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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 6, 2024 3:50pm-4:45pm MSK

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yore holy memory and blessings and peace of peace. natalia ignatsenka, alexander murashkin, gomel region. four daily supply-reserve caps of up to 800 mw have withered in belarus. they work at the bases of byarozauska and lukomalskaya gres, navapolatskaya tsets and minsk tsets-5. the salutary keys of the hell of the new krynyts were handed over to you by the ukrainian authorities. the final stage of technical measures has been completed. the purpose of implementing this project was, first of all , to increase the reliability of the brest energy systems and not only brest, the entire republic, all this was implemented in 3 years at the berezovskaya gres site. the equipment installed here has a high degree of digitalization and automation, so the number of people here is minimal at 258 mw of installed capacity of our peak-standby source. the fee
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for the well-reasoned work and contribution to the development of the energy system of the country, molding the supra-councils of galina, received well-deserved awards. a new lacquer for business development and innovative creativity. minsk garad technapark uzvodzіts pramyslovuyu dance on the partisan praspektse, this terary former history of the motavela plant. usyago amal 200 thousand square meters. creative boxes, offices, warehouses, laboratories. asnovnaya peravaga gatovaya. new services in the partisan language in minsk are coming and going. with the help of aliaksei kandratsenka. amal 90 from the minsk furniture factory and here from the first pavilions of belarusian cinematographers, and from the 1945 list of minsk.
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there will be accessible and new services for city residents, businesses can move in and start immediately their production activities, if some kind of modernization is needed, they open the modernization, well, they carry it out themselves, so, but nevertheless, we have all the production areas already allocated, we continue to allocate office areas, allocate special public areas, the second building, which behind my back will have access from partizansky avenue, it will be possible to visit shops, including a bicycle store, go to your...
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spachatka is a capital city for active tourism. valozhyn pratsyagvae padrykhtoўku da haloўnaga holy bread. the city was visited by the governor of the minsk region, alexander turchyn, and the governor of the minsk region . the emphasis of the specialists on new architectural developments on the facades of small murals is changing the appearance and the central square is becoming larger, the tortures behind the sacred streets are growing. taxama valued renewal of the system of padachy vada ў budynka, as well as the emphasis on the tourist industry on the adnaulnaya gіstarychnaya sign objects. utilities and so on and so on, everything goes on as usual, we’ll decide old problems of volozhin, hot water, sewerage, road network, but here, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting places, probably not only volozhin, the preserved architecture of volozhin, which
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is represented by such wonderful buildings, a palace and park ensemble, a church and shiva, and we believe that in the future this place should be a place of attraction for tourists, a large part of the roads and sidewalks have been rerouted, new pedestrian roads and sewage tracks have appeared in dazhynak, and the new infrastructure has been restored karistani garadzhanam. the regional center of masta taxa rykhtuetstsa yes ablasnyh dazhynak, daily angeyagrafichnyh offices pachau pratsavac at vaukavyskaya central district balnіtsy, and ablasny festival ballotnaga football of the district byarozautsy. pra getyya i otshy tsikavya padzei khrodzenskaya voblástsі further u dajasce. modernization of social aspects, repair of the housing of the good repair fund, the city of masta rykhtuetstsa and ablasnykh dazhynak. yes, very soon they are planning to have a regional hospital, a palace of culture, a garad park, capital improvement of the central savetskaya street. parallel to the asphalt and
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gravel streets. uvogule transport artery here nadaetstsa asablivaya ўvaga. already , the heroes of the city will have their lives taken away. there are no problems with financing future work. today the apartment was purchased for the period of the ministry of health, the memory for iago was rummaging for the cost of the regional budget. the new
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installation is allowed to be near specialized medical supplies and places of practice for people and workers are not available as to the residents of regional centers and small settlements .
