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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 9, 2024 12:50am-1:25am MSK

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we can absolutely create the conditions that we need and that we need for the light. at all sites, concrete pools are not located indoors. this was done for a reason. presented to your attention is a typical pool for growing fish in a recirculation system, that is, it is one pool, its volume is 1,200 cubic meters of water, respectively 700 cubic meters. for keeping fish, and the rest is 400 cubic meters, this is process water, that is, it is a biofilter, a mechanical filter, due to the fact that the module is located in an indoor area swimming pool, so our water is on average 10-12°, in the summer it reaches 14, which is good, we are not dependent on the ambient temperature, we are not cold, we
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are not hot in the summer, the fish feel great, every enterprise has wells , the water coming from them undergoes a certain degree of purification, it is favorable for the growth of fish, accordingly, we only have to monitor the technology of growing and feeding, our feeding is automatic, it occurs 14 times a day. where automation doesn’t reach, we provide assistance by hand, it’s necessary so that small fish receive food and conditionally, do not get sick or die. my responsibilities include, most importantly, observing the technology myself, ensuring that fish farmers follow the technology, not deviating from the technology, this is the key to future success. to
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grow uzv, you need to have not only good water, but also specialized food, here ordinary compound feed as for carp is not suitable, but there is food for ras, that is, what kind of food is it, it is very poorly soluble in water, has low dust content, and most importantly most importantly, it contains the necessary micro and macroelements, as well as the presence of a large amount of protein, today we are conducting an experiment with belarusian. we are looking at how he will behave under ras conditions, and if the experience goes well, we will use belarusian feed. at each site of the lakhvaa trout farm, there can be about 100-120 tons of fish at a time; if something is disturbed somewhere, 30 minutes is enough for the trout to fall asleep in the pool. this
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is monitored by certain sensors, and a diesel station, oxygen, if any an aspect may be missing, so it will pull another one along with it, this is important, so personnel decides everything, we see the cleaning system for this pool, that is, that there is a biological filter, most importantly, there is also a mechanical filter that repels... potassium and products vital activity of fish, respectively, when working with a mechanical filter, the remaining vital activity goes into the sewer system in the reservoir, so we have a water change per day of about 10-15%. we monitor sanitary standards, that is we carry out preventive maintenance twice a month in order not to create overgrowth.
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various microflora of all sorts of different parasites, well, here we have a small choice, we use table salt from solegorsk, that is, we can talk about environmentally friendly products, on a trout plot in the agricultural town of vishov, which means we are trying experimental baths for keeping fish, that is, for today we are trying to raise the fry here every day. there are nuances, but we are working on them so that there are conditionally favorable conditions cultivation for planting material. we started working at this enterprise when it first appeared, how to handle trout, in principle, no one knew, whoever knew what, he offered, and somehow conditionally, we started feeding, and something grew, and over time there was some experience. here in
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the mogerev region in the chelepovsky district, where i will be. to maintain breeding stock, incubate eggs and grow planting material, thanks to this complex we will be able not to depend conditionally on buying caviar abroad, but to produce our own caviar, that is, take caviar from your females and obtain planting material from it, which you can later sell and use yourself. when production had just begun, we began to try to sell fish in nets, when there was an offer to a store to buy belarusian trout, well, people could not understand how they could bring live fish into
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an aquarium to plant, of course there were moments, stores were not ready to accept it, into an aquarium in 300 liters cannot be planted with 150 kg of trout like carp. accordingly, there were times when fish died in stores because the aeration was wrong, the water temperature was wrong, but little by little we mastered minsk, then other cities accordingly, and a couple of years ago we already started transporting fish to brest. there is a processing workshop on the site in kosichi. fish products, live fish, freshly caught from the pool, from overexposure, comes there, and accordingly it is processed. in the fish processing center we produce finished products from our rainbow trout,
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the fish comes to us live, we work on request, we produce cold smoking, hot smoking, chilled fish, frozen. preserves, caviar, salted fish, our fish products are as healthy as possible, because no food additives are added, all fish is smoked on alpha chips, and no preservatives are used, the processing process takes a minimum of time, it’s about 12-14 hours, this ... the good thing is that the client receives a good quality product, fresh, always fresh, we have fish straight from the oven, in order to choose the right fish, it must be with the head, that is, head, we will defrost it conditionally, fresh fish,
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it will always be dense, when pressed it will return to its original shape, and if it is not quite fresh, conditionally... you press , this dent remains, we produce chilled fish, which is in great demand, we produce fillet steaks using a machine in a modified gas environment, which immediately go to the buyer, then at mgs we do hot smoking, we do cold smoking, these are headless, back, side, the fish is very tasty. is very successful and in demand, we produce salted fillet, vacuum packaging of caviar, we also stock preserves, the fish grown at the enterprise
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is a pure product, natural food is used, no additives, it is tasty and healthy. it contains a lot of vitamins, omega-3 acids, a lot of protein, which is very beneficial for the body. after some time , the establishment of the farm, but to this day there is a feeling of joy that a project that was done and no one believed in it, today there is a full-fledged farm that produces marketable fish . present on store shelves,
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these people, zakahanya ў pile...
