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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 9, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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and the older brother, but they were in another room, the victim was hospitalized with injuries, he drank an energy drink and got caught under the influence of alcohol by guy's employees, in minsk traffic police inspectors stopped a drunken volkswagen driver, it was clear from the smell that the man had drunk well the day before and not water, testimony showed that there is 1.2 ppm of alcohol in the motorist’s body, what did you drink, and what kind of energy drink, energy drink , you two-passers. what did you drink before that? but this part, and these friends first drank together, and then one of them lost bank card. a man contacted the police that his credit card had been stolen, it turned out that his friends, while drinking , took the payment instrument out of his bag, the so -called comrades were detained, they turned out to be a man and a woman who, after the theft , went shopping and managed to spend 300 rubles. the couple will also have to answer for this together. during
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a search at home, a resident of the capital was found to have a fake university diploma. the reason for the attention of law enforcement officers is not specified; it is known that the document on higher education was checked by experts. as told the man did not study at bnton, but to climb the career ladder he needed a degree. the students were unable to go, so together with a colleague they ordered documents on the internet. lipa gave technicians the opportunity to get promoted and work for about 5 years. trials have been held. technical examination of documents of two higher education diplomas seized by law enforcement officers. as a result of the use of a set of methods and technical means in the research process, it was established that the diploma forms were not produced by the enterprise, engaged in the production of products of this type. watermarks, security fibers, the venogram element and ultraviolet protection are imitated by images made using flat report printing, as well as by application to the surface. after
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the incident in the chelyuski park in minsk, a specially created commission closed other similar attractions in the country for inspection. let us remind you that last saturday a swans swing fell from a height of 3-4 m here. the 12 people who were above flew with them. fortunately, the injuries were minor. three people were taken to the hospital, but were released home after examination. the commission includes, in addition to representatives of the state industrial supervision service.
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with regard to the remaining attractions, similar in design and operating principle to the swan attraction, a decision was made to suspend them and conduct an additional inspection. the initial check showed that the weld in the carousel was partially destroyed , which caused its durability to be compromised; see the results of the check on friday in our final program. this was the zona project x. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1.
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good morning belarus! good satchels belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, anna quilloria, mariana murenkova straight from the festival vitebsk. yes, we are standing on this legendary stage of the legendary amphitheater. today is tuesday and july 9th. yes, we woke up early, not only we woke up early, but also a member of the jury of the twenty-second international children's
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competition, and her name is pilar leyva, she is a colombian-american pianist, by the way, friends, world famous, we are now we'll explain why a little later. yes, hello, good morning, good morning, olga krasovskaya will help us with the translation. i have a question, you have been in our beautiful country for several days now, tell me what you liked, what have you already tried, money-grubbers?
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she was impressed by the fact that, first of all, what a reception she was given because she understands that people are all on vacation on vacation, and yet they found time for...
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en breves palabras en qué consiste por ya básicamente es la evitar cualquier tipo de dolencia, cualquier tipo de de de de enfermedad de dolores relacionados con el
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instrumento que hoy día es algo que está pasando mucho en el mundo entero entre los pianistas profesionales y los estudiantes avanzados niños también que se está... haciendo daño por exceso de tensión y yo manejo lo que es la prevención con una un manejo de las manos un poco diferente. preventing any pain, inconvenience and any problems that people who professionally play the instrument, in particular those who play the piano, as adults, as students, and even children, so she emphasizes that they begin to experience some kind of pain and all of her the technique... is based on prevention, well, let's say, on prevention, but of all these pains and troubles, each profession, you see, has its
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own subtle places, we have a voice in the leading fingers of pianists, let's talk about that you have come as a member of the jury of an international children's music competition, what are your expectations from this competition, what will you, as a member of the jury , pay attention to first of all como miembro del jurado del concurso musical infantil y te preguntan hm, cuáles son tus expectativas, qué vas a hacer, eh, cómo piensas participar, a ver, es una experiencia muy interesante, tema de los muy jóvenes en en en el campo ya de cena es todo un mundo eh importante, entonces será fascinante, además el festival tiene una tradición ya de 30 años y una experiencia, entonces es realmente,
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a ver, se conoce las voces eh, de esta zona
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geográfica que son fantásticas, sea, unas voces enormes, latinoamérica todavía, hay muchas fantásticos cantantes también, pero en niños no tanto, no, no tanto , no se estimula como la tradición que tienen estas zonas, something tells me that pilar said that the language of music is the same. like everywhere else, yes , yes, but she focuses on the fact that in colombia, yes, they have a very developed performance scene, various festivals, concerts, but unfortunately, there is no such experience among children, so she focuses on tosh, here she is - these are spanish children, here we have a separate competition for children, this is a first for her, interesante. la idea de que hay que proteger mucho la voz y no exponerlos tanto porque puede crearle
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problemas ya de adultos no, entonces pero por eso es fascinante para mí ver cómo se manejan estas voces. voice, they do not recommend it until a certain age, it is acceptable professionally.
