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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 10, 2024 9:30am-9:50am MSK

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in employees, these are the people who really wanted to expand, they now really have a chance, a great option to transfer their business, which they ran as an individual entrepreneur, to a legal entity, it’s all easy to expand, pavel did the same, he is responsible for light and sound at large city and republican holidays, technical support was included in the list of types permitted for individual entrepreneurs. in activity, but pavel had long ago decided to open an organization, because i want the business to grow, and for this we need people, everyone minds their own business, yes, that is, when there was an individual entrepreneur, that is, there were also organizational issues in terms of orders, contracts, and so on, it’s decided, let’s say for me as an individual entrepreneur , and technical issues at events, if , specifically, to take projects, and accordingly then...
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maintain leadership among other industries in terms of contribution to the gross domestic product. at the end of 5 months, industrial production increased by 8%. the main growth point is mechanical engineering. this year, we reached maximum production capacity for buses and passenger cars, and electric transport projects are being implemented. an important link in the chain of the domestic automotive industry is the minsk motor plant. the company supplies its engines not only to our equipment, but also to foreign ones. what successes have the factory workers achieved and why? the minsk motor plant was put into
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operation almost two decades after the end of the war. first of all, the factory workers mastered the production of diesel engines for mtz tractors. and today technology with belarusian motors operate on five continents in more than 120 countries. but the fate of the current flagship could have turned out completely differently. in the early nineties, when industrial production in the republic fell by 40%, there were persistent proposals to close large enterprises and rely on mobile production, but belarus chose a different path: thanks to the measures taken, engine builders, like other whales of our industry in difficult economic conditions, not only survived, but also increased its soviet potential. those difficult times are remembered by the forefront of the mmz design bureau. those were the difficult nineties, many enterprises, say,
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in the soviet union were closing at that time, we, of course, also lost in numbers, but at the same time some remained, we retained the base, developed all the time, so today this is very important, then there is today a huge demand for our engines, they understood then that they were working for the future, we had to react quickly and restructure so as not to miss the market, began to fully invest in expanding the line of engines, and not only for...
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without hard work, experience and dedication to their work are the components that create and promote our national product. despite the fact that the computer network is developing, automation is developing, well, our design production, the first thing is still a person, there will be no competent, intelligent specialist, there will be no product, there will be no engine. the minsk motor plant is responsible for quality; they say this is the foundation of competitiveness. and recognition. the bar was raised in soviet times, when mmz received a high award - the state quality mark. there is still enough ambition to this day. the collection of rewards for producing a worthy product is regularly replenished. at the same time, the important quality is not only the motors themselves, but their maintenance. this is no less monitored. the network of service centers is intensively developing. minsk motor plant has more than 160 service centers in the post-soviet space. belarus has 57,
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all the rest are in countries near and far abroad. machines on which they are installed our products must always be in operation, because the engine is the heart of all machines. the figures prove the vague 90 or the current western sanctions are not a barrier. certain difficulties, of course, cannot be denied, but on the other hand, this is an incentive for development. the market is zimbabwe, vietnam, the republic of congo, and this is just the opening six months of this year. today, we adhere to a diversification strategy and conquer new and new markets for ourselves. if we talk about exports in general, then in 6 months this year, according to estimates. we increased it by about 10% compared to the same period last year. there are many competitors, but we have our finger on the pulse. they say here that the secret of success is flexibility in response. produce in-demand products on time. in this direction, the minsk motor moves at high speeds. alena lopoi and roman
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felutich. area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement. next to the traditional july harvesting in the fields. plans for karavay were discussed in the government. let's tell you the details. we do not tell dry historical facts: we are immersed in an era when people sailed on the non-man, but here on the shore there were columns, it was not possible to tie boats, well , vetins, so again, the columns don’t matter. yes everything is correct. the very name svyatilovichi, svyatilovichi, suggests that it was a holy place. and one of the legends says that once on the shore of lake svetiloch there was a pagan temple. artifacts with a centuries-old history, a real puzzle.
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four. this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work ahead, it’s time understand and feel your information enemy. and this is primarily an information and psychological center. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. and belarus and russia are 167 and 162 , respectively. lithuania 13, latvia 12. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there even one working? russian or belarusian, there are none, they were cleared out right here one by one, if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are on the bench defendants, alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon, ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on
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the belarus24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest and we continue, and now to the traditional summer topic, the harvesting campaign is taking place throughout the country, the weather is conducive to a good pace, especially since there are big plans for karavai 20-24. the country expects to increase agricultural production by 6-7% compared to 2023. to do this, agricultural organizations need to receive about 10 million tons of grain, more than a million rapeseed, sugar. there are over 5 million tons of beets, and also more than a million tons of potatoes. the government assessed the coherence of the harvesting company at a conference call, discussing the pace of work, the availability of personnel and equipment. our correspondent, svetlana lukinyuk. day, year feeds. a good harvest in the fields is
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half the success. yes, it is undoubtedly difficult to grow, but removing everything without loss is also not an easy task. here are the important components of success and technology that modern technology must follow. belarusian cars and units keep up with world models. if something was not previously done by ourselves, but purchased from import, today it has been mastered and brought to our fields, as well as for export. it was and is belarusian with the mark of quality, and at the same time it is more profitable for agricultural organizations in price, sometimes half cheaper. the ministry of industry is not arrogant when it says that soon the agro-industrial complex will see new highly efficient models. without spare parts, without equipment, they passed this stage smoothly, well, since they have been steadily using domestic equipment for a long time and supporting our manufacturers, so thus, the synergy exhibited by the two ministries has led to the fact that we fully
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ensure the food security of our country. today, on farms, 90% of our equipment is belarusian, old models are being updated, so this percentage will only grow, which means... our industrial enterprises need to keep their finger on the pulse to constantly study global trends, because good equipment also means a higher yield, which means higher export opportunities, because every year belarus opens... seven to eight new markets, but our own is a priority. every year , the enterprise of the ministry of industry develops new models of equipment, in the very near future we will present to our market new tractors with a capacity of over 500 horsepower, this is the type of energy-rich vehicle that farmers are looking forward to. this will be an import-substituting product that will allow the entire complex of agricultural activities to be carried out in a highly productive manner. this year we will also present to our farmers the expected model of fodder
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a combine with an engine power of 650 horsepower, this is a completely import-substituted machine, which consists of components from belarus, russia and friendly countries, thus the fleet of our equipment in our farmers will be replaced by an even larger number of domestic machines. our country is fully provided with modern high-performance technology. which is no different from the best world analogues, but is significantly more profitable today for our farmers in terms of price, that is, the cost of owning our equipment is significantly more profitable, thus, we are fully prepared to ensure sovereignty in the supply of necessary equipment to our key partners, the ministry of agriculture . the prime minister also drew attention to the efficiency of agricultural production at a government conference call. in many areas, harvesting is in full swing.
