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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 11, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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continental europe. the corresponding decision was signed back in 2018. such energy independence from their eastern neighbors will cost the baltic countries quite dearly. so, for example, the estonian network operator will lose more than 10 million euros, and electricity prices are already rising. in lithuania and latvia already by 22%, in estonia by 24%. there are about a million people in houston, america. this is the second day without access to electricity due to hurricane beryl. in cars. serious problems with obtaining gasoline, for which, like for groceries, huge queues. the hurricane hit texas on tuesday, with wind gusts reaching 153 km/h. the bad weather was accompanied by heavy rains, a sharp rise in water levels and tornadoes. according to the latest data, eight people were killed. the natural disaster also caused the cancellation of almost 2,000 flights. in total , nearly 3 million homes and businesses lost power across the state. work to restore power supply continues. he changed his mind and
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returned the money to the pensioner; in minsk , a twenty-five-year-old taxi driver took $8.00 from the victim, and then realized that he himself became involved in crime and decided to return the victim’s funds. a woman called the police, said that it was supposedly her daughter who called her, and said that it was her fault that people were injured in an accident, and in order to avoid criminal punishment, the mother could transfer the money to the courier. the woman agreed: they told me to take $100 of my earnings from this amount, and after that... i started asking leading questions, why such a large amount for such little work, to which i did not hear any intelligible answers, so after that i said that i was returning the money back, figure it out for yourself. a twenty-five-year-old taxi driver told the operatives that he had found a part-time job in the messenger; he had to take documents and money from certain people, transfer the cash to a crypto wallet, or transfer it to intermediaries. menchanin agreed and soon received the first order, he took it.
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i counted the pensioner’s money in the car, sent the information to the curator, during a conversation with whom the man realized that he was being used by criminals. the man thereby avoided criminal punishment. the police remind once again that telephone couriers carry responsibility is equal to the organizers of fraud. welcome to the capital. new signs have appeared at the entrances to minsk, individual for each district. all of them reflect the style, architecture and atmosphere of their area on the plaque of the central museum of the great fatherland. with steel cables, annual vines are supposed to be on them next year, which will also produce flowering, which means that today mainly annual plants are planted to add brightness, but they are also combined in some signs with perennials, which were mainly selected in such a way that... to ensure the longest
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flowering period, pelargonium, palectranthus potted, perennials veronica, silba, sage. each entry sign is illuminated and has floral decorations. by the end of july , welcome signs will be installed in the two remaining areas, factory and october. torpeda belas will start today in the conference league qualifications. nominally a home match at the start of the qualifying round against. it will be shown by the sports channel belarus 5, on-site growth there are 24 football players from arjoden, including newcomer torpedo belas and serbian defender sasha domic. the coaching staff carefully studied the opponent, as noted by the belarusian commander-in-chief dmitry molysh, this is not the easiest option. however, the task is to go as far as possible in european competition. my colleagues will have more information at
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15:00, and at this point i’ll say goodbye to you. socio-political talk show in essence, today we will talk about new means of transportation, although, probably, somewhere not new, very familiar means of transportation on our streets, convenient for some, dangerous for them, very dangerous for others, how to ban it or not, how to instill culture, in general, we will discuss all this with our competent people.
