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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 7, 2024 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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happiness to our house and happiness to the free land, sunshine will play, this morning and tomorrow and beyond, happiness to every home, change the sickness of the mary, oh, to our happiness such is the case, may the indoor family win, a new day has dawned for the invader, sir the spirit is gone, the song is ringing. began to roar, my soul shines, every home has happiness, and happiness, the battle is not on earth, the sun shines, this morning and tomorrow, every home has happiness, change the gloom to mary, oh, our happiness is ours, may our native land be dearer, rock by rock croc. it’s getting hot,
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it’s getting hot, it’s getting hot, it’s getting hot, it’s getting hot, and in advance, idze, happiness to the every home, change the gloom on the mari, oh, happiness to our children, may the native land come sooner than later.
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from soviet pro. on july 7, 1944, troops of the first belarusian front liberated the city of stolin, stolin and gantsevichi districts of bresskaya. region, fighting began on the outskirts of the city of baranoviche, the troops of the second belarusian completed the occupation in the urban village of mir in the settlements of naliboki, peretoki, simonovo, captured the kolosovo railway station, the third belarusian front liberated the cities of ashmyany and ostrovets, captured railway stations, soly, gudagai. until complete liberation. belarus had 21
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days left. hello, this is a club of editors on the belarus 1 and belarus 24 tv channels. we will discuss important topics of the past week and. according to our tradition, i will introduce the guests who are present today in our studio, dmitry samovich zhuk, editor-in-chief of the publishing house belarus today, member of the soviet republic, olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of mtrk mira in belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union, pyotr petrovsky, political scientist and tv presenter alexei avdonin, a bc political analyst, by the way, also a tv presenter on the belarus 1 tv channel, and vladimirich pertsov, deputy head of the presidential administration of the republic of belarus, good evening, dear friends. thank you
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very much for coming to our studio today, such an outstanding week, this one was always pleasing when, when preparing for a program , you have a lot of material on your table, a lot of events, we went through everything, and quite significant ones, well, first of all, this of course, independence day of the republic of belarus, which we celebrated with scope and anniversary of the liberation of our country, a historical event, we... became full members of the shanghai cooperation organization, we will of course talk about this today, some progress has been made in ukraine, orban did not listen to barel, flew to moscow, and at these moments it meets with putin, and before that i spoke with zelensky, the world has hope in ukraine, hysteria, well, let’s see how this all ends, we’ll also now see what statements are being made there, another european politician has been given a kick, i mean elections.
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for residence, in fact, there are some kind of certificates for these people to then vote for the democrats or not vote for the democrats, but we know how they can do this, we remember the last elections, these wonderful shots, when whole urds were thrown into garbage cans, ballots, observers were not allowed to watch the counting of votes, in general they are masters of this business, i communicate with politicians, by the way, i recently spoke with one european former politician, he was in all seriousness, not just me saying so, well, in europe there in the usa it falsifies.
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at the tv, with rare exceptions, they watched the parade, and of those who watched at least something at that time, that is, they watched youtube and the tv was just turned on, more than 60%, outstanding figures, i want to say that, for example, the share of the tv channel belarus is 1, which is about eight percent on average, but here it’s 82, with millions of views on the internet, on youtube, on tiktok, i’m generally silent, girls. remember ours, who rehearsed as heroes when they were daughters, then began to march in the parade, whoever follows the agenda on the internet of course, i saw that everything was filled with this video, and i want to say that i
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attended one rehearsal, vladimir borisovich attended all the rehearsals there, i want to tell you that these stands were in approximately the same form at all rehearsals, people came to watch the rehearsal as if it were...