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there are actually many more countries in the world that need our technologies, and not vice versa. in economics, we will prove that we can do a lot here. no less than the empires that border you and the developed states. all
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important issues are most often resolved not at official negotiations, not at ceremonial exhibitions and not in formal suits. the most important issues, whether in politics or economics, are most often resolved in an informal setting. the presidency is a profession the most complex in the world, this schedule is never static, something is canceled, something is added, something else is rearranged . but that's it. so in this schedule there is never a day off mark, so the head of state is the leader of the country 24x7, 365 days a year. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. tanks, equipment. without which, since its appearance at the beginning of the 20th century, not a single military
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conflict has been possible. for a long time, it was the superiority in the segment of these combat vehicles that determined success in battlefield. in more than 100 years, the iron structure on tracks has turned into a modern combat complex, which is capable of not only delivering a crushing blow to the enemy, but also having the additional protection of modular armor, like the latest belarusian modernized t-72 bm2 tank. soviet t-34, the best among the heavy ones. the equipment of the great patriotic war is the most popular tank in the red army. this museum
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exhibit is one of the modifications of the thirty -four. it was developed at the kharkov locomotive design bureau in the thirty-ninth year, but mass production began in june 1940 and 115 vehicles were produced in 8 months. the design of this vehicle marked a qualitative leap in domestic and global tank building. you organically combined projectile-resistant armor, powerful weapons and a reliable chassis. during the war, the t-34 became a real battle hero. over time , the legendary combat vehicle required modifications. the thirty-four went through several modernizations, and then the t-64 appeared, and it was on its basis that the tank was created, which defined trends in this segment of combat vehicles. the t-72 received three compartments:
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a front compartment for control, a combat compartment in the middle part of the hull, and a motor-transmission compartment in the stern. the t-72 crew consisted of three people, a commander, a gunner and a driver. in total, since the seventy-second year, over 20 years , more than 20,000 t-72 tanks of all modifications were produced in the soviet union. needless to say, all these factors made the tank not only more combat-ready, but also increased the protection of the crew; once upon a time, in order to bring the t-34 out of formation, one accurate hits, but... but technical evolution did its job, more than 80 years after the birth of the legend, its rebirth took place, since then it has taken its rightful place among the arsenal of the homeland.
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a guest will come to us and answer all the questions: are you ready to meet our guest? alexander, why do you think the children wanted to talk to you? i think that they have something to say, and most importantly, they have questions to which they are waiting for my answer. do you promise to tell only the truth? yes, i will try. good luck then.
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so, we welcome our guests, the first secretary of the central communist party of russia, alexander lukyanov. alexander, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, i hope you will not use it, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute to briefly introduce yourself. time has passed. my name is alexander lukyanov, i was born in the city of mogilev, in a working-class village, grew up in the family of an officer, a rescue worker, and graduated ministry of emergency situations class, entered the command engineering institute, i am a candidate master of sports in firefighting sports, later after my service i connected my work with science, and defended my dissertation on the topic of permanent
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fire resistance, fire resistance of polyester materials, i am an associate professor. for a long time i led a number of scientific developments together with a large large team in the field of the university of civil protection of the ministry of emergency situations, and i am the winner of the project 100 ideas for belarus in 2017, as a result of which i was able to actively get involved in social and political work, to head the youth chamber at the parliamentary meeting of the union of belarus and russia, and in the future, at the forty -fourth congress, the guys elected me and entrusted me with the important mission of becoming the first secretary. you practically did it in one minute, which means that an interesting conversation awaits us. so, we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer. children, who is ready to ask a question first? red sector. let's start with you. hello, alexander, my name is vika. tell me, have you been an activist since childhood and how
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did this manifest itself? hello, vika. yes, i've been here since 2005. i am a member of the belarusian republican youth union, and probably the first such event for me was a visit to our veterans. when i studied at the thirty-fifth school in the city of mogilev, we visited our veterans, in fact, this was one of the first involvement in socially useful work. hello, alexander, my name is misha, how was your adolescence? mikhail, it was a difficult time, but of course, for every young person and adult. it's always a possibility only to try yourself, but also, probably, to find out what you are capable of, how honest you are, as far as you can, in difficult times, when you essentially need to self-realize, this is the age when it is very important not to do anything stupid , because during this period you want to try everything,
