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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 10, 2024 3:40am-4:06am MSK

3:40 am
dzima shake your hand, ruslan or danila? ruslan. kali laska, here’s applause for you, great father. these brave guys, dzima and ruslan, came out to the center of the studio. guys, these are the first words for you. patelnya. what is it about helping timid people? are you painting, lubricating, drying or cutting? first of all dzima. on my thought, but you can’t smear the samaga patel. oh yeah malay. well, tell me, dear weasel, what are you supposed to lubricate on the patchel? sala. sala, that's right, you can grease the eggs, right? of good. listener, another word. oh, what a fold, shwagerka. what's the geta, what's the geta? geta... nationality, sister women, galaina
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ўbor ci skrynachka? and first of all, ruslan, i know that the swagger is the wife’s sister? well, tsudani, boys, vos geta vedas, vos geta malays, the following words: krytsyna, what geta, aley? soup ci pechyva? firsts of dzima. dzima, i hear you. and on my thought, krytsina is this alley. damn such vedas, guys, you are talking about encyclopedias and dark elephants. so? not. rytsyna - geta alleys, as they are made from the spring kleshchavina. eight geta vedas. yashche is a hell of a word for you. top. what the heck is the noise,
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hat and mushroom? dzima, ryzykue dzima, kali weasel, on my thought, verkhl - geta hat. verhal, boys, geta shumgam, eight geta called. well, ruslan and dzima, you are malays, this is the applause for you, forefather, kali weasel. tsyaper are walking, and what words are they, jumpy belarusian, first thing, sharachok, what is this geta, who is this, who is this, who is this hare, who is hell, who is this bread? danila, pershy, kali laska, your adkaz, on my thought, sharachok - geta adzene, geta pershy your haste with our gulni, little girl! kaftan shcheraga
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cloth damashnyaga made. yulia, budz, kali affection, more secretive, offensive words: sentsy, geta raslina, geta forks, memory, tsi cereals, and julia first pressed, on my thought, sensy, on my thought, geta raslina. julia, shkada, shkada, well, it’s not scary, sensy - here’s a reminder. the passers-by are tortured in a russian way, and the senses are in a belarusian way. advance torture, short words, words here. what is geta, tlushch, dance, malatok tsi tsvik? kali laska, sprabuytse. malaychyna, danik, i hear. na mayu dumku, knock - geta dance. knock, not dance, no, knock - geta... melted tlushch, zhir, and yashche
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aposhnye words for you, tsitauki, yan for chago ўvogule patrabny, how to drive, how to sleep, how to weave, what their needs are, quotes, danik, kali laska, on my thought, quotes - this spat, on quotes velma is not handy ts, all the same danik, all the times we patchouli guk the wrong order: the quotes are the same as the apples, and the apples are required, of course, for your fun, there was a lot of stress from this competition, and yulia, and danila, and our trackers, and applause for you, unyya, stepmother, kali weasel, tending another competition, for the sake of yulia and dzima 90 balls,
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we are taking part in expeditions in the corners of our country, varta pakіdatsya city i rukhatstsa ў depth of hour and space. things will happen again and again from the past land. let's look at the history and meat abrasions. branch of the akinchytsy museum of syadziba yakub kolas, that's why. syarod ekspanata, analogues of rivers, in which this family mickiewicz was reaping rewards, items of the village.
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all you have to do is get acquainted with its history . however, it is easy to become one of your own in a foreign country,
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culture. smar was originally an indicator of wealth. yeah, but as an indicator of status , only very wealthy people could acquire it. we made ships on in this place, one might say, this is where navigation on it began. bread symbolizes well-being and prosperity, salt was a kind of amulet, so guests are wished health and prosperity in the form of bread and salt. watch travel shows at home, on our tv channel. trap folk expressions are bright and imaginative, and they are especially important for the competition. respect, iago umov.
