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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 8, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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ten years ago, we managed to visit the goalkeeper’s hometown of chelyabinsk, talk frankly with the person closest to him, his mother, and also find unique archival footage. this is a photo of our park, where there are a lot of people, where a lot of time was spent all weekend, andryusha has just started walking, he is 9 months old here, here is my husband and i, andryushka in a cap. everything that andrei is wearing, everything that is on me, everything that is on my husband, was sewn by me. film tv news agency mizin wall, today on our air, after a panorama of understandable politics. more relevant information at 19:00, see you on the evening news broadcast. 33 happy summers, the favorite holiday gathers friends again, from
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july 9 to 15 , the international arts festival slavic bazaar will be held for the thirty-third time in vitebsk with popular songs, fiery dances, a bright show and the smiles of thousands of spectators, welcome to the infinity of art, look for details on the website in the official communities of the festival. belarus captivated them at first sight. the main thing that has always been said in russia is that it is very clean here, good roads, wonderful products. i was surprised that nature was so beautiful and so clean, how different everything was, so neat.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania. latvia, estonia! set up
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a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. in the mountainous area lies the industrial town of dyatlovo. local artisans produce the best parquet flooring. the town is generally commercial and wealthy with a population of about 500 people. this is how the famous writer once wrote about this city belarusian geographer arkady smolich. much has changed. let's get acquainted. this is dyatlova.
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a small and cozy place in the east of the grodno region, at different times it was owned by the rich and famous princes of ostrog, sapieha, and radevili soltans. the city began with... a settlement with a wooden castle and a fortress, the yard of sdyatilo. once upon a time there was lake zyato near the city. from this root zyato the name “zetila” arose. throughout history the city was called by different names, but with this name zetela it lived until 1939. podzyatlovo land there are many legends. some are associated with the
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oldest city building, the church that stands on the main city square on september 17th. in 1937. builders allegedly found an underground passage connecting the radivilov palace, the local cemetery chapel and the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary. the walls of the corridor were incredibly strong, this is explained by the fact that ancient craftsmen added egg yolks to the solution. the architectural dominant of the city. the church in the boroko style was built in 1645 ... under the supervision of a patron of the arts, the church began collection of the library, which, unfortunately, burned down in a fire in the 17th century, but don’t tell the rumors of another name in the city. nikolai faustin rosevil lived
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in dyatlovo until his death; he wished to bury himself, as you know, in a stale place, but he decided to leave his heart in this church. according to one version , it was placed in a glass bottle. walled up in one of the walls, which one specifically is still unclear, and whether such a thing even happened at all. according to another version, the location of the heart of radivil is still known when you enter church, stand at the entrance and look on the right side, you will see a column, in it, according to local historians, the chest with the heart of the novogrudok governor is hidden. in terms of its artistic design, the temple very much reminded me of the churches in vilnius slonim, and i was not mistaken; later historians explained that the masters of the vilnius school did a good job on the interior decoration. as i already said, in 1743 the shrine was badly damaged by
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fire. the restoration was carried out by the best architects of that time. the money for restoration was allocated by nikolai faustin rodivil and wife barbara. we tried to leave it. in its original form, unique stone bas-reliefs have been preserved above the entrance, and there is an altar inside. and here is the legendary organ. his story half a century ago formed the basis of the script for oginsky’s film polones. the nazis wanted to bring the rarity to germany. at first, the organist , under various pretexts, did not allow him to take it apart. at the decisive moment , the partisans saved the situation. the musical instrument is now in excellent condition. it can be heard on sundays during public holidays. the center of any
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belarusian town - square. each of them received a name depending on its function. in dyatlovo market. fairs and markets were held here. the main streets from the square lead in the direction of lida, slonim and novogrudok. 3,450 jews lived in the town in 1926, 621, about 70% of the population were jews, they determined the economic and socio-cultural level of development of the town. jews kept craft workshops and factories thanks to them. dyatlov created cafes, restaurants and good bakeries. on the building each workshop or store had a sign, from which one could easily understand what was being sold or produced here. for example, on
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portnov’s house they depicted scissors, a hat maker, and, accordingly, hats. surely you noticed that the entrance of all these houses faces... in those days, this was done to attract buyers, but this pistachio-colored building, which today houses a catering building, was a butler's pharmacy in the thirties, and a dumpling shop in the sixties. nowadays, houses built in the 19th and 20th centuries are used for housing and shops. old residents say that when the houses on the south side of the market square were demolished. and were preparing a site for the construction of a household, local children found a bottle with gold coins and two rings in the ruins. the money was divided among themselves. the boy took one ring for himself, and put the second one with a diamond on the dog’s tail. law enforcement agencies gave
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their assessment of the children's prank. much attention is paid to the history of the dyatlov jews in the school museum. he is in the gymnasium, and we are heading there. and there is no public transport in the city yet, the population is only about 9.00 people, the area of ​​​​the town is small, so residents move here mainly on foot or by bicycle. suitcase knapsack sakvaya shitorba, symbols of the jewish people persecuted by fate. during the second world war they said: take everything you need with you. what do we see? clothes, shoes, photographs and national paraphernalia. in this way, people were given hope of salvation, otherwise, why take
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things if there was an execution ahead. the bulk of the jews in dyatlovo were exterminated during the holocaust. at the beginning of the war, the inhabitants of this there were about 4,500 nationalities in the town, about a ninth of them escaped. lucky. if possible in this tragic situation, talk about luck. for comparison, the minsk and warsaw ghettos were almost completely destroyed. the exhibition dedicated to the dyatlov jews includes publications, photographs and personal belongings. the torah leaf deserves special attention. if you look closely at it, you can see marks from a sewing machine. a purse was once sewn from the sheet. it's immediately obvious that it's good. tanned leather. jews were also the owners of locomobiles,
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which generated electricity and provided light. there were three such machines in dyadlovo. each house had one light bulb that could only stay on until 6:00 pm. until 1939 , there was a synagogue in the city, of which nothing remains today. in its place, next to the september 17 square, there is a fire station. there was also a good dental office in dyatlova, where they provided dental treatment and prosthetics. this service was not provided in every locality. in general, the town is famous for its famous natives. everyone here knows the preacher jacob kranz and rovin israel coin. the theologian havitshayem was born in the city. according to his advice, the life of the jews of that time was determined. when compared with the orthodox world. that this is a person of the same level as simeon of polotsk. let's go to the next room.