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i read this ideology of the scooter movement, when it appeared in the city - this is such a thing that should take you from the threshold of your house to public transport,
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public transport takes you to a certain point, then you move around on it again, this is done in order to in order to a move around the city environmentally, b in order not to waste precious time, then what exactly are scooters? here is a scooter injury, in general, such a concept appeared among doctors: a scooter injury, how different it is from everything else, or, well, people fell from bicycles, fell from stairs, how dangerous it is, well, in recent times, in recent years, we have noted yes growth associated with the phenomenon
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of modern means of mobility, transportation, scooters, bicycles, scooters, skateboards and so on, well , we don’t have the concept of a separate scooter injury, although well, the medical history during collection indicates that yes there a person fell off a bicycle, scooter and so on. these injuries are characterized by the fact that these are high-energy injuries, so patients often seem to, well, because of this injury they get a disability, they take a long time to be treated, because a person is injured, the state then spends a lot of money on his treatment, on surgical treatment, for conservative treatment, for rehabilitation, that is, well... these injuries are extremely severe over the last year, well, we have this autumn-summer or early summer period, we have about 20 patients who have severe injuries, intra-articular fractures, with fractures of the femoral neck, which is a very serious injury with scalped wounds, which
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are accompanied by tissue necrosis, skin necrosis and also require some kind of reconstructive work, we now have a connection with our studio with a person who has a history of this. in fact, it’s just a case of chance, everything can be different, i was driving, the wheel started to wear out, in general, it threw it on the fence, no one promised anything for lunch, the road was almost flat, and well, actually that’s what happened, this is my second scooter injury,
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there will probably be the last one on the scooter, because i sold it, dim, well, look, you say it’s an accident of fate, here very respected people from different departments have gathered to judge. oh on a scooter, scooter, here they are, let’s say there right away, in general, not very good things to say about this, probably, apparently, because very often people get caught on scooters, well , because they call it the owner of his own destiny, if a plane crashes, it’s still his fault pilot, when you yourself got on a scooter, and if you also hit someone, well, really you,
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when you are driving, and you can, for example - well , react quickly, for example, when unexpectedly pedestrians appear in front of you - a scooter, this is generally possible. yes, in principle this is possible, but of course it depends on the driving experience, on the driving experience, on the driving style, that is, look around, in fact, on the speed too, on the speed too. after that, i always look at where someone is leaving from where, that is , you try to predict more, for example, with scooter riders like me who ride sheling scooters, when meeting, that is this is a person who can be seen, well, it’s not clear at all where he’s going, that is, it’s hard to predict, there are such cases too, well... in principle, i don’t know, it seems to me that 25 km/h, in principle, it was enough for me even in the first time
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twenty, to get a good hit like that, well , it seems to me that this speed is generally difficult to feel, yes, yes, it doesn’t seem to be fast, but in fact, when you fall, it all feels different, and this most likely, well, i don’t know, someone probably had more time, it was enough for me to fall twice, to get more like this twice, the first time... i knocked out my teeth there, the second time i already broke my knees, that is , these are the injuries i received. well, probably, your injuries can still be called relatively minor. stanislav vladimirovich, probably, it all depends on the speed at which the person falls, because it is possible and or it is fate again. of course, of course, here the speed limit is of fundamental importance, and as for neurotrauma, if we are talking, then most likely even this the injury is not isolated, but e. with damage to other anatomical and areas, then we are talking about this, first of all, this is with moderate and
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severe injuries, here is the question of disability, people often become disabled by falling with a scooter, well, this seems to me the most terrible story, we don’t have clear statistics , but of course, even if he does not become disabled, then all these conditions of patients, they can be said to be on the verge, there is little left for a person, a patient in the future. in the future i will not become disabled, that is, roughly speaking, if he doesn’t become disabled, then the rain will be felt very well and for a long time, well, dima sold his scooter, he sold the scooter, so certain conclusions have probably been made, andrey vach, here’s another question, i i think that doctors will probably be more aware of the age of the people who come to you with such injuries: are they young people, or is it the femoral neck - this is primarily for the elderly, for example, that’s all, it’s actually a death sentence.