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the minister of agriculture is optimistic, he assures that this year there will definitely be an increase in the weight of the entire loaf, there is equipment and it is in service, as well as personnel, to work on the combine in these hot months up to a thousand people also come from other spheres. the harvest began on time, on time, as expected, so there will be thousands of people, i hope, not only thousands of people but five thousand people, then we are moving smoothly, we are moving in accordance with the schedules, there will be an increase.
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this is the task, we will calculate the entire harvest in the fall, as well as our ability to increase the volume of agricultural production by up to 7% this year, compared to last year. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunor, area of ​​interest. that's all for today, look at your area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon.
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hello viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda, let's start, last week was my first time. in my adult life i missed the celebration of our independence day in belarus, i’ll decipher it a little , in general, in my deep childhood i treated our main holiday with the utmost respect, but still the awareness that there is independence and sovereignty comes with increase, with the political, with the ordinary. almost all of last week i was in kazakhstan in ostan, as you are sure you know, a historical event happened for our country: belarus became a full member... of the shanghai cooperation organization, which is not only politically prestigious, and this is very prestigious, but will
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also be beneficial for us economically. in general, there is a certain symbolism in the fact that the sco summit happened on july 4th, the day before we talked about our sovereignty, the next day something happened that exalts our country, that is, in these difficult global times we manage not only to preserve our independence, but also to make our homeland stronger on the planet. which greatly strengthens our sovereignty. this happens largely because our president, alexander lukashenko. of course, i am ready to go through the fires in the capital state; naturally, i have maximum reverence. personal relationship with alexander grigorievich, but even if for some reason this personal relationship is discarded by me, then without this any person who is not engaged by enemies and who is not a fool, he recognizes, specifically belarus in the highway, as a special relationship between minsk and beijing, minsk and moscow, minsk tehran, many more times minsk and they gave the capital of some powerful state, in nine cases out of ten, we have this
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exclusively thanks to the agreements of the president personally, in one case out of ten we simply exclude the word. exclusively, but it remains thanks to the agreements of lukashenko personally, whether someone likes it or likes it less is a fact, and arguing with the facts is very stupid. i broadcast reports from astana on the eve of the summit, during the summit, immediately after the summit, on saturday there was analytics, on sunday there were more analytics more, so i’ll allow myself to talk briefly about this summit, since i’m talking about it to the whole country for the sixth time, just as it’s important for us to be in the sco, it’s important for the sco to be in the sco. for belarus to be in the organization, because we have the most valuable things that we can export to our allies: political experience, willpower and determination of our leader. they talked about different things at the summit, but about the most important things, publicly and emotionally, said alexander lukashenko. i am inclined to believe that this is generally one of the main goals of most regional and world organizations, with
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the exception of those who are still satisfied with washington’s hegemony. we all say that we are big, we are great. those who manipulate the dollar club will understand that this cannot continue to be the case, we see it all, but we don’t do it, and people are waiting, and i won’t say anything more about the summit, because there is something to talk about, for example, that alexander lukashenko regularly does something that in general in world politics is not very common to do , he comes out and speaks the honest
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truth, i will not go into any specific examples, but just trust a person who works in... including at closed events, very often the president is advised not to talk about something or not to agree on something for the sake of political and media security, but the president with the slogan: people must know, he comes out and says it like it is, more on this a little later, but for now a very harmless example: alexander lukashenko speaks in alexandria, which once again gathered friends in the president’s native places, and since they are relatives, then so are the people who live there also family for the head of state, because they knew. even before the presidency and even before his deputy, and this obliges him to be as frank as possible with them. the month of july is always difficult, difficult times for the president, there are a lot of public events, and the most difficult thing is when a huge number of people, everyone looking at you,
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is looking for something in you, somewhere they curse, somewhere they thank you, somewhere - something else, and this... a huge number of people greatly influences a person, especially parades and other special events, and it also overlaps, there was an additional burden associated with kazakhstan, astana, 400 km from here, after this load, when you come to your native land, you come to your origins, here you are better off. it’s simpler, literally in a day you become healthy, strong, just like before, in the times when you walked on this earth, you recover very quickly. from the point of view of political science, it is generally not customary for leaders of countries to publicly say the word “hard” in...


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