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the concept is very vague, we cannot ensure our security alone, it is impossible, but for many decades we have been taught that if we cannot do this, then in an alliance with another country, for example, the russian federation, this automatically means a loss of sovereignty, but this is not so, in their concessions putin and lukashenko say: guys, why are you raising these nuclear issues, we are never going to do this, we don’t want to, and why are we conducting exercises so that this will never happen it happened so that those who... stand behind europe, this is primarily america, great britain , understand that
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it will not be possible to sit on an island if there is such a conflict. the time has come for the brave, those who can defend their policies, their rhetoric, their independence, sovereignty, their economy, then the country will survive. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. trout production is a new thing, relatively speaking, we just started producing trout 10 years ago, there’s something to be gained strive for science because it is possible to develop various drugs in the fight against diseases.
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the farm is like such a practical complex, it is also very good that the parel base for training, where students undergo annual practice, is also provided by us.
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closed water supply installations, these are small exact models of exactly real closed water supply installations, and it is precisely according to the system of closed water supply installations that all trout complexes work, including the lakhva trout farm, so students already in class, they study how such installations work, what main elements are included, what components are available and how to work with them, how to maintain them? if you look around belarus, there are directors who are graduates
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of the belarusian state academy, and let’s not even go far, i myself graduated from industrial fish farming. i chose my future profession because i had a hobby since childhood: fishing. i haven’t given up on my hobby, although you seem to see fish every day, but i also don’t miss the opportunity on a day off, go to the river, hunt, in particular for pike perch, pike, some
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people believe that for...
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hot smoking, we can have different sizes of fish, chemistry has reached such a level that thanks to chemical processes it is possible to produce food for both animals, and for humans, that is, to occupy a niche of a product with high quality is a very big deal today. you still have to believe in yourself, in your country, and with the prepositional approach, with technology, and with the right work, you can achieve a lot of things, we hope that in in the future, the products of the lakhva trout farm will also have a quality mark,
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just like our meat and dairy products. and i would like the concept of red fish to leave belarus as a product of some kind of festive feast, so that it would be, if not every evening, well, twice a week or every thursday on the tables of our residents. there are actually many more countries in the world that need our technologies, and not vice versa. in
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economics, we will prove that we can do a lot here, no less. all important issues are most often resolved not in formal negotiations, not at ceremonial exhibitions and not in formal suits, the most important issues, whether in politics or economics, are most often decided in an informal setting, the presidency is the most difficult profession in the world, this schedule is never static, something is canceled , something is added, something else is rearranged, but still, so... in this schedule there is never a day off mark, so the head of state is the leader of the country 24x7 365 days a year. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we
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have forgotten how to enjoy little things and be surprised. to notice, but every day consists of feeling the connection between generational times, just traditions, today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge. and the experience through a generation is in our smile, the waves of our hands. in such a familiar view, real traditions are formed from simple happy moments. we are proud
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of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides, find
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a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the ether 24 on 7 project. watch on belarus tv channel. 24. 100 gathered in our studio brave guys, each of them has a question for an adult. do you promise to tell only the truth? i promise. good luck then. how was your adolescence? michael, it was a difficult time. was it that you didn’t like the song, but had to sing it? full of charge, of course, the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, well, i skipped school once like that, and got
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to the final station by trolleybus, this is probably one of those actions for which i am ashamed, in fact, i met mulyavin, where he lived on the avenue, catch-lop, he says why he didn’t come, tomorrow at ten, that’s it, and so it goes, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. brsn calls itself the heir of komsomol. why do we even need to preserve this soviet heritage? i believe that a successful state and country understands that building a reliable foundation and state is only possible by respecting the past. watch the project: 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel. but i thought, in order for a person to be happy, he just needs to eat a very tasty meal on time, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, freshly grated
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raspberries with flour and honey and honey, yes, that ’s right, you see, you guessed it all, delicious taste, i think this dish for hundreds of years and they have been preparing it here for a long time, but the quality and taste of ivyevsky chanterelles remains unchanged. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country: chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes, sour cream, pepper, salt, everything, and you want me something tasty feed. kulesha has a very interesting texture, it is meat jelly with flour, and the flour is very good, you can clearly feel it on the tongue, see the project.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language, today about how belarusians of elegant age will receive pensions, will it be possible to come to the window with a passport in the old fashioned way? go! in belarus, the conditions for receiving pensions and some benefits are changing. some people who took money from post offices must open bank accounts and receive their payments through them. these changes have been known for a long time, since last december, so they didn’t fall like snow on anyone’s head, yet not everyone is ready for them yet. pension recipients go to the banks with delays. today we will clarify the situation for them. there are almost 2,400,000
