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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 9, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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in the future, for which you can get persecuted, he was not afraid of it, if he thought it was right, he made such a decision and even said, refer to me. it was a victory for the factory workers. until recently , there was no confidence that the car would be approved, or rather its design, it was too unusual, it was proposed by a young artist from moscow, valentin kobylinsky, who was involved in industrial design. the task is difficult, the weight of the machine is 22 tons, the load lifts 27 tons. giant dump truck. coincided with the opinion of the chief
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designer, who proposed its new technical solution. the design of the car, according to the regulations, was considered from the board of the ministry to the factory. not everyone accepted the unusual image of the car. this is exactly the decision that zal’s chief designer defended. he personally approved of it, fresh, original, was his verdict. 1965, leiptik international fair, a gold medal was awarded to the twenty-seater belaz-540 car. autumn 1900. plovdiv, gold
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medal. the presented forty- ton belaz-548a dump truck was also awarded the highest rating at these fairs. it was already a full-fledged road train with a lifting capacity of 65 tons. mexico is a diamond star of quality. another achievement of the zhodino automobile plant. by 1967, the state certification commission approved five modifications of this giant twenty-seven-year-old, including those for working in the tropics of the far north. the 540s were hand-assembled, now we are assembling 131, 306, and various modifications. lifting capacity, pelas stepped
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far forward and began to develop the parts himself , making, pouring, cooking, about three cars, three dump trucks leave per day, modifications were made to all belas equipment , probably about 500 pieces, pilas 540, well, you can with... you can say that he was the forefather of all belazov equipment, the only thing is that since then, let’s say, the children have grown to 450 tons, that is, almost 20 times the carrying capacity, machines with a carrying capacity of 220 tons, 320. 450. they have become a kind of
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symbol of our country. pride is what every resident feels when he sees these giants working on major construction projects of the republic in different countries of the world. everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with. with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania. serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. tv channel signal broadcast in the clear and available 24 hours a day, every day. be with
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the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language: today about why taxi drivers in belarus are collected into one register, who will have access to it and how will those who are engaged in private taxi service work? go. a unified register of dispatchers and carriers is about to appear in belarus. everyone who drives or contains a fleet of taxis, irregular minibuses and dispatch services that want to operate
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legally in our country. it will no longer work to treat people in a gray way. there is a ping-pong of comments online. some are for, some are against, some are trying to present the innovation as an attempt by the state. for carriers , the register is a headache for carriers, but new requirements are being introduced in order to save ordinary belarusians and government services that protect their rights from headaches. exactly from the carriers sometimes you have to protect their clients. firstly, it is now impossible to quickly track the condition of their cars, has the car that carries people been passed through? whether its brakes and headlights work, whether something inside will short out and whether the car will burst into flames in the middle of the road. secondly, it is impossible to understand what physical condition the drivers themselves are in, whether they have a license, whether the person driving has epilepsy, mental disorders, alcohol or
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drug addiction and banal myopia, or whether he can even see where he is going. thirdly, it is impossible to force everyone who transports people to insure passengers. if a car with people on board gets hit. in an accident and people are injured for an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity that pays for civil liability insurance, like a carrier, compensation for the victims is reimbursed by the insurance company. if the insurance was not paid, the injured person must find the legal entity to which the car is registered and sue it in court to recover compensation. sometimes this takes years, but victims always need money for rehabilitation immediately. and now the next nuance follows from this nuance. an incentive to introduce mandatory registration in the new register. you can find out who actually owns the carrier’s car only through the dispatcher, that is, through the company that the client usually calls to order a taxi or make a reservation on a long-distance minibus. and often, when a person calls
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the dispatcher, it suddenly turns out that he is registered in another city or even country. and he doesn’t seem to know who his carrier is, and it’s unclear to whom to make claims. walking begins for the passenger. through torment, just to determine the name and where to find the one who made his life difficult. well , that's not all. illegal carriers subtly but effectively take money out of taxpayers' pockets. an example for clarity. there is a minibus that goes to polotsk. its owner pays taxes, takes the car on time for maintenance and inspection, pays for insurance, drives according to a certain schedule, brings the board in time for a stop, but no one is there. in 10 minutes. before his arrival he took people away from the bus stop an illegal carrier, he does not make the required payments, looks after the cars as he has to, skimps on security, due to this he makes tickets for his flights cheaper, attracts clients to himself and brings his legal competitor to bankruptcy, which