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treatment for children who wanted to spit absolutely all the rules, that’s why we could so roughly divide who is for and who is against, because i regularly experience stress when i’m driving, because i’m already on the verge of some kind of phobia, because i i understand that a scooter with children can fly on some hill, they ride there in twos or threes, and nothing bothers anyone, in general, ultimately the responsibility , god forbid, will be on the drivers. alexander valerievich, how to deal with this? well, indeed, it should
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be noted that personal mobility, so-called, has become widespread and quite rapidly entered our lives. therefore, in the twenty-second year, changes were made to the traffic rule; we tried to consolidate the main points that determine the order of participation of persons on such devices, where they should move, in what condition, who should be given priority, age. restrictions, how to deal with them, if they affect children, then, probably, first of all, parents should carry out certain work with children, for our part, of course, we we work starting from kindergartens, we carry out propaganda work, they tell all this in schools, look , in fact, as i understand one story, well , 100 years ago on the streets of minsk and european cities in general, the big problem was the horse, and even then, what they leave behind, and we thought, what will be there in 50 years, as a result, cars, traffic jams came,
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the state traffic inspectorate was created in order to control and regulate the rules for traveling by car, now we specifically understand that we have sidewalks have also become a place where cars are allowed to move, something else, well, here ’s a trivial fantastic question, maybe there will be some kind of division in gi that will specifically regulate, because look, scooters are needed, it seems to me, maybe i’m a layman in this story, register. people who ride them must have a bunch of prerequisites, such as passing their license, wearing a helmet, well, in short, a bunch of things need to be done in order to get on this scooter or unicycle or something else for... in order to go he will bear responsibility, but for this he must go some way, the same cctv cameras, they can track these scooters, but so far this is not there, it seems that this is chaos, well, regarding the relatively additional unit, well , there is no point yet, any employee of us, in principle , controls the traffic rules, and an ordinary traffic police inspector can respond to facts of violation, regardless of whether it will be on
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the roadway, on the sidewalk, and so on, that they are developing and methods need to be further improved. certainly, of course, changes are needed, they are already overdue in principle, something probably needs to be introduced, changed, because they are appearing so rapidly, new ones, when we wrote, there were still some, now there are completely different ones, completely different capacities, completely different masses and so on, therefore the consequences, as we see, are taking on a completely different character, listen, they will still fly for 10 years, how often do they approach you with some initiatives, they also ask, maybe it’s time to take some new legislative acts are something like this. you are at the beginning of the program shared, who is for, who is for, who is against, here, among somehow united only such a prohibitive norm, you know, today there is no such, you know, tough message from society to say that today legislation is in very sharp demand precisely in this sphere of human
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relations, and if we speak in such simpler everyday words about relationships in society in general, when you... new everyday, progressive, one might say, such forms arise, then our head of state defined this long ago aleksandrevich lukashenko, always, when questions arise, requests for legislation this and that, he always said that it is impossible to come up with a law for all situations in life, there is a clear attitude towards justice, the justice of life, the fairness of the attitude of a person who is on a scooter, who must degree of responsibility to participate.
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well, he can leave very unexpectedly, but at the same time he’s a scooter driver, why does he actually leave, but because he feels his impunity, this is the first, second, the same children, teenagers, we are talking about the fact that yes, two, three, five of us cannot ride on this scooter, they stand on it, that someone is calling them to some kind of responsibility, no, until mom and dad see that their parents are held accountable, no, until that child gets hit by a car, then everyone else is to blame. okay, he’ll even get hit by a car, simply run into some pole and hurt his head, that’s one story, the second is another thing, because the topic is so non-obvious, about which there is little who thinks, but a scooter is a means of transportation, and a unicycle is also a means of transportation, there are those people who are already prohibited from traveling on scooters, paval mikhailovich, but these are those people who,
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or rather not on scooters, but to drive a vehicle, were deprived of their license for for violation.
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a scooter that has enough power to move one person there with a certain amount of luggage, this is really a means of personal mobility, this electric scooter, which excuse me there i don’t know that loads can be transported, there really are some now, it’s already something similar to a vehicle, for example , a moped or something else, for me, as a car enthusiast, any scooter is a means of transportation because...
