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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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on-air news in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening and briefly about the main topics of the issue: an important date in our history was on this day in ninety-four.
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slavic bazaar energizes and ignites. at these moments the stage of the rock panorama amphitheater. let's go to festival vitebsk for emotions. and we will begin the release with an important date for our country, which exactly 30 years ago became fateful for both the history and the future of the country. on july 10, 1994, in the second round of the national election for the president of the republic of belarus, alexander won a landslide victory.
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lukashenko with 80.34% of the votes. then the main task before the head of state was to take the country away from the abyss. in those difficult times, the whites were in despair: rampant banditry, corruption, empty store shelves, factories and factories in decline. today we see that in 30 years life has become completely different. an era not of despair, but of creation and development. it took about 30 years, you must admit, the period is short, but the scale of what was done is impressive, our president remained faithful to his people to the end, what did it cost, alexey martinyunok about the sovereign leader, all the familiar faces, so, well, this is me, the teacher, here is our president, valery guzov always experiences every trip to alexandria with trepidation, also because of the expensive ones. he has
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memories, because he says he was lucky enough to work at the school together with the future president. in those years, alexander lukashenko , after studying at the mogilev pedagogical institute, returned to his native village to teach. today there is a museum here, we must remember our history, especially since this land has such an important connection with construction of modern belarus. as the years passed under the banner of perestroika, the huge country was confidently moving towards collapse. the economy was sliding into the abyss, but against this background it is developing successfully. the economy is a lighthouse, as newspapers wrote in those days, thanks to a non-trivial, active and bright leader. at the age of 33 , alexander lukashenko headed the state farm in the town of shklovsky district. he learned the language of peasant science, how to survive without income, from childhood, took over a state farm that was mired in debt, and after 2 years they received a profit of 2 million rubles. soil, loam, sandy soil, swamps, and the grain harvest is 34 cents of the world per hectare, although only 2 years ago. there were 12-17 quintals. for galina
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tikhonova from the city, many of the exhibits in this room are precious, photographs, documents, sports cups, the director’s desk. a notebook, a calculator, a watch, all this remains from those times. and gorodets lessons, a brochure that alexander lukashenko wrote when he was the director of a state farm. it later became a guide for many leaders, says galina, and she also recalls personal ones. in 1988 she came to the state farm youngwo. to a kindergarten for practice, but it’s still here, well, i’m a soft, young girl, i came to lead a team, yes, at first i was a teacher, and then the head went on maternity leave, i had to take over the team, so how to learn to lead, alexander grigorievich says , in the morning at 6:00 for a planning meeting, look how i lead and study, that’s how i had to get up early in the morning, go to the collective farm planning meetings, so what? to say, the manager was
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strict, like that, but fair, did not like drunkenness at work, if you remember those years, when alexander grigorievich came, it was devastation, there was nothing. and he said, only by our labor, only by labor will we earn something, then we will be able to get out of this poverty, gradually we began to rise with such leaders, by the end of his work it was the director of the chordens collective farm, we had already become millionaires, we were becoming millionaires at that time not thanks, in spite of, it was ninety-four, the country had already begun to be torn apart by foreign well-wishers, he decides to run for office.
