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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 6, 2024 4:45pm-6:20pm MSK

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margarita, my wife’s name, i proposed to her , we’ve been together for almost 9 and a half years, we have a daughter, milana, whom we are raising together, i’m happy that i have such a family, that my rear is reliable, the purple sector, to your right, hello, alexander, my name is nastya, do you ask for forgiveness from your daughter, yes, yes, this happens, well, i can’t say that it’s something extraordinary, but of course, like any parent, sometimes there is educational moment, and this is normal, because i believe, in principle, between parents and children, firstly, there should not be any forbidden topics, and the most important thing is trust, if a child can share everything, a daughter, mom or dad, or a son, mom or dad, their experiences, this is great, this subtle matter should never be violate, therefore...
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i’ll be honest, if you go too far somewhere, it’s not like punishment, although i have a principle, you should never physically punish children, it’s taboo, it’s 100%. well , somewhere you prohibit the use of a telephone or something else, then you will feel that somewhere you have gone too far, of course, you need, firstly, to explain to the child that if you feel that you need to ask for forgiveness, you should do it, although now i don’t even remember such things...
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his ability to form around himself a circle of like-minded people, effective leaders, managers and the people supported by our citizens, in order to guide our country on thin ice, so that neither the great patriotic war, nor the first world war, nor the campaigns of various interventionists in the middle ages will ever happen again on our land, and i am sure, guys, that you v in the future, you will also cope with this, because this, because... this is no longer only the task
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of the country’s leadership, but first of all our task and responsibility, so that we always ask questions, receive answers, develop, on our, above our land, belarusian had a blue, peaceful sky, but for this to happen, we must live in harmony, in unity, our armed forces, all our law enforcement officers, people in uniform, performed reliable service, and we, with our honest, responsible and creative work...
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citizens when they need you, and you you understand that you can give something more to society, but here it is important not to be overly ambitious, here it is very important to calculate your strength, and if you understand that you can still serve for the country, for the people, in order to strengthen our belarusian statehood, strengthen the younger generation, pass on the best experience to them, then of course you can take advantage of this not only through politics. you can be a worthy teacher, teacher, you can be a worthy athlete, a representative of art or culture, each of these platforms, i believe, can also reveal you, so it seems to me that now a public organization is not even politics, it is a sincere belief in what you are doing, sincere work for the benefit of the development of this direction, in this case with... with youth
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is creating conditions so that you guys can live even better, develop even better, so that you have more acquaintances, contacts, and through all our events you can express yourself, and i think this is... not politics, it’s just such a calling, i feel it in myself and know it, what else can i work on in this regard? and another question, do you want to become president? no, you know, because presidents are not born. for me there is one, the only unique example, this is our president, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. and our task now with you guys is to understand its historical role in general. what the president did.
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we are developing that in our country, god willing, there are no and there will not be any wars, and that each of us today has opportunities for any of our hopes and desires, and we must understand what decisive function is assigned in this regard and how brilliantly our president, respected alexander grigorievich lukashenko, copes with it. meeting amazing people and immersing yourself in their profession. the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, since with an increase in yield, in some
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cases there is dilution and a decrease in the amount of nutrients. we mix the ingredients that consist. from clay, sawdust and sand we ultimately obtain a product called sewing material. all heroes completely different, what unites them is the desire to achieve the best result. our consumer who buys our product can check whether the brick is of high quality or not. if we want a ringing sound, then the quality of the product matches. after all, few people know, but rapeseed oil is very close in the composition of fatty acids to olive oil, and although we do not have our own olives in belarus, we do have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed. watch the project one day on our tv channel. their path to their own
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happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way. complex. having started studying, already performing at concerts, participating in competitions. try it all, every story, i try to understand, imagine what i would like to have the opportunity to analyze what we have done for this, in our free time from service we were able to achieve today, watch the project: about belarusians on the belarus 24 tv channel. good afternoon, alexander, my name is kirill, you have to sit in the office a lot, but how do you feel about sports? good afternoon, kirill, you are absolutely wrong,
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i’m sorry, but i ’m practically never in the office, and i’m sincerely glad about that, because when you’re in the office, there’s work that comes with it. there are also many professions that require a person to be in an office, but fortunately, working in a youth organization means constant communication, and a lot of it. i would like to devote more time to sports, but today i have more than two training sessions a week. i can’t afford it, but i will plan my time so that of course there will be more, i’m sure that today we will even have the opportunity to train with you and compete, tell me, how many kilograms do you bench press? well, i think i can bench press 100 kilograms, but before there was a time i could bench press 140 kg, but unfortunately, now the working weight is 100 kg, but can you demonstrate, i think yes, take the barbell to the studio, and there is a bench, yes, now
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we’ll check whether alexander is a man of action. guys, support alexander, count him guys. three four four five eight that's it, applause, bravo, i remember something.