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so everyone was looking forward to it, the weather was gorgeous, we were very lucky, everyone felt very good about what happened, so what i liked more was watching, even then on social networks, what was happening in the regions , even in small? tv viewing figures, parade attendance figures, you know, at 40 thousand, well, in 2020
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, a little more than 10,000 people came to the parade, according to the picture it was about the same fullness of this site, all its components, we had to put up additional screens, about seven the minsk city executive committee connected and additionally displayed screens, because we understood that based on requests, on questions about... watch the parade in delayed viewing mode, which
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belarusians have the opportunity to do thanks to the hall system, this shows a high level of consolidation of society, a high level of social cohesion in such a difficult period, that people’s patriotism has grown, love for their homeland, love for the corner of the earth where they live, speaking about regions about the country as a whole, readiness to stand up for pride at any moment. for our country for the armed forces, that’s why so many people came to the parade, a lot of people, well, probably visually, just as many came to the rehearsals, realizing that they might not be able to go with their children, not get such profitable places to watch, there were a lot of people with children, and at night, including at night runs, it was amazing, and it rained on some days, but young people, families with children still came and watched, it’s really admirable, but and we...
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in the twentieth and before the twentieth, in the same social networks, which now have a lot of content from our parades and rallies in the regions, but a little, to put it mildly, we made fun of it, laughed at the fact that children are taught to sing anthems, over the fact that they are forced to walk with flags, come to public events, go to parades, they say, someone here is demonstrating some kind of military equipment, what kind of military equipment, what are you talking about, life has taught, life has destroyed all those. frivolity, all those deceptions, all the lies that were conveyed
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to our, in quotes, let’s take the liberal -minded, progressive, also in quotes , part of the population, our alternative media, mass communications, this is the most obvious embodiment, this is the most clear evidence to our enemies, and enemy, that at any moment the whole country will unite in defense of our country, let god.
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spaniards, portuguese, representatives of the czech republic , when they watched this, they had tears in their eyes, why? they said one phrase, but in our country such parades are prohibited.
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in order to look at our parade, because it is also such a good reminder that somewhere there is this island that lives this life, a normal, calm, peaceful life, which honors its traditions, which remembers who liberated and how he liberated our territory from the nazi invaders, who value peace and talk about peace, this is amazing, to me it seems that you can imagine if in 1996 the president had not put the question of when to celebrate independence day to a referendum, thanks to him. and his policies and foresight, today we have this national unity. vladimirich said, he said correctly, that they were making jokes, yes, while they were making jokes, scoop, why do you need this, it was a policy to destroy our historical memory, that decision, relying on the people, provided us today with this unique, i
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say unique post-soviet space.
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the parade, which took place this year on july 3, is a demonstration, including economic power, not every average country, an average country
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can hold a parade, if you have seen the baltic parades, you understand, a bright show, this is a beautiful event, but with on the other hand, this is definitely the presence of a very powerful economic basis, which gives that the parade is on the one hand, yes, yes, it is yes, which allows the country to demonstrate the presence of strong military units, and weapons, military equipment and economy. yes, the achievements of civil industry and the economy, but another important aspect is that... they tried to lead to the idea that parades, you know, are a relic of the imperial situation there, of the first world war of those countries that participated in the first
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world war, then the interwar period, then the post-war period, and parades are supposedly not needed, we are nato, as they said, we don’t hold parades, we already have enough power, now everyone understands that parades are here...
