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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 7, 2024 12:30am-1:20am MSK

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the first house from which it all began here, and here i want to tell you, a corner of india, here people are lying down, there will be one for everyone, a small table, a tandoor will be here, right here it will be, i prepared it on a bed, lay down and yes, everyone is lying down, who - he wears such a hand, it’s someone not you, i hope i won’t lie, we’re turning our idea of ​​life in the countryside upside down together with the heroes of the project: i’m from the village, but home here? i’m coming, this is mine, i really liked it here, and i didn’t think about anything else, well, when everything is assembled, here five children, yes, yes, there was an idea that, as if to prevent the children from scattering everything in their rooms and spending as much time as possible outdoors in the open air, in general , ask them from home to go to their territory, i think that if i work, that means i live when they work, that means i’m already like that, so i’ll work and work, we’ll come up with something and do it. watch on tv channel
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belarus 24. pratsyagvaem syabry. we know the rich musical culture of the kazakhs. geta. and a lively selection of unique musical instruments and jumping folk music, well, the highest mastery of kazakh singers is famous throughout the world. and it’s not surprising that the famous song kahannya nastaga zalatoga, the voice of kazakhstan roza rymbaeva, has become the sacred anthem of all the dead people of the world. syabry, sustrakaytse. winner of the medal of francis skaryna, winner of the first step of the season. your gonar,
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grodzenshchyna, galina kachalava! for how many years love has been sleeping in me! this word didn’t mean anything to me, love was hidden in the depths, it was waiting, then it woke up and opened its eyes, now it’s not me who sings, love sings, and this song. echoes in the world, love
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has come, as the morning will come, it’s the only one in me crying, laughing, the whole planet has opened up for me, and this joy, be it the sun... no, you won’t be able to get away from this fire, you won’t hide , you can’t hide, love will overtake you.
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and the whole planet opened up for me, and this joy, even if the sun doesn’t cool down, you won’t be able to leave. you can’t hide from this fire, you can’t cower, love will overtake you, how many years have you loved me, i didn’t say this word about anything, love was hidden. in
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she waited in the depths, then she woke up and opened her eyes. there are kukuts on the ground, there are krynitsy zvinyats, there are trasnyakami gavoryts azers, there are mounds on the skin of the earth that flock for centuries, steamy
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forests, there is... a current on the earth songs, cossacks and mars, and colorful colorful dreams ў, dze and paparazzi over the blossoms, mountains at kupala nights, there is a corner on the ground. the day of adzin is over, you are enchanted at the meetings, and even if you had not had, no matter who you were, you will sum up tight, and
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you will smell the edges. shanovnae spadarstva, seleta we appoint 80-godze from the day of summoning the hell of the german-fascist buryings of belarus, and of course, this victory - this is the creation of our brotherly savetian peoples, at that time there were azerbaijanis, armenians, russians, kazakhs, and jews among belarusians and many, many others. the dry aichynaya vine has become our agulnay. the great wound and the final tribute to the national anthem of the hero was the song of the crane, written by the dagestan poets rasulam gamzatav. this song
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is from the ancestral galas of the ancestral dyaspars, our native peoples, which are belarusians fought off enemies from our native land. we want to express our deep gratitude to all the heroes of the great patriotic war, the celebrants of different nationalities, whose deeds and their lives brought us peaceful skies. sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers
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fell from the bloody flames. they did not once die in our land, but turned into white cranes, they are still flying from those distant times , giving us voices,
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a tired wedge across the sky, flying in the fog at the end of the day. and in that order there is a small gap, perhaps this is the place for me, the day will come from a flock of cranes, i will swim in the same gray haze, from under the heavens.
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i’m digging that the soldiers, who came from the bloody fields that never came, did not once die in our land, but turned into white cranes.
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some of the national saints, the karaites believe that these drums drive away evil spirits and conjure the powers of blessings. on our festival stage there are creative artists of the traditional karay culture of aryrang and an ensemble of traditional gulni on karay drums, samulnars.
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이 내리게 하면 너를 돌발하게 하리라.
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popularization of our culture and our people - this ganar mission, and in may of this year
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we marked the 70th anniversary.
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o feliță mărioară și am auzit de o aseară că iubitul tău se însoară și am auzit eu aseară că iubitul tău.
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os că nu știe ce i frumos însor este sănătos că nu știe ce frumos însoară se rău nu pare numai inima mă doare înzoară se rău nu mi pare numai inima mă doare liliță marie leliță marie leli ță o apeliță. cheliță marie leliță marie leliță cheliță. vali eu mai mărita mai ladeal de casa ta.
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varii eu moi mărita mailat de casa. that's it voi trece la vecine, aplânge inima în tine, când oi trece la vecine, am plânge inima în tine, feliță marie leliță marie leliță o, apeliță o, leliță marie leliță marie leliță, leliță. ți se rupe inima, și oi trece și oi cânta, ți să rupe inima, și ai să viva de la mine,
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ș eu n mai fi de tine, și aii scă viva de la mine, ș eu ni mai fi de zine, le liță marie leeliță marie leeliță, liliță,
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for god's sake, the meetings will sleep a gypsy once a gypsy two gypsies three and chats іх navarozhy navarozhy navarozhyla that will give a gypsy once, gypsy two, gypsy three and four and five, navarazhyn, navarazhyn, navarozhy.
