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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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that, of course, there is still one brix organization that solves many problems, but the sco is important to us, and we have already said in this program more than once, the shanharization of cooperation is not just an organization purely tied to economic problems, it is, first of all, an organization , which was formed on the basis of the security of this region, this is terrorism and is associated with anti-terrorism, it is connected with anti-extremism, drug trafficking and everything else, so of course this is a big victory for...
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giving the right to make these decisions, to be truly sovereign, which means we are proudly joining the shahnad cooperation organization, we are more precisely received there with the same respect, and belarus can truly be said today, including thanks to joining the sho, it is becoming, among other things, becoming the center of a world just politicians look at us, they take us into account, they respect us, and this is worth a lot, all this will influence our, including socio-economic development, which was discussed here today and... our
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security, this is summing up result, in anticipation day of independence, i would also like to say this, this is also our contribution, the contribution of those who live today, deal with these issues of ours, our foreign ministry, first of all, the president in strengthening the sovereignty and independence of the republic of belarus, thank you sergei mikhailovich, thank you very much for participation in this conversation, indeed tomorrow is a wonderful holiday, independence day, 80 years of liberation of belarus and we, it seems to me, as a people, as a country, not just as a population, but as a people, a country, a nation before but we've come to this wonderful holiday, so congratulations to everyone, thank you for the program, see you in a week, happily.
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kali is known in the wild, it’s built. the light poured into the city, all the soft shadows were gone, and only the wind was blowing the sand of the ear, as you slept and understood what the city was screaming.
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pure skin magic is applied to nature, near the forest, near the field, on rivers, az... in harmony with nature belarus 24.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and answer all questions, are you ready for meeting with our heroine? olga alexandrovna, what do you expect from children at one hundred? well, in general, to be honest, i’m very worried, because children are the ones who scan you, and it’s impossible to be insincere. promise to tell only the truth? i swear! good luck then! so, we welcome our guest, director of the national branch of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union olga shpilevskaya.
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olga alexandrovna, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer questions three times. question. hope. you will not use it and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well , now you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has passed, well, in short, i was born in a small town, the city of derzhinsk, or rather even in the suburbs of derzhinsk, there is a village called koski , derzhinsky district, that’s where i come from, born in 1976, so it’s easy to calculate how old i am, in a completely ordinary family, with absolutely ordinary parents, i went to school with great pleasure not... like my peers at 7 years old, at 6 years old, because i really wanted to study, and i was in love with a neighbor boy who was going to school, so i really wanted to go with him, so it turned out that i graduated from school before everyone else, and then gladly went to the faculty of journalism, because i was active at school, and it always seemed to me that
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this was my future. i’ve never been mistaken, to be honest, because all the time i’ve been working in journalism, i do it with great pleasure, i really love what i do it, well, like this, in short? you did it in one minute. so, we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer. children, who is ready to ask a question first? hello, my name is olesya. do you think it is more difficult for a woman to be a leader than for a man? and, it seems to me, it is always difficult to be a leader if you are a real leader, and not just come to sit in a chair, yes, because it doesn’t matter who you are, a man or a woman, the main thing is how your team works. how are you you lead him along, so i wouldn’t divide here, to be honest, into men and women, it’s difficult to do any work if you do it responsibly, what did you want to become as a child, who had the greatest influence on you when choosing a profession, in childhood,
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whoever i dreamed of becoming, to be honest, but at that time we all dreamed of becoming both cosmonauts and teachers, because teachers for us were, well, just such divine people who came down to us in order to give change. and it seems to me that all the girls wanted to be or a russian language teacher, or a history teacher, and then, when i grew up a little, i really wanted to be a salesperson, i really liked this cash register with buttons, my mother is a salesperson and... i liked coming to her work, watching, how she communicates with people, how she helps them choose what they need, so i had such a dream, but at the same time i wrote essays well, was a presenter at many school evenings, and somehow a russian language teacher she told me all the time that she didn't it wouldn’t hurt you to look in the direction of journalism, well, that’s how i looked, thanks to her, in the direction of journalism, and how did you get on television, and how did i get on television, well, first i got to the faculty of journalism.
