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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live main news at noon, in the studio sergei lopanitsin, hello, briefly about the topics of the issue. vitebsk is awaiting the official opening of the thirty-third slavic bazaar, however, the holiday is already on the city streets, the number of participating countries is record-breaking, the festival promises to be large-scale.
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from traffic police and doctors and even water patrols, hot days in belarus. the economic anti-miracle of finland, the consequences of joining anti-russian sanctions. the people's project factorby is taking the next step, ahead of telecasting. vitebsk in anticipation official opening of the slavic bazaar. the thirty-third arts festival brought together a record number of countries. so, according to... updated information, 42 flags are flying over the festival city today. their national identity is conveyed by more than 500 journalists from eleven countries. the whole world follows their publications. the holiday is already alive on the streets of vitebsk. our cultural observer lydia zablotskaya works there. lida. good festival day. art pulsates on every square meter. sergey, good festival culminating day, and you are right.
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indeed, on every square meter here the same art is already pulsating, just look, so first i’ll invite you to the promenade along suvorogo street, this is the main pedestrian street of vitebsk, where the slavic bazaar has been going on for the third day, look, the cymbals are playing, let’s listen, this is incredibly beautiful, the guys have already become here on our street, in fact, headliners, and here they are already exhibiting their works with all their might. belarusian masters, guys masters from russia also arrived, and look, here are the cornflowers, it seems to me that here on our pedestrian street suvorov there is literally such a full-fledged field of cornflowers, where else can you find something like this, the question is, there are really a lot of people here who are inspired by art, and i know that more than 100 masters are represented here , they created all this beauty with their own hands, i’m sure there will be demand...
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a pensioner of the ministry of internal affairs, so i see what happened before and what now, the perception is completely different , the viewer came to see, opening slavic bazaar, so where did they come from, i came from moscow, how cool, listen, how much do people in moscow generally know about the slavic bazaar, they say, your friends, of course they know everything, but really don’t know, the slavic bazaar has been going on for so many years, two twin brothers , the slavs are for the first time in belarus in vitebsk, too, here i walked in the ranks for half a day yesterday. from 10 to 5 pm i got
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a little burnt, bought magnets, bought something, today i bought your flower cornflower, you and i will unite, you see, me too yesterday i bought these earrings for myself, today everyone is united through vaselki, in general there are many, many buyers from russia, from all countries, they come, how many years have you been here in such a creative post at the slavic bazaar, 6 years, maybe that’s what you like most do you like it when you are here?
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means choosing common points of contact that allow us to understand each other, now tatyana, just a minute ago we just met a wonderful master on our pedestrian street, this... stood for 33 years, guys, yesterday i tatyana gave it to her beloved oleg gazmanov, tell me how much the festival is still going strong, thanks in part to the president, because he saved the festival in his time, there was such a moment, lena speredovich is running, she
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’s running past me, tanka says, save the bazaar , i say what happened, then you know, in general they wanted to drag him, do this for a year. in kiev, a year in odessa, a year in minsk, guys, this bazaar would no longer exist, you know, well, first of all, we all stood up here, like this, you know how the mogilev brotherhood at one time did not let catholics through, and naturally, our president, whom i respect very much, my dad was a virgin, and this is a virgin, you understand, these are responsible people who give their word to everything, we saved, dad saved this bazaar and the globe
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are united by creative people, how raging this atmosphere is here, and of course, let's move on to the numbers: an international press center has opened, where they actually announced that 42 countries have already joined us, so these will be palestine flags, arab emirates, iran, we have appeared literally in a day, although i am sure that negotiations were held for a very long time, and what is important is that 500 journalists will... work from eleven countries of the world, yes, i will ask the directors to now show footage of the international press -the center that opened, we were there, of course journalists are already covering the festival, again let’s go back to every square meter, the viewer
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can read, see, hear, we managed to communicate with the chairman of the vitebsk regional executive committee before the press conference alexander subotin, who told us who the main hodliner is at our festival. let's listen, the president said that this is far from being a slavic bazaar, whose merits of the president, if not for him, would have long since faded away, we are looking forward to him at this country bazaar, and i will not be afraid of this word, but to the president , if it happens, then it will have a completely different color, completely different emotions of the festival itself, so today there are 42 countries, we have already reached the pre-video period, 42 countries are our guests. artists, this is real not only the slavic bazaar is no longer even eurasian, it is much broader. well, from this, cornflowers, look, they are really popular, are cornflowers in demand among you? stunning. this is wonderful. i really wish you also good sales, good people, so that they
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come to you. and come on, yes, i understand, the broadcast time is not rubber. vasilek mitalya, who will be presented with the presidential award for peace through art to peace of understanding today, i know that it will be a russian artist, his name is still his. promised not to name, but this man will be happy like no one else, will he somewhere nearby there is a glass on the table, i hope it won’t be possible without it, we are a festival that promotes a healthy lifestyle, so we are really looking forward to this artist, i know that he is flying from turkey straight to us in vitebsk slavic bazaar, well, and we are, of course, waiting for the grand opening, this is the culmination of the opening day, well, it seems like i tried to tell everything in time, i really will. thank you, thank you, lida. from festival vitebsk, lidia zablotskaya. guests continue to arrive at the slavic bazaar in vitebsk. arrived today star train from moscow. fans and journalists came to peron to meet their favorite artists. there are also autographs and photos for
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memory. all of them will take part in the opening concert of the thirty-third arts festival. this is one of the biggest shows on the bill, tickets for which were sold out before the start of sales. i love belarus, so hello everyone, we are waiting for the opening of the festival, we are waiting for music, good mood, the events bring us together, we really need this now. "i'm glad to see you because you're all smiling, because you're in a good mood, i think you're we will have the same performance, and in general, as i joked at one of the concerts, it’s time to think about my dad giving me belarusian citizenship. the opening day poster is full of exhibitions and performances, which are currently taking place in several locations at once. it's a busy time for farmers; agricultural organizations in belarus continue to harvest grain. the minsk region has already exceeded 220 thousand tons, this is the most significant volume in...


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