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there is such a hindu philosopher usho, who often has... a doctorate on seven-year cycles, so this is one of the most difficult cycles in the life of every person. do you remember your most terrible act as a child, for which you are still ashamed? yes, like that there is an act, well, this is not an example, but i skipped school once, and i got to the final station by trolleybus, decided to spend the time, which means free from studying, then the next day when i returned. to school, it was very unpleasant for me, the fact that i missed a number of subjects, the fact that i had to rewrite the test, do it myself, and well, that was the moment when i had to... admit that, probably, this attempt, yes, to make an independent decision somewhere and to lie somewhere, it turned out to be such a nuisance, but
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this is probably one of those actions for which i am truly ashamed. hello, alexander, my name is daria, what were you afraid of as a child? you know, as a child, probably, dari, you are afraid, first of all, that you won’t have time to try something? that you won’t be able to fully decide on the direction in the future, but life is so complicated that you are probably at the beginning of such a life path, youthful maximalism, you think that everything is within your control in order to decide who you want to become, such a moment of self-determination it happened in the tenth grade, when i started doing firefighting and applied sports at that time, now firefighting and rescue, i realized that i want to connect my life with rescue services, and what are you afraid of now? you probably know the same thing, given, you are afraid that you may not be able to do something in time, i have already tried a lot of things objectively, but the time is such that in this attempt you still
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experience a great sense of responsibility, due to the fact that when there are people behind you, a team, when there are young people behind you, when your little daughter is growing up and you are afraid too there is no time not to give her attention and time, and this is very important, because in life... racing it is very important not to lose concentration and not to be distracted by trifles. hello, my name is alina, did you have to take it to your parents as a child and what did you feel about it? hi, alina, yes, i tried to deceive my parents, well, first of all, i was ashamed of the missed lesson for the missed day, but you know, probably, the most important thing is when you decide. tell a lie, understand that sooner or later it becomes a reality, and it’s better the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie, so alina, don’t deceive your parents.
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please tell me, were you a nerd as a child or could you still stand up for yourself? as a child, i was not a botanist, to put it mildly, although we didn’t often have any clashes there, well, as usual, of course, somewhere we had to stand up not only for ourselves, but for our friends. after all, boys have this, teenagers also have specifics, but i’ll tell you, one of the sensational series came out recently, i won’t advertise it in our program, but nevertheless it was less of a difficult time, and i’m very glad that now our youth are more conscious in terms of, at least there are no serious clashes, they don’t go back and forth between yards, they don’t fight, that’s also very...
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that’s why moment in the city of mogilev in the folk dance class, but there was a sharp turning point, again, this is adolescence, this is also the desire to try myself in sports, almost completely changed my area of ​​interest, i started doing thai boxing, i started doing athletics firefighting sport, i have never regretted it in my life, that this part of the time i was engaged in choreography, accepted. participation in our exemplary ensemble joy, well, in the future, i also did not regret connecting my life with sports, i think that this is an opportunity at
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this age to try to determine for yourself where you feel the point of application at which you should work. hello, alexander, my name is polina and you mentioned that you were into dancing, maybe you can show us something? thanks for the offer. polina, you know, any physical activity requires warming up, and of course, i could probably dance some kind of clapper for you now, but i’m not sure that i can handle it without warming up. alexander, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times during the program, but if you need to warm you up, i think children’s applause will help you. well, let's go, please. this is right, please, please, please, look, just like this, we take our hands, cross on cross, posture, back,
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look at me, look, do. on the right leg 1 2 3 on the left 1 2 3 and quickly 1 2 3 and jump over jump over look at me look at your posture like this and now in this direction, well done, well done, this is an element of the lavonikha dance of the belarusian dance, well done, i was very pleased to dance with you. we continue to ask and answer questions , and we are ready to ask the next question. please tell me how you got from the ministry of emergency situations to the belarusian republican youth union. well, this was also a surprise for me, the fact is that when i started doing science, very actively, then , while still an activist, taking part in studios for belarus, i saw that...