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well, it so happened that i, as a student , got to work there, there was no talk of big money or anything else, i just needed hands, yes, that would help process this information, that’s how i took a small step in side of television, and then of course we talked with guys from television, we became acquainted very quickly, when you have a desire to work, you will always, you will always have an offer, that’s how i gradually entered into this story called television. at what age did you discover your leadership qualities, and how did they manifest themselves? well, actually, i
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didn’t find them in myself, to be honest, but it just somehow happened that i saw that my guys, my classmates , heard me, well, somehow they listened, i always had a lot of ideas , i always wanted to participate in some kind of different processes, you know, not only there we organized some good things, somewhere we were harmful and, as it were, well, when you understand. that people follow you, well, it’s probably called these leadership qualities that manifest themselves, yes, they definitely showed up in me at school. who is your idol among famous female leaders? an idol among famous women leaders, natalya ivanovna kachanova? among men, the president of the republic of belarus, of course, please tell me whether you consider yourself careerist? well, to be honest, i have never treated my career as... something that is mandatory for me, so i have to
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go step by step along these steps, strive somewhere, in my life it’s just it worked out that way, that is, there were people who noticed me, there were some offers, it’s a rule for me not to refuse offers, i always want to try myself in something that i haven’t tried myself in yet, well, for me it’s interesting and this is important, yes, that’s why mm, that’s why personally, for myself, i can’t to say that i am a careerist, yes, probably, if you look from the outside at how i moved - career, you can probably say that somewhere this is true, continue the phrase, please, to be a leader means, to be a leader means to be responsible for every person who stands behind your back, and this is sometimes very difficult, then, the red sector, to your right, you remember how you earned your first money, your first money, oh, i don’t even know if it’s worth telling from how i earned mine the first money, no, it was honest money, but it was money that i... worked in commerce, and my youth fell just at
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the time when the first commercial stalls appeared, here are some moments like they called them buy-sell, well , i made my first money from such a buy-sell story, when my friends and i were just traveling, buying what was cheaper in the capital and selling it more expensive in our hometown of derzhinsk, that’s how our first money was earned money, what time does your work start? well, i'll say this, since then since i work on television, and this is practically my entire adult life, my working day does not begin and my working day does not end, this is without any extra ones, because when you work in information, you have to live by it, live constantly, and you never know what will happen, and you never understand when at what moment they might pull you, so this is the state of life at work - this is your state of life, in principle , gradually. becomes, so, well, if you ask what time i wake up, i i wake up at 6:00 am, for me this
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is the ideal time to wake up at 6:00 am, i try to go to bed early, somewhere around 10-10:30 pm, i still try to persuade myself to go to bed, not always it works, but at least i try, and hello, my name is tanya, do you sometimes use women’s cunning at work to solve some issues, well, in general, it seems to me that women... always use women’s cunning, that’s why we and women, well - rather, maybe it ’s not even that, boys, keep in mind, women, when they smile, they really want you to smile back at them and do what they ask you to do, so... you can’t refuse a woman, well, probably in this regard, yes, when it’s probably easier for a woman to join a male team, but because men by nature have it this way, when they see a woman, they really want to help and support, well, only if in this regard, yes, well, i think that every woman should do this. since you run
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both the television and radio company and the women's union, is it possible to consider that you have two jobs, well, in general , the belarusian union... it means that this is a public organization, everything that i do there is my social burden, but in essence, of course, sometimes i don’t even know which organization i devote more to time, yes, because everything is so intertwined, so this one job for which i receive a salary, the second is a place for my soul, for my heart, yes, where you can open up, where you have communication with women, where it is big and where what you do, you do sincerely, even if only because you don’t... what does your manager’s office look like, by what signs can you understand that this is a woman’s office? well, you know, it’s a good question, when i go into the office of a female leader, i always try to notice some things that are associated with women, and in this regard, well, you can’t say so, i’m not a woman, yes,
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but for me, the most important thing in an office is to have a table, a comfortable chair and a computer. everything that is around me does not matter much to me, as a rule, when i i go into any office, i don’t change it much, the surroundings, yes, because i understand that, of course, for a woman leader it is important that the color of the walls is pleasant, and there are some flowers on the window sills, but for me it’s not the most important thing, i repeat once again, i am always lucky, because i am surrounded by people who try to make everything so that it is the office of a female leader, so thanks to them in my office there are... flowers, paintings hanging, walls repainted in such a warmer color, yes, a feminine color, well, ah so, my desk is always a mess, this is also probably something that is not typical for women, women usually still have order, my desk is a mess. olga alexandrovna, what is the most unusual thing in your office, in your opinion? the most unusual thing in