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the commands indicate the correct meaning of phraseological expressions, which appear on the basis of the command. kosht ​​pravilnaga adkazu - 10 balau per adzin phrasealism. two envelopes appear on the screen, their phraseology and their meanings are interchanged, your task is to correctly supplant them, but since the team of ruslan and danila have less control over these moments, then i’ll stop you brother adzin envelope. ruslan, danila, you tell me, dear caress, how do you like others? others. these people have such dark eyes. velma many, velma pavolna, velma dauno and velma tsemna, and all at once phrasealism appears on the screen, and you know what it means, for the swedes, what is it
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so, velma please, for the swedes , velma please to your thought, and what about danik? i think that ruslan and danila give an order for the swedes to velma pavolna. i jumped adkaz. jakui. the expression appears on the screen: like a wet mess. what does geta mean? velmi tsemna. so, like a wet soot, it’s very dark. okay, i took the plunge. step on the expression... at least get off the ground, but what about it? velmi pavolna, velmi pavolna, and aposhny expression on the screen: tsma tsmuschaya, velmi many, velmi
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many, this kanchatkova is your adkaz, so i am accepting adkaz. let's get going, let's get started to the swedes, the lord, like a wet fire, the lord is free, even if you go to hell, the lord is worth it . it is great to praise, bіts, lіlіvіtsі i motsna glavatstsa, and the first expression on the screen: the climb is for yulia and dzima, let’s see what’s going on with them, what does this mean? it seems to me that this is a great praise, a good idea, let’s get to the point.
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i’m washing the order, zyakuy, let’s edit , let’s go, let’s sing, sing songs,
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praise, give a hand, beat, slide the leaves of the sheets, here all the orders are correct, yulia and dzima, and geta means, generator of drops, they jump into a surprise, we don’t know what kind of pack, 40, 30, 20 and 10 points. let's look and applause 20 points plus the malays tradition the competition has brought new points, let's look 150 50 understand the adzin of this great talent, words of diligence plus intuitions, looking at how i work... this is the fourth round of our victory, let's get started with the competition. gulets apisvae prmet pa-belaruska,
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do not call yago, if the partner guesses. on tlumachenna kozhnaga baby is not more than 10 seconds. teams are walking in charze, kosht the correct order is 20 points. i hope that the competition is all reasonable, and all i got was a question: who is the team: ruslan and danik, yulia and dzima? let's go and get this first book, who are the most courageous, like dzima tlumachyts first slide, kali laska, this first book in the first class, there are our very first letters, the primer, so malaychyna, malaychyna, julia, that's all for you, not the alphabet, but adrazu primer, nastupny slide for tsyabe, kata katsinya, and...
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now you are a patlumachy prymetnik, yon adkazvae on torture, what? you are plastic, pitiful, and yashche yon zrobleny z chago yashche happen? dreva, pimpetnik, yaki? woody, woody. shanovnye glachas, yulia was so depressed, like tlumachy dzima, that yana wasted me and our expert, as if i... the four words of dzima patlumachy, and yana wondered if i needed to test the patch of their supernik ў,
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guys ruslan and danil, tell me , dear caress, you are the valor of yulia adzina's daughters and our gulni adkazvatsya on all the tortured dzimavy, valiant, well and good, zyakuy, yulia, well, your request is crushed, dzima, pray, come slide. geta prudmet queens ўsіkh science, mathematics is added and subtracted there.