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a simple specialist, a lieutenant, a senior lieutenant, already at this level, thanks to the design and program activities of the youth union, can convey his point of view to the highest officials, discuss it with his peers and in this way, in fact, realize his potential, and in many ways, thanks to this step, it became predetermining, in the future i was entrusted with leading the primary organization. both the university of civil protection and the research institute of the ministry of emergency situations, and in the future the entire industry committee, when we had our forty-fourth congress, it was august 2021, when my candidacy was nominated, and i saw the hands raised in support of young people who proposed me, my candidacy for the post of first secretary of the
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belarusian republican public association... from the youth, of course, i experienced both shock and responsibility, i realized that this was such an important moment in life, and of course i couldn’t let the guys down, what do you think, should a leader be ideal, a leader, and no one on our planet can be ideal, each of us has our own pros, cons and disadvantages, but, probably, what distinguishes a leader from a person is the ability to constantly improve himself, so the task of a leader is work. constantly on yourself, and not only as a leader, when you develop , when you study, when you train, it means you are constantly in good shape, you are constantly moving only together, only forward, when you headed the belarusian republican youth union, what bad habits did you have to give up? , i want to say with confidence that i have no bad habits, like such, the only thing i feel is that, in fact, i began to play sports a little less, but this is what in schools forces me to join...
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rsm, and if they force me, who should i complain to? liliana, complain to me directly, and you can use not only social networks, we also have an online reception, a hotline, and of course, forcing anyone, in any field, is not a tool, it is not a lever in principle, it is not an effective mechanism, but most likely a certain hopelessness, and a lack of understanding of the process, of course, when we we hear that... that someone forced someone to join somewhere, and not only in the belarusian republican youth union, but in other organizations or political parties, this is wrong, but thank god, such cases are rare and rare, i’m sure , that your awareness and your help in this regard will help us put some finishing touches on putting things in order in this area, but you didn’t force you to join the organization, you yourself consciously, what projects did you take part in, just haven’t
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taken part yet? came to the organization, well, we are waiting for you at our projects, then yellow sector, it is to the right, let's imagine that in one minute you have to convince me to join the belarusian republican youth union, what will you tell me, an interesting challenge, i suggest preparing a stopwatch now, what is your name, remind me, yes, vitalina, so time has passed, vitalina, you are a member of the belarusian republican youth connection, not yet, you... want to make new friends, acquaintance, you want to have a whole family of like-minded people who will support you at any moment and would like to become an active observer, but a participant direct communication, conversation, but also specific actions, of course, we are waiting for you at the belarusian republican youth union, okay, the experiment was a success, then questions from
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the purple sector. do you think being a brosmovie is fashionable for young people or not? first of all, this is everyone’s personal choice, the issue of fashion is such a matter of convenience, today.
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i believe that a successful state and country understands that building a reliable foundation and state is possible only by respecting the past, and of course, transmitting this to the younger generation. komsomol is the most powerful, most massive, most successful organization in the world, which... existed in the last century, but we always need to understand that thanks to past generations we have an independent, sovereign country, on whose territory there have been no wars for 80 years, and this is truly an achievement, we have the opportunity, most
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importantly, to create conditions for every young person , when it does not develop from money, connections or cronyism, it will develop due to the fact that institutions and social elevators work in the country. personnel, career ladders, for example, the guys of the youngest delegation of the belarusian people's assembly, elizaveta ivanova, she is only 18 years old, she is a first-year student at the vitebsk state medical university, but she has already, well, in the good sense of the word , outdone the noses of many older guys, because to her own, to her age, to her years from a simple family, but she has already become the winner of the 100 ideas for belarus project, and this is a litmus test for the fact that we have saved the system. komsomol, taking it better, working in the regions, in an extensive system, we allow each of you guys too to be the best, to prove yourself, so take advantage of it and always respect history. next question from the black sector:
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do you follow social networks, such as tiktok, to better understand young people? yes, in the world and work opportunities, of course, i am on social networks, not only tiktok, these are other platforms, but as i noted earlier, we strive to ensure that you and i , guys, have our belarusian social network, because many social networks today, they are not belarusian, but you know, when you create a product, you and you control, including controlling the content, so in this regard , i would like it to be our social networks, well , in order to be in trend, of course, it is necessary to monitor the agenda of social networks, and which trends do you like and which ones do you not understand? i really like the trends of ganarus with native symbols, this year one of these trends hundreds of young people dipped into these masks, which guys downloaded on instagram, i think this is a good trend, yes, of course there are - you know, well, pop music, yes,
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let’s put it this way, or just some random ones things that pop up literally in a few hours generate millions, but this is also a marketing story, we would like the trend... to be constructive, because there can be different challenges, you know, there are also destructive examples, i won’t give them now and even more so to mention when young people were almost pushed to commit crimes related to suicide, and this is all very dangerous, i would like to protect you from this, so our task here together with you, our common one, is probably to set the right trends, aimed at healthy lifestyle, development of sports, respect for adults,
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the first cosmonaut, today is also a source of pride and a subject of fashion, a trend for patriotism, unfurling the belarusian flag, there at an altitude of 400 kilometers.
