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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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i repeat: i am afraid and avoid people who are strongly principled, because because of their principles they can do complete stupid things. naturally, 2 years ago, as a fugitive, i was immediately dubbed unprincipled, but oh well, in general, i am only responsible for what i say, and not for how someone understood me, it would be important that everyone who brought the country under the abyss, from which lukashenko again took everyone away, they would have served the prescribed terms, and the fact that some would literally rot at the same time, well, that’s their problem. i generally support it, but it’s cruelty doesn’t make us better, it just makes us tougher, sometimes so much so that it becomes dull, and lukashenko says it’s impossible to be dumb, to be able to repel any threat, both externally and internally, is, of course, an indicator of strength, to remain with this ourselves, a person who can empathize, regret, forgive, this is an indicator of even greater strength, and we have this strength in us, and we also have a foundation...
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the beginning of the great patriotic war, we have only one teacher, our history, the history of the winners.
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when our ceremonial equipment was walking through minsk, i was in astana, on the lapel of my jacket i had our apple blossom, a symbol of our desire for peace, almost none of my colleagues in the capital of kazakhstan asked the question, why is this? and if someone had an issue, then i had to explain, this is not my job, i don’t get paid for this, but these are conclusions from my own mistakes, because i am inclined to believe that 5 years ago i didn’t do everything i could for the sake of protection of the homeland assistance. in this to the president, the question is not to sprinkle head with ashes, in the end, well, everyone screws up, it’s necessary to draw conclusions from mistakes, because this is what gives us progress, our task is not to become better than our enemies and not to make it somehow worse for them, our task is to do so so that tomorrow we will be even better than today, right? my name is igor tur, this was my propaganda.
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in braslava, the azers are blue like the sky in the early days, which is in the right of the racing forest, at the beginning of the glowing dawns, washing creatures and light, and the sky is falling, the enchanting azers are beginning woven, smiling at the sun, look for yourself, and nothing from the sea, the bottom, which is golden and golden.
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hello, tomorrow is independence day, a holiday, which means a special broadcast, so we are going out a day earlier, but as always, we have something to say and something to discuss, there are several examples ahead from different... corners of the world that independence is is not an option that comes with the country by default; one has to fight for independence every day on a variety of fronts, let’s start with the threats: a sharp increase in tension is recorded on the belarusian-ukrainian border. in
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american infantry fighting vehicles, multiple rocket launchers, heavy long-range artillery and other equipment were stationed in the zhytomyr region, and also this: the state border committee has information.
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armed forces of ukraine, but what is needed to one degree or another to
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note whether today ukraine is truly ready to start a military conflict with belarus, and this is the length of the borders 18.
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from the point of view of tactics and personal survival, here you need to start from
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scenarios that are crazy from the point of view achieving direct goals on the battlefield, but they may make sense in terms of the personal squeeze of the same zelensky and ermak, who today have turned into usurpers of power, let's now listen to a fragment of the speech of the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of belarus pavel muraveyk, who recently gave an interview, a short fragment: we are...
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including through concessions in the kharkov region, then such artificial, which means, points of tension are created,
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because, well, i repeat once again, if this is really some kind of counter-sabotage operation or reconnaissance in force, yes, then naturally no one should know about it, it happens with lightning speed, quickly, quickly, without any, say, such smearing, including the information plane, this does not exist, so naturally, i agree however, this is an artificial situation, a task that is most likely political, because along the line... along the military line, which means we see that our military responded, and most likely, i still think there are certain contacts, which between our ukrainians, so to speak, services that allow...
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will anyone really support kiev in this step against belarus? you see, no one will support him, but no one will be able to say no to kiev, so kiev today is using that option, the case when it is washington’s favorite child, in any case , zelensky imposed this role on biden, it turns out that zelensky is primarily playing role, plays the role of an actor, he
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plays the role of napoleon, he is really sure that this is his best role, the side doesn’t matter to him... it doesn’t matter, you need to understand, that’s actually his personal psychology, for him this is the best role that he has played in his life, which he will play, and he is sure that in this regard he controls everyone, that he controls biden, controls nato, controls, in general, anyone and anything anything, not to mention ukraine, all this is just decoration, all this is a bargaining chip, so the fact that he can risk everything, anything, any provocation in order to involve his elders, again, nato...
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this is a pattern, another example , they present this as their achievement, here in headquarters - the european commission in brussels, one figure from the fugitives got an appointment with the eu special envoy on sanctions, it turns out that if such a position is, it’s simply surprising, they still call themselves democrats, and so they ask the eu the following: isolation of key belarusian banks , sanctions against the institution of the union state, against the media, marin sanok.