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question from the purple sector: hello, my name is kirill, what position do you imagine yourself in, in 20 years? i probably dream of becoming a teacher, i taught, i’ve been teaching for a long time now, but not in full, and it seems to me that the question is, although you guys are all cool, today, thanks to you, i also felt
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additional potential that still needs to be realized, not only in the vocabulary of youth slang, but in principle with the fact that we need to meet even more often, even better, spend time, but i want to thank you for question and accepted challenge of vlad, who did push-ups with me, handsome, and also... i want to invite vitalina, who wants to join the ranks of the organization, and i want to invite yanina too for her question, a great smart girl, she told me today. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, well, first of all, i want to note the desire. vitalins to join the ranks of the organization and today we have such an opportunity, we will present you with such
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a smart card, this is the card that we developed our activists of the youth union, it operates without downloading applications, using contactless technologies, special chips that are now integrated into every phone, an interface is loaded through the browser, an application that can, firstly, integrate you with our common agenda of the youth union, you can there you can register for events, forums , platforms for the speaker. attend concerts, but the most important thing is to prove yourself, knowledge, skills, abilities, there is also a news channel, therefore - this is such a form - participation in our organization, hold our symbolic gift, guys, congratulations, you are great, thank you very much, thank you, alexander, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, guys, you are proud of our country, yes, thank you. for the fact that we have a country that tries to support all people, so that there
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are no wars, we try to be friendly with all other countries, well done, smart guy, you love your small homeland, yes, why do you love it love me, tell me, i love my small homeland because it’s so beautiful, it’s like the atmosphere of minsk, the fact that it is... always clean, in principle, a quite interesting city with a rich history, thank you, guys, and you promise to take care of our belarusian state and never give it to anyone, promise, why should this be done? i believe that this must be done for the sake of the people, for the sake of our children in the future, we need to save our country, our city, so that they live as well as we live, thank you, thank you, alexander, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience , i don’t
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want to say goodbye, but i want to sincerely thank all sectors and all participants and those who asked questions, perhaps i didn’t have time, i am always open for communication. so, the first secretary, alexander lukyanov, is visiting the program 100 questions for adults. i'm waiting for you, alexander, to leave for the site. well, here i ask you to stay. alexander, what was the most difficult question for you today? the most difficult question for me was the question. did you deceive your parents is a related question, did you ask for forgiveness from your daughter, first of all it is connected with the fact that this is a personal life, and for it was difficult for me, but at the same time revealing to young people, our younger generation, those guys who were present today, i certainly trust them and am grateful for the fact that they helped in answering
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the question to once again think about what is very... direct, sincere communication with young people is important, and of course, such a question related to the vocabulary of the modern generation was very pleasant for me, and of course i was proud that vladislav was the guy who and artyom came out to do push-ups with me, they were great, real men even though in some places it may not be complete, we kept our word and did push-ups together, and if we all do something together with talaqa, then we will definitely succeed. that a reliable generation of the future of our country. today you managed to answer 44 questions, tell me, if we call you again, you will agree . definitely, but only if they don’t, the questions will be repeated, and i’m sure that our youth always have many interesting questions that they want to ask their speaker. i ask our audience, do you think that our guest today was
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be as frank with you as possible. whoever thinks so, raise your hands. i consider that a guest. he was absolutely honest with us, and since he is the head of the belarusian republican youth union, he could not take on young people, because he understands who he is talking to, so that the continuity of generations would be in honesty and truth. i believe that alexander was honest, since he answered all the questions that we asked him, given the fact that he had the opportunity not to answer three of them, he also answered questions about his personal life, which is not for everyone is nice so i i think that alexander was completely honest. who thinks that alexander? still didn’t say something, avoided answering, was disingenuous, i think that in the question about the most shameful act of adolescence, uh, well, throughout adolescence there can be many situations, and missing one day from school is like would not be enough to be ashamed of it for the rest of his life,