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on the streets and we come across this every day, no matter who you talk to, who goes out onto the streets of minsk, he says what it is, some say what it is, others say it’s convenient, and today
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you can’t just talk about regression in one direction, because this system covers not only the pedestrian, the person who is moving, here we have representatives who are already running a business on this, this is a much larger segment, and today we can only cut down the plan for the future. you as a person, a representative of a responsible person, yes, these are the generations of those people who use scooters, i didn’t say the word responsible in vain, because most likely people who probably get on a scooter understand its dangers, including their convenience, if they come to service it, at least they think about how it will go there, it won’t break down anywhere in the business of people who, or rather for whom scooters, electric bicycles - have they become a necessary tool? for life, for example, grandparents who live in villages outside the city, where there is simply no other type of transport, this is just one segment, children for whom a scooter
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was bought as entertainment, this is a completely different story, and many forget that having bought a scooter , you need to buy full equipment for knee pads, elbow pads, no one it does, believe me, that’s for sure, especially if i’m walking near a stop and i take a scooter, but i have nothing but a suit, you ’re talking about rental cars now, this is a whole separate pain, and i’m in favor of doing it like in many countries. lock and you have to fasten this scooter to something so that no one takes it, doesn’t put it in the middle of the roadway, i have one, and don’t hang it on the table, and don’t throw it into the visloch, but you’ve also seen it more than once, a lot, very it’s very annoying when you ’re riding, for example, on your personal scooter or bicycle, you have one or five scooters standing in the middle of the road, and you need to go around the checkered areas, well, you know, this is the question , here’s how, you’ll probably support me with the truth, the story with motorcyclists, yes, there are bikers who wear... they ride for pleasure, they have no purpose to rattle
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motorcycles and at the same time break traffic rules, of course, everything also depends on the culture of driving, on the culture of participation in road traffic, a banal example, i literally saw it myself recently, despite the fact that it is allowed not to dismount at crossing the pedestrian crossing at the moment, a young guy was crossing the pedestrian crossing means. how and what can happen, the degree of responsibility, first of all, for their lives for children, for whom this is entertainment, they do not understand, many adults do not understand that 25 km/h when you are driving and 25 km/h, although you have to
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stop abruptly , these are very different speeds, and the main ones are all injuries, but we have quite a large amount of equipment serviced from the smallest to the largest, and the main injuries are on the smallest technology, everyone thinks that this is a children's toy, and they treat it like a toy, they are like serious things, and i drove, drove, did not notice the hole, fell, this is the situation that happened to dima, i bought dima’s scooter, and there was a restoration more expensive than this scooter was disassembled for spare parts, there is no point in repairing it. then again dima’s fault, dima had an accident for the second time, honest, where is dima’s equipment, well, here’s the question, stanislav vladimirovich, a story came to mind, remember with the soloist of the mariinsky theater, in my opinion, when these scooters had just appeared, there were shots from the street of st. petersburg, where he fell, hit his head on the curb, in my opinion, he was in a coma for a very long time, but the equipment in
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this case probably took place and this. equipment can protect from saving a life, i don’t know, from injuries, a helmet, an elbow pad, or it should be, i don’t know, super serious professional, or the base of a bicycle helmet is enough for any doubt, the equipment will limit, limit from certain injuries, let there be injury not so serious, but here they correctly noticed that among the population... citizens , first of all, lack a driving culture, not only do they allow movement in a vehicle without equipment, that’s how they do everything else most often, so if we take of our patients, they are intoxicated, that is, this is practically all of them, this is close to 100% of cases, in your opinion, how can this situation be resolved, and what if a gradation
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of these same drugs appears? service is completely different category of citizens, here they are, they have a completely different driving culture, well, i say the word responsible, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, here, here, well, vitalich, look, we have a country in which some things are generally it’s impossible to do it without a license, but here we are again talking about the fact that a scooter, i heard you correctly, alexander, you are saying that this is a completely different category - rental scooters, but here most people ride on these scooters, because
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you really... took it, went, maybe there really should be some kind of licenses for companies that are engaged in sharing scooters, so that they really bear responsibility for who they give it to, because now, by and large , anyone can take, well, okay, me, for example, because of my age, i can’t, i’ll ask someone older, he’ll get me a scooter and i ’ll go, maybe there’s a responsibility there that needs to be taken seriously, how can it be applied to those people who are into alcoholic... companies, then at least to.. .they will lead him, if not to his bankruptcy.
