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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 9, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] an agricultural gymnasium named after stalypin was built not far from the temple. on september 1, it will open its doors to future agronomists, tractor drivers and livestock breeders, everyone who wants to work on the land. in the meantime, a short tour of the classrooms, where you can still smell fresh paint and wood. the belarusian-russian flags at the entrance to the production building clearly indicate that they will be studied here. it’s no coincidence that today more than 60% of these machines go to the russian market, and in order to work on them, you need to study all the advantages of the technology inside, from power motor to the possibility of attachments. the oryol region itself is very interesting for us,
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sales here are also increasing... of grains, legumes, oilseeds, and today this, this result can become the basis for our long-term mutually beneficial relationship with our colleagues from belarus. in addition to the temple and gymnasium, the orlovsky kolos farm will include an equestrian complex, greenhouses for growing vegetables, and a dairy farm. by the way, special equipment for milking and veterinary care of large cattle may also be
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of belarusian origin. the slavic bazaar started just an hour ago in vitebsk; representatives from 38 countries are taking part in the large-scale festival this year, including malta, bosnia and herzegovina, zimbabwe, serbia and others. there are over a dozen venues in the northern capital, and the festival schedule includes about a hundred events. oleg gazmanov, victoria oleshka, yaroslav sumeshevsky, lyubov uspenskaya and anya lorak will give solo performances,
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and artists will perform in the concert hall. the meeting with yegor druzhinin gave rise to work of the updated international press center. after lunch here , amirchik, a singer-blogger who became popular on tiktok thanks to acoustic covers of popular songs, and showman kabyakov will answer questions from journalists. his youtube channel is followed by more than 3.5 million subscribers. further sports news, we will tell you about the developments at 13:00, have a nice day. vitaly zhuk won the russian athletics cup. the belarusian had no equal in the competition among decathletes. the total score is 7.889. another silver medal for yanina lutsenko, who came second in the 100m. today , the leaders of the national team will enter the competition for awards: elvira grobarenko, violetta skvortsova, alena dubitskaya and others. the belarusian beach soccer team is preparing for friendly matches against russia,
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three-time world champions. the team's helmsman , nicholas alvarado, called for a gathering of 14 players. the roster includes vadim bokach, ivan konstantinov, oleg gapon, igor brishtel, the best scorer
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of the national team and a number of other players.
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at the beginning of october 1961, on the minsk-moscow highway, one could observe an unusual picture, passing drivers did not hide their... a huge dump truck was moving confidently along the highway. the oncoming traffic, in comparison, seemed so tiny that many stopped, preferring to let this giant pass ahead and not take risks. 17 october. in 1961 , the next twenty- second congress of the party central committee began its work in moscow. the gift for its opening was a brand new belas 540 dump truck, just off the assembly line,
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with a lifting capacity of 27 tons. new unique development of the belarusian automobile plant vzhodino. the prototype was sent to moscow under its own power, one can only imagine what sergei lyutorevich, the plant’s test driver, had to go through, it was he who was then driving a heavy truck. lyutarevich, together with test technician ivan kukharev, went to moscow to vdnkh for in order to present a gift to the twenty- second connection of the cpsu, tests were successfully completed both there and back. you can say without any problems. these were the first major road tests at a distance of 600-700 km one way. the delegates were then shown a unique specimen larger than the cargo,
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which had no analogues either in the soviet union or abroad. belas 540. of course, it still became and still is an iconic car. this is a mining dump truck. those who were inclined to produce this class of machines in the urals, but even the skeptics had no doubts.
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at the beginning of october 1900 , he was engaged in the production of cutters and diggers; there was an urgent need for appropriate equipment, road machines, land reclamation machines, the plant was transformed into a dormash. the need arose road construction machines, so already in 1956 the government decided to move from torfmash to dormash.