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my office, now i’m trying to draw the inside of my office. hello, my name is ksyusha, what does the women’s union do? what does the women's union do? ksyusha, where does mom work? at the republican institute of knowledge control. and you ask your mother if they have a primary organization belarusian women's union, right? because in general belarusian women are a very large organization, there are 165 belarusian women who... are united in this organization, so i can tell you for a long time what we do, but in general for the belarusian women's union the focus is always on the woman, with all her problems, questions, with all her desires, we help women realize themselves through our various actions, yes so that a woman does not confine herself only to home, family, work, but has some wider outlet, we
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we want to show women that at any age they are capable of any self-realization, yes. and of course, difficult questions that women have, a woman should know that there are women nearby who are able to hear her and who can help in any situation, that’s why it seems to me that we work as the belarusian women’s union, but ask mothers, okay, to your right is the purple sector, why is there a belarusian union of women, but not a belarusian union of men, and you know, i would be happy to welcome the emergence of a belarusian union of men, and most importantly, that he appeared, well, i’ll tell you that it’s probably not very beneficial for me, as... the chairman of the belarusian women’s union, for a belarusian men’s union to appear, do you know why? because i already told you that the belarusian women's union is an organization that does not take money from them, conditionally for some things, yes, therefore, when we need to carry out something important, grandiose or something that requires investment, requires funds, where do women go to ask for money,
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where, girls, are we going? to men, that's right, and men always know what's coming belarusian women's union. we must definitely help him, that’s why we like the way our men treat us. why do you think people unite in party unions? is it for weak or strong individuals? weak or strong, but it seems to me that it is necessary for those who are not indifferent, here you are, how , for example, some kind of community of your friends is created, yes, when you unite by interests, you have some kind of common interest, and you interest is not that...
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therefore, well, it seems to me, for this, in order to go through life together, in order so that someone shares your ideals, so that you understand how you develop your own positions? can we say that
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the belarusian women's union is not only a public organization, but a political one? do you have political ambitions? no, we are a public organization. many people asked me a question about when we will have a women’s party, we have not come to this yet, perhaps someday we will come to this when the need arises. as you know, once upon a time the head of state, when they asked him about the political structure, about the emergence of a party, he very correctly said: any party, any political party must mature from below, that is, there must be a request from the public for the emergence of this or that political force or political party, but for now it seems to me that we, as a public association, are solving issues that we are arising from below, until we have reached this moment of our rebirth into a political party, but this does not exclude the possibility that someday we will feel that
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belarus has field hockey among women’s teams. hard training is exciting competitions. the second training camp, the belarus national biathlon team, has begun in the current off-season. the srednogorye gathering will probably take place in july, and this is also certain.
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corresponds, because few people know, but rapeseed oil is very close in the composition of fatty acids to olive oil, and although we don’t have our own olives in belarus, we do have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed. watch the project one day on our tv channel. are you generally a risky person, are you ready
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to risk what? have for something new? if we are talking about some things that concern the risk to life, in this regard i am not a very risky person, because i understand that my life is dear not only to me, but also to the people who surround me, and i have no rights without having to risk it, and if you are talking about some things that are related to my work or career, then i always take risks in life, to be honest, so that they don’t offer me something new, but some new, new interesting projects, new... interesting work or something else, i always go for it with with pleasure, because i really like to leave my comfort zone, yes, because when we do not take risks, we do not go out of this comfort zone and live in it all our lives, i am a person who constantly leaves my comfort zone, yes, hello , my name is varvara, most bloggers, celebrities and tik-tokers are reluctant to show their wives and husbands, why, but in general i
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’ll tell you what is probably for any public person. i won’t answer for them, but for any public person, the more you appear in public, the more you you communicate with people, you still want to leave something like this, yours is such a small hole for you, yes, into which you can always go or into which you can always, it is inaccessible to the general public, you know, there is a phrase: happiness loves silence , if this is their island of happiness, which loves silence and does not like display, then they probably have the right to this, but is your heart free? my heart, you mean now , in terms of husbands, if you have a lover, a loved one, no, i’m not married and i don’t have a husband, i would like to ask i have a question for you: what qualities do you value in men? in men, first of all, of course, i value masculinity, in the literal sense of the word, yes, because in my understanding,