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pensioners in our country. 1,600,000 of them switched to receiving pensions through banks long before december 2023, when it became known about the upcoming changes, but among those who remained, not all of them should change their post office to a bank. the pension funds for belarusians are accumulated by the social protection fund; every working citizen contributes there to pension account 1% of their salary, employers send 28% of... the salary fund, but not from employee salaries. in addition, for each employee, the employer receives 6% of his salary for social insurance, that is, for sick leave and benefits. we haven’t forgotten about them, we’re just talking about pensions now. pensions are 1% from the employee, plus 28% from the employer. district social security officials determine what pension is and who is entitled to submit applications to the social security fund. he transfers the money
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and distributes it to the country’s pensioners. but convey neither the foundation nor local authorities can give money to people on their own, they do not have the infrastructure for this, for this they need someone reliable who can be entrusted with pensioners’ funds, who has an automated accounting system, the ability to transfer and deliver money, premises for receiving citizens , cash register windows, because the ministry of labor, and the social security fund is part of the structure of the ministry of labor, transfers money to people through operators, in our country these are commercial banks and belposhta, from july 1: pensions can still be received through both structures, just previously, any recipient could choose a bank or post office, but now only the following groups of the population have the right to choose, note: pensioners over the age of 70, pensioners living in rural areas, people with disabilities of the first second group of any age, citizens who refused to receive passports for religious beliefs, well, let’s mention those who receive benefits. among
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them, the bank or post office have the right to choose. adults with disabilities of the first and second groups who receive benefits for their children. parents of a disabled child who is under eighteen and recipients of child benefits from rural areas. that is, elderly belarusians who celebrated their seventieth birthday, as before, can choose for themselves whether they should pick up money at the post office, at the bank, or order delivery. the same applies to village residents and disabled people, parents of a child with... in the case of pensions, these are residents of minsk, regional and district centers, without disability of the first and second groups under the age of 70 years. as for benefits, they can only be accepted through banks. recipients payments for children from minsk, regional district centers, and people who receive benefits for
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caring for a disabled person. the first group to reach eighty years of age. once again for pensioners, only through the bank will those of you who have not yet turned 70 receive a pension, while the person lives in the city and does not have a severe disability, all three criteria must match, then through the bank. transferring pension payments to a bank is not a burden, but a relief for relatively healthy people under the age of 70. they are called young pensioners, because our women retire at 58, and men at 63. these are active belarusians, they travel around the country and the world, use modern technologies, pay for goods... services on the internet, many of them still work for them the arrival of the amount on the card is clearer and easier than going to the post office, queuing for cash or waiting at home for the postman. mentruda has been working on changing the payment format for several months; in total , about
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100,000 people had to switch from mail to banks, currently counting for 90,000 of them have started receiving payments, about 10 thousand will not reach the banks, which means that they may receive their money with a delay. to receive a pension or benefit through a bank, you need to open a basic account with it. to do this, you need to come to the department with a passport or other identification document and fill out an application according to the sample. the bank will open an account, transfer data about it to the ministry of labor, and link a plastic card to the account. you won’t have to pay for its service; it will work wherever there are cash registers with card readers. you can open a basic account until june 21. that is, you need to do it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, everyone who does it later will receive their pensions as soon as they open their accounts. now the list of banks where you can do this: belarusbank, priorbank, belagroprombank, sberbank, belgazprombank,
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belinvest bank, dobrobyt bank, bel-vnesheconombank. a citizen can choose which of them to open an account to receive a pension. there is an important nuance here. those who switch to payments through banks are not obliged. use a bank card if it’s more comfortable to stand in line the old fashioned way and get cash at the window against your signature; you can go to the bank with your passport the same way you used to go to the post office and receive paper money in your hands. as i said above, there are almost 2,400,000 pensioners in belarus, and 70% of them have long been receiving pension payments through banks, because it is more convenient for them. about 430 thousand pensioners continue. work pension is just one of the payments that arrives on their card every month, that is, the changes that have been introduced for a long time have been affecting practices and very convenient for most of our pensioners. people 58-65 years old can hardly
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be called uneducable and incapacitated, it is completely wrong to spend money on sending pensions to those who immediately put them on cards to make it more convenient to pay for food delivery or utilities. let's do this: we live in a state, that is, in a system of economic relationships as well. it would be disingenuous to say that changes in the conditions for payment of pensions are needed only by the pensioners themselves. we all need them to reduce the cost of delivering money, reduce the load on retail chains and mail. the world is moving digital, a huge amount of information is stored in virtual clouds, physical infrastructure is adapting to a new format of life, whether we like it or not. you won’t surprise sixty-year-old belarusians with an order. on the websites of hypermarkets and cafes, delivery points for online stores in cities on every corner. the state virtual pharmacy has been operating for more than a year. utility payments can be made online for a long time; most belarusians pay their insurance and taxes there; a whole lot of people have already retired
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a generation of people who are used to buying clothes on marketplaces, paying for everything through erip, and even buying theater tickets online. there are more and more such pensioners every year, and they need a quick transfer to live a full life. on a card, and not going to the post office, now it’s important: any city resident of retirement age will be able to apply for a pension at the post office or with home delivery, as soon as he celebrates his seventieth birthday, moves to live in the village, or, god forbid...


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