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muy poc porque no he tenido tanto contacto tampoco, pero si hay... emocionalmente hay una una entrega de tipo personal que que es que es cálida, que es muy cálida, hablar con ustedes, estar con ustedes aquí, ese ese ese idioma tan hermoso tan poético que es el ruso y las caras, las expresiones, eso yo me
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encantaría que fuéramos for...
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vitebsk can rightfully be called the lullaby of belarusian artists, it is here that the legendary direction of unoves appears, vitebsk nurtures avant-garde artists, it is here that he grows, studies, creates, words describe his
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simple dreamer who was born on on the outskirts of vitebsk all his life he remained between heaven and earth. in principle, he was interested in ancient jewish customs and the history of the jewish people. a series of illustrations of lithographs of the book of exodus, made in the 1960s of the last century, reflecting biblical old testament themes, was devoted to this topic. now this unique collection is exhibited at the vitebsk
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artists exhibition in the vitebsk art museum and reveals to the viewer not only the whimsical worlds of genya. but also the story of his life, because here in chagall’s hometown, people close to his heart places were reflected in paintings . during the vitebsk period of mark shgal, mark shgal left vitebsk on june 5, 1920, and here is his wonderful phrase, if, which was said in the mid- thirties, if i envy anyone now, then my first teacher yuri mayseevich pen, who always always in my beloved vitebsk, and i always. paris was a city for him, this is his years, meka, this is his homeland, this is his pain, his joy, our vitebsk, and of course, in general, in his works, not only the vitebsk period 14, there the sixteenth in his works and the french period of his life,
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vitebsk subjects, vitebsk motifs, and vitebsk houses constantly appeared. the house and museum of marc chagall was opened in 1997, although the building itself was built by his father at the beginning of the 20th century. here the future artist spent his youth and childhood, and it is so difficult to imagine that a real genius grew up in this small modest house. the house of marc chagall is not only about his teenage period, it is also a mysterious story of birth, because the artist appeared dead when hope was already lost, suddenly began to breathe. his father lived here, sadness. fish shop, walked here for the first time, experimented with paints and carried out the tasks of his mentor, yud lyapen. pokrovskaya street, on which the artist’s house is located to this day, became an inspiration for him. chagall painted a huge number of paintings using images from this part of the city, people,
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architecture and nature. and if you walk a little further and turn towards the river, you will see a stunning view of the embankment of the dvina river and a panorama of the city. this landscape was painted in one of mark’s most popular paintings, above city. marc chagall began painting the picture above the city in 1914. that's why... they had already known bella for about 5 years, but four of them were spent apart, since marc chagall left for paris. it was this red brick house that he painted in the painting of the same name. now the red brick house is also a museum, or as viteblsk residents say, the art center of marc chagall, there is a collection of his graphics and paintings. it was vitebsk that united two hearts together, it was for this that he adored his hometown so much, even being thousands away. kilometers from him, he loved bella more than life itself, painted thousands of her portraits and declared his love in the language of colors, bright, yellow, green, red and blue. marc chagall lived
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a long, fruitful life, died late, 98. art critics were never able to classify our fellow countryman into any artistic style, which is probably why marc chagall can really be considered a genius, because he was devoted to his dreams all his life. dreams, dream, because it is dreams that help us become a little better. a quarter of beans consists of protein, which, even if it is not able to replace protein of animal origin, it is quite a worthy competitor to it, so
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it is important to include a bean dish in the diet of children, especially if they are engaged in active physical activity. so, we start preparing fosalada by processing the vegetables: we cut the carrots, onions, and celery into thin slices. cut the red bell pepper into strips, remove the skin from the tomato and cut the pulp into slices. pour olive oil into a saucepan and add carrots, silder stalk, bell pepper, then add vegetables add canned beans and a little later tomato slices, season the vegetables with dried oregano, ground pepper and leave to simmer. after a couple of minutes, pour in a small amount of lemon. add pre-chopped pilati tomatoes and tomato juice, mix, heat and place leek rings in a saucepan,
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mix everything again, pour in a little boiling salted water, its amount depends on the desired thickness of the soup, let it boil, remove from heat. fosalado is traditionally served with olives, you can add croutons too. in winter, this soup is eaten hot. and in summer it is often cold. fosalado perfectly restores strength after training, supplies the body with many vitamins and vegetable protein. bon appetit! honey, i thought that in order for a person to be happy, he just needs to eat a very tasty meal on time. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. freshly grated raspberries. hand and honey and honey, yes, that’s right, you see, you guessed it all, delicious taste, this dish, i think, is hundreds of years old, and it has been prepared here for a long time, but