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a man is a man of action. a man is a person who does not stand still, constantly developing, who is able to take responsibility not only for himself, but for his family, so if a man is able to take responsibility for himself, if a man is able to go forward and take his family with him, then this is for me a real man. i completely agree with you, also the question is, what do you mean by the concept of women's happiness? women's happiness was great. yes, but not quite like that, of course, and you know, a woman is happy when her parents are alive and her children are healthy, of course, because children are our continuation, they are our future, we see ourselves in children, yes, therefore, the happiness of children is, well, probably what any woman lives for, if a woman is lucky, she has a job that she loves, then she is truly a happy woman, this is probably what is feminine
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happiness. what music did you listen to as a teenager and what music do you listen to now? well, in general i’m not a very musical person. well, in general, of course, we went to discos, of course, we all listened to tender may, now i listen a lot, because our television and radio company includes radio mir, so i have to listen in order to understand where the radio station is developing, how they come certain hits, yes, and i also like to hear. what my daughter listens to, well, i’m just curious what teenagers are listening to now, and what song is in yours when you were young, you would be singing somewhere in a karooke right now, so i immediately thought of pink roses, svetka sokolova, yes, apples in the snow, for some reason i remember exactly, if i asked you now to sing one of these songs, this it’s difficult, but you will help me, yes,
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you will, pink roses, i bring her again, the memory of our past, the memory of our past years, how great it is, thank you, thank you, applause, is it necessary to have a higher education in order to work for television, higher education? in order to work on television, well, i it seems that now it’s not the goal in itself to have a higher education, the goal itself is to be a professional, yes, because when people come to me to get a job, i don’t ask about their education, i don’t care what education this person has received, his horizons are important to me, it is important what he is nourished with, it is important how much he likes what he does, how well it turns out, it is clear that without some kind of good base, it is impossible to write good material, yes, that is why
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there must be education. but what is it, simply in your diploma of higher education, or you may not receive a diploma, but being a very educated and knowledgeable person is a different story, so... if you are talking about higher education as if it were a crust, it doesn’t matter at all if you are talking about this the broad concept of higher education as the package and knowledge base that you have within you, then this is important. hello, my name is valeria, do you like to watch tv? very much, i do this around the clock, one might say, only when i’m not sleeping, i’m not watching tv, and then i don’t dream about it often, i’ll tell you honestly, what is your favorite show or series? uh-huh, a program, well, now to name you some favorite program, this means that i can’t single out someone from those people whom i love very much, who work on all the tv channels in our country, so i won’t say which one my favorite show, i
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love all the shows very much, right now i really love the program 100 questions for adults, yes, because well, that’s how i would become a participant in this program, and as for the series, i really love everything that connected with some kind of detective stories, yes, everything with... with investigations, everything connected with some kind of complicated situations, these are the kind of series i love. imagine that you are hosting your own talk show, who would you invite first , which world star? well, honestly, i’ll now remember some world star and name you, yes, but to be very honest, very sincere, but i would make my heroes not just stars, but ordinary people. because when you come across the stories of ordinary women, you you understand that their stories are much more interesting, their worldly wisdom, it is much more important than the story of some star, about how she ascended to some of her peaks or took some of
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her first steps, with we’ll be happy to see, we’re moving into the yellow sector, hello, my name is andrey, and what was the best day of your life, why do you think so, i think that the best day of my life: it hasn’t come yet, i perceive every day as the best day in my life, do you know why? because you wake up you see this world, you can get out of bed, you can on a better day, right? and if we are talking about some very happy moments in life that happen, then of course, this is the birth of my daughter, this is, of course, the day that completely turned my life and my inner consciousness upside down. and myself, and this is probably the day that brought new meanings to myself in my further continuation, so, probably, if we are talking about what has already passed, then this is this day, and so i believe in what else is here
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there are a lot of these best days in my life, i have a question, how do you feel about studying abroad, if you go to belarus, then where, about studying abroad, well, firstly, i don’t how... i feel about studying abroad abroad, because i don’t really understand why you need to go to study abroad, yes, if we are talking about the first higher education or any other education, then the point is to go far from your parents, from your country, from yourself in order to learn some basic things like this, plus it’s yours mentality, your language, your teachers, our higher education, our belarusian one, is valued absolutely everywhere, although everyone says that we have it at... a good level, i am not opposed to students going somewhere and somewhere studied, but having learned something, absorbed something, you still have to come to your country in order to realize your knowledge in this country and develop
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your education system so that it goes further, yes, because - i have many examples, since my daughter does not i graduated from the university so long ago, we have belarus, a linguistic university. there are many examples of how her peers go somewhere to study. what purpose? well, what next? what development is next? what will happen to you there after receiving that higher education? if you have a clear plan for your further successful future, it will definitely be here, yes, because even because you are belarusian or belarusian, your country definitely needs you, and you will definitely build a career here. because you a person of this country, this is your homeland, these are your roots. i would really like to know how you manage to maintain physical and emotional health while being a leader? i am a person who loves to play sports, and morning exercises