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knocks down, scooter injury, it leads to disability, well, we can’t control how our driver , traffic police officers, every monday morning stop a whole row of cars, blow everything into a tube in order to understand whether they are sober drivers or not, scooter as soon as you get into an accident, that’s right, well, by and large it is, but in any case there are facts of prosecution for violating the rules for passing pedestrian crossings, for violation. attracted across the country - well, based on the fact that over 2 million e trips are collected only according to one
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from sharing companies, then maybe this is a drop in the bucket, well, there are different nuances here, firstly, how to control it, because the speed is up to 25 km/h, that is, you need to measure it somehow. so that objectively, traffic police officers have radars, traffic police officers have cameras, traffic police officers have tubes, there are patrols that patrol, and how are scooters controlled? in europe, all this has long passed the stage we are at now, we can even take, for example, germany, in germany the speed is limited to 20 km per hour, and we even have some clients who bring scooters from europe, for example, from germany. says: we want him to ride more, but there it’s done in such a way that half the scooter needs to be replaced so that the scooter can go 30 km/h there, this is the first limitation, the second is issues with equipment and insurance, you can’t
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use someone else’s scooter because insurance as far as i know, she is registered, and if you don’t have a sticker on your scooter, the fine is 200 euros. aleksanovich, maybe i should take such things as an example, well, i’m serious when i say this, i haven’t seen a single police officer with... who would measure the speed of a scooter, but i would like to, there are such situations, there are tubes, as you said, we measure everything, that is, it is not necessarily related to an accident, if there is some signs, someone calls and so on, we can also see perfectly well if a person is riding a scooter, sometimes it’s hard for him to walk, sometimes he rides, yes, definitely, as for attraction, including using a camera, here we must not forget one point that cars have both identify the vehicle, i.e. license plate. it’s not here, there are certain nuances of a technical nature, in particular, well, maybe a colleague here can tell me, uh, they don’t have an identification number, basically, uh, all new scooters already come with serial numbers, that’s all that was released there in 2022 in 90%
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of cases there are also serial numbers, that is, this is already considered logical as a vehicle, well, now you have to produce your own standards for the vehicle, but we are moving towards it being just a separate type of vehicle, well, that’s what i’m just talking about, right? with the corresponding requirements for those who have the corresponding norms of the law, and it is worth unambiguously introducing minimum thresholds for the age there for some kind of minimum training, so that even if you want to give a child a scooter, he had to come to a driving school and listen to what - to pass a lecture course, some minimum, if you take off in a flying club in a shopping center, they will teach you for half an hour, but go and get a scooter, went. you can ride a scooter and do whatever you want, and to be honest, i also have a certain kind of, well, situation, as if there is chaos on the street.
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what are our numbers, the general situation regarding scooters, the investigative committee in general, it is supposedly investigating a crime, this means that many people, ordinary people, do not understand how we have goyim.