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remains unchanged - the quality and taste of ivyevsky chanterelles. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. have you heard anything about the treasures of the augustow canal? this is not a joke, they really exist. once upon a time there was a corps of the russian army here, which was surrounded, the entire treasury of this. the body was hidden, we’ll show you what they eat in different parts of our country: chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes, sour cream, pepper, salt, everything, and you want to feed me something tasty, and i also want to feed you, kulish has a very interesting texture, this is meat jelly with flour, and the flour is very clearly felt on the tongue, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the fact that it’s like this, you know , a sincere place where all the artists and all the presenters like to come is such a cherry on the cake, because that all the artists are all all all and we also always live in the vitebsk hotel yes a'. our olesya boyarskikh knows what exactly has changed there. the vitebsk hotel has changed beyond recognition since the last slavic bazaar, surprising guests festival, we’ll find out right now. wow, the hall is immediately impressive, the transformation is felt
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from the first seconds. staying at the hotel. last year the hotel celebrated its 50th anniversary since its construction. during its entire existence, it was not repaired, limiting itself to only cosmetic changes. but in 2024 everything changed. our façade has changed, parking spaces have changed, bus stops have appeared so that organized tourist groups can. come with comfort, i see you have an elevator also new, yes, we had three elevators for five people, now we have two cargo-passenger elevators, they are very voluminous and very beautiful, such tiles, such walls, what floor are we going to now, let's go to the top one, to the twelfth floor, this the hotel is already five stars, no, there will be three stars, in addition to
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the facades in the hotel. the halls, halls and rooms have also changed. how many rooms does the hotel now have? we have 193 rooms with 297 beds. i see cameras have been installed everywhere. god, what a shame. please note that our elevator lobbies have completely changed, panoramic windows appeared. i suggest you come closer, because you want to sit down and admire this beauty. oh, how beautiful it is here, vitaly ivanovich, it’s certainly nice to sit here and admire such a luxurious view, but i can’t wait for our dear tv viewers to see the numbers. i suggest starting with luxury. wow, right there in the kitchen. tv,
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sofa, bed, robes, note, the same panoramic window, but for two, these are our standard rooms, now this is what they look like in almost the entire hotel, this single room with a large bed, it is also possible to accommodate a second person, room. there is a refrigerator, a large tv, we have air conditioning in each room, please note, and new lighting, the entire interior of the room has changed, uh, plumbing, a hairdryer has been added, a hairdryer in the mirror, touch-sensitive with backlight, heated, anti-fogging, now it will be a pleasure to put on makeup , yes, dimer tape, you can make the selfie light brighter or darker, definitely. after reconstruction
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, the hotel also added a hairdresser, a gym and even a conference room. the conference on the second floor required. replacement , we got a new interior for 45 seats, additional equipment appeared, sound, microphones, a projector, a screen. well, the new items don’t end there, the restaurant, which previously could accommodate 60 guests, is now designed for 112. due to the former summer cafe, we expanded the hall, and a buffet line appeared for... breakfast, a small banquet hall for 16 people, a new bar counter, as you can see, everything turned out quite interesting, the vitebsk hotel has really changed beyond recognition, i don’t even
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want to leave here, although i don’t want to leave, i just checked in. everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are in ancient temples, here are pieces of many other saints, and people know from vitebsk they come and pray for these saints and turn to them. about the history of the most ancient theological educational institutions, future regents, future singers, and icon painters graduate and study in our school.
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the right morning should begin with the right breakfast, we will cook zucchini fritters along with red fish and... in addition to this, we'll prepare a healthy green salad. bulgur, great side dish, slow carb, low glycemic index gives you energy for 3-4 hours, just amazing. we will help you choose products to make your first meal tasty and healthy.
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when choosing a frozen product, pay attention not only to the manufacturer’s expiration date, but also to ensure that the package contains as little ice chips as possible. identify a good radish. it just needs to be hard have bright, evenly colored skin, let’s not forget about invigorating exercises, during exercises i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times, open your arms wide, from this position bend to the side, stretch the entire side line of the body, watch the champion's breakfast program on our tv channel.