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have always been mandatory for me, and if possible, the gym, but i don’t like the gym in terms of lifting some heavy weights or something else, i love everything that is our girls, pilates, colonetics, some of those. stories, but for me it’s important, i do this, emotional, well, i’m lucky, i have very good teams, in which very good people work, they don’t make me feel emotionally burnt out on my own. work so much that some of my emotional health is disrupted, yes, that is, well, sort of - plus these are my family, whom i always come with pleasure to, who give me this recharge, some kind of emotional good recharge, i love do this, there is a black sector to your right, please tell me what is easier to understand why they put pizza in a square box or women, by the way, why pizza, well, it’s easier to make a square box, it’s just cheaper in the end. it turns out it ’s actually cheaper to make a square one, it seems to me, than a round one, so they put it in
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a square one, but which is easier? well, it’s not difficult for me to understand women, maybe because i’m a woman myself, yes, so when they tell me such things, there’s a woman’s logic or there’s a woman to understand, but i don’t know who comes up with this, it seems to me that we can understand us enough simply, if you can feel us, yes, because a woman, she lives by feelings, she lives by emotions, she lives for some moments like this, but absolutely put it down. in this life, so let's say it's equivalent, right? hello, olga alexandrovna, my name is anya, and i want to ask you, what do you always carry in your handbag? in a lady's handbag? in general, my handbags are usually very heavy, they can hardly be called ladies’, when a man tries to help me support my bag, he asks everyone like that all the time, he always asks what could be in this handbag, what are you wearing there, can you will you show? perhaps, please show me
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a bag, a handbag for the studio, well, a handbag, well, not as small as i would like and a woman’s one, so that’s what i told you, here’s a wallet, yes, i have a lot of different cards here, comb. a fashionable comb, by the way, yes, the girls know, a cosmetic bag, which has a lot of everything a girl needs, here is a notebook - this is such a must-have story, a notebook, a key holder, a passport, just in case, well, what is there, and there is also, in there is a recipe in my purse, my mother asked for it me... medicines, a prescription, and well
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, there are some icons, yes, the book olga, the saint, an insurance policy, and i also have a license that i carry with me, a car license, they are so very interesting, because that they are rare, so i think that you have not seen such a driver’s license, but everyone has plastic cards, and i did not change my driver’s license to a plastic card when i got my license in ninety-two, and since then i have had them i’m like: they remain, they don’t expire, you can’t drive a car with them outside the territory of our country, but on the territory of our country, when a traffic cop stops you and opens this beautiful little book of yours, they are always so surprised, they look at it carefully, that’s why i have such a rarity in my purse, i was always amazed how so many useful things can fit into one small bag, we continue, next, we have the purple sector, you will have to turn 180°, what is your favorite place on earth, favorite place on earth, this is my parents’ house, this is where i come for in order to rest, i have
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there, in this favorite place on earth, there is another favorite place for me on earth - this is the bathhouse, i really love going to the bathhouse, this is what really gives me pleasure, if you participated in a competition, something like miss mira, for you to present at the talent competition, well, i have mira, this is of course cool, in general i really... love to dance in life, so i would probably dance. olga alexandrovna, maybe we can dance, unfortunately, i can’t go out and keep you company, but i think there will be a young man who will happily spin you into waltzes, come out, don’t be shy, let’s applaud, one two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one , one, two, three, one, two, three , one, two, three, one, you are good, girls, a very good groom
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is growing up. how do you feel about people who tell the truth to your face? very positive, well, i believe that the earth rests on these people. you. must tell the truth, but what if it’s the unpleasant truth? well, who said that the truth should always be only pleasant, but this truth? how often do you allow your fears to hold you back from taking action? what is fear? i always
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explain my fear to myself, and the best way to overcome any fear is to look it in the face, we need to understand whether this fear is as terrible as we imagine it to be. the most important opportunity to overcome this fear or make this fear disappear from your life is to do what you are afraid of, so if it , again, does not directly threaten your life, yes, because it is scary to jump, for example, there with twelfth floor and you don’t need to do this, even if it will always be scary, yes, because it will simply end your existence on this planet, you can’t do that, but... if it’s fear of something new, but that doesn’t threaten your life, it gives if you have the opportunity to learn something new or develop in some direction, it will not harm you, then of course you need to go forward and not be afraid of anything, because all fears are what live in our heads inside us, yes, and these fears are afraid of us ourselves, when we
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become strong, when we ourselves try overcome them, these fears disappear because they are afraid of us, and what are your fears? well, probably the biggest fear... this is, it ’s not even fear, yes, it’s the desire for my family and friends to be healthy, there’s not a single fear that you wouldn’t overcome when these people are around and when they are healthy, for me this is true, for me the most important thing is this, this is true, everything you wanted to know about the unique...
