come to our backyard, we will give you songs one by one, more than a hundred masters, announced this time for the holidays, were bought from... russia, uzbekistan, azerbaijan, but the most representative cultural landing from there are over 200 unveyites in belarus. it’s hot now in kuznya with sergei kudikov, a festival participant. the flowers have been forged, yes, all we have to do here is finish the copper wire, in principle , you and i should finish it by this evening. in tender hands, the metal turns into a kupala menok, by the way, a symbol of the current holiday. there is a dream, says the folk master, to unite all the blacksmiths under him, create a creative union, invites everyone to a bath. it all probably started with...
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small concert venues will start tomorrow work from 12:00, it will be interesting to get acquainted with
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the folklore of the places and cities where the guests will come from. by the way, take a closer look, there will be stars among them, they are always happy to sign selfies. we are expecting a big concert allied stars visiting alexandria, with the participation of russian artists nadezhda krygina, the sretensky monastery choir, honored artist of the russian federation zara, alexandra ponayotova, our favorite belarusian artists such as ruslan olikhnoy, irina dorofeeva, alena lonskaya. tomorrow, too, at a festival in alexandria, and the organizers have also prepared a large
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sports program, a master class in workout, an open strength tournament in powerlifting, a tourist presentation of agricultural estates and sanatoriums will be held, come, it will be interesting. andrey yastrebo, vasily fataliev, tv news agency, a deputy cannot have any obstacles to interact with voters, including when considering citizens’ appeals. this was stated by the speaker of the upper house of parliament natalya kachanova at a meeting with. deputies of the minsk city council twenty deputies ninth convocation. working in the capital imposes additional responsibility when it is necessary to respond as quickly as possible to the daily changing situation. the speaker directed the city council to interact with public organizations in order to fully and quickly implement all the tasks facing the deputy corps. this is more than 12 thousand people, including 110 deputies of the lower house of parliament. and
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our state is developing. economic sovereignty depends directly on our citizens, it is important create all conditions for a comfortable life. working with the population is the work of the deputy corps, from water quality to the construction of new social facilities. hear local problems. to help in solving them, we continue to talk about our parliamentarians, daria rochko will continue: there were stair steps that led to the store and the railings were in ruins, it was impossible to approach. okolitsa village, local store. it’s here now and you can’t say that a month ago there was no passage, the steps are broken, the assortment, as well as the quality of the products left much to be desired. we carry out large responsible support tasks. vital activity of our republic, that is
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, we protect the peaceful peace of the citizens of the republic of belarus, we are somehow even ashamed that such a town is in a neglected state. they got down to business quickly, vegetables, fruits and milk, everything is fresh, the customers are happy, now they are making a road in the agricultural town on the local area everywhere, with the start of elena khilil’s parliamentary activities, the issue was resolved promptly, when i asked why without i couldn’t do this, for example, now... i’m already the owner of this store today, he says elena antonevna, her eyes blurring, but in fact, probably we, the deputies, need to come and look, from the issue of improvement to education. fortified housing under the leadership of a deputy, there are five village councils, in borovlyansky alone there are over 73.00 people, everyone should pay attention to talk and explain the bills. in addition, for elena khillya, meeting with the teaching staff is already more nostalgic. herself ex-director of the second borovlyany secondary school. like many schools in our
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republic, our school has integrated classes, that is, children with some kind of psychophysical disabilities. the items are the same. that is, this is labor training, mathematics, russian and belarusian languages, literature, everything related to additional education, that is, clubs, dancing, modeling, drawing, everything that the child’s soul desires. 80 years ago stefan koltunchik was 17, at the same time he went to the front as a machine gunner, received wound. we found stefan yakovlevich at home without medals on his chest, he practically no longer walks, his daughter is caring for him. i told you that... thank you very much for remembering, because how easy it is to forget, what happened once upon a time and
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for safety reasons we won’t show their faces, officers, warrant officers, sergeants and conscripts serve here , everyone here knows elena hillya well, this is far from her... not her first visit, together with her 3 years ago they opened the military-patriotic club valor, more than a hundred schoolchildren who learn the basics of military training. various classes are held with children, this is fire training, and tactical training, engineering training, medical training, in principle, looking into the eyes of the children in class, they are interested in this, they are interested in studying hand-to-hand combat, receptions of citizens, direct telephone lines, meetings, the developed systematic approach of parliamentarians is yielding results, because in the regions there is full potential to find points of growth and help make their lives better. now we are opening a new school in kopische in july, we are completing the construction a physical education and health center, there has been a need for its construction for a very long time, it will be completed in the spring of next year, there was no
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physical education facility in this large region, and this is only part of the program that was planned, for deputy elena hillya today was a regular working day in victims and the feat of our people during the great patriotic war cannot be overestimated, no matter how much the west tries to rewrite the history of those years today, belarus remembers.
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there was a deliberate policy of genocide against our population of all slavs, which was carried out by the nazis throughout the entire period of occupation. tyn and her sisters are an indisputable fact. today marks 55 years since the opening of two iconic memorials and places of all-belarusian pain and memory, khatyn and the mound of glory. the story of two architects, members of the teams of authors of the memorials in the material.


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