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looks at you, we have a lot of bloggers, we won’t be promoting anyone here now, but nevertheless, even my eight-year-old daughter watches from time to time, i would like people who are actively involved in this story to understand, that when they are viewed, something will be repeated and copied after them somewhere, so i would like so that these are positive stories aimed at development, but in no case destructive, in fact, something that tells in some...
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interesting form about serving in the army, about the moment of joining the ranks of the armed forces, and what does he it makes it creative, interesting, so i think that such bloggers, such content makers need to be developed in our country so that we can, among other things , have a constructive, constructive influence on the children through positive narratives through positive examples.
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest. and useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24 on 7 project. look. on the belarus 24 tv channel we will teach people to love theirs
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health, when you understand that arterial hypertension and lipid levels are not a doctor’s headache, but your concern, belarus will become healthy, our most valuable asset is people, we must do everything so that... and your subordinate comes to his workplace happy , and it depends only on the leader. western colleagues do not need to be convinced that belarus is one of the best countries in the field of transplantology. we currently have 573 heart transplants and perform heart-lung complex transplants. once you go there, you will always be expats, visitors, you will not have truly warm friends, and i grew up on this land. i have to leave here, i love this land, i can’t imagine how you can
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leave and live there, i love belarus very much, endlessly, is it politicized or not, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. hello, alexander , my name is yanina, how is your generation different from ours? you know, yanina, i can’t say that we are very different, i grew up in a period when only mobile phones appeared, yes, i i dialed from a rotary telephone when i was little, when i was 5, 6, 7 years old there, we called each other through a payphone, your generation is probably distinguished by the fact that, firstly, you were born, as you know, many people
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say , with gadgets in hands, there is such a comparison, by the way, our people’s teacher, valery barashkov, cited it, that here is a person, and his, including consciousness, brain - it’s like a person’s stomach when you overeat, well you feel uncomfortable, to put it mildly, and here too, when a lot of information enters the brain, you don’t you can immediately digest it, and you can lose the essence, moreover, you need to understand what information you are feeding on, whether this food is generally useful or useless, probably at this stage at this age i would like you to understand. what sources of information do you use, and you know, it’s very important, come home today and just talk to your parents for an hour or so, because today young people, guys like you, schoolchildren sometimes say, yes, well, in fact, my parents and i have become communicate less, they are on their phones, we are on our phones, i would like to
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so that there is more of this direct parental communication so that you draw energy and examples from your loved ones, and not from virtual friends. accounts, bloggers and so on, this is more useful, do you think you understand our language or not, what is your language, well, modern, i think we speak the same language, you are talking about slang, yes, let's check how you know our words, come on, come on, what is lp, listen, well, i know this artist, not him, i guess, but this is my best friend, yes, yes, yes, exactly, and you know who the tube is, listen, tube, i only know from the cosmic agenda what it is, well, this is a person who did not have a relationship, with whom,
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for example, with some guy and so on, she tube, or he, he, i really like did anyone like this game? there could be something else, no, this is a person who thinks only about himself, about his comfort, everything like that, you see how forceful you are, if in your language, this is an egoist, maybe an egoist, this, by the way, is an interesting topic , well, in the future, you still need to communicate in at least an adequate language that
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would be comfortable for the perception of all participants in the communication, therefore, well, i’m still in favor of us at least. okay, uh, cool pipes you have? what it is? who knows? cool pants, jeans you have. that's right, absolutely right. which one of you is the iron? which one of you here is, um, maybe fat? no no. maybe it's someone in charge?