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that for belarusians, a familiar life may seem truly exotic to others?
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i noticed that your ship is everywhere, and even i also noticed in the coat of arms, it’s something related to the city, of course.
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how do you feel about animals and do you have a pet? i treat animals very well, well, probably because i grew up in a private house, we always had cats, dogs and cows, horses, pigs and sheep, and ducks, rabbits, whoever we had, really, from the moment i moved to... when i had a child, i always knew that there must be an animal next to the child, because it seems to me that it makes you warmer and kinder, so my child had cat. she lived with us for 20 years, but unfortunately, in the twentieth year, she died already being such an old lady, we always
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had an aquarium in which fish swam, and it was always like that, when my daughter grew up, she had a dream of having a dog , when my daughter grew up, she earned herself a dog, because she wanted a certain dog, the ausi breed, and this breed was not cheap, but she really wanted it, we got... the dog brought us another one, well, she found it in the trash, i’ll be honest, the cat is small, we picked her up, and six months later she another cat appeared, she was found in the elevator, she was practically blind, and her daughter cured her, and now it so happened that we now live in different places, but my daughter, she has a dog and two cats, that’s how i i’m coming now to understand her dog and two cats, but how do you feel about the project? the law that it is necessary to chup and register pets, but it is very positive,
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do you know why? because such cases often happen, like i told you about these cats that we found alone in the elevator, the second one in the trash, well, this shouldn’t happen, if we get an animal, we take full responsibility for it, and we must realize this, and we must be responsible for it, this is not a teddy bear or a plush... kitten that you you bought it, you got tired of it, you put it on the far shelf in the closet and forgot about it for a while, this is the one who needs to be constantly fed, this is the one who needs to be vaccinated, this is the one who needs to be constantly taken care of, this is the one someone you can’t just throw away because you’re tired of him or something scratched, so i believe that since a person, and for people to do this consciously, have pets consciously, there should be laws that will legally hold you accountable.