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and the gypsy one, gypsy, two, gypsy, three, chatyrs, and five, navarazhyn, navarazhyn, navarazhyla, what will i give, gypsy, one, gypsy, two, gypsy, three and fours and five, for varazhy, navarachi, navarazhyla, why sleep, no one is true to me... the chervonians are faithful, and there are no new packs, for nothing i trust the gypsies, for nothing i trust the gypsies, for the sake
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of i trust the gypsy , for nothing, for the sake of the gypsy, i didn’t bother, i'm penniless , i'm drinking, gypsy one, gypsy two, gypsy, three, and four and five, on varazhyt, navarazhyr, on varashyla, that i will sleep, gypsy one, gypsy two, gypsy three, and four and five, navarats, navarats.
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oh, you're a gossip, yes, you're my letakuma oh rassuudi tsarymir, yes, i didn't give dadze's romavy dukans.
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in the meantime, let's serve the people of the wai.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience
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of various organizations in our country. there was also such a goal, to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one moment, it all happened gradually, of course, we walked... under the strict guidance of our district and region, and the ministry of culture, our technology today is actually very reliable, the safety margin is built into it enormously, these are the most knowledge-intensive, the most complex machines, in principle in mechanical engineering, that exist in the world. we will introduce you to people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and , in general, ideological inspirers of this museum was...
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the company of our guides, to find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, as well as to propose projects and films that are sure to become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24 on 7 project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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at christmas time, the kazakh holiday brought a gift to young kazakhs. a musical instrument called the dambra, and of course, shanovnae sadarstva, sennaya we are still at the mercy of the hell of the getaga of a unique musical instrument, kali laska, the final stage of the medal labor glory, cultural icon of the republic of kazakhstan, kuanyshgul serykbaeva, sustrakaytse syabry.
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shaaravynda, dos keldi dep jasap zhatyr, anyk toy, algashkyr, nagas gazak state mini.
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the recipient of the medal of ancestral glory, the recipient of the culture of the republic of kazakhstan, konysh gul serykbaeva. konysh gul, we thank you for the magic of the sennya dakranutstsa and the sapraudna whole of such a culture, such a sign, outstanding, we were blessed. syabry, well, we are celebrating our sainthood, and now on the festival stage.
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quiet as if i were shining, the stars above the place are high and bright, i sing to myself, i cover myself, night has fallen, rest, children. the day was very hot, stitch after stitch, stitch, the penny became heavy, oh,
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there was time, there was strength, it’s not the same there anymore, they mowed my hair, wiped my coat, there lived one jew, so he said that everything passes, the sun also sets at sunset, but it will still be born, it’s a pity that it’s not like me. who will dress them all in fashion, my girl, tomorrow morning you will come back to me again, my dear, my fagels,
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sad-eyed, half-shaked maysa will say, you will laugh, people are different and... dream different to me, oh, there will be a day food to live, take your time, sometimes the rich, the beggar is the one who did not have time to accumulate, the one whom no one holds anywhere anymore, thread, velvet, and needles, that’s all the things, and they’re also crushed on the shelf, so life would go on, only i see the sun less and less, less often,
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there was a time, there were. dear, but it’s not the same, the years have mowed my hair, wiped my coat, gelatin is a jew, so he said that everything passes, quietly as in paradise, the stars above the place are high and bright, and i sing to myself, i am on my own edge, i... mark shternevski, the ensemble gilzaga and white dew, the quality of the world is the same, the quality of different countries and peoples, we all look different,
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we have different language, different views, different traditions and religion, etc. we are all born in the dark, in the dark, in our lives and in our loved ones. and now on our yuletide stage with marami ab shchastі, honored artist of the republic of belarus, zhanet. sustrakaytse, syabry! dobry večer festival, labas vakaras, aš tikrai nežinojau, ten prie jūros lauksi tu
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mane ir visai nesvajoja. tau dovanų atneši man deliau gitar eilių, myliu, kaip aš tave myliu, nepasakyk žadelė, einu zvajodama, einu, nežinomas tą kelias šaukiu vijeliui aš. laukiu, senos kopos styli, myliu visa širdį myliu, bėliu ir bango su šiamos, aš laiminga šiandieną, eisim dvėse baltijos krantu, apie
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meilę kalbėsim, gimtarėlius rinksime kartu, dar eiliu, myliu, kaip a š tave myliu, ir pasakyt žodelė, einu, svajudama, einu, nežinomas statelės šaukius, dvijaliui aš šaukiu, pas jamais, miliu, bės širdį mėlių, ir baldos nuo žemų, mi luz,
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keď aš tave myliu, myliu, kaip aš taveę, love, ja tebia i love you, everyone, friends, aš lini
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asmana quşlar qanat qaqqana, sehrdamlar seyği bolib, atanan, sening kami disxunyar yuragi, seni ko'rgan buvodon jahanno. يا ذيلي. well done!
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yağlar tilləyib güllər, sağlar telliat sayrar, yılğırsan dünyamı.


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