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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 10, 2024 12:20am-12:50am MSK

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new rules for doing business are being discussed by the business community. who will remain self-employed or an individual entrepreneur, and who will have to transform the opinions of entrepreneurs about legislative know-how first-hand. the industry maintains leadership among other industries. we’ll tell you how we manage to start the engine of the economy ; we’ll literally take a motor trip to minsk. and the traditional july harvesting of the fields, plans for karavai were discussed in the government. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. with you. olga onishchenko. hello. last week the government put an end to the long process of business reform. lists of types of activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people have been approved. that is, in their current status , not everyone will be able to continue working as before. the list did not include the types of activities in which about 20,000 individual entrepreneurs work, but an alternative was offered to them. in general, the list for individual entrepreneurs is 127 points. this is a type of permitted work; for the self-employed there are 87 of them. the final
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list was preceded by a large public discussion, taught productive and reasoned proposals. as a result , we received a clear list that will take effect on october 1. those who were not there will be able to continue working until the end of the twenty-fifth year. during this time, you need to either re-register as a commercial organization, simply open a new legal entity, or stop your entrepreneurial activity and become hired. the business community is actively discussing the adopted ones. this business incubator opened in derzhinsk just 2 years ago and immediately became a center not only business, but also social life of the city. in addition to offices, shops, veterinary hospitals, beauty salons and leisure centers are all private initiatives that were once helped to take their first steps. all the conditions that would be possible. to create in our area, in general, in
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principle, they were created for business, as for the business incubator, the business incubator is always ready to support, tell how, help, if possible financially, allocate the same rented space, self-employed, individual entrepreneurs and organizations, each of them i received advice on how to continue to work, so the updated legislation was adopted calmly without unnecessary fears. in principle, the new changes in legislation were worked out quite well, carefully, so everyone who was actually engaged in entrepreneurial activity is a self-employed individual entrepreneur, whose business was really built on what they do with their own hands, with their knowledge, with their own head, this does not concern them , they will all work, continue to work, and these changes will only be beneficial. built in belarus an effective business support system, because the state is interested in the stable operation of the economy. therefore, for those who have to.
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accounting, tax reporting and so on, well, now it’s natural that all this is much simpler, but the transition, as you said, accordingly, then dealing with it was still so short, but well, it would seem like opening an enterprise, it’s a whole thing there, well, you have to run around... then there are documents there and everything, in principle it all opens in one day, it’s not difficult at all, changes are really overdue, now the market will have clear and fair rules and all the conditions to easily create and grow your own... and other
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industries in terms of contribution to the gross domestic product. at the end of 5 months, industrial production increased by 8%. the main growth point is mechanical engineering. this year we reached maximum production capacity for buses and passenger cars, and electric transport projects are being implemented. an important link in the domestic automotive industry chain is the minsk motor plant. the company supplies its engines not only to our equipment, but foreign. what successes have the factory workers achieved and why is production development so important? alina lapol will tell for our country. the minsk motor plant was put into operation almost two decades after the end of the war. first of all, the factory workers mastered the production of diesel engines for mtz tractors. and
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today, equipment with belarusian engines operates on five continents in more than 120 countries. but the fate of the current flagship could have turned out completely differently. in the early nineties, when... industrial production in the republic fell by 40%, there were persistent proposals to close large enterprises and rely on mobile production, but belarus chose a different path: thanks to the measures taken, engine builders, like other pillars of our industry, not only survived in difficult economic conditions, but also increased their soviet potential. those difficult times are remembered by the forefront of the mmz design bureau. those were the difficult nineties, many enterprises, say, in the soviet union. closed, we, of course, also lost in numbers, but at the same time at the same time, some remained, we maintained the base, developed all the time, so today this is very important, that is, today there is a huge demand for our engines, they understood then
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that they were working for the future, they had to react quickly and rebuild in order not to miss the market, they started to fully invest in expanding the line of engines, and not only for tractors, this has become new... experience and dedication to their work are the components that create and promote our national product. although the computer network is developing, automation is developing, well, our production, design, still the first thing is
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a person, there will be no competent, intelligent specialist, there will be no product, there will be no engine. the minsk motor plant is responsible for quality, they say, this is the foundation of competitiveness and recognition, the plan. raised in soviet times, when mmz received a high award, a state quality mark. there is enough ambition to this day, and the collection of incentives for producing a worthy product is regularly replenished. it is important the quality of not only the engines themselves, but their service. this is no less monitored; the network of service centers is intensively developing. minsk motor plant has more than 160 service centers in the post-soviet space, 50% in belarus. all the rest in the countries of the near and far abroad, the machines on which our products are installed must always be in operation, because the engine is the heart of all machines. the figures prove the vague 90 or the current western sanctions are not a barrier. certain difficulties, of course, cannot be denied, but on the other hand, it is an
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incentive for development. the market is zimbabwe, vietnam, the republic of congo, and this is just the opening six months of this year. today we adhere to a diversification strategy. we are conquering new and new markets for ourselves ; if we talk about exports in general, then over the 6 months of this year, according to estimates, we increased it by about 10% compared to the same period last year. there are many competitors, but we have our finger on the pulse. they say here the secret to success is flexibility. response, timely release of goods in demand for consumers. in this direction, the minsk motor moves at high speeds. interests, now a short advertisement, then to the traditional july harvesting of the fields, plans for the loaf were discussed in the government, we will tell you the details,
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this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels . work ahead of the curve, time to understand and feel your information enemy, and this is primarily the center of information and psychological operations, which are grouped under the roof of nato. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. the international non-governmental organization reporters without borders presented its new ranking , the world press freedom index. ukraine ranks 61st, and belarus and russia 167 and 162, respectively. lithuania - 13, latvia - 12. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there at least one
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russian or belarusian portal working? no, they were cleared out right one by one, if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are in the dock . alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world.