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but how can old grandmothers in the villages deal with yard servants, like dogs that live in a kennel or with cats that are constantly on the street? well, you know, we always like to look at laws from one side , we always try to exaggerate them, but you understand that no one will force a grandmother or grandfather who has a dog living on street, conditionally, have it urgently microchipped or registered there, right? but even if it is grandparents and the animal lives in your kennel, should it live in what conditions? in good ones, of course, it must be
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vaccinated, that’s right, this is an animal, it must be fed, it must not die of hunger and cold there, but sitting somewhere on a chain, it seems to me, it doesn’t matter here where the animal lives, it’s important that the one who turns it on takes responsibility, this is a living being. what would you like to achieve in your career in a year, five, or maybe in 10 years? well, you know, i’m some kind of ambi in good creative teams, yes, working with those people who are passionate about their work, who like what they do, but how will it turn out, to be honest, i’m a statesman, if i tomorrow they will say that i must, from the point of view of the fact that the state needs it, the people need it, the system needs it, to work in a certain place, i will do it without thinking, because i understand. that what i have achieved and where i am is already entails such, you know, responsibility, not only for myself, but responsibility for those people who
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follow me, and also responsibility for those, for those places that trust me, if they trust me, then they trust me, and if believes in me, which means i come there not to make things worse, but to make things better or establish some kind of system, so i’ll say this, wherever my homeland says, i’ll go there, what do you think? with the greatest injustice in society, for me, probably the most important thing is that this a feeling of need for justice, for people to act according to their conscience and not lie, because the most unfair thing, it seems to me, is when people, hiding behind their own momentary interests, lie or try to offend a person, or try to humiliate a person, or
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try ... it’s unfair when we treat people ourselves unfairly, this is probably the biggest injustice, then the yellow sector to your left, please tell me what can make this world a better place, you and i, you and i are capable of making this world a better place , if we lived in this state of love, but constant love, for what we have, for what surrounds us, for all the people who surround us, yes ah... this feeling of love, it seems to me , evokes the feeling of justice that we talked about, so this is the most important thing, this is the most important task, it seems to me, that each of you carry this through your entire life, leave the same sparkling eyes, leave the same sincere smile, remain the same an open person, you will attract the same people, because that’s how the laws of the universe work, it seems to me that this is what
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our universal, it seems to me, love, mutual assistance, kindness will do. at school 133 in the tenth grade, in principle i study well, well done, and you dance well too, thank you, well, your gift, come out and take it, i want this thermal mug to remind you of our dance about the world,
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okay, thank you, thank you. well, now let's talk about women's. you know, the questions were different, there were a lot of questions, they were all very deep, very cool. thank you to you for all your questions. but the most unexpected question for me, which i immediately thought about, was i being absolutely sincere at that moment? it was a question about whether my heart was free. who asked this question? introduce youreself. my name is varvara, i study at school no. 40 in the fifth grade. an exclusive barbarian gift for you, yes, cornflower. but i’m sure that this is a future member of the belarusian women’s union and the leader of the belarusian women’s union organization, and let this vaselek always remind you of this, we are waiting for you in our ranks, let me hug you too, olga alexandrovna, now you have
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the opportunity to ask the children your question: you know, my question will probably be very simple , very complex, so tell me, guys, what does your homeland mean to you? the homeland is such a very large family, which, if necessary, will support, please with something, help, financially, spiritually, for me the homeland is something very important and it will be very difficult for me even if i move somewhere , i will come back here again again, the homeland must associate with absolutely.
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olga alexandrovna, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. so, the director of the national branch of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, the chairman of the belarusian women's union olga shpilevskaya, today i am visiting the program 100 questions for adults, here i will ask you to stay. what was the most difficult question for you today? even now i think about it, this is a question about justice and injustice, about what i myself. unfair in this world, do you think did you cope with our children's audience today? oh, i don’t know, this is a very difficult question, this question will probably be the most difficult for me, whether i coped with it or not, but i tried to be sincere. what surprised you about the children? and you know, they surprised me with their openness, with their sincere attitude to what they ask, and with the depth of their questions. today you managed to answer 51 questions. tell me, if we
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call you again, will you agree to come? with great pleasure. well, now i turn to our audience. do you think, that our heroine was as frank as possible with you today. whoever thinks so, raise your hands. olga alexandrovna. she answered everything honestly, sincerely, she never tried to skip her question, and this is very inspiring to become people like her. in olga alexandrovna’s eyes one could see a sincere desire to see what modern children are thinking about, what worries them, that they actually want to ask adults a question. learned a lot about the community of women, about her life, and the fact that adults, they don’t treat children like that, like, i want to be on my own wavelength,
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and she found out something about us, asked what we think, she even sang with us, learned to dance, just like that, and i am sure that our heroine spoke only the truth, because she herself said that... being sincere is very important, that the earth rests on such people. thank you, are there those people who still thought that olga alexandrovna did not say something today, behaved diplomatically and omitted some details. there are some, raise your hand. not a single person. olga alexandrovna, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. well, i want to thank the guys, really, for their sincerity, for asking and... for the answers that they gave me, and what i heard from the guys today, it was just amazing. so, the director of the national branch of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, the chairman of the belarusian women's union olga
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shpilevskaya was visiting the program today 100 questions for an adult. see you in a week. live you watch the main news at
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noon, pavel lazovik is with you, hello, in this episode, the determination to implement all agreements, president of belarus.


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