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, due to lack of money, cannot renew on time vehicle fleet, and if we are talking about a government agency, for some time they are trying to support it at the expense of the budget, that is, they spend taxpayers’ money on it, one can argue that their internal squabbles and passengers are happy where it is cheap, but it is always cheap there at the expense security, at the expense of those who work according to the law, at the expense of slowing down the development of the market, we want... to live and work in a country with equal and fair conditions for everyone, which means that everyone must obey the same rules of doing business, if we allow some to impale others , why not do this in all areas, for example, you can allow some teachers and surgeons to work without education, not pay taxes and not undergo medical examinations, cafe and restaurant owners can store food as and where it is convenient for them, for no reason, just because they want it so much, and explain to their colleagues who work according to the law that this is correct. it’s so convenient for the consumer, because there is no line to see the nurse for surgery; a dish made from
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an out-of-date product bought under the counter is cheaper for the restaurant customer. in order to get into the new register, taxi owners and irregular carriers will have to enter data about all their cars and drivers into it, that is, the database will receive information about the owner, model, make, color and weight of the car, when he passed technical inspection. whether the required insurance package and road tax have been paid for it. by the way, taxi cars need to be taken for technical inspection much more often than ordinary civilian cars. a taxi driver covers about 300 km in the city per shift. the car may not be old, but it is worn out to the limit, and if a non-dangerous breakdown is not noticed in time, it will cause the death of a person. do all our carriers approach maintenance responsibly? the question is rhetorical. let's go back to the registry. driver details will be included. his name, surname and patronymic, information about specialized education, a driver's license with
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a category, a valid medical certificate with or without restrictions. please note that the carrier and the driver must have all this now; the passenger simply cannot check the presence of these documents at all, and the technical inspection does this selectively. dispatchers, in addition to registration information and details , will have to indicate a legal address on the territory of our country, and for this they will have to register it without a real address. in belarus they will not be allowed to work legally, the presence of a dispatcher branch here is a completely new level of protection of the rights of consumers of carrier services. anyone who was injured in an accident or simply received poor quality service will have someone to turn to for compensation and someone to sue. the point is that the new registry will be available to everyone. a passenger who calls a taxi or boards an intercity minibus will be able to board it. and identify the car by number, and the driver by first and last name, which are indicated on the business card in
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the cabin. if the car and the person behind the wheel are in the registry, it means that he and his the carrier is in perfect order. otherwise , it will simply not be included in the database. moreover, the system will automatically track the validity period of all documents in the driver and carrier profile. remind you of the need to undergo a technical or medical examination and exclude from the register the data of those who are overdue. the register will also be used by dispatchers; they cannot always check how the condition of the cars and the health of the drivers whose services they sell is changing, but here is one request and an instant answer: it is worth contacting the carriers or no, because all respectable market participants are interested in registering in the new register. according to plans, registration in the register will take place in two stages: the first is the most profitable for carriers from august 1 to november 1. those interested will have to submit
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an application, a description of the original documents through a single portal of electronic services using a digital signature. the authenticity of the copies will be confirmed by checking them with the gi databases, the belgostekhosmotr organization, banks and insurers. and now a blow to the forehead to those who write that all this is in order to shake off carriers money. at the first stage from august 1. until november 1, the entire registration process in the new registry will be completely free. for those who will pull the cat by the whiskers, the design will also be quite impressive. from november 1, it will cost two basic for one car, one basic for the driver. from dispatchers - 100 basic, but they are warning about this now, 4 months before the deadline. for a serious organization, there is enough time to mature early to register for free. all registration payment rates. the terms of the concept are in presidential decree no. 32 of january 25, 2024 on the road
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transport of passengers. a document that will describe how the process of inclusion in the register will proceed is currently being developed by the council of ministers. our it specialists are working on technical implementation. they write software so that the site identification system on it and data protection work flawlessly. taxi drivers, non-scheduled road carriers and dispatchers are required to register in the register, that is, those who carry passengers outside schedule. ordinary city minibuses are not included in this list. they have a schedule, so the owners of minibuses who travel between cities and send vehicles on routes as they are full will have to register, if the carrier carries passengers according to the schedule, when it is convenient for him to transport weddings, funerals and groups of business travelers, then he also falls into the irregular reporting category will be required to enter their data into the new register. in
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the field of regular passenger transportation , that is, where public transport and city...minibuses all work transparently, now the task is to make the rest of this market equally transparent. weaning ourselves from the atmosphere of the 2000s, bombs, taxis from the curb, payment without a receipt and broken cars with stripped checkers are becoming a thing of the past. do not chase cheap services if it eats up its quality; such savings can cost your life; treat the validity period of the documents of the driver who is driving you as a deadline. dairy products, in both cases delay can cost you health, well, leave philosophy, i haven’t read it, but i condemn it, in order to evaluate the law, it’s better to read its text, and not just someone’s opinion about it, i’m marina karaman and we figured out what will change in the road carrier market, everything is clear, see you.
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the news is on air now in the studio elizaveta lokotko, good afternoon. headed by roman golovchenko today arrived in yekaterinburg on a working visit. during the negotiations, it was noted that our country is traditionally one of the top ten foreign trade partners.


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