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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 6, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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thousands more times, breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently. the first meal satisfies a person until the middle of the day, maintains concentration and gives energy. and today we will prepare the right breakfast together with fitness trainer and nutrition specialist olya gomolka. you can have a great time. in a way that will give your body what it really needs, which is energy, health and vigor. large zucchini that grew in the country can be stored in a dark room for several months, they they will lie down until winter, i want to not only stretch the muscles a little in the morning, but also give them activity, give them tone, i would say that this is a very good dinner, but it’s either or. we need to cook some more buckwheat just to
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be sure. atoli's grocery list is simple, it contains a lot of vegetables and fruits, and of course, we will choose the highest quality products in the hypermarket. let's start with the vegetable counters; choose zucchini that is small in size, weighing 100.200 g and no more than 20 cm long. the zucchini skin should be smooth and thin, no damage, dents or scratches. huge zucchini with a thick skin and a large number of seeds inside with fibrous pulp are overripe. vegetables should be stored unwashed in the refrigerator and in a plastic bag and should be stored for no more than one week. but large zucchini that grew in the country can be stored in a dark room for several months, and do not... lie there until winter, well, of course, in terms
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of taste they will be inferior to young zucchini. now we choose apples. to do this, we use the senses. to start touch. what do we pay attention to? there should be no dents, cracks or dark spots on the surface. the apple should be elastic, without wrinkles. we study color, excessive brightness. alert you, just like perfect uniform paint. don't take the giants, they could very well become gullivers due to feeding with chemicals. medium size, the most correct. let's connect our sense of smell. a ripe apple grown without nitrates has a characteristic aroma. then we will move on to tactile sensations. the apple should be firm, with a strong peel. if the apple soft, then... this indicates that the apple
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was not treated with paraffin or wax. now it's brussels sprouts' turn. of course, during the harvest season it is better to choose fresh to get the most out of it. but you can buy frozen pumpkins all year round. so that there are as few ice crumbs in the bag as possible, and also try to feel the cabbage, they should not be too large, otherwise the cabbage will taste bitter. nuts are next, we need hazelnuts, they can be sold by weight and packaged, hazelnuts regardless depending on what video it is sold in, it must be dry. if there is a plaque, buy it. they are very light
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and spoil quickly; the shelf life of the product is several months. so, the choice has been made, let's go prepare the champion's breakfast. olechka, good morning, i’m very glad to see you in my kitchen today. good morning, masha, i am also very glad to be on this program. olga gomolka, founder. head of fitness and dance studios, certified instructor of group fitness programs, started her sports career with a support group with cheerleading, traveled all over belarus with a dance team, author of the weight loss i can project, which more than a thousand people have successfully completed, since 2017 she has been bringing clients from belarus on foreign fitness tours, and has recently begun organizing similar outdoor sports events in our country.