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to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on map of belarus, which is definitely worth a look, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the project. broadcast 24x7, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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this is an area of ​​interest and we continue, and now to the traditional summer theme, the cleaning campaign is taking place throughout. the weather in the country is conducive to good pace, especially since the plans for karavai 20-24 are big. the country expects to increase agricultural production by 6-7% compared to 2023. to do this, agricultural organizations need to obtain about 10 million tons of grain, more than a million rapeseed, sugar beets - over 5 million tons, potatoes - also more than a million. the government assessed the coherence of the harvesting company at a conference call, discussing the pace of work and the availability of personnel. and technology. our correspondent, svetlana lukinyuk. day, year feeds. a good harvest in the fields is
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half the success. yes, growing it is undoubtedly difficult, but removing everything without loss is also not an easy task. here are the important components of success and technology that modern technology must follow. belarusian cars and units keep up with world models. if they had not previously done something themselves, but... were left without spare parts, without equipment, they passed this stage smoothly, well, since they have been steadily using domestic equipment for a long time. support our manufacturers, thus, the synergy that the two ministries exhibit
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is renewed, so this percentage will only grow, which means our industrial enterprises need to keep their finger on the pulse to constantly study global trends, because good technology also means a higher yield, which means higher export opportunities, because every year belarus opens 7-8 new markets for agricultural exports, but its own is a priority. every year, enterprises of the ministry of industry develop new ones. technology, in the very near future we will present to our market new tractors with a power of over 500 horsepower, this is the type of energy-rich vehicle that... this year we will also present to our farmers the expected model of a feed harvesting combine with an engine power of 650 horsepower , this a completely import-substituted machine, which
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consists of components from belarus, russia and friendly countries, thus the fleet of our... our farmers will be replaced by an even larger number of domestic machines. our country is fully provided with modern high-performance equipment, which is no different from the best world analogues, but is significantly more profitable today for our farmers in terms of price. that is, the cost of owning our equipment is significantly more profitable. thus, we are fully prepared to ensure sovereignty in areas of supply of necessary equipment for our key partners, organizations of the ministry. proactive systemic, financial and organizational
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decisions have been made at the government level to carry out field work, which in turn is required from local authorities and personally from each manager. but to use all these resources and mobilize personnel, as they say, to carry out the immediate task. the minister of agriculture is optimistic, he assures that this year there will definitely be an increase in the weight of the entire loaf, there is the equipment is in good working order, as are the personnel; up to a thousand people also come from other areas to work on the combine during these hot months. the harvest started on time, on time, as expected, that’s why there are thousands of workers. and , i hope, there will be not only thousands of people, but five thousand people, then we are moving smoothly, we are moving in accordance with the schedules, yes, there will be an increase compared to last year, if we take cereal grains, then this is in the region of a million tons plus, that is, we will collect according to the biological the yield, which was determined to be 7.8 million, with
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corn is about 10 million, but if with the cruciferous crops are a slave, then we are approaching 11 million ... this is the forecast, but the main thing is that there are no elements, that is, to remove everything in time, with high quality technology, this is the task, we will count the entire harvest in the fall, as well as our ability to grow in the volume of agricultural production up to 7% this year compared to last year. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh, area of ​​interest. that's all for today, look at your area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon. otstaensky in pero. july 9, 1944. troops of the first
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baltic front. braslav, postavy, druya ​​were liberated. the third belarusian front captured the city with the large railway junction of lida. military formations of the second belarusian front liberated the city of dyatlovo. on the same day, soviet troops captured mikoshevichi, kazhan-gorodok, and lakhva. during the day, about 1,500 settlements of the republic were liberated. until full. we are conducting expeditions in the depths of our country, covering the cities and the ruins in the depths of the hour and the vastness. things will happen again and again in the past country. please let me know my history and meat abrades. vitaly ў branch of the akіnchytsy
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museum of yakub kolas's marriage, which is what we are doing. syarod ekspanata, analogues of the river, which has become self-interested. just ahead of the projects on the tv channel belarus 24. that for belarusians , the usual life for others may seem real exotic, i noticed that you have a ship everywhere, and even in the coat of arms, i also
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noticed, this is something connected with the city, of course, of course, our city once arose thanks to these ships, now i will know how, i will tell my mother today, because this what we lack in our venezuela. however, it is easy to become part of a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture. initially, smoar was an indicator of wealth, yeah, but an indicator of status, and only very wealthy people could acquire it. there were such shipyards, so we made ships on site, one might say, here in our area shipping began. bread symbolizes. well-being and prosperity, salt was a kind of amulet, so guests are wished health and prosperity in the form of bread and salt.
