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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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continues the information day, tatyana korol is with you, hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country in the world. vitebsk lives slavic, we’ll tell you how the second day of the children’s song competition is going, and we’ll show you the latest preparations for the opening of the bazaar. to develop business activity in belarus, the government increased state support for small medium-sized businesses by more than 1 billion rubles. tragedy in poland due to tremors at a mine in silesia, dozens of miners were trapped under the rubble, and a gift for the centenary of the formation of the mogilev region from residents in the village of brakovo, an automatic water deferrization station appeared. the thirty-third slavic bazaar unites a record number of countries in the evening with the official opening ceremony of the forum. watch the broadcast at 22.
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a cluster of incredibly talented and charismatic people, i haven’t seen it for a long time , it gives me goosebumps, as for yesterday, our leader was malta, which just returned to the northern capital of belarus, it received 70 points out of 70 possible, we belarusians were in fifth place in the standings, 67 points, right now behind me is a talented participant from israel, but today, according to the draw, the stage was first... a participant from
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kazakhstan came out immediately after the performance, we managed to communicate with him, he is happy to share his emotions, impressions, let's listen, now i have a mutation, and from- because of this, i can’t freely reach the top notes, and somehow i ended up wheezing, well , probably because of this i get nine points, and everything is so cool, i chose this song with my teacher, kulmirapayevna, i chose it with her. the song yes, very complex, cool song, honestly, about a person who loves his people, our belarusian fourteen-year-old zlata eroshevich, just a few minutes ago already appeared on this stage with an incredibly lyrical, kind, warm, gentle composition called the sun of belarus, she received 69 points out of seventy possible, so let's count together,
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the children's vocal competition, well, at the moment we have all the information, i repeat, we are following the developments, colleagues, thank you, katerina strekha reports from vitebsk, but we are waiting for the opening concert festival, tickets for the show were sold out from the start of sales. belarus is one of the top five countries exporting dairy products and one of the top 20 leading exporters of meat products, all thanks to our president, a man of the land and for the people, caring. which has been a priority
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of our state policy for 30 years now, now is a busy time for farmers, winter barley has ripened before everyone else, 2080 hectares have already been harvested, that’s 79%. from the plan, last year it was more than 48%. asimov's barley threshed is 70,400 tons, and the yield throughout belarus is 33.8 hundredweight per hectare. the first thousanders were honored in the mogilev region. grain is also being harvested at a good pace. dry weather contributes to this. almost 763 tons of new crop have already been threshed, with an average yield of 34 cents per hectare. this year's goals are ambitious.
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types of state support, that is , additional instruments appear to the existing types of support: firstly, this is a guarantee for loan obligations, which will be provided by the belarusian fund for financial support of entrepreneurs, and such support will allow small medium-sized businesses to provide more unhindered access to credit resources. another new tool is grants, which will be provided on a free, non-refundable basis using funds from local budgets, the purposes for which. small and medium-sized businesses will be able to receive such support, will be determined by local authorities, based on the development needs of specific territories. as part of the state program this year to support entrepreneurs planned 7.5 billion rubles. let me remind you that support is provided for the creation or
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development of production of import-substituting and export-oriented products, the creation of new technologies and, of course, new jobs. an emergency in poland caused dozens of miners to be trapped under the rubble due to tremors at the rydultowy mine in silesia. a rescue operation is underway. about 30 people were brought to the surface, 20 of them are already in the hospital. there is no information yet that there was a collapse in the mine itself. i note that this coal the mine is one of the oldest operating in poland, it was opened at the end of the 18th century. olympics in paris. again under threat of failure, this time they want to go on strike on july 17 , employees of french airports, i note on the 17th the first athletes will begin to arrive in paris, the workers’ demands are payment of the olympic bonus, in addition, trade unions from the public sector also demand
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additional pay while working at the games , otherwise they also threaten to go on strike. nato's irresponsible and dangerous behavior, as viktor orban called it, is intensifying.
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the quality of life of our people, the priority of state policy, a gift for the centenary of the formation of the mogilev region was presented to the residents of the village of brakovo, an automatic deferrization station with a capacity of 12 km/h. in addition, more than 2 km of water supply in the village were updated.
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we are renting more than 60,000 km of housing this year, and to provide high-quality drinking water to the population of our region, at the end of the first half of