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the history and culture of the dyatlov region in exhibits and documents, because for many centuries people of different nationalities lived in the city and region. each stand reveals the fate of people and individual nations. particular attention to the history of the great patriotic war. helmet, funeral from the front, newspaper "crush into a fascist reptile." leaflets in polish. scattered by the allies to strengthen morale, this is a mini-installation: war in a suitcase. each of the items once belonged to the families of schoolchildren. the suitcase became full over time, and the museum board thought it was very important to create a book of memory. it contains war stories of the students' great-grandparents. a collection of poems written during the war, portraits, because everyone who was in the war is a hero. let it go. the names of many are not included in the book of military glory, films have not been made about them, most importantly,
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these people are remembered. in dyatlova they promise to erect a monument to the founder of the city , konstantin ostrozhsky, by 2023; this year in the grodno region they plan to perpetuate the memory of several more prominent people. a pavement will appear in lidi for prince gedemin, and in slonim for lev sapega. where is the newborn? already gone. how can he put up with you for so many years? polinochka, i asked you to hand in my essay right in class, or rather, i asked you not to stalk me, i’m married. are you divorced? you must always start with yourself. i need to ask myself what i can change in the current situation. situations.
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your father re-elected me on his own, chose another woman for himself, life, wow, bitchy people cry too, i didn’t expect it, watch the series. presented the olympic rings, which are installed on the ephel tower. minsk is stronger than victoria 5:1. with this score, the third match of the final series of the belarusian field hockey championship among women's teams ended. hard training , exciting competitions, the second training camp has begun, the belarus national biathlon team in the current off-season. the srednegorye training camp will probably take place in july and this
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the familiar tsakhkodzor in armenia will probably also be very familiar to us. the belarus-russia friendly match was the first international one. this orthodox church was built recently, and
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next to it is a small old wooden church building, erected at the beginning of the 16th century. the temple is small. but for more than two centuries it was the center of the religious life of the orthodox residents of detlov. the population of the town gradually increased, so there was a need to build a new church. in addition, today 60 percent of the population is orthodox. in the old temple, and some local historians believe that it is the same age as the city; during the war there was a hospital for wounded red army soldiers. parishioners brought food for them in the church graveyard and prepared dinners. there are many stories going around the old church; they say that peter i himself prayed within its walls, and during the second world war, when german soldiers walked around the city, a medical operation was performed right at the altar, thereby saving the life of the partisan commander valentin bitko, after whom one is named from the city streets. namolin's place,
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miracles must have happened here, i sang. chore in the transfiguration church, in the small one nearby, in 1998, at the end of the year, a crucifix was streaming myrrh, we could not understand what it was for and what it was, but literally after a while, there for a month and a half or two, the war began in serbia. i think it's time for a change of scenery to get to know the city's surroundings. we are in the palace, this is, of course, not the royal stockholm and not the residence in munich, but nevertheless, it is our own diatlovsky palace, and even though lavish receptions were never held here, at one time kings and kings lived in the palace. natalya mikhailovna, as far as i know,
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the name of the place goes either... in the palace at one time there lived one family of kings and four royal ones, in one of them appeared the light of king stepan georgievich, a famous fellow countryman, hero of the soviet union, lieutenant general of aviation and one of the first pilots of the ussr. at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, the catholic
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appolinaria protasevich also lived in the palace. a tragedy happened in her family: three children died, at that time there was no... catholic church in the village, it burned down in 1841, where to pray for your children, it is necessary to build a church, in 1905 the convicts received permission for this, the appolinaria asked for money from a distant relative magdalena radevil, and so a unique temple with italian decoration appeared, ignat domeyka and anthony tyzenhaus were baptized in it, sadly, but the polynaria did not live long enough to see the lighting of the church. we are on the outskirts of the palace, in an ancient catholic... cemetery, and this is the grave of polinaria protoseevich. the monument in the shape of an angel was ordered in naples by her husband after the death of his beloved wife. and, by the way, the locals say that a lot is connected with him
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mysterious stories. after the war, the komsomol members tried to remove the monument, they came and threw it off the pestment. a few days later he again took his rightful place. the attackers decided to track him down. the people who did this, local residents and mystics were hiding on the veranda, in the rays of the rising sun they saw a monument in the same place, an angel comes out and saves himself, miracles, that’s all. the monument is made of an unknown alloy, there was no aluminum then, it has stood for 100 years without restoration, it is unique. in all sculptures angel's wings, as a rule, are lowered down, and at the seats'. raised up the mountain, as if ready to take off at any second. this is not given to us, so we return to the city by car. we are