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and well, i think, perhaps he had other situations that he was simply ashamed to tell us: he was embarrassed, perhaps interesting remark, alexander, what do you say about this ? in general, in fact, the young man is right, but you know, the main thing is that there are no actions in life for which you would be ashamed, first of all, according to your convictions, betrayal, this is something that should never be allowed, uh, here such actions have never happened and will never happen, neither in my life, nor in the lives of my family, in this regard, probably one of the most examples... without the illnesses that i cited, and first of all i wanted to say that you guys are not be afraid to make mistakes, but confident in our audience of our youth, the guys are all responsible, serious, and even if they commit some kind of offense, they will admit, draw conclusions and move on. alexander, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. i am sincerely grateful to our
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audience, i want to say thank you to each of the young people present. for their assessment, for their comments, and of course, that we not only asked a question, but did physical exercises, danced, but most of all, we discovered each other friend sincerity, honesty and soul, and it seems to me that in the future we will definitely meet again. the first secretary of the central committee for the regional development of the russian federation, alexander lukyanov, is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, see you in a week. we don’t want to run and run and play, like the sun, the sun, the sun,
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and how our life is based on these particles, we want to look at these lights in our lives. and covering your skin is something new for yourself, it’s so good for us, because we work for it with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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you play well, but not those songs, where do you live, nowhere like this, i go to villages, and kind people help, so, so that you don’t hang around here anymore, i’ll see you again and break your haircut on your head. we 'll see about that later, oh, you puppy, i'll be back now , we'll talk to you about how to get there, good guys, here to the left, through the forest before crossing, come again, good ones.
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still. uncle, uncle, here the kid is playing soviet songs again, somewhere with a bookmark.
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why were you running? the policeman was chasing. he was the one who shot at you. why were the police chasing you? i probably wanted to kill you, i was playing about moscow, but why are you hiding?
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we need to cross the road, understand? yes, maybe i can help you? like this? can you call a cuckoo? not really, but like a nightingale? did you ever know how? “remember, when you hear the nightingale, immediately run away, i’ll wash off, why are you smiling, and i know who you are, so you don’t know anything, and you haven’t seen anyone, agreed?” “
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oh guter musikant, come here, komm!
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tomaten, luke
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, das ist.
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doctor, yes, well, how is it, petro, it’s not
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dangerous yet, the bone is not touched, you can go to them, just for a while, he has lost a lot of blood. great, petro, nothing, petro, get stronger, your wound is not dangerous, thank you for the bridge, maxim, and this boy, the violinist, what’s wrong with him? i won’t run away, go, go, don’t kick, musician, why were you tracking our people, tell me, i won’t tell you, tell me, detachment commander, i’ll tell you, comrade
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commander, trouble, grigory ivanovich, yesterday the bastards arrived on motorcycles, they told our old man to gather all the cattle and the bread that remained. tomorrow the bastards will swoop in, take everything, and let the village go under fire, to which everyone is shot at, they burned down the pledges, zalesye, zamozhye, in the pledges they threw people alive into the fire, so the same thing will happen to us,
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we need to take people to the family camp, and we’ll set up an ambush along the road through the swamp, not a single fascist will leave here, here he is, here he is, the patrolman brought him. i was little all the time, since you got
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here, you sneaked after them, and why did you follow them, i also want to be a partisan, but where are your parents? i have no one, my dad was before the war died, he was a border guard, and my mother, we didn’t know that the war had started, we had a concert in the house of pioneers, when i came running, the house was no longer there, it was hit by a bomb, and now i go and play for people and i’ll play for you.
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my mother loved to listen to this song, that ’s what, vasilek, we’ll send you to moscow by plane, as soon as we establish contact, to a music school, it’s still too early for the partisans, i won’t fly anywhere. how can you not fly? i won’t fly at all. i will help you.