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well, somehow, somehow even the covenant is so strange gave, he says, vote for lukashenko, like, he won’t give it, how fashionable it was then to criticize everything soviet, this is the era of massive rewriting of history, the printing press produces new textbooks with a rush, the rise of nationalism became another shock
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element of the general collapse, people’s opinion it was simply ignored and they said that we will change the symbols, we will change it, which means the state structure and so on, there was no. of that pluralism of opinions, in this regard, nationalistically minded elements, they took advantage of this and began to leave completely aside, why? because, that means, well, the economy was really in a very difficult situation and it was connected with the fact that this means commies, this means that this is the government, look what they have brought to, so let’s break everything and do what and what , especially in economic terms, what in social terms? no one said anything. in the year of the first elections , live broadcasts were organized for the first time on the belarusian radio from the supreme council; it was a mouthpiece that the future president used 100% of. what do you remember about alexander? grigorievich, firstly, is the youngest deputy, one of the youngest, but he
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was like us, he was older than us, literally how much, well, by five, six years, and he was always there when we needed something to comment, we called him because we knew, firstly, he would never... refuse, and secondly, with his charisma he started talking, and we , well, like journalists, stood like that , looking at him, listening , the whole of belarus also listened, people have a lot of questions, but the main one is how to stop total theft at all levels, the country is being pulled apart before our eyes, only lukashenko could give an answer, his anti-corruption report, the main political event of the election race, you say that there is no need to look for the guilty, it is necessary that this does not happen again, so that everyone knows in advance that if only he dares raise not just a fist, as davlut said, just a finger, it will be immediately cut off, only in the name of the future, in the name of our little children, we must do this, and there is no need to gloss over these
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problems here, everyone must answer for their own. so, in the summer of '94, the country had three development paths to choose from. the main candidates, vyacheslav kebich, communist, nomenklatura, strong. poradchik, zenon poznyak, a nationalist with support from the diaspora and western connections, alexander lukashenko, a deputy without a party and administrative resources, but with political intuition and popular sympathies, they are especially strong in their small homeland, where lukashenko is known very well. as part of the initiative group for the installation of a presidential candidate in the republic of belarus, we did a lot of work, and i want to note that i don’t remember that person who would... sign on this sheet, i don’t know such people in the town, in the town seida council, if there were somewhere, well, maybe only a few, but i haven’t met such people, because then , what the state had come to at that time, it was, well, you can’t understand, you have to
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get over it, it’s complete chaos, nothing happened, and it was impossible to continue to follow the path that they took us, we’re going to elect a president, the first president. and who, if you can find out, is for lukashenko, 80% crushing victory in the second round and people's expectations, completely justified, immediately flew away. the heads of corrupt officials and bandits, the leader delves into every problem thoroughly, it was necessary to save the country, it’s true, when we remember, there were moments, we were driving from one factory to another, this is here in minsk, suddenly the motorcade stops, then there was also some kind of... then escorted by traffic police, we need to go to the store, we ourselves are journalists, and what’s in the store, in the store, what turns out to be in the warehouse, not in the hall, why is the president coming to find out, yes it happened, now ... when you tell young people about it , so i’m telling my granddaughter, she doesn’t believe that this could happen, that there are empty shelves, that
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’s what he was doing then, yes, that we see today in the country it’s safe to let children walk alone in the yard, new factories are working , and store shelves filled to capacity with high-quality domestic products, an effective legal and democratic state has been created with a clear vertical of power and institutions of government, with clear and understandable goals, indefinitely. and the tossing between west and east remained at the beginning of the troubled times nineties. look, i was a direct participant, for example, in all economic transformations. the question was: whether or not to be our large industrial enterprise, as a result of the grodno meeting, it determined that large-scale agricultural production should be preserved as the basis of food security, but also food should be considered as an export. and today we see that this is indeed a very important area, and we have billions of dollars
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in export earnings from the export of our food, the same for industrial production, and it was determined that we are competitive only in the conditions of such large enterprises, and today, for example, our minsk tractor plant, gomselmash, belarusian metallurgical plant, not to mention belaz and so on, who occupy leading positions. not only in the eurasian economic space, but in the world, and also our people in space, our own nuclear power plant, the most modern high-tech production of cars, biotechnology, but the main thing is that the slogan of the first presidential election campaign, neither with the left nor with the right, with the people, is still relevant. the model called the belarusian state, perhaps the only one of all the former allies, has shown stability in our difficult times, when the planet is going through another restructuring, the country is not living in poverty.