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back in dyatlovo, and now in front of us is what is not a real palace. it belonged to the radivils, and was built on the site of a fortress, which tsar peter ii himself visited in 1708. by the way, here. there is also a memorial plaque. the last tsar of all russia and the first emperor of all russia spent a whole week in dyatlovo when he received information that the swedes moving towards grodno, i went there. at that time, it was not a palace, but a wooden earthen fortress, which was built by konstantin ostrogsky to protect against enemy attacks. the palace was erected already in 1751 by order of nikolai faustin radevil. this chair
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stood in the radivilov palace during the great patriotic war. it later turned out that there was a partisan cache in it, where medicines and the underground press were hidden. in the post-war period, this valuable exhibit of the dyatlovsky museum of history and local lore was found in the village of novelnyaya in the attic. one from private houses, household items deserve special attention, the corner is interesting for schoolchildren, witnesses to the very ancient history of a mammoth bean, structure, a figurine of a stone idol, this is confirmation that a parquet factory operated in dyatlov in the middle of the 19th century, it belonged to a small estate, at the beginning in the 20th century , jews began to buy production. this parquet is unique in that. made from local wood, its strength can be appreciated even by visitors to one of the hermitage halls. if you like unusual excursions,
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that way. in the city, at the request of tourists , a theatrical quest for the treasure of radivil is held. in this way, you can not only get acquainted with the main attractions of dyatlov, but also find the treasure of a magnate family along the way. we leave the museum and across the road we see a historical monument. meet joseph filidovich, belarusian susanin. in the winter of 1942, he saved a partisan hospital and led the nazis into an impassable swamp. under the threat of execution of his relatives, joseph yurievich agreed to help the nazis, because only he knew about the location of the partisan hospital. for a long time led the fascists through a dense forest, it began to get dark, the cart horses fell deep into the swamp, they beat the guide, demanding that he be brought to the partisans as soon as possible, realizing that filidovich
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had deceived them and led them to certain death, the fascists shot him. at the cost of his life, the hero saved many wounded and doctors. the hospital continued to operate until the liberation of the dyatlovsky district and from the nazi invaders, and the natives of the village of pushchalipechanskaya were posthumously awarded... a medal for courage. more than 70 children, 14 names and two large slabs that form an arch. this memorial is in memory of the victims of the war, of children whose names local historians are still trying to restore. children of hard times. their life is a feat accomplished in the name of peace on earth. 5 days before the start of the great patriotic war, they met at the belarusian train station in moscow to
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go on summer vacation. pioneer camp novoyelnya, these were the children of revolutionaries, famous figures of the communist parties and anti-fascist underground of italy, germany, austria, china and other countries, 21 children. on site today of that pioneer camp, the only museum in belarus that bears the title of people's.
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are good, so in fact the attitude towards any product is the same. watch the “quality mark” project on our tv channel. the village of novelne, located on the left
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bank of the molchatka river with... it was then that the poles organized a children's health sanatorium here. the resting place was located in a forest at the confluence of two rivers, next to a new school building and a sanatorium. during the day, the children swam, sunbathed, lit bonfires in the evenings, pioneer summer, but really enjoy it the children did not have time to enjoy the delights, their summer and... ended at dawn on june 22, 1941. the youngest children were eight, the eldest was 13. local residents, including teachers , hastily evacuated in the first days of the war. true, the trains and cars were overcrowded, and no one dared to take the children. as a result, they managed to put three of the smallest ones into one of the cars that was carrying the wounded. the rest
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will experience fear, fatigue, hunger, and all the hardships of war. the exhibition includes documents, letters and photographs of war children. a terrible story, the museum in novoyelny is interactive, to get all the necessary information, you don’t have to hire a guide, just take a gadget with you, our next hero doesn’t need any modern technology, he seeks his inspiration in unity.
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i want, but i need to draw what we give, pots and so on, after that i lost all desire to write, to draw, and today the artist’s works are in private collections in belarus, latvia, poland, italy, the usa, finland and germany. my first painting as i remember now, i wrote 30 years ago, march 20, 1989. during this time, he created more than 300 works and was engaged in pencil drawing. and wood carving, but only in oil painting, he says, you can depict the feelings of sensation, the feeling of this volume of the beauty in which we live, well, someone will see, for example, the same bright trees, and such a massive house, and to some this will all seem dull and boring, he will display it all on the canvas in the same way, the point is, the internal fullness, the point here is yes, in principle, i think that...


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