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so yulia, paglyadzi, kali weasel, what was the need for the words adgadats, spoon, beautiful pa-ruska, spoon pa-belaruska, and winter, now you will be tlumachyts, and yulia, adgadvats, prymetnik, adkazvae on torture, yaki, kali weasels, there are breads, there are crusts, tsverds, antonym, pulps, dzima, yulia, for you this was a good experience, but for us it was a task to watch you, for your walk, this applause for you, forefather, kali laska, we are walking together b ruslan and danila, ruslan, together you will be the first slide, kali laska,
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heta lived, what kind of life is there in the forest... that's how the guys are dancing, the lads are stepping on the slide, they are studying at school for a music lesson, the notes are not close, the lads have not guessed danila get and a music lesson in everyday life. so sung, we step on the slide, we don’t sleep, when we arrive in minsk, by car, we ’re traveling, small, so slow, we come on the slide, ruslan, now you’re a papulachy prymetnik,
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he adkazvae on the torture, like, kali affection, tea. sometimes cold tsoply cold antonim garachy, malaychyna, tsudoina adgulyali, memorable , kali weasel, months, our danik is sweating the firsts of his slide, kali weasel, on this flower the daughter-in-laws are guessing, tearing the petal and guessing which one is not ae. geta ramonak, so malaychyna, malaychyna, nastupny slide, geta is at every apartment and house, through it you can see the street, geta windows, so, malaychyna, malaychyna, nastupny slide,
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geta you carry with you to school, pyana. briefcase. and now, tanik, you are a patlumachy prymetnik, you say on torture, what? kali weasel. there are sweets, sweets and sours. so, malaychyna. tsikavaya gulnya, ruslan and danik. thank you, dear caress, for this joy and joy. prahodztse, kali weasel. at this stage, the party is falling, and what are we doing? 290, julia dzima, ruslan danila 190. lessons from classic literary works we will hear in this competition. we're listening to
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the brains of the bunch. kali weasel. the jumping commands are in progress. tvoraў walk on the charze, kolkasts ballaў for the correct adkaz hell 40 yes 10 deposits hell kolkastsі try. minutes later , this team began the competition, where the team was the first to give in to gulnia ruslan and danila. we hear snatches of paetychny. the trap of the guest at the everyday life is holy, as if the caress, as the caress of the hut, did not pave the sisters and sisters, as the patel began to sparkle in the stove. bulba. smazhanina and kaubaska, pakashtuytse, people, kali weasel, all the same tasty urvak, just the same painful thing that we have been arguing with you this past and unraveling in the competition. so you listened to the urvak and you need to think about who writes the tops: arkadz kulyashov, nil gilevich, yaugeniya yanishchyts, or perhaps petrus brouka. brouka.
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geta correct adkaz. malays, kali weasel, menavita such a name is the top, i... and for the sake of justice, petrus brouka, the lord will accept for you, lads, 40 balau earned adrazu, well, we hear in advance , what is the purpose for yulia and dz we, kali weasel, i feel your bitter music, among the mowed grasses, your language, like the belarusian sun, you shine with the words of your skin, all the same, who wrote?
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yaugeniya yanishchyts, well, 40 did not try, but 30 points from your ruslan and danik, they had 40 points from trying to earn money from the dapamogay radkoi, and at the same time snatch from prose, rumor, guys, it’s true that the month only appeared in our sky, people on earth have such pagans, not the karma of old fathers, there were people there. dzіkіkіya іхікія, it’s almost disgraceful to ўspamіnatsya pra іх, such іkіkіya, like ubachytsya, that mothers and father are very keen on sony gray, which is why it’s not right to import them from
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deep forest, three hedgehogs drop and go to the huts. all such glads were mourning. and your task is to immediately find out who these people wrote: dzmitrok byadulya, uladzimir karatkevich, yakub kolas and ivan syarkou. read gety creative? yes. and we can say the genre, what is geta, raman, apovest, apovyadanne, kazka, what is geta, kazka, geta kazka, so, well then, uladzimir karatkevich, uladzimir karatkevich, no matter what, the scholar of malay literature, , kazka nyamogly father, aўtar uladzimir karatkevich, from the very first second the boys were in charge, the whole heta tsudouna, the malays. dzima and julia, your charga. you may not believe that everything is true, but it was so obvious, but it’s not so, i won’t say it, i’ll just say, this
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little krynichka, she often used her water your great-grandfathers-in-law, i am the greatest tears of the spring gloom, that the hell of the light walks over the earth with such jumping charms. tell me, kali laska, yulia, dzima, what kind of genre is yours? in honor of the literary competition, the team of ruslan and danila did well with such great people, number 350-270. the final
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stage of the revel is now upon us. they will help you with their behavior, reactions, and an hourly cessation. congratulations to you. the kryzvanka has appeared, which you must remember . i’ll just tell you that the dygraphs j occupy two cells. we listen to the brains competition. the udzelniks are solving the goose bump through torture. the signal from the command indicates the finished version. for correct skin the order is 10 points. this competition has a drawback. this means that if one team pressed the button, it said incorrectly, then it is correct... another team can give its order, and if i say: so the malays, five balls on the rakhunak of the getai team.


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