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but i will say, based on the materials of the criminal cases that were considered, here alena said in the first part of the program that she is scared, that being a car lady, she... fears to the point of phobia that someone will jump out, there are already precedents when those who jumped out were punished, including those who jumped out, and the driver who did not have the opportunity to stop according to the conclusion of a forensic expert, he accordingly was not brought to criminal responsibility, but if it ended be, but this does not mean that the driver needs to relax, the driver, we understand that he is driving an increased danger vehicle and as for, i’ll interrupt here, that is, the driver. operates a high-risk vehicle, and
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a person on a scooter controls something personal, here, here is what is called in ideology, the whole story breaks down, that’s right, i’ll give it, let’s give other figures so as not to break the ideology, that for example, out of five cases, or rather, in five cases out of twelve who were moving, these were the violators themselves, they violated traffic rules , they crashed into cars, these are the five cases that we considered in criminal cases and inspections. out of 10, or rather 10 out of 12, it was the scooter riders who were injured, and from the scooter riders, and out of ten, it was those who who was driving the scooter, three of them, who were moving together, this is due to injuries, for example, attraction, in other cases, two pedestrians were injured, one cyclist (ctbi), eight people out of twelve were serious, six were injured, one died, unfortunately, and where happened, let's say so... riding scooters or with the participation of, for example,
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the very person who died, there were two guys who climbed onto a carsharing scooter, lost directional stability, and unfortunately fell, the guy who was a passenger, the so-called a passenger, not was driving, he died. by the way, about external stability, it seems that you got on a scooter, rode, as it were, on a bicycle, it’s probably more effort, you need to maintain your balance. in this regard, the uniwheel seems to be a more serious means of transportation and requires much more thorough preparation, so it seems to me that it has not become so super popular, because you need to be puzzled, go through it accurately, if you want to master it at least a few lessons, only then, probably , you can, well, igor, it’s probably also a little expensive, yes, that is, it would probably be expensive to rent out such things and place them on the streets. you won’t be able to rent out such things, because again, without the skill, you
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won’t be able to use it, and uh, in terms of cost, no, it costs the same as a scooter, that is, the threshold is from 1.00 rubles, depending on the person’s weight , that is, here - today this is considered a big unicycle for me, because i’m big, i weigh 120 kg, i won’t stand on a small wheel, it simply won’t support me, but what if that’s the case for everyone who getting on scooters we thought from... and this is the amount, because i have colleagues in russia who teach, if you translate it into their money, it turns out to be 120 rubles. but this is one lesson, how much is generally needed for one lesson, we give the basis, it’s like on a bicycle, it is necessary for me to see that a person rides at least 10 m on a unicycle, because i often give the example that if you don’t if you know how to ride a unicycle, you won’t even ride a single centimeter, you won’t even.
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he already knows in advance that he will learn from this video of transport and he will ride on it, a person who comes to ride an electric scooter, he just gets on the electric scooter and rides here... no matter how paradoxical it may sound, but a stupid person
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will not come here to learn on a wheel, you know slavic phrase: look how i can, this is approximately from this opera, so anything works here, a unicycle in 90% of cases is the next stage of evolution after a scooter, when you buy a large powerful scooter, you ride it, most often yourself people complain that there is nowhere to store it, and the unicycle is compact, but the feeling of traveling is much more vivid. andrey borich, tell me. for a doctor , the difference is between a scooter, a unicycle, a motorcycle, it is generally the same, or injuries, they are similar, in fact, if you have no mind for a scooter, then... on a motorcycle there will be no patients with a unicycle for injuries children and adolescents have not applied, there are many scooters, not a single person has a unicycle yet, for example, there are also a lot of cyclists, but there are much more scooter riders with serious injuries, so you , as a doctor, and your colleagues, doctors,
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well, at the everyday level, you advocate for scooters to be banned, or not, well, i think that’s a personal opinion , well, my personal opinion is that it’s a pedestrian.
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i still can’t accept this story about cyclists, of course, bike paths and so on, but at the same time, i myself notice that there are people, often adults, who out of habit dismount in front of a pedestrian crossing, even if there it’s allowed, in general, according to the markings, but they shouldn’t dismount, don’t do that, children, no, as they were driving, they’re driving, because well, no, probably some kind of sense of self-preservation, maybe rewind and generally oblige everyone dismount before a pedestrian crossing. well, we need to consider this issue too, again a matter of habit, that is, we were scolded for a long time when we gave priority to pedestrians at pedestrian crossings, yes, that is, they said, this is bad and so on, but everyone seems to have gotten used to it, statistics show that road accidents us have been decreasing progressively over the course of many years precisely at pedestrian crossings and so on with the participation of pedestrians, the same with
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cyclists, if there was some kind of surge, it grew recently, even last year, then these 6 months, for example for cyclists there is already a decline. specifically at pedestrian crossings, the number of accidents with injuries is about 25%, there are 57 accidents, in my opinion, and the same number, well, approximately 42 injured last year, that is, it suggests that, well, it’s possible already on bicycles we’ve gotten used to it a little, let’s not rewind in short , look aleksandrovich, this is such a story that okay, god bless him, scooters ride horses, okay, we ’re getting used to them, but also cyclists, scooter riders, pedestrians with headphones in their hands, here i can’t hear anything, so... they are driving, this is some kind of, i don’t know, aggravating, i don’t know, there is a reason, an aggravating reason for the punishment, or not, well, for example, a man on a scooter, still wearing headphones, got caught, who was crossing the road, didn’t see anywhere, didn’t hear anything, he was hit, well, you know how there probably won’t be any pushers as such, the only thing is that we have
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also added it to the same rules that we introduced in 2022 that pedestrians, and since persons using personal mobility devices, and not pedestrians, are prohibited from performing any or actions that may lead to.