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and, no, no, not the main one, but he decides, resolves issues. yes, so, perhaps such a cool person. so well, you will count in chorus, and we will do push-ups, maybe someone else will help us there were three of us, come on. hello, guys, count one, two. 3 4 4
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5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 handsome handsome well done.
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hello alexander, my name is miron, is this true? that membership in the belarusian republican youth union gives, one might say, a privilege when applying for a job, when applying for a job, but no, you know, we don’t have any strict guidelines or at the legislative level a regulated legal act that obliges the employer, and this in your in case of a future place of work, when hiring you , proceed from the fact that he is in the youth union or not, but... i will say from experience, many responsible managers understand that if a person was in the youth union, in addition to his performance at school , good
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behavior, responsible studies at the university, was also an active social activist, then for a leader this is a criterion, a characteristic, and of course for him this in your case will be a competitive advantage, but if you also have certain organizational skills, and this means the head of the primary organization, you already have management experience, this is a big bonus, and additional options, knowledge of languages, good sports data there, all this improves you in the labor market, and you will ultimately be able to get a better job, because you want a good a job, a good salary, respected statuses in society, so you’re working on it, how do you feel about that ? many, well, many young people move to study and live abroad, you know, this is everyone’s personal choice, of course, but it is necessary
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take into account only one very important circumstance: no matter what countries you visit, no matter how good it may be at first glance, after all, a trip to relax, a trip even to study, is a little different than living there to work, essentially to take a plunge. publicly admit that he made a mistake, this is the specifics of human psychology, in principle, we do not like to admit mistakes, but
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everyone has them, so strive to apply all your experience, talent, knowledge, beauty here in our native country, then they will open up to you other borders, you will be able to visit other countries, but your native land, it should always be under your feet. hello, my name is anna, please tell me, do you understand modern music? anna, i’m trying to do this, to figure it out, but i love more, i love the classics, especially the last century, although sometimes i put modern music in the background, if i’m especially involved in sports, why not, well, i have a suggestion for you, so let us now sing a few lines for you, and you try to guess the performer of this song. do you agree, come on, come on, i found absolutely everything in you, everything i need, and a little bit more. here
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is my back, here is my shoulder, this is all yours, absolutely everything, listen, i know the song, actually the performer, i forgot the performer, but he sang along to the song, this is mod, mod, yes, exactly, one look and a fierce, chill down the spine, asti, of course, we know, yes.
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well, you see, children and adults know your music, they can sing along, but the performers haven’t learned it yet. nevertheless, we have something to strive for. let's continue our interview, who's ready to ask a question? alexander, hello, my name is sofia, and i would like to ask you this question. is your wife also an activist of the belarusian republican youth union? hello, sofia, a very good question, she is a little older, she was a member of the youth union. well, you won’t believe it, i don’t even know if she wrote a statement to extend her activity, and by the way, at one time she also took part, she is also from the city of mogilev, in events, projects and programs related to historical memory, but i want to say, here’s my daughter, milana, she’s now entering pioneer organization, she turned 8 years old,
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she is looking forward to this moment with great trepidation, but how... how did you meet your wife? and my wife was a second -year student at the minsk state linguistic university, and it so happened that my classmate was very good friends with her, once i gave her a ride home, we met there in a group, well, then i fell in love with this girl, margarita, my my wife’s name, i proposed to her... we’ve been together for almost 9 years now, we have a daughter, milana, whom we are raising together, i’m happy that i have such a family, that my rear, it’s reliable, the purple sector, to your right, hello, alexander, my name is nastya, do you ask for forgiveness from your daughter, yes, yes, this happens, well, i can’t say ,
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something extraordinary, well...


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