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and genetic hatred for the winners, for us, what you and i were talking about right there i remember the events that happened this week, i would like you to discuss them,
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for example, the level of us national debt cannot be maintained, something needs to be done, - said the head of the federal reserve system , paol, according to the us congressional budget office, the national debt will increase with 99% of gdp in the twenty-fourth century. secretary of state blinken's speech at the brookings institution, you probably read, there were a lot of theses, such a big speech, summing up biden's first term and an application for future, i take only one thesis, in china, he says, an irritating factor threatens the economic one. us dominance helps russia and china will be a struggle on all fronts. let's listen to this fragment. as you know, we are deeply concerned about
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china's overcapacity. which is trying to find a way out of its own economic problems through exports and doing so in a way that saturates our market in critical industries , critical sectors in which we invest directly right now, these are underpriced products designed primarily to push our own manufacturers out of these sectors, out of these industries, whether it's solar panels, electric vehicles, electric vehicle batteries, et cetera. our job, our responsibility, is to ensure that our workers, our industry and our communities are protected. and this is exactly what we are doing, how is the united states going to fight china, which in general there is no need to fight, well, the country is developing, so we have two screenshots: the first, the west is planning to make an analogue of nato in asia, you know, yes, the second, stoltenberg, china has challenged the security of nato, well, everything is classic, and the last one this week, hillary clinton is called to lexus on behalf of
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poroshenko . and you remember what she proposes to do for ukraine in order to elect biden, she says that trump is a bad person, we need to win the elections, and for this it is important that one condition be met, i am doing everything i can to re-elect the president biden, i'm very i hope that this will be the result in november. it's a very difficult time in our country right now, but i really think it 's important for ukraine to continue to do what you're doing, which means you need to provide support to try to not only hold and go on the offensive, then obviously many in our country will do everything possible to re-elect president baidin, you need to continue, that is, ukrainians have another 3000 or how many? in another,
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once again put 300,000 so that biden is elected president, does anyone else really need to explain something, well, finally, what they, what we guessed, they were talking about behind the scenes, came to light, you know and discussed this, that the situation, of course, is with biden, to put it mildly , deplorable, deplorable. no matter what kind of multi-steps anyone thinks through, but in the american press they write that there are no alternatives, they will not prepare, and for us this is doubly comical and uh, funny, that you know, a country of 330 million, a huge country, as if they were like us taught, a model political system, democracy in the flesh, directly, and in all in this country, in this entire reference system , two, to put it mildly,
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older people are reaching the finish line. one of whom, well, we agreed not to joke, but sometimes he’s not out of his mind, well, everyone has criminal prosecutions, one has 26, one has one for corruption, plus a son with drugs with illegal possession of weapons and with all these corruption schemes, now they will choose, scuffle, fabricate some results, in order, of course, to get biden to the next term, this is in the interests. not only them democratic party, this is in the interests of big money from big corporations, which we have talked about many times, but unlike what they would like, you see what is happening now in europe, which seemed to be controlled, and great britain and france have already issued a statement today that the international olympic committee is ready to cancel the olympics because they are preparing a bunch of things in their opinion after
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the event. it's election weekend and there's a smell of civil war in america, we talked about this a lot too, they're talking about it now political scientists and sociologists, if they so impudently push through this candidacy, which, according to the highest ratings, does not get more than 30% among its friends, even if they have gathered governors, democrats for a meeting, they waved their heads at you, this does not fundamentally change anything, we will observe negative ... the unfolding of events, thank god, this is the situation that is changing in europe, and some movements towards each other in terms of concluding peace in the issue of the northern military district of ukraine, god forbid, if this happens, everything will settle down, then america will be forced solve their problems themselves, they will have nothing to provide for the dollar, the defense industry will fall sharply, and this is a large cluster of industry involved, what they say is china
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is dumping, china is giving fair prices. they, transferring production to america, where wages are pumped up, inflated due to the transfer of production to other countries , will be forced to catch up with inflation of their own dollar. which will devalue the dollar even more, there will be even more dollar supply on the market, at some point they will have to make a difficult decision, cancel cash currency, converting the dollar into a digital currency, or abolish cash currency in unfriendly countries, to which they classify us, where they have already taken measures to limit swifts, international payment systems, access to the money supply, and so on and so forth, and how will this end? what this will lead to, it will be the collapse of the dollar system, about this... by the way, our president spoke at the sco summit, this is the decision on the transfer of payments for national currencies, which we must make as soon as possible, otherwise all this will fall on our shoulders, because the by coincidence, according to
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the system established in the seventies, we convert our goods, our labor into these same oils or petrodollars, and at some point this may turn out to be simple, useless pieces of paper, so let’s give one more remark, if you allow. during an election campaign, in any country, in the states, especially since there it is still more of a show than a company, some hidden moments and motives come to light, if we analyze everything that the current american president says, it becomes clear i see, oh, that's not a leader and not an independent figure, b) he voices theses that are beneficial to the war party, in fact, to arms production, as the vladimir lobby spoke about.