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we talk there about polish politicians, about well, yes, we often discuss baltic and ukrainian politicians, but they can be understood, that is, they are pursuing certain other their own interests, sometimes they are even convinced that they are pursuing national interests, they are defended in this way, but in this case we see when people simply spoil their own people, although they were among us just recently. this is how the romanian authorities feel about this; they deliberately disrupted the participation of a delegation of our parliamentarians to participate in the annual session of the osce parliamentary assembly in romania; they did not just ban travel.
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parliament today the house of representatives of the national assembly made a statement in principle, she condemned the actions of the romanian authorities, well, they didn’t let us in, but we still won’t be silent, we will, in any case, loudly declare from all possible platforms who we are belarusians, that we are a peace-loving people, what we want cooperate with all countries on an equal basis, believe me, we have something to say, a wonderful platform in the form of the shanghai cooperation organization, where the day after tomorrow we will already...
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forget that the traditional, in general , management system of the united states is not shown under the carpet, well, it is not necessary at least in europe, and not only in europe, this is a deal with the elites at the expense of their own societies, a deal with the elites presupposes the presence of sufficiently weighty incriminating evidence on the ethylites, so the romanians were simply told what to do if they do not want incriminating evidence to surface on them would have gone into the public field and would have ended or complicated their political career, here are the high-profile shots. appointment that we discussed last week, many say that these are unexpected appointments, and a number of positions could indeed fall into this category, such unexpected formation, this is also about a new
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decision-making for a new management in new conditions, well, in general, it must be said that this is a personnel policy traditional for our president, which is characterized by rotation, such a concept as rotation, which does not allow not to create any kind of there were no clans within the authorities, which allows, say... changing, among other things , the sources of information for the head of state himself, because it is clear that those personnel appointments that we are talking about are those people who, among other things, form, so to speak, the information background around the president and prepare the corresponding information, so naturally this transformation of these approaches constantly occurs in order not to lose touch with reality, this is exactly what, including such personnel policy, it allows us to effectively manage our state today, in the process of all these attempts to put pressure on us. we actually live under pressure from our state and specifically the president personally, starting in fact, one can say, from the moment of my election, i’ll clarify my question, then every time high-profile appointments occur, but
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the appointments there of the minister of foreign affairs, the head of the administration, have been waiting for them for a long time, to see who will take this position, gives certain quite a lot of circles to ask the question: what signal does the president, the leader of his entire vertical, send with such appointments? look, well, i mean we are faced with such unexpected assignments, no one can calculate them, let alone what is inside state, that thank god it is very good outside, not only our, so to speak, traitors
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and enemies and...
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a huge number of contracts is the task that faces the belarusian industry, the belarusian economic system, because in fact we forget that the belarusian industry, which since the ninety-first year has been preserved in a humanitarian form, for social reasons, is now starting to work, it has turned into the second industrial heart of the union state, and it is extremely significant, extremely significant, and the fact that today it is needed to power, to ensure this system so that it can scale its successes,
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because to scale... an economic resource and not to mention employment from a stable place in the market and so on, and in fact, for this breakthrough under these 30 billion rubles, i would say , that these personnel changes are, of course, limited to a fair degree, because such chances cannot be given away, it is necessary to appoint those specialists who can always cope with these things a little better than others.
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we continue, still discussing the debate trump and biden, the two still main contenders for the post of head of the white house. biden is in trouble, is this just one example of what that looks like? the editorial board of one of the main american newspapers, the new york times, called on the current us president to withdraw from the election race and stop further campaigning for re-election to a second term after a disastrous debate. myself.
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well, you and i saw this, it was a debate between two presidential candidates, the current and the former, and this is how, by the way, they were introduced to each other, the current president and the former the president, you know,
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something like they tried in every possible way to each other, but this is of course not the level of future or current presidents of such a state, although we clearly understand that in the united states this is still an element of the show, did you see the future in these debates the president of the united states, you
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know, i think it will be biden, and here, firstly, he took a broader approach to all aspects, and secondly, trump was not interested in anything, except for internal problems, and he i kept trying to pull on immigration a crisis. on how to replenish the treasury, yes, this is good, without a doubt, but after that they suddenly started even before the debate took place, they already said that biden lost it, don’t you think that this is just the approach of these democrats to play for the long haul, then, now they are not even officially candidates yet, they will be candidates, in my opinion, in a month or whatever, maybe correct me, official candidates from their parties, what is this game for, then look , this is a game so that later, when they are already officially shown.