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and in the late fifties, a visit to the republic was planned for alexei kasygin, then chairman of the ussr state planning committee. at the level of the country's leadership , a final decision had to be made regarding the start of production of a fundamentally new class of trucks in the soviet union, and in connection with this , the construction of a new plant. the ussr economy developed dynamically, at an accelerated pace. the country needed raw materials for almost everyone sectors of the national economy. working in large quarries with small trucks was becoming unprofitable. with the development of the mining industry, the need arose for the creation of appropriate equipment, including
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in the soviet union. the council of ministers of the ussr was inclined to build it directly where mining was going on . the urals were considered as the main site, and this was logical, but preference was given to belarus. finally, the fate of the new. the automobile plant decided to come to the kasygino republic. primary goal - visiting an automobile production facility in the small belarusian town of zhodina, not far from minsk. the belarusian leadership has always sought to invite to the republic those who had the last word. this was the case when the visit of the minister of geology of the soviet union put an end to the feasibility of oil production in belarus. the arguments
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of the belarusians that there is oil in the bssr turned out to be convincing. they came and, using the latest tools, drilled, oil was discovered, and then in poles there was a whole oil-bearing area destroyed. father he was simply happy, he talked about it with such delight, he and kiselyov, according to tradition , smeared themselves with oil, which means they smeared their faces, threw silver coins there. into this well, as expected, already somewhere in the mid-seventies, belarus was producing 7 million tons of oil per year, a lot had to be defended in the center, i had to... go to offices, i had to prove, i had to convince. now large-scale production, the production of mining dump trucks, was at stake. in order to make such an important decision, it was necessary to listen to all opinions. and i
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i remember that at this meeting the chief designer of the belarusian automobile plant, zalya lvovich sirodkin, took an active position and outlined his vision. as the leader of a creative intellectual team of designers, the chief designer’s arguments in favor of building the zhodin factories turned out to be convincing for kosygin. sirotkin then uttered a phrase that became decisive in favor of zhodin. everything can be deduced from here. but what about the intellectual potential accumulated here? closing words from alexey nikolaevich kosykh was as follows: dear friends, participants of the meeting, i come to the conclusion that we can build a new modern production facility in mining areas , but where will we find such
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a team? on april 17, 1958 , a resolution of the central committee of the cpsu and the council of ministers of the ussr was published. on the renaming of the zhodino machine-building plant into the belarusian automobile plant. it said that the zhodino machine-building plant should specialize in the production of dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 25 tons of tractor units on their base. in the future, the plant will be referred to as the belarusian automobile plant. but
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belarusians are assembled. it was deep night outside, no one in the chief designer’s department was going to finish the work, it was in full swing, the employees were given two tasks, both of fundamental importance: firstly, at the plant it is necessary to build a conveyor for assembling dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 25 tons, like this. .. the conveyor will be the first in the world, something that even the world’s leading companies did not dare to do. the second task is no less ambitious: to create in the shortest possible time a fundamentally new mining machine with an even greater load capacity and superior in its
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technical characteristics to the best world models. in the creative clutter department, tablets are hung everywhere, this is the homeland. everyone was so carried away that no one took time into account. i had the high honor of heading the komsomol organization of the belarusian automobile
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plant, which included 3,500 young specialists. it was also a unique fusion of youth, enthusiasm, when it was necessary weekends to devote to the creation of new models of equipment. then the komsomol youth cleanup was announced, everyone went to work on a large scale, no one complained, everyone understood the importance of the tasks set for the team. no one even thought about it, but belas already at that time in the sixties created a conveyor assembly of mining dump trucks, and this is still the right decision. incredibly, the first maz-525 on the new assembly line was assembled
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in just a few months. the time frame is unrealistically short, but it was from this moment that it began rhythmic release of a giant dump truck. simultaneously with the launch of the conveyor , our own production of components, parts from which the machine is assembled, shafts, cylinders, couplings and others was established. all dump trucks were assembled from domestic components, the zhodina plant independently produced the entire chassis, including the frame, including the front axle, including drive axles, including gearboxes
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; i didn’t stop with the new car. the first 540 cars, 800 of them were assembled, it was manual assembly, the load capacity was 25 tons. at the moment we are collecting 75 306 30g, they have a carrying capacity of 220 dash 240 tons. in terms of its technical characteristics and performance, the new car was
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one and a half times superior to the maz-525. the decision of the body was dictated by the working conditions in the quarry, where the roads are narrow,
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the turns are sharp, and the access to the excavator is often difficult. it was necessary to find the optimal solution for the body, the main task of which is maximum capacity. this is all the creation of the layout of the dump truck was influenced by the short wheelbase, that is, the distance between the wheels so that it could be better maneuvered. a dump truck body layout appeared in the form of a scoop. while technically everything was accepted, the design caused a lot of controversy. the new belaz 540 really turned out to be unusual for
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trucks, and that was a different story. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. at the same time, with all these figures, the karaleevsk imitsy dachshunds have the same architectural designs as symbolized an absolutely different structure of the world. with the russian empire approaching here, a completely new imperial concept of classical architecture appeared. who passed away in the earliest tradition of rechy paspalitai. let's look at their history and basic facts. round shape. and what happened during the battle then? armata are like that, because they fired stone cannonballs. і hell getai forms yany rykashetsilі velma good. the architects of this
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palace would know the vilensk maystar shieldhouse as darechs. it will be a shame that the palace will be at garodnya’s, but it’s a pity that it won’t be taken away. glyadzice praektse architecture of belarus. on the upper surfaces, certain problems have already appeared, and this will be done to ensure the stability of these parts for many hours. on our tv channel. unique and rare newsreels from 1960 . under the surprised glances of first drivers and then passers-by, a giant dump truck was moving along the central avenue of minsk at quite a decent speed,
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55 km/h. confidently maneuvering on the roads to the capitals, he drove straight to the building of the central committee of the communist party of the republic. in order for the party leadership to make a decision, it was necessary to give fundamental evidence, and the fundamental evidence was made by a technical commission, an examination, then, on the basis of this examination, the management headed by mazurov and kiselyov made the final decision and
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large ones were allocated. it was proposed by a young artist from moscow, valentin kobylinsky, who was involved in industrial design. the task is complex, the weight of the vehicle is 22 tons, the load lifts 27 tons,


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