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tell us what we're having for the champion's breakfast today? this will be one of my favorite breakfasts, we will prepare zucchini fritters along with red fish... in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad, sounds very tasty, come on start, let's start, for the pancakes prepare one zucchini, onions and garlic, you will also need an egg, 100 g of greek yogurt, four tablespoons of rye flour and 100 g of lightly salted fish. for the salad, prepare 10 pieces of brussels sprouts, an apple, a handful of hazelnuts, a sprig of mint and basil. for the dressing you will need olive oil, i will... salad and prepare all the ingredients - these are vegetables and fruits, i will do the zucchini and prepare the pancakes, let's
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start then, yeah, oops, i know that now your activity is mainly related to fitness tours, you are one of the first who, let’s say, paved. the way to this direction, tell us how it all began, here’s about your very first fitness tour, the very first fitness tour turned out completely by accident, and my trainer simply suggested taking our clients together and relaxing, and so we went and did not plan to do it at all this is on some kind of permanent basis, but after we returned, all the girls from our tour began to ask us very strongly: give us more, give us more, well, actually, i always say, that we weren’t the initiators, the initiators were people, they asked us, let’s do more, that ’s how our first tour happened. let’s now take a closer look at the fitness tours themselves, because as i understand it, it’s not only fitness, fitness fitness, of course, a fitness tour is not
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only fitness, fitness, fitness, and a fitness tour is travel and training, then first of all, of course, we relax, travel, get acquainted, learn something but... a new country, a new place, in addition to all this, we train, and how much workouts a day? well, look, there are fitness tours that last only 3 days, these are usually belarusian tours, and there we have a lot of training per day, about three or four, but people always have the opportunity to go where and what to choose, there are parallel training sessions , and there are workouts in the morning, lunch and evening, but if these are long fitness tours that last 7-10 days, then here we usually do them. two workouts, this in the morning before breakfast, and an evening workout at the end of the day. let's take a closer look let’s focus on fitness tours in belarus; it seems to me that this has become a particularly mainstream topic during the pandemic. yes, just during the pandemic, when all our foreign tours
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were closed, we sat and thought about what to do with people on vacation, and somehow it was a little offensive that we were all losing the opportunity to meet, and we decided, probably for ...
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we are preparing ourselves for the fact that we will have wonderful weather, and as often happened that there were bad weather forecasts, but when we arrived, the sun was shining and there was no rain at all, so we are not afraid of that, that it might rain, of course, we always have a backup plan a, b and c, where to train, what to do during the rain, but as a rule we are fine. in order for your morning to start vigorously, i propose to do the following set of morning exercises with me, we will have three exercises at an easy, calm pace, repeat all the movements, and your joints, your muscles, your
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body will thank you, because you will feel light, cheerful and charged with energy. the first exercise is to sit in the zset position. and bend one knee in front of you bend the other knee behind you, lower your palm down, from this position, push yourself up, raising your pelvis. stretch the entire front line of the body, lower yourself to the starting position, open your arms wide, from this position bend to the side, stretch the entire lateral line of the body and we will do the same with you on the second side, sit along the mat. stretch your legs forward, we will now stretch the entire back line of the body, and
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if in the morning you feel this a little, you are still uncomfortable, your muscles are not ready yet, i i suggest you still leave your knees slightly bent, stretch your legs forward, take a deep breath, raise your arms up , lower down diagonally, touch your right hand, left leg, do the same thing to... the side, exhale, and, if you have enough stretching, the third bend perform with straight knees, keeping your back straight, in the morning you want to not only stretch the muscles a little, but also give them activity and give them. therefore, the abdominal muscle, take a deep breath as you exhale
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, slowly, smoothly lower yourself down from this position, hands behind your head and carefully rise up, once again supporting the head with our hands so that the neck does not get injured, in order for it to be comfortable, we go down... down, and here i am already starting to feel how my abdominal muscles are tensing, i smoothly go down while exhaling as well. i go up, take my time, hands up, repeat each exercise 10-15 times, this complex will only take you 5-10. minutes, but will give a huge boost of energy and vigor for the whole day. meeting amazing
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people and immersing yourself in their profession. breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, as with the increase. who buys our product can check whether the brick is of high quality or not, so you
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turn on the ringing sound, which means the quality of the product is appropriate, because few people know, but rapeseed oil is very close in the composition of fatty acids to olive oil, and even though we don’t have our own olives in belarus, but we have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed, watch the project one day on our tv channel. "we don't tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in the era when people sailed along the neman, here, and here on the shore there were columns, boats could be tied to them, well, vetins, so, yes, columns again, all the same, yes, everything is correct, the very name svyatilovichi, svyatilovichi, speaks of that it was a holy place, and one of the legends says that once on the shore of lake svetilochi on..." artifacts with a centuries-old history are a real puzzle for
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us, as time travelers. our ancestors during their stay on 25 mammoths were hunted at this site. in addition to mammoths, many remains of reindeer and one woolly rhinoceros were found here. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to experience belarusian culture personally. march with the tv channel belarus 24. i just thought that in order for a person to be happy, he just needs to eat very tasty on time, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, freshly grated raspberries with flour and honey and honey, yes, everything is right, you see, you guessed everything,
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delicious taste, i think this dish is not one hundred years old, and it has been prepared here for a long time, but unchanged... the quality and taste of ilyevsk chanterelles remains. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. have you heard anything about the treasures of the augustow canal? this is not a joke, they really exist. once upon a time there was a russian army corps stationed here, which was surrounded. and the entire treasury of this corps was hidden. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes, sour cream, pepper, salt. that's it, and you want to feed me something tasty, i want to feed you, the kulish is very curious texture, this is meat jelly with flour, and the flour is very clearly felt on the tongue, look at the project, food anywhere, on the belarus 24 tv channel, but what about?