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party, that is, god bless him, with trump and biden, and this is a fight where the loser will most likely end his political life, that is, america will become a one-party system, it will be either democrats or republicans, and this is very well understood.
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the democrats brought in a huge number of migrants just for this reason, because in the states almost anyone can vote without presenting an id. republicans will naturally try mobilize your electorate. simply because without this, america will cease to exist, that is, if the democrats are sitting on transnational capital, then the republicans are still mostly a real sector, and these are these antagonisms, they are actually irreconcilable, with regard to the same debates, it doesn’t matter what biden said, it doesn’t matter what trump said, because there are speechwriters who prepare all this, and we understand that blinken is biden’s secretary, who , in fact, will handwrite everything for him saflu. but the main thing is something else, what tensed all the democrats, that biden got stuck several times, that he lost the thread several times, which means that such a person with a nuclear briefcase is a global danger for the whole world, and how, accordingly,
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such a person can to rule a superpower, very big questions arise, that is, what the democrats will now try to play, there is actually a very dramatic thing there, that is, biden does not want to withdraw from the race, despite all the persuasion, simply because only he... can pardon his son hunter biden, and we see that he will make all the sacrifices for family reasons, and the democrats are playing out a situation where, strictly speaking, they can...
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the party election system, people there somehow, firstly, who chooses the president in the united states of america, people go, vote, this picture shows us, and we see polling stations, people stand at them, choose, electors choose, so this is the first, second, they choose party first and second only a specific person who represents, the situation here is such that in principle they can vote in america, such a system is difficult for us to understand , there is no democracy there, that they can even vote for a corpse, figuratively speaking, and elect a president posthumously.
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on the one hand, it seems like a purely family story, but then i happened, well, it seems
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to be true, and jill biden answered him that we are not going to let 90 minutes of debate determine the success of the four years during which you were president in this in this case, we understand in whose hands joe biden’s control panel is, but on the other hand, this phrase, kirilgenevich, we are not going to let who we really are. trossky's revolution turned into a theory of color revolutions, this is a modern theory
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of controlled chaos, yes, where, in fact, well, the logic is very simple: when you cannot be the first at a distance, then it is important to grab the t-shirt of the one who is running ahead, or even better to substitute trip him up, or better yet, make a color revolution, or even better divide it into a bunch of subjects and accordingly manage these to rule, that is, the theory of controlled chaos is how you can... because
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the league of nations was built exactly under this scheme, yes, that is, when european empires, huge economic organisms divided into non-self-sufficient parts, each of which turned out to be a recipient of american technologies, in fact, this is what it was intended for, yes, that is, the economy is first and foremost an american thing, today the united states needs to keep the dominance of global corporations, what obama laid down, why i say that there will be a battle here, not to not ...
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to defeat, which greatly strains not only brussels, but also washington. so, early parliamentary elections began in france. the first round was on sunday, the second on july 7th. according to preliminary results , the conservative national rally party receives the majority of seats in parliament. it is now headed by jordan bardela. but macron's coalition is losing. the french have already
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reacted with riots, supporters of the left in the suburbs of paris, a market was set on fire, and barricades were being built in lyon. the police do not stand on ceremony. this extremely alarmed the united states; as the american political publication writes, early elections are a rash step by macron. the states fear that the consequences of macron’s daring adventure will go far beyond france, weaken the eu and create problems for the united states and its allies, including ukraine. marina aleksandrovna, how do you look at this, in continuation of the conversation that we touched on? you know, this already reminds me, if we talk about france, some kind of political santa barbera, and yes, if... think about why macron is doing this, why he dissolves parliament in principle, well , it seems to me that it’s possible here, if you analyze some experts, it may be the first, but he he still hopes to take revenge within the country, perhaps, although we see that
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it is not working out, secondly, he admits that the right will come to power, then he will allow the government to be informed. yes, but on the other hand, look, they say that there may be consequences for european union, can they be, given that the same bardala, he says: yes, we do not want a direct confrontation between france and russia, but at the same time we will clearly continue the course of support, but the fact is that in any case we already we see the trend that those forces are coming to power in europe that, in
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principle, prioritize solving their internal problems within their own countries, and of course for the european union. what position does it take, it is now presiding, so today we are talking about the fact that other countries also support hungary, today we see that the right-wing forces are gaining momentum, but you know how these right-wing forces are also trying to generally advertise, they are compared with those ultra-right forces, you know, in the mid
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-twenties, this is hitler’s party there, musalini, that is, yes, yes, yes, yes, but this is a little different, here most likely, if... both hitler and mussolini, they tried to take revenge by going beyond the borders of their country, then marine lepin even talks about solving internal problems, this is what is needed, so that clearly the europeans, the same the french understood this, internal problems, no revenge, they naturally don’t want it, but it’s simpler, but we’ve already looked at the united states, how deep the depist is there, and the consolidation of their place and... very usefully, an interesting theory, it’s necessary she will study these approaches more deeply, because it will already turn out that soon it will be the democrats who will become so ultra-left and to a greater extent, so well, the approach... in fact , it’s very interesting, interesting, what concerns macron directly, well, to me it seems that he again tried
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to outplay himself, if the situation is more or less understandable and clear in the united states, then what is happening today in europe is precisely that the elections that were called by macron are essentially a consequence of the elections that we entered the european parliament, the americans were afraid, andrei petrovich, there wasn’t much time, so i came to this question, to this question. but we understand the most important thing, france today is the strongest country in the european union, this is what the european union rests on by and large, even gluing together nato, despite the fact that france has always had some kind of separate position in relation to the north atlantic alliance, this is the state that today, by and large, glues it all together, but one thing should be noted is that today after you remember that not a single event in the military sphere on the european continent is without macron.