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there will be an economy, everything will work out for us. the great patriotic war taught belarusians to value life, peace and freedom. the authorities, and i, as president, will do everything to ensure that belarus is a peaceful island in this crazy planet. let me say briefly, if you don’t want to fight with weapons, fight in the field, in this
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difficult, contradictory time we must survive, time has chosen us. development of contacts on the african continent. the president of belarus today held a meeting with a delegation from africa. these are representatives of the zimbabwean business community and the country's first lady. this is not the first time axilia mnangagwe has come to us. the wife of the president of zimbabwe oversees healthcare projects. but on the african side , the delegation also includes representatives from a variety of fields, from mining to agricultural interested in interacting with belarusians.
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zimbabwe to belarus, we will provide him with all possible assistance in the implementation of this mission .
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emerson, my old friend, our best wishes, our determination to implement our agreements, directly for the countries of the african continent, we will have a new minister of foreign affairs in charge, he is absolutely on topic, i think he will be able to visit you in the near future, and if there will be a need.
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minsk offers not only interaction in such important areas for africa as the agro-industrial complex and industry, but is also ready to get involved in training specialists for nigeria. it’s very good that you came, this will be an interesting and very useful start in our cooperation. i would really like to hope that after your visit there will be a visit
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of the president and your ministers to belarus. in order for us to begin to cooperate more closely, we are very interested in your country, and i think that we will be useful to you, please convey to mr. penub my best wishes, and tell him that we are ready to receive him at any time, we very we know your needs well, we know your capabilities very well, we are ready to provide you with assistance and support both in industry and industrial development.
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plane, working meetings began, we are trying to build a new country, so this attitude and such a serious approach of the belarusians is very important for us, we learned a lot here on the spot, your country is a reliable partner for us in the field of education, in the field of agriculture, it is this information that i i will tell my husband, the president of nigeria, when i return home. the plans of the first ladies from african cultural program, they will become guests of the slavic bazaar, but first of all. a pragmatic approach and building new connections between countries. today belarus and nigeria have good friendly relations. this was stated by the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova during a meeting with the first lady of nigeria aluriminu. both countries are united by the desire for peace and the patriotic education of youth and support for families raising children. our
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country is ready for cooperation in absolutely all areas. this and trade and economic interaction. today. belarus has great industrial potential. we produce a lot of agricultural equipment, ensure the country's food security and export a large amount of food products. last year these figures amounted to $8 billion. in addition, inter-parliamentary cooperation, interaction with public organizations in nigeria, as well as partnership in the field of youth policy are important to us. in a conversation with the distinguished guest, natalya kachanova, of course, noted something important in our development. date: 30 years of presidency. in a short period of time in the history of belarus, today we have a highly developed country with remarkable human potential. we remember those dashing nineties.
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inna medvedev also cited as an example the real figures of our country’s progressive progress. as for the institution of the presidency, of course, meetings with labor collectives and figures, statistics, a story about what
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the republic of belarus has achieved in 30 years, and these are really very high indicators and , most importantly, these are remarkable indicators not just in the development of the economy, but the most important thing is the task that the head of state always sets for himself and for all government bodies. welfare of the population. at the meeting, we discussed core issues of the statistics committee and the preparation of reports on the work of farmers. correct statistics allow us to make the right management decisions in the industry at the republican level. an important date is the 30th anniversary of the presidency. over these years, the country gained its independence and flourished. the economy, agriculture and industry. we ensure our own food security. we are working. we teach children, play sports, have the opportunity to receive qualified medical care, and not only in large cities. the standard of living in the village has increased significantly over the years, young people remain in their small
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homeland, people have made their choice. exactly 30 years ago, the belarusian people determined the future of our country. alexander grigoryevich lukashenko became the first president of independent belarus. and today we really understand that it was a fateful choice belarusians. belarusians chose. a strong leader, who over the years has remained a guarantor of stability and security, a leader around whom the belarusian people have united, and i believe that the position of a strong president, an authoritative leader of the belarusian nation has a positive impact on all aspects of society, what wonderful agricultural products we have , dairy, bakery, then industry, everyone wants to buy belarusian...


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