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because, again, as a colleague noted, there is a general rule that you should not perform any actions there or anything else that create conditions for an accident, there or for causing harm to health or property other road users, then this will be a condition that contributed to the commission of this or that offense, but unfortunately, we have no precedents, i don’t know any precedents, igor, yes, tell me. how to solve the problem - with headphones? i won’t say how to solve the problem, but i can advise those who watch us that when you move in a means of personal mobility, you are already in your own world, that is, you get a buzz, and there is nothing there. on public transport, you are alone, but as soon as you put on your headphones, you move away completely from this world, and we must not forget that if you think that you
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are in control, absolutely everything is under control, you must not forget that someone can fly over you, you will not notice it, you may even miss something hear, especially there are such situations, i won’t say that they are unpleasant, they are uncomfortable when you move on a unicycle, and we unicycles are always polite, at our training school i always explain that if you want to change this world, start with yourself , and we never seem to aggressively attack aggression, at least we try to do this, although it is sometimes difficult, but when a person drives with headphones, you drive up behind him, say, excuse me, let me pass you on the right side, and he is driving and it feels like he is either doesn’t want to hear you, or can’t, well, as a result , it turns out to be the second one, because she has headphones, you should probably show when the locomotive hits those who are wearing headphones, and in the same way, but you see, we’re talking about roads again here , about relationships with car enthusiasts, mainly, and... and what as for pedestrian crossings, what kirill said, sidewalks, they are now divided there, but clearly, here are bicycle paths, if we are talking about scooters, then
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you can convince me, but this is a fact, and scooter riders go where they please, but they don’t ride with a bicycle, even through underground passages , by the way, you can ride a scooter in underground passages, why not, listen, i’ll argue with you very strongly, whoever has a scooter, any pedestrian crossing will go around a kilometer, you ’ll ride here ...for half a month, let's say you you get used to some routes, you know how to get there, and when i’m driving, i’d rather choose a road half a kilometer further, how many people own a scooter? it’s like, it’s like your own car and a carsharing car, you know, carsharing is treated a little differently, and i think law enforcement officers here will confirm that car sharing cars don’t really carry the scooter into the crossing, it’s heavy and from the crossing it’s also high, i was like that yesterday i personally saw 2 people riding a scooter in the underground passage on victory square, well, well, everything is fine, although well , now they all have numbers, these numbers give something, which are now screwed on sharing
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scooters, or they don’t mean anything at all for guys, you can simply take a photo and send it to the sharing company so that she checks compliance with the rules for using this scooter by the person who actually rented it, but if it’s good, let’s do it this way, if we are talking about the fact that everyone should be responsible.