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discredits the entire right-wing movement, that is, in this regard, you need to understand that the primary ideology here, you need to look at who is behind whom, and the main problem that is afraid
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washington, it’s not that macron will lose, god bless him, but especially since he will still remain in power even with an opposition government, but that he highlighted a very unpleasant thing, macron, sunok, and almost all other european leaders are hanging on the basis of mistrust, this is a much more serious trend, it’s not you. these are the things that can explode without relatively elections, because when a fair portion of the european population refuses to trust the main leader, and we easily count about seven of them today, yes, that is scholz does not qualify simply because he is outside the electoral cycle, but he does qualify, not to mention the rest, this is a wake-up call, it means that europe is not going to, the population of europe is completely unprepared for the vassal role of the agrarian appendage of the united states, which according to by and large... and is assigned to the united states. yes. sergey nikalovich, regarding this part. i agree that indeed macron, in fact , chose the better of two evils, which, so to speak,
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was shining in front of him. yes, that is, he, if only wait a little, you and i have already discussed here today, which means, the issue of negotiations on ukraine, and naturally, the losing position of the west and that losing position, which was supported by macron. then we look at what’s going on with the paris olympics, what failures there are. and if he had waited a little longer, waited for the outcome of these questions. then he might not get any seats in parliament at all, but he is today, and so at least something, firstly, secondly, a coalition will quite possibly be created, because it was right it is said that the right and left are completely radical among themselves, they will never unite, they will unite, one of them with macron, most likely it will be the lupin bloc, and naturally some ministerial portfolios will be all - his party will get it, but as for the international agenda of international politics, in france these issues are up to the president, so in any case, until 2020.
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peace is obvious to our neighbors, i mean, first of all, now the president of poland duda, who went to china, met with sidinpin, instead of generally engaging in the development of bilateral relations, he did not come up with anything better than to try to present belarus as a state that, having organized the migration crisis, it turns out, we did it, thereby undermining, in general, the promotion and implementation initiative path, which is not just unreliable, it is...
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in the people's republic of china, our parliamentary delegation, it was on a visit to china, such productive work took place, of course the goal, first of all, this is at the level of legislative interaction, well, of course , economic and humanitarian issues will be resolved here, we are moving forward, we communicate, we are
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mentally similar among the chinese and belarusians...
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so send all these drugs, because this drug trafficking exists, and here is the sco , of course, will also build clear barriers in order to prevent these negative phenomena, today we really have the exclusive status of a all-weather partner, joining the sco without moscow, without beijing, it wouldn’t be like that this evolution is rapid, what is our strength, what makes us so attractive to such giants...
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“i hope that poland will retain for itself the status of, first of all, the silk and intar routes, well, to which duda could only shake his head , that yes, yes, in principle
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, he agrees. i want to say that even in this situation, belarus has by and large emerged in a very advantageous position. firstly, i can say right away that everything that is happening on the territory of belarus. it's all controlled relevant bodies and structures, so we get "additional levers of foreign policy pressure, of course, and as they say, today we are capable of waging a successful war, including a hybrid war, together with western countries, and as it turns out, western countries are interested in cooperation with us, in including through the fact that we are joining the shost, what does joining the shaikai cooperation organization mean for us? yes, the fact that we have chosen the eastern vector is clear, but we are becoming a truly important part, an important part. eurasian community.
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