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if we take a little history, then blinken, in principle, reflects the ideology of american manufacturers and industrialists, which was formed just at the end of the 19th century. there was such an albert beveridge, and on september 16 , 1898, he published a famous treatise called the tread of the flag, where he clearly described that in order for the united states of america to avoid...
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there is no longer a unit on the map of the planet, and this is not and in fact, such a country as a sovereign country has its first history, starting from some contingents that constantly exist and live there and issue passports in sovereign states, american joint-stock companies, ending with what we are now seeing in ukraine, how it will end if now with such losses, maybe there are still some prospects for revival.
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they decide at the expense of europe, they translate primarily into american ones, this can severely impact american business, production from those countries where they produce it has become generally unprofitable, where even just pumping up furnaces for smelting various types of metals is no longer profitable, because gas is extremely expensive thanks to the policies that these us proteges are pursuing, look, in fact... we see that the philosophy of flow is for europe - these are the same severed
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fingers of the weaver. that's it, they confused the europeans about why they should live by their means. and europeans today are forced to go further along this chain. i don’t want to use the word food, but unfortunately, in their philosophy of life, yes, you need to devour someone in order to live yourself, but how? this is their development philosophy. well, what about the economy? the next sanctions brought us into relations , including germany. in germany , an anti-record for company bankruptcy was recorded for almost 10 years since the beginning of the year , about 11 thousand companies went bankrupt in the country, this is almost 30% higher than in the twenty-third year. german media write that this is the second news that the automaker ford motors is going to leave germany, the reason is given insane prices for energy and the overall economic situation in the country, while they are fooling people for.
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a resident of germany, denmark, great britain, to
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watch the bbc, from each tv, how much was 18 euros there, in my opinion, yes, in britain it’s even more, from each tv, you pay every month, if you watch a special service, that’s for a while if you don’t watch tv, they will come to you, a video has appeared of how this is happening, let’s see, what is this, who are you, i’m from the bailiff service , so what do you want? you have a debt £1,328, so you haven't paid the tax on the tv, i'm here to collect the debt in full, or we'll take the property for the same amount of £1,300, ok, why are you trying to break into my house, open my window if it's open , we are allowed to get inside through it, that is, enter my house through the window, legally? yes, that's right, but you don't have the right. i have, can you just go and open the door for me, sir,
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open the door for what, to talk to me, i can’t shout to you through the window, i don’t have a tv, and i have to pay tax for it, well, you have a tv, how do you know that i have it, because i saw in another window that you have it, now imagine, imagine we have this, not even 1300 pounds, but 1300. damn, if it were this, well , these so-called independent media would simply be undermined, the entire internet would simply be flooded with this video and comments, posts, etc. and the factory of troll bots would simply trumpet, calling names on our country, the leadership, and what is climbing through the window, and this is everywhere all the time, is the norm, this is democracy, this is how they force and coerce, this is an effective channel, we put liberal democratic propaganda in quotation marks, if you don’t want to watch, pay money,
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but the most cynicism of this tax on the bbc is that it is paid by blind, sightless people, though half the rate, apparently for what they can. but we talked about germany and about their successes , and the europeans in general have almost all the same successes, an interesting note appeared in one of their telegram channels, russian, by the way, you probably saw it, it’s about belarus, just briefly, in addition to germany. belarus has become a member of the shanghai cooperation organization, which accounts for 30% of global gdp. belarus has overtaken south korea, australia, the usa, brazil, and israel. in the sustainable development rating, analyzes russian telegram channels, grows gdp at a rate higher than the global and european ones, i have a figure somewhere, in my opinion, for the first half of the year it was above five, 5.2, belarus began exporting cars produced in belarus to the russian federation. belarus confirmed joining brix this fall.