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city ​​of vitebsk, we have already managed to swim in the fountain, talk with various interesting people, but we still have some interesting information ahead, of course, interesting, exactly on this stage, literally 10 hours later. at 19:00 the first concert will take place, which will actually start the festival, these are guests from the future, the first concert will take place, the stage will gather, firstly, bloggers, all the youth, anna valerievna, i would like to note this. if you have such an opportunity, come, well, at least listen, it will be very interesting and fun. well, of course, the slavic bazaar’s poster has always been famous for its diversity; there are performances, various photo exhibitions and some master classes. today will also take place dream dance fest, this is the sixth festival, just imagine, almost 3,000 applications were collected from thirty cities around the world, only a few reached today's final, we will find out who will take the grand prix a little later.
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see a unique theatrical production under theatrical productions, today it will be called hamlet, it will be held in the belarusian language, so be sure to come and watch, in general there is a huge, extensive program, we talked about this in the first hour, it seems to me that you can catch everything in a week it’s simply impossible for one person, but you will try, yes friends, well, we also have a short story for you from our colleague anna ganzhur, who walked around the cities of vitebsk and good morning, today we are in vitebsk, now we will find out how the residents feel about the saland bazaar and does their life change during the festival? how do you generally feel about such a wonderful event as the slovenian bazaar? excellent, positive, extremely positive, we always celebrate, we are vitebsk residents ourselves. here
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everything that happens here, it unites we live here, we are happy, we welcome guests, we welcome people, countries, i am a patriot of my country, belarus, and i am only glad that people always come from different countries and continents, well , the slavic bazaar is ours, well, it’s like pride, it’s like yours life changes for the better, for the worse, when this wonderful week of the festival passes, the mood is more joyful. more vitally somehow i want to live more, we work, i work in a bathhouse as a massage therapist, so a lot of people come to us and take steam baths, well, that’s it, it ’s just the holidays, school is over, and so life is becoming brighter, the whole city is in full swing, seething, resting, but i have only a positive attitude towards the slavic bazaar, why life is changing, because many people come.
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do you see any advantages for yourself, for example, in what comes to your city bazaar? well , yes, well, you can, for example, buy something, all sorts of different things, he goes to the city of craftsmen and buys various things, well, there are handicrafts, then what else, we buy souvenirs, then we give these souvenirs, i like what has become go through more and more ku'. to the masses, because before they blocked the roads, crowds of people walked around, there was a lot of garbage left in the morning, now it has all become more something like that, much european, first of all, our city is very beautiful when so many people come to us, they naturally tell us at home and why the more people come to us, the happier we live, the happier we live, well, the whole city, look how it has been restored, it has become beautiful, everything has been built, everything has been replaced, everything has been painted. here you go, look, the vitebsk hotel has been transformed, our vitebsk is the best.
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of course, vitebts has been transformed; everyone has their own traditions associated with the slavic bazaar. we have this: go live on stage, standing on the stage of the summer amphitheater, we will continue this tradition, including friday, because tomorrow our colleagues, ekaterina antonova, will also be here. the planet laughs, they carry a star on their palms, and
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i don’t hide the smile on my heart, all the diamonds fell in the dew and happiness was broken, they carry a sign on their palms and i don’t hide the smile on my heart, all the diamonds fell into each other and the happiness and our luck were drunk, but... i've been waiting for happiness since the evening, how long, i've been waiting for you, how sweet it is to sing and dance, to become loved, to become loved again, oh happiness, it's no longer a problem that i've been waiting for you for a long time, how sweet it is to sing and
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dance, to become loved. oh, why mirrors, scattered their arms across the sky, i told you that you weren’t with me that night, i ’ll take you away forever, you see, our flock is flying in the sky, at the height of love in the garden spring blossoms, i’ll take you away forever, you see ours is flying in the sky. at the peak of love in the garden, spring dawns, from edge to edge, oh the happiness of the candle, how long have i been waiting for you, how
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sweetly, sing and dance, become beloved again. beloved safya, happiness, grief is as great as long, i was waiting for you, how sweet, to sing and dance, to become beloved, the grass is turning green and singing in anticipation of summer. and the winds blow, and the drunken planet laughs, i carry a star in my palms, and i don’t hide the smile on my heart, all the diamonds fell in the dew, and happiness broke, i carry the star in my palms, and i don’t
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hide the smile on my heart, all the diamonds fell in the dew, and happiness broke. . and our luck, happiness and our luck were broken, happiness and our luck were broken. good mornings belarus.
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you are watching the news live, elizaveta lokotko is with you, good morning, in this issue, achievements and technological solutions in the field of industry. poland could drag all nato and eu countries into the ukrainian conflict, the consequences of the security agreement between warsaw and kiev.


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