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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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you spoke.
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no, i didn’t, i didn’t see the cornflower, no, uncle frank, get up, uncle bratik was killed.
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for me to bring the partisans, don’t leave him.
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the war has passed, years have passed. and one day
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, a young soviet stapler, vasil mikulich, performed at an international music competition in poland.
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vasilik, vasilik, uncle frank. “rainbow trout is the most promising
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for cultivation under artificial conditions, it has been specially modified, it is one of the most productive species in ras, it is relatively resilient and relatively is growing quickly, in principle we don’t need anything else, no matter what we do, it’s always made from freshly caught fish, this is the sucker’s trump card today, that the fish is environmentally friendly, high-quality and most importantly fresh, i... chief fish farmer of the site for growing valuable fish species number one trout farm lakhva. what is the key to success in the favorable cultivation of rainbow trout in belarus. the answer is simple: adherence to technology. the
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lakhva forage farm was established in 2014. initially it consisted of one enterprise, four swimming pools, an administrative building and a garage, over time it expanded ; today lakhva includes four complexes, three complexes for growing marketable fish, as well as growing planting material, one complex in the city of gorka for the production of fry, up to moment of formation. enterprises in retail chains, except for live carp, no one ever swam in aquariums, foreign fish, fillets lay on ice, but for belarusian trout to be on the counter, and i think few people believed in it, on today, in all large networks
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of belarus there is live food in aquariums, as well as shop-processed products, that is , smoked, chilled, salted and the like complex of slides, conditionally, this is the maternity hospital of our enterprise, the incubation church, the ekra comes here, is incubated, grown to mass approximately 0.2 g and is transported to another workshop when it switches to active nutrition,
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our feed is highly productive, specially designed for... installing a blocked type of water supply, that is, the meaning here is that the food should not decompose when it gets into the water, that is, if it falls here... it must retain this granule, each bath contains about 15-18 cubic meters of water, fish comes to this workshop from the hatchery workshop, it goes here growing, that is, conditionally, from 0.2 to 0.3 g, active nutrition gradually begins, accordingly, we begin to feed her with compound feed, small granules. if suddenly a fisherman notices that the fish has a weak
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appetite, accordingly you need to sound the alarm and make the right decisions, it is very important, so that there is light above the pools, because fish that are accustomed to the light, if you turn it off, they simply may not respond to food, well, it is very important to walk around the pool less so that the fish do not get stressed and do not approach again. to a person, at the moment there is sorting of fish, that is, the fry are sorted large from small, for which this is done so that there is no competition for food, that is, when there are large small fish in the same pool, the large ones create their own flock and simply do not allow the small ones the fish should approach the food, and accordingly depleted, accordingly falls ill, and subsequently may die, therefore, at the stage up to 25 g, the fish is constantly sorted,
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the concept of marketable fish, it can be 250 g, and it can also be one and a half kilograms, this and that is marketable fish, these three kompleksavichi, bykhov and vishovye are engaged in the production of marketable fish, and also in the rearing of fry. conditionally we grow commercial fish, if it is 100 g, there is an application, accordingly it can be realized. from the moment the caviar comes to the slides, and to it takes about 5 months to grow it to about 10 g, that is, and if we take the moment when we receive fish for growing or rearing, that is, from 5 until the end of the year we can grow about a kilo, 200 kilo, that is, roughly by the second year
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you can have about 3 kg of trout. the specificity of production is such that you are constantly connected with nature, you see this living fish when you planted it, even we and fish farmers conventionally plant 5 g fry when we already catch one and a half to 2 kilos. gram, well, there is some it’s a good feeling that i managed to raise such a wonderful fish,
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catching the most complex machines, in principle in mechanical engineering, that exist in the world. let's introduce people who are sincerely dedicated to their work. one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum; it was her long-time dream. i have three children, and it is impossible to love someone more and someone less. these are also our children, yes, they are all good in their own way, so in fact they have an attitude towards any product. it's the same watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. this is not the time to relax and rest on
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your laurels, it’s time to work proactively, it’s time to understand and feel your information enemy, and these are, first of all, the centers of information and psychological operations that are grouped under the roof of nato. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not staging and lies, love. ukraine ranks 61st, while belarus and russia rank 167 and 162, respectively. lithuania 13, latvia - 12. well, what kind of free press can be in the baltics, is there at least one russian or belarusian portal working, there are none, they were cleared out right here one by one, if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are
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in the dock. alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon. the author's view of ksenia lebedeva on politics. double standards in the project is another thing, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. parey is a cold-loving fish. our summer in belarus is quite warm and the water reaches 20°, that is, this is very important meaning, that is, conditionally if. if the pools were open air, in the summer we could have a lot of problems, starting with the temperature, this would lead to poor feeding, we can absolutely create the conditions that we need and that we need for fishing, in all areas the concrete pools are not located indoors , this was done for
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a reason, we present to your attention a typical pool for growing fish in... it’s not hot for us, the fish in the enterprise in the summer conventionally reaches 14, why is this good? we are independent of the ambient temperature environment, that is, in winter we are not cold, in summer he feels great. each one has wells, the water coming from them undergoes a certain degree of purification, it is
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favorable for the growth of fish, so all we can do is... and follow the technology ourselves, so that fish farmers follow the technology, do not deviate from the technology, this is the key to future success. to grow a uzv, you need to have not only good water, but also specialized food; here, regular feed for carp is not suitable, but there is food for ras, then what kind of food is this? and it is very poorly
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soluble in water, has a low dust content, and most importantly... it contains the necessary micro and macroelements, as well as the presence of a large amount of protein. today we are conducting an experiment with belarusian feed, we are looking at how it will behave under ras conditions, and if the experiment goes well, we will use belarusian feed in feeding. at each site of the lakhvaa trout farm, at the same time.