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you've already helped. thank you. i'll help you too. ok then. now go to maxim. he still has to live you will. let's go, vasilek. comrade commander. what? and i know another bridge. let's bang. let's go, let's go. they are too big for me, uncle maxim, where did they all go, they went to visit the germans, sleep, why didn’t you go, don’t take over the patrol in the morning, and sleep, when the commander sends you on a mission, take me with you, whatever you want , come on, lie down, sleep like this. well, why are you making so much noise, you’re not letting me sleep, sleep, quietly, i
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didn’t come here to sleep, i’m a partisan now, sleep, partisan, and you won’t go anywhere without me, sleep, listen, senya, tell me how things are going there it was, well, how, we were driving. you don’t understand, with machine guns, with canisters, kerosene, to burn the village, but we caught them on the road, drove about fifty of the bastards into the swamp, in general, not a single one left, and we took all the people out of the village, well, of course, every single one , well done. well, okay , guys, get well, i'm off, happy, be healthy, i came on your orders, come in, maxim, sit down,
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the dechelons have flocked to the station, waiting for the bridge to be restored, traffic may open one of these days. that they tore it a second time? no, not this time bridge, but the station, or rather the trains that have accumulated at the station, among them there are two trains with tanks, it will be very difficult to get to the station, but you don’t need to, just carry the mine into the city and give it to kuzmich, you remember his house near the station, i remember , well, kuzmich knows what to do with it, the task is difficult, how to carry it?
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the clouds are spot on like a temple, well, not at all from the outside, well, not a little bit. well, who am i, deaf and a temple and not mine, and also remember, we are begging for food, well, go ahead, but that’s not it. "ich hab gesagt, bewegt euch, was ist denn mit dir, junge, ein fuß vor den anderen, aber fix, macht schneller, ausweis, papiere, bomaga, wer doniert,
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na geht schon, halt stehen bleiben. this is my dad, not mine, vater, we go with him and ask for some bread, and i play for it, like this,
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sewers. yes, great, you suddenly said that, my dad, well, maybe it will stay like this, okay, dad, just don’t mix it up next time, otherwise we’re both screwed, thank you. and after the war, maybe we’ll actually go home, i have a little one, he’ll be your brother,
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huh? tell me, please, where is kuzmich? no, kuzmich, yesterday the germans came to repair the bridge, when
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will he return? but i don’t know this. no, no, i demand a specific answer, when the trains will cross the bridge, in 2 hours, okay, i will take this into account, perhaps even earlier. great, uncle, this is my dad, you know, vater, he’s sick, we just want
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to play a little for the soldier, that’s all, durchkommen, durchkommen.
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i got through without a jacket, the cut comes out right next to the cars, and you can’t see any germans around, but don’t worry, you won’t get through anyway, but it’s not difficult for me at all, we’ll crush them all the way himself. is the nurse close? yeah, faster! the mine will explode at 3 o'clock, take it with you,
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what time is it? 22 minutes past three, you place a mine under the belly of the tank, it will stick on its own.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. the only city in belarus where you can arrive at one railway station and end up at another. we are located in the west of the country. welcome to baranavichy. and we go on an exciting journey. good news, you can touch the exhibits with your hands. that is, to literally touch history. not this way a long time ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish , weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations.
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landscapes full of thoughtfulness. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . minsk and baku are opening new horizons for mutually beneficial cooperation; the parties are also planning to create a joint production of medicinal and veterinary drugs, mixed fertilizers from azerbaijani nitrogen and belarusian potassium. today, business makes a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations. union state and belarus economy. domestic enterprises are developing new markets. tell us about examples of successful supply diversification. there are plenty of them. one of the latest in the industry is grodnoazot. the company began supplying its products to brazil, india, and turkey.
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exports exceeded the plan, july volume sold out preparing to gather friends this year, the date of the festival coincides with the folk calendar on july 6 and 7. 22 regions of russia from moscow to arkhangelsk have already confirmed their participation, that’s more than 90 people. we also welcome guests from azerbaijan and uzbekistan. the festival on the banks of the dnieper will bring together connoisseurs of folk art for the fifteenth time, a large fair will unfold, an exhibition of products of belarusian brands will be dedicated to the year of quality, and there will also be thematic venues. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. marusya, i’m fighting, show me why you’re taking me, i ’m to blame, for what?
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has anyone come here? no, no one. a week ago, the herkomandant gave the order to dismantle the organ. why you?
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it is possible that among them there may be those involved in the explosion. it’s not enough to just catch those involved. we need to find and destroy
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the nest itself. calm down, mr. commandant, we will find the nest. most likely, the partisans will lift us into the air. zostanę, dobrze, do widzenia, do widzenia,
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why are they grabbing everyone? i don't know, they say station, something exploded, yeah, but dobsh, you don’t need to go outside today , you’ll stay here, and tomorrow, when the city calms down, you’ll leave, okay?
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did any of you blow up or know who blew up the bridge and station? who knows, come forward. zergut, it means that no one knows or is afraid to speak, if he says, he will live, if he doesn’t say, we will hang him, first every third, then every second, until none of you remains. understand everything.
