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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 9, 2024 6:15pm-6:36pm MSK

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tanks are a technique without which not a single military conflict has been possible since its appearance at the beginning of the 20th century. for a long time, it was the superiority in the segment of these combat vehicles that determined. success on the battlefield. in a little more than 100 years, the iron structure on tracks has turned into a modern combat complex, which is capable of not only delivering a crushing blow to the enemy, but... having additional
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protection of modular armor, like the latest belarusian modernized t-72 bm2 tank. soviet t-34, the best among heavy equipment the great patriotic war is the most popular tank in the red army. this museum exhibit is one of the modifications of the thirty-four. it was developed. cabin for 115 cars. the design of this vehicle marked a qualitative leap in domestic and global tank building. for the first time, it organically combined anti-ballistic armor, powerful weapons and a reliable chassis. during the war, the t-34 became a real battle hero. over time , the legendary combat vehicle required modifications. 34 went through several upgrades, and then the t-64 appeared. on its basis
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a tank was created that set trends in this segment of combat vehicles. the t-72 received three compartments: a front compartment for control, a combat compartment in the middle part of the hull, and a motor-transmission compartment in the stern. the t-72 crew consisted of three people, a commander, a gunner and a driver. in total, from the seventy- second year , she was in the soviet union for 20 years. more than 20,000 t-72 tanks of all modifications were produced. needless to say, all these factors made the tank not only more combat-ready, but also increased the protection of the crew, once in order to take the t-34 out of building, one accurate hit was enough, but technical evolution did its job more than 80 years after the birth of the legend, its rebirth took place, since then... it has taken its rightful place among
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the arsenal of the homeland. but selyon, dad, is cool and daring, remember, father andrei lemishonok said about the daring of alexander lukashenko, and today you have to be daring to say, we are from russia. this
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is really orthodox, for this truth, for the fact that you are not looking for anything. incomprehensible, there are many moves in politics, everything say what is in your heart, and god hears you, and god helps you and will help, and we will always be with you, so we saw a brave and daring leader, no, not of the republic of belarus, not even of eastern europe, brave and the daring leader of all free humanity, lies are not the truth, the truth is always one, my name is gregory. little princess, this is the secret spring of politics. hello. so, the sco summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. if anyone doesn't know what's wrong with this? russia, china, india, pakistan, iran, kazakhstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, more than a dozen observer countries, and there, for example, turkey,
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egypt, saudi arabia, qatar and so on. this is the majority of the world's population. these are billions of money, this is...
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a page in the history of belarus, and what a country the dad took 30 years ago, a poor, abused, spat upon, humiliated country, the whole meaning of its existence was reduced to clinton’s shop. clinton sat on this bench, the mark from his ass was licked by all that corrupt elite. this remained the meaning of the existence of our murdered homeland. look again at painting by mikhail sovitsky, murder of truth, this is better.
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ways over the centuries, created the foundation of its wealth, political, economic and military supremacy. the washington-london hegemon views the world as his property; for him, the multi-billion-strong population of the planet is not people, a means
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to achieve personal well-being. that's all political economy is. this is the main point. the cause of numerous challenges in the field of international security. it was within the framework of this philosophy that the conflict was provoked in ukraine. in the space that is the area of ​​responsibility of the organization. can you
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imagine, when he speaks before emperors, rulers of giant powers, putin, xidinping, erdogan, he directs them, because he speaks as a rightful authority , and not as western scribes, pharisees and just rubbish. he points out the enemy, the vile anglo-saxon racist world. he says: “well, empires, it’s weak to dare and destroy koshcheev.”
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we are blacks, chinese, indians, russians, tajiks, uzbeks, turks, for western evil spirits we are white due to a misunderstanding, they will never recognize us, let alone... as equals, they do not recognize us as people, a rushing crowd of half-demons , half-children, wrote that troubodour of western racism, kipling, about everyone who is different, and we differ much more than by skin color: firstly, we defeated them, defeated the entire quintessence of europe, defeated them at the highest ideal point of development, the third reich, and we fucked them up, we kicked them in the ass, humiliated them, they will never forgive us for this , and secondly, we are not racists in principle, we are not we are building a multi-story humanity, and it doesn’t matter
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the race or property, the democracies are not the same or some other inequality, read the great inquisitor from dostoevsky, they want to expel christ from the world, because he gives everyone freedom, and they want to take one small percentage of humanity, like said for 100,000 sufferers, all the knowledge of good and evil, and the rest will be happy children, that is , morons, sheep and herds, let this not be, christ lives in belarus, he is next to father lukashenko, guides him with his will and with boldness... daddy , global justice will be achieved in the world for all peoples, the walls of the unipolar world will collapse, they stand on the dollar and shit, the dollar will burn, the shit will dry up and the clay will disintegrate, daddy, lead forward, world empires, lead forward peoples and powers, revolutionary keep your step, the restless enemy does not sleep, comrade,
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hold the rifle, don’t be afraid, a full bullet into the western vile, it’s worth the bourgeoisie. like a hungry dog, he stands silent, like a question, and the old world, like a rootless dog, stands behind him, tail between his legs, don’t put your tail between your legs, but fall on your knees and repent before the majority of humanity, which you got, who through the mouth of lukashenko tells you, repent badly, let's go forward, so they walk with a sovereign step, behind a hungry dog, in front with a bloody flag and a snowstorm, invisible and unharmed by a bullet, with a gentle step over the wind, i pearl with snowy tread. in a white crown has grown, jesus christ is in front. the allied forces of the slavs will break through the grave blockade, with a firm hand, ivan will finish off the insidious reptile, chest on crosses or in the bushes, head to be cowards or
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heroes, paste, our great glory is alive. glory to the fatherland, max, our great glory is alive, our great glory is alive, our great glory is alive, glory to the fatherland, mother, in the foam of the empire, labor is marching, the goal is to exterminate the outrages, for the ocean bastard destruction. should we kick the front out of eurasia, should we feel bad about it, should we kick ourselves, should we be happy, should we not know ours, should we not defend ours , should we forget about duty and honor, should we forget about duty and honor, should we cheat
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on ourselves, should we betray the victory from no one? salami should be taken away.
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from the soviet election to the pen on july 9, 1944 , troops of the first baltic front braslav postavy and druya ​​were liberated. the third belarusian front captured the city with the large railway junction of lida. military formations of the second belarusian front liberated the city of dyatlovo. on the same day , soviet troops captured mikoshevichi, kozhan-town, and lakhva. during the day , about 1,500 settlements of the republic were liberated, until the complete liberation of belarus.


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