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belarus and china are creating a global educational platform in belarus. belarus increased its industry share of gdp to 27.5% by comparison. the figure for europe is 16.5%, well, draw conclusions, so remember, if it’s literally about television and propaganda, the europeans act extremely harshly as part of their propaganda, because nazi germany acted even softer, as they distributed goebbels’ radio, which built, in my opinion, for the price of two loaves of bread, it was special, yes, that is.
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the economic situation in europe, and as it gets worse, people there are simply thrown out into the streets by unemployment, propaganda no longer works.
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it seems to me that they are starting to fight with their own people, and very strongly, so if you take the same poles, yes, they did, they created some kind of commission to combat the information influence of belarus and russia, what kind of thing is this, yes, they are afraid, then they are afraid, it’s you there on your polish radio, well, probably yes, because people are already being hounded so that they don’t give interviews, don’t say anything, ordinary experts and political scientists.
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to such typical goebbelsian insanity and even worse than the meaning, because well, i don’t know, probably in hitler’s germany there were no
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such opportunities to check, see who is looking at what ip addresses, but it’s already there, that is, such a soft network totalitarianism, where they interfere with you in your apartment, in your head, in your phone, in everything, making sure that you only watch the right channels. almost every member of the state media mafia and every democrat who is now shocked by joe biden's cognitive state is simply full of it, and not liars to the core.
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america must finally wake up from this corrupt and dishonest alliance of democrats, the state media, and the extremely powerful institutions of the deep state. we are at a turning point, and america as we know it will simply cease to exist if this continues. there will be political opponents.
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yellow-skinned population, discrimination against immigrants, on whom the democrats are now taking their revenge, politically, so to speak, for production reasons, simply to humiliate these people, at least in the way that their children are taken away from them, taken from their families, separated, families are torn apart, and there are quite a lot of such examples, this is what you are talking about, the golden billion wants to survive, and we for them exclusively all the other seven and a half billion people of the planet. means to achieve this comfortable life, this situation is also collapsing, because the 7 other billion planetary majority no longer
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agree, we unite, the more of them sanctions, the more their disrespect, the more of this mentoring look at us, the more we will unite in such associations as the sco, brix, eac, cis, we will integrate, because we, in principle, have everything to independently. .. to be friends, to trade, to exist, to complement each other in the economy and not to consider each other as some kind of underpopulation who need to be enslaved for the benefit of their very sons, granddaughters and great-granddaughters, yeah, well, you said about the nazis, i’m right there i screenshot it, i remember hearing the information, usa will help print more than 3 million textbooks for ukrainian school heads, this is of course a terrible disaster, we remember soros’s entry here for textbooks, and the soros kids in ukraine have been printing the assistant to the us president for a long time.
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the united states of america, those ukraine after the forty-fifth year of territory , there is nothing surprising, who turned out to be from bandera, who fled from western ukraine, then their children, specifically the prime minister, former justice, roman zvarich, came to this ukraine and started with money americans already then at the beginning in the nineties, they published various kinds
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of pseudo-historical literature, where... the corresponding history has complete continuity, we did not take it out of context, on the contrary, we left it and we honor the victory in the great patriotic war, but we must understand how dangerous textbooks are, well, maybe the most dangerous thing, i agree with you, the most dangerous thing is
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textbooks, because if you want to defeat the enemy, educate him and his children.
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our opponents are enemies, so we have just recorded a terrible thing: hitler and fascism in in general, for all civilized humanity, it was an absolute evil, it was, well, something that was not questioned, there is the nyberg tribunal, there are living witnesses, there are materials from criminal cases, there are a lot of documentary chronicles, no one disputed this, but ours the enemies are playing... for the long haul, these sons are the granddaughters of defeated fascists, they are playing for the long haul, they are preparing to lay in the next generations, including in the post-soviet - in the post-soviet states, in the minds of these young people, these are some such alternative values, as it were, educating and preparing those who are in some kind of what
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is happening there, first of all, to the detriment of their people, secondly, to the detriment of common sense... and i, of course, am not, i want to say the thesis, i i’m not a historian, i didn’t receive any special education, i don’t seem to have the right to judge the content of western textbooks, as for what is 102 years old, but i’ve lived in minsk since 1998, i was a participant in many events, including seeing
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the revolution with my own eyes cars, served in law enforcement agencies, i have been working for 20 years.