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we practically don’t travel in winter, we’ve done that a couple of times , as i understand it, you don’t travel in winter, yes, we are some kind of warm countries, this year our season lasts from may to september, but i ’m thinking a little about what next year , probably, there will be several winter tours , perhaps even in cold belarus these will be with sleds and skis, perhaps we will consider some warm exotic country in order to... and in the winter to spend a little time in the summer, and what olechka, what goals are pursued by people who go on fitness tours, because well, anyway , objectively we will lose weight in a week, it seems to me impossible, of course in a week it’s impossible to lose weight, and i believe that you don’t need to do this when you go on a fitness tour, because after all, the task of a fitness tour is more
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motivation, it’s more relaxation, communication, getting to know each other, it’s more of an active time at'. but not losing weight, and people who go on tours, after the tours they are already they say that i went to the gym, i started working out, i started watching my figure, i started to look at life somehow differently, this is probably the goal, after all, to give a person motivation, a push, and of course , i have a deeper internal goal of mine that i pursue on tours, this is to give people an understanding that... that vacation can be a little different, vacation can be cool, energetic, driving, without a lot of alcohol, without a lot of what -destructive actions, and indeed we are already proving to our people, they themselves understand that you can have fun, you can have a great time, but in a completely different way, healthier and
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in a way that will give your body what it really needs, which is energy. health and vigor, so olechka, what do we do next? uh-huh, and i suggest you now dry the nuts, please make some sauce, come on, okay, and you tell me about these people who go on fitness tours, uh-huh, but in general , completely different people go on fitness tours, but the bulk, the main audience - this after all... girls are women, if we talk about the age category, then of course girls of 20 years old, 30 years old, 40, 50 and even 60 years old go on tours, but the majority, if we take this average age, are it will probably be plus or minus 40 years, if we take the average age in those 35-40 years, of course
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, we always have men, boys, and children on tours, but the bulk are still girls, eh.. do they mostly travel in pairs or do singles travel too? i think about 30% of people come with a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a husband, a couple, probably about 70% of people come alone, this is when you don’t know anyone on the tour and decide that you are coming, and there you already find friends on the spot, but how do you meet? well, this is the main common question among all the participants, but will i be alone, so i’m going alone, i... and you’re all so friendly, you’re all so cool, we actually have a lot of thought out such team building things for so that all people come together, everything, of course, always starts with getting into the car. you’re already sitting with someone, communicating with someone, being friends with someone, of course, we always check people into rooms and see who we can move with whom so that a has the same year of birth, and so that
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some plus or minus interests coincide, and this, by the way, very often happens that people on tours who come alone, they unite so much, become so close friends that then they come together and even often say: “olya, you amused me, now with masha, olya, here...” vika and i will go there together, the girls are so unite inside, which then goes to visit each other, to visit other countries, my girls even went to visit each other and spent such a great time together, so we always say: you shouldn’t be afraid to travel alone, because your loneliness will probably last about five minutes, and, of course, we have a very positive atmosphere, it encourages all people to be friends and communicate. communicate, help each other, so don’t be afraid to go alone,