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cleaning system for this pool, that is, that there is a biological filter, the most most importantly, there is also a mechanical filter that removes feces and waste products; accordingly, when working with a mechanical filter, waste residues go into the sewer system and settle into settling basins, so we have a water change of about 10-15% per day. all sorts of different parasites, well, here we have a small choice, we use table salt from soligorsk, that is, we can talk about
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environmentally friendly products, on the water plot, in the agricultural town of vishov, which means we are trying experimental baths for keeping and holding fish, that is , today we are trying to grow fry here, there are nuances, but... we are working on them so that there is a conditionally favorable growing condition for planting material. we started working at this enterprise when it first appeared. in principle, no one knew how to handle trout, he offered what he knew, and somehow, conditionally, they began to feed, and something grew, and over time, some experience appeared. we have the magilev region in the cherepovsky district, where the breeding stock will be kept,
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the eggs are incubated and the planting material is grown. thanks to this complex, we will be able not to depend conditionally on buying caviar abroad, but to produce our own caviar, that is, to take caviar from our own females .
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on the site in kosichi there is a fish processing workshop; live fish, freshly caught from the holding pool, arrive there and are processed accordingly. in the fish processing center we produce finished products from our rainbow trout, the fish comes to us. in a live form, we work on request, we produce cold smoking, hot smoking, chilled fish, frozen fish, preserves, caviar,
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salted fish, our fish products are as healthy as possible, because no food additives are added, all fish is smoked on alpha chips, and preservatives not using. a minimum of time is spent on the processing process, it is about 12-14 hours, this is good because the client receives a high-quality product, fresh, always fresh, we have fish straight from the oven, in order to choose the right fish, it must be with the head, that is, one can always determine the quality by the head. fish, why do some manufacturers sell fish
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without a head? , conventionally , when you press, this dent remains, we produce chilled fish, which is in great demand, we produce fillet steaks using... a machine in a modified gas environment, which immediately go to the buyer. further in mgs we do hot smoking, we do cold smoking, these are the headless, back, side. the fish is very tasty and is very popular and in demand. we produce vacuum-packed salted fillets and... we also have preserves in our production; fish grown at the enterprise is a pure product.
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natural food is used, no additives, uh, it’s tasty and healthy, it contains a lot of vitamins, omega-3 acids, a lot of protein, which is very useful for the body, after some time, establishment economy, but to this day there is a feeling of joy that is felt on store shelves.
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exclusive interview with athletes, here in russia at the brix games everything works like at the olympics, we have a common village where we can meet representatives of other sports. it was not an easy path to victory for me, but i am happy that everything worked out. all this is in sports projects on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. everyone sees that the west, when it comes to a country, when it develops a network of ngos, when it imposes its politics there, the country loses its sovereignty. today the concept is very widespread, we cannot ensure our security alone, it is impossible, but for many decades we have been taught that if we cannot do this, then in an alliance with another country, for example, with the russian federation, this means automatically we are not going to we don’t want to do this, but why are we conducting exercises, so that this never happens, so that those who stand behind europe, this is primarily america, great britain, understand that on the island it won’t be possible to sit out if there is such a conflict; the time has come for the brave, those who can defend their policies, their
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rhetoric, their independence. sovereignty, its economy, then the country survives. the project is objective. don’t miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. trout production is a new thing, relatively speaking, we just started producing trout 10 years ago, there is something for science to strive for, because it is possible to develop various drugs to combat fish diseases and improve the technology production. the fishery-industrial complex in gorki originally belonged to
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the goretsky academy, that is. everything was built first so that students could practice. today this industrial complex belongs to lakhva, but nevertheless we work closely with the gored academy. the department of fishery sciences trains specialists for the country’s fishing industry, including training personnel who work in the lakhva trout farm.


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