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and imagine - she openly and publicly stated that the main goal of the united states of america is and lists the fight there against the environment, improving the environment, against emissions, and then she says the fight against overpopulation, yeah, openly, then they quickly, quickly retouched it, removed it, she said , yes, he didn’t mean pollution, pollution, although he confused it, overpopulation, pollution are the same thing.
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his team, not the west, look who they decided to shift responsibility for this to, let's listen to zelensky, i am the president and the guarantor of the constitution, and what we are talking
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about is how to change our territories, not change the constitution, and not evil, and how we can demonstrate the german model, or else yes, or too bad, in come what may, then... we need to understand what we are preaching, who is preaching to us, why bother, after whom, understand the thought. all of us, not just mine, but the rest of the entire marriage, for the marriage, the people of ukraine, and the ruler of ukraine. attention, zelensky is hinting at a referendum, but now imagine court of a people tormented by an armed conflict, the question is put to a vote, do you now agree to stop on these conditions, the country has lost 1,500 killed, 15 million have left, what do you think?
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and the constitution will be rewritten and zelensky’s decrees will be repealed, so the demonstration is full of real, in quotes, sovereignty and real independence of this regime in ukraine, you know, be that as it may, no matter what happens there, and the main thing is that it goes towards peace, and about that you also remember once, the head of state said that by autumn everything should end, well, god grant that these are really the steps that will lead to the fact that by the fall it will end, because i really feel sorry for the ukrainian people and it’s a pity, well, i don’t believe in it, well, i really want it.
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the use of various types of nuclear weapons is prescribed in principle, unlike the cheerful european rainbow friends, we have absolute confidence that, and we have known putin for a long time, that he is a consistent, serious and large-scale politician, if he said it, he will do it. this is also understood by those who are now these with the hands of ukrainians or some mercenaries who are fighting there with russia, incites this conflict, pursuing their own interests. their
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interests, if a terrible scenario occurs, will end at one moment, and for them, and for their mistresses and lovers, for their children and granddaughters, the planet may end, so you need to take your head in your hand, in your hands, as our president says, to sit down at the negotiating table and somehow get out of this difficult situation, although a couple of months ago they puffed out their cheeks and said only victory, only victory, we will help and in no way and nowhere further and no... other options, probably to the point when other options will appear, everyone understands that they must appear and be realized, we are now approaching, god grant that everything goes in this direction , as now follows the statements of politicians, including zelensky, who was extremely categorical and always spoke with such loud ultimatums on issues of peace negotiations, agreements and everything else. vladimirich, he was extremely categorical, because he had to say so.
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in these various divisions, it is 5-10 times higher than, for example, in civil industries , or in some enterprises, here again we are following the stamps, pouring water there, it is not ukraine that has destroyed the west, it has destroyed this economy. having opened the borders, when millions of workers left, when production stopped, this was all systematic preparation of ukrainian men for the fact that they would be given a machine gun in their hands, yeah, it happened,
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plus they let us down with those textbooks that were recently on the screen, young, young generation that is ready to change ideologically their fathers, yes. there will be actions in which we will take part as full members, is it possible to imagine in the shanghai cooperation organization that some johnson from some country would come to the republic of belarus and make such
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a catastrophic historical decision for the country, i mean, what about the fact that we are talking about the fact that despite the fact that the giants are sitting there, and the head of state speaks about it, there is a completely different principle of construction.
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scared, those who manipulate the dollar club, i understand that this cannot continue to be the case, we see all this, but we don’t do it, and people are waiting, well, for politicians who can make such bold statements, openly, of course, not, not very much, but i really hope that the people who sit at this table will listen, yes, you know, when we discuss biden, trump, it is important. remember trump made a statement just recently on march 11, he said that as soon as i become president, any country that refuses the dollar will be subjected to.