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er officer? verflug noch mal, was ist los, welcher staub und schmutz hier, bil gras, schweinerei.
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wer bist du, was machst du hier?
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you were detained too, yeah, it wasn’t the station that blew your mind. station? yes, no, no, not me, i just go out and play, and good people serve, who gives what? well, shpilya, play, i'll listen. can i tune the violin?
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call the organist.
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this is my music, take the boy, look like a veil, memorize the little boy, a german song, the soldier is glad, they listen, i do what i now ordered. but take off your clothes, come here, why don’t you take off your clothes, i thought you were ours, but you are for the germans.
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i hate fascists, and so do i, why do you? i was a pianist in polst, gostopovites they wanted to arrest me, i ran away from them here, but i’m afraid that they will find me here too, don’t be afraid, i will take you to the forest, to the forest, you won’t tell anyone, no, i’m a partisan, help me find my dad. and we will run away together into the forest to our people, and where is your dad? i don’t know, maybe here,
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yesterday a lot of people were grabbed in the city, we’ll find and run away to... all three of us, i just thought, in order for a person to be happy, he just needs to eat very tasty food on time, we will prove that the belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes and freshly grated raspberries. with flour and honey and honey, yes, that’s right, you see, you guessed it all, delicious taste, this dish, i think, is hundreds of years old and has been prepared here for a long time, but the quality and taste of ilyevsk chanterelles remains unchanged, let’s learn more about the historical past of belarusians, what do you mean have you heard about the treasures of the august canal, this is not
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a joke, they really exist, once there was a corps of the russian army that was surrounded and... the entire treasury of this corps was hidden. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country: chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes, sour cream, pepper, salt, everything, and you want to feed me something tasty, and i want to feed you. kulesha has a very interesting texture, it is meat jelly with flour, and the flour is very good, clearly felt on the tongue. watch the project, food anywhere on the belarus2 tv channel. a show that will not leave anyone indifferent, as soon as they lifted me up, i looked down, and i think maybe i don’t need it, why did i come here at all, please let me out of here, and meanwhile alexander is almost overtaking him, cling with your hands, come on , the main thing is to choose your
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the path, even if it is the most dangerous, calmly, take your time, stop, not there, not there, not there, stop, not that, stop, yes, neatly, at the top, but at the bottom, who is ready to overcome himself and become a hero, the time of great feats, we have never seen such emotions before, this is a cossack, i don’t know about sports, i don’t remember what it’s like, you can cry, you do n’t come to compete in order to compete, in order... to win against me always the same attitude, either everything or nothing, watch on the tv channel belarus 24,
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untersturmführer, überleben noch.
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and through mine too, a disabled person with a boy.
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ka muzyka, to the best polone zugińskiego, był taki kompozytor, dawno był, on do...
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hello, musician.
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yes, boy, why don’t you dump the dirty organ, they tell you. is this your dad? yes, my dad, very good. are you
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glad you saw dad? yes. i wanted to talk to dad, to let you go, but he can’t talk. tell me, what about? well, for example, where do you live? we don’t live anywhere, we go to villages, i play, and people serve. are there any dads you know in town? i don't know, it seems not no, why are you here then? i told you, we go everywhere. why did you want to go to the station yesterday to play with a soldier, maybe they’ll serve you something, they let you in,
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no, they didn’t let you in, and it’s good that they didn’t let you in, otherwise they started banging, shoulder straps flew up into the air, and pieces it carried me as far as a kilometer, i even fell asleep, everyone started running, i also ran and lost my dad, and my dad told me that my dad doesn’t speak, he’s not mine. yes, i forgot. come here. is this your violin? yes, mine. open up. take the violin. i was just lying here violin, nothing else. nothing. or maybe there is some secret place here? what's the secret
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place? don’t be afraid, it won’t explode, the partisans also planted it, we found it, i hid such a mine here, i didn’t hide anything, say this, no, you’re lying, like this, say this, say this, you!
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will you be speaking for the last time? tell me, who's dad? you don't say he died. he doesn’t say,
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tell him who the dad is, he understands. her komendant, wy mnie poróczyli chlopczyka. but he is still small, a little bandit, he knows a lot, but speaks little, i will talk to him a lot, he will tell me everything, he must play, then
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he is a talented lad, very talented, if he does not say, well, you will find out where and to whom his father went in the city.
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