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a child, a person who violates traffic rules on a scooter, drunk got on a scooter there, or is driving at breakneck speed, you need to start with yourself, take pictures, i
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don’t think 102 won’t figure it out, take pictures. communicates, well, that is, this photo, this video will have some value, it will have at least, probably, a fact by the beginning of the check, if i’m not mistaken, well, igor, if we ’re talking about the fact that people are all - those who choose a unicycle are more conscious, yes, you have a helmet on your table, how much and in general what kind of equipment is needed besides a helmet, and is it possible on a unicycle? move around without it? to date? protection for a unicycle is passive protection, this is not necessary, but i recommend it to everyone, that is, our training takes place without protection, that is, our training takes place, we train people without a helmet, without any protection, it takes place at speeds of no more than 7 km /h, everything is absolutely safe, it still hurts to fall, no one will fall, you are 3 cm from the ground, so i’m holding everyone, when a person already decides
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to buy himself a scooter, then i recommend everyone to use protection, because again.. . the situation may not depend on the rider himself; any external environment can negatively affect the person who rides a unicycle. but how often do you see people who use, well, now i won’t say a unicycle, personal mobility equipment, which they use, at least a helmet, well, okay, on the elbow rests on the knees, at least a helmet. we have about 400 people in the community, and i’ll tell you that 60 percent use them, like walking scooters, does anyone use them at all? no, they don’t use sherenkov scooters, and more moreover, taking this opportunity, i would like to say about the movement of riding two people on an electric scooter, uh, people especially without experience, not that they start to get confused, uh, when the first person stands in front, he must not forget that the electric scooter has small wheels, when a person moves alone on it, he can unload the steering wheel on some hole, but here we have it, if the first person is standing, here, on the contrary, there is a load
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on the first steering wheel, as a result of salvage, so uh.
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patients are running around in the ward, oh well because the attention of doctors is switched to people who, well, require a long operation, a long rehabilitation, again, well, sometimes it happens, you go and see that a parent is taking a child on a car sharing scooter, so the parent should make a remark about what to do to the child, it seems to me , that sometimes it is necessary to bring excursions, so that police officers bring you to hospitals, excursions, just show that this is for...
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they buy toys and parents come when for the first service or some breakdowns, but the children are told that you are careful, do not we jump off curbs, it’s a child, well , they said, they said, i flew, when they break the scooter, they break it for quite a large amount, they come with their parents, and how this happened, you explain, it’s on its own, and then you show it, that is, the main thing break a scooter, when you break your arm, then so, so -so the story, and this happens, a lot of parents, when they come, you say, buy protection for the child, ha ha ha. we have enough of our own, a lot of guys from those who ride, from former clients, they come and they send photos there, even dima sent me a photo, damn it, san, i’m in trouble again, well, it just costs money to fix a scooter, but doctors will fix your arm for free, they don’t have other worries, sometimes there are situations when people, okay, arm , a leg, when a person falls
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and flies headfirst into the curb, here is absolutely smooth asphalt and a curb, a person once... a skull, and this needs to be explained all the time to everyone, especially parents, they correctly indicated that they think that this is a toy, actually not a toy, because the scooter is standard, it is up to 25 accelerates, just imagine what the speed is, in fact they still ride, they still understand, not all scooters, although there may be a speedo, first of all you need to realize that okay hand, okay scooter, and then his child will not be about that, that he didn’t think of buying him protection there along with this scooter, didn’t explain to him once again where he can and where he can’t, because often , for example, i recently witnessed , literally on the weekend, children rushing around agricultural towns, villages now, which...
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in my opinion, a unicycle is safer, why? because when you ride a unicycle, you, you go, uh, you are responsible not only for yourself, but for those around you, you are afraid not to get hurt yourself and not to hurt anyone, so the instinct of self-preservation automatically prevails in a person who knows how to ride a unicycle, it’s safer after all - if in terms of use, then again it’s a unicycle, because here the wheel diameter is larger, and here you can drive without problems over some... uneven surfaces, even to the point that you can ride on it to mushrooms, that is, i have real people who are scared to watch you drive, real pensioners who go fishing, to mushrooms, and with a scooter you just press it, it
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will bury itself, as a rule, well, it’s just that the scooter seems visually more stable than this one, of course, it’s visually more stable, but you won’t understand until you try, you also have to remember that anyone can press the gas on the scooter, just like the pedal in a car, on this thing go fast and don't fall in the first 3 m will go with you and me it can arouse more sympathy, because we were just talking about the fact that the more, well, if you can call it that, obstacles for those people who can get on a scooter or unicycle, especially those people who do not know the rules of the road, here which were not studied by non-car owners, i don’t know where they have...


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