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flows, that is, the united states itself found themselves hostage to the
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corporatocracy that their elite built over the last 50 years, literally a few numbers, the volume of printed dollars and non-cash dollars in circulation around the world is 625 trillion, this is 25 times more than the entire us gdp, yes, external debt of the united states and america, approx. in our country, we have ruble deposits and trust in the ruble has changed dramatically in recent
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years, and in the external structure of payments i don’t remember the latest statistics, but the dollar was less than 10%, the euro was something like 15, this is absolutely another structure - foreign trade activity and the currencies in which this activity takes place, this is also thanks to sanctions, you connected us, you forced us to switch to settlements in national currencies?
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in order to ensure an increase in the standard of living of people, and the dollar turned out to be not
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such an indispensable tool for this, and at the level of people the west itself helped us, because if previously the borderlands all went to poland or the baltic states, they needed dollars or euros, we went there on vacation to these countries, these countries themselves closed themselves for us, therefore, no matter how they are needed, people don’t need it and are not interested, people are really interested in seeing the belarusian ruble, a strong belarusian ruble, and a strong one. the west, we talked about this, that everything is different with them, the ex-prime minister of france, fransaa, yes,
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that’s his name, told how the united states of america is friends with its european ones. have i ever had to deal with foreign interference in my political life, especially when i was in government, yes i did, mostly from a friend and ally who are usa. your committee is working on the problem of foreign interference; i can say that, for example, president sarkozy and i were wiretapped by the national security agency for 5 years. we learned about this when documents from american intelligence agencies were leaked. everyone focused on the fact that the national security agency was bugging mrs. merkel, but it was also bugging every member of the french government, and no doubt other european countries. in fact, this is a fairly common practice among
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major powers, but there is one form of american intervention that i do not agree with and believe. this is the principle of extraterritoriality of american justice, which allows american justice, often the american administration, to interfere in the affairs of european companies, neglecting, in my opinion, the principles of international law. they all become so smart when they leave their posts because they start them. do not forget that he is being persecuted by french justice today, therefore, but the man but he told the truth. thank you very much, it was a club of editors, we will see you in exactly a week on the belarus 1 tv channel, goodbye.
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geta people, zakhaniya ў my radzima. there is beautiful nature around.
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the west, when it comes to a country, when it develops a network of ngos, when it imposes its policies there, the country loses its sovereignty. sovereignty, today the concept is very vague, we cannot ensure our security alone, it is impossible, but for many decades we have been taught that if we cannot do this, then in alliance with another country, for example, with the russian federation, this automatically means a loss of sovereignty, but this is not so, in their concessions putin, lukashenko say, guys, why are you raising these nuclear issues, we are never going to do this, we don’t want, but why we are conducting exercises so that this never happens, so that those who stand behind europe, this is primarily america, great britain, understand that sitting on an island if there is such a conflict will not work. the time has come for the brave, those who can defend their policies, their
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rhetoric, its independence, sovereignty, its economy, then the country survives. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. 33 happy summers, your favorite holiday gathers friends again, from july 9 to 15 , the international arts festival slavic bazaar in vitebsk will be held for the thirty-third time with popular songs, fiery dances, a bright show and the smiles of thousands of spectators, welcome to infinity art, look for details on the website in the official communities of the festival. this is not the time to relax rest on your laurels, time to work ahead, time to understand and feel your information enemy, and this is , first of all, the center of information and psychological operations,
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which are grouped under the roof of nato: ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. international non-government. the word is a weapon. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view of the policy of double standards in the project is something else. watch on tv channel alexander lukashenko very correctly said that
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live news in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch the episode! drink kvetka, wine, fire slavic unity alexandria gathered. tens of thousands of people for the anniversary festival, we’ll tell you how we celebrated kupala night on the banks of the dnieper. will he be able to?


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