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watch travel shows at home, on our tv channel. gaidaenko vladimir alekseevich. during the patriotic war, he took part in the battles near moscow. at the beginning of 1942 he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in...
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gaidaenko street in pinsk was named.
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we are at the minsk-solorodsk military school. where children from the age of 12 are trained, for 5 years, we are engaged in their development, education, formation as men, my position is senior officer of the department of ideological work, in my position i try to reveal the best qualities of everyone suvorov soldier the minsk sovorov school, the only one of its kind, we have cadet schools in our country, but we have a huge difference in that... we only teach and work with children from certified military personnel, in each company we have a psychologist, we have each company has its own spiritual mentor, our children are
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under constant control, under the constant care of military personnel, so we try to reveal all the best qualities that the guys have, we try to find an individual approach to each child, because someone wants to develop his creativity. the beginning, someone is deep in sports, someone is a good commander, then he is appointed to the position of squad commander, my position is to ensure that as many guys as possible can become, let’s put it simply, famous, for so that their relatives, in principle the whole country, can see how strong they are, how beautiful they are, how developed they are, an individual approach taking into account
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their characterological characteristics. during the adaptation period, it is, of course, very difficult for the guys at first, because they come off from the family, from home, but we try to give them this care, the love that we each have as much as possible, to make his stay here as comfortable as possible. when the guys first arrive, it’s the end of august, my responsibilities include meeting them, getting to know them, building them, then i stay. i write down data about them in a diary, look into their eyes, find out something special, immediately select guys who will be able to give an interview on september 1st, why they were able to, why they wanted to come here, it happens , of course, that a child comes, he doesn’t he really wants to be here right away, he once wanted to enroll, when he sees some kind of system, that they are already starting to build them strictly, according to the military, they are starting to get upset, because they grew up in a family where mother...
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was always there , here the mother remains behind the fence, of course, the child gets upset, but taking into account the fact that i have children myself, of course, i want to somehow hug him, talk to him, then he becomes more fun, you switch him to another one... then the situation, you work with him, then everything goes well, the children are already by september 1 they basically stop crying, and since we have qualified psychologists in each company, our girls don’t either...
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so not everyone can pass, we have a big competition, but when a child has a great desire, he prepares, he tries, and he presents these difficulties, it happens that the parents want the child to enter more than the child himself, who perhaps does not yet realize what awaits him here, when he arrives, he is faced with difficulties that he needs to get up early, he needs to do everything morning exercise, you need run one and a half kilometers. every morning he is not used to this, then all the teams need to come for breakfast, this is also difficult for many, this period of adaptation, it leads to the fact that for every, absolutely every child, no matter how strong he is, it becomes difficult for him, he sometimes asks his parents to go home, the system has been changed a little for them for two years now, the first quarter completely, the first year he goes home every weekend, regardless of how he studies, from the second quarter...
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the children already go home only merit if there are no bad grades, if you have good behavior, then the child goes on leave; when the child returns from home, it happens that the child does not want to get involved in school again, then you have to work with them, somehow direct their energy in a peaceful direction in order to , for him to switch, it takes at least a year for the child to be completely imbued with the place where he is, since we have a lot of events, a lot of trips, the guys don’t sit permanently within the walls, they study, then they have all sorts of performances there , competitions, competition, that is, the child is so busy with the whole outside world, he doesn’t even have the desire or time to sit on a mobile phone, about which everyone is so worried that these mobile phones are taken away from them, to call, of course, if they want to call, for example , to parents, they have payphones in their companies, and mobile phones are issued on time, we have very... sincere
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officers and warrant officers who work, who serve, who treat children with love, most of our officers have pedagogical and psychological education, which is also a huge plus when working with children. there were many funny moments in my practice, but i remember one from the last one, a very good guy, he’s already finishing his second ...


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