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masha, please salt and pepper the sauce, then dress the salad, when you can handle it, please cut the fish, but i will let's start frying our ola, come on, tell us about the direction of fitness tours, yeah, which ones are the most popular? yeah, in general, in our fitness tours, all areas of fitness are divided into two parts, this is a soft direction, lighter, light, which includes pilates, yoga, mobility, stretching and an active direction, these are functional training, strength training, taibo, zumba , and we always combine these areas and make it interesting for people. different and of course all people have different levels, and there are people who find it difficult, for example, at taibo, at zumba, so they choose, for example, pilates, very often we do such parallel training, that is
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, one site does pilates, the second site does taibo, this year with me the team has a lot of fitness trainers, and four or five trainers go on a fitness tour, each of the girls gives some kind of their own direction, because, for example, i don’t teach zumbo. i don’t teach pilates, but there are instructors who teach this direction, together with them we become so united a whole organism, a single symbiosis, and you gather large groups, this year for some reason i thought that there would be smaller groups than last year, but they are quite large, about 40-50 people gather on our belarusian tours, this is such a large team, a large group, and if we talk about foreign tours, then it’s about 15-25 people, this will be my one of the largest fitness tours abroad, there will be almost 30 of us, in fact, in
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georgia we are still like that large groups were not taken out, so what do i do next? mash, you please chop mint and combine it with yogurt. recipes for our breakfasts, and today we are looking at a recipe that is quite controversial for me, i’ll tell you why now, and on our agenda is zucchini pancakes with red fish and green salad,
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i like it here, probably everything except that i, of course, really i advise you to add slow carbohydrates for breakfast so that you have the energy to work and stay awake during the day, so that your efficiency is one hundred percent and you actually do all the work that you have planned for day, here... unfortunately, in this recipe i don’t see slow carbohydrates when we talk about zucchini, especially if we say that we chopped them, that we then fried them and made pancakes out of them, this implies that we took a vegetable with a low glycemic index, we physically worked on it, that is, our glycemic index increased even more, but in this recipe we have a fairly large amount of additional cool ingredients, such as red fish, nuts, yoga... that is, these are proteins , good, unsaturated fats, what omega 3 will give us, what will give us good hormonal levels, beautiful, elastic skin and a lot of vegetables, that is, this is
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our klecha. vitamins, minerals, i would say that this is a very good dinner, and either, or we need to cook some more buckwheat for our pancake, just to be sure, so the breakfast is debatable, maybe it’s a weekend breakfast, when you get up, you don’t need to do anything , during the day, you have a lazy day and you decide to treat yourself to such a tasty treat, but as a dinner, i see this dish as more correct and more suitable. well, mash, we're finishing up our dish, i suggest you sprinkle the salad with nuts, i’ll serve the pancake with fish and sauce, come on, how beautiful,
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cook it. salad, for this , cut the brussels sprouts into four pieces , broil, cut the apple into thin slices, combine the prepared ingredients, crush the hazelnuts in a mortar and dry them in a hot frying pan without adding oil. classic sauce, mix olive oil, mustard and balsamic vinegar. add chopped herbs and a little lemon juice. dress the salad. don't make pancakes either difficult. you need to grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, add salt and squeeze out excess moisture. add the egg, chopped garlic,
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gradually add the rye. flour. fry the pancakes on both sides until cooked. for the sauce we use yogurt mixed with finely chopped mint. serve pancakes with red fish and nuts. breakfast is ready. bring your home champions to the table. how. what a beauty, i think it will also be very tasty, and of course healthy, i didn’t have breakfast, so i can’t wait to start our breakfast, dear friends, cook with us and remember that breakfast can be not only beautiful, but also healthy.
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today at four in the morning, burdened with war.
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ivan, if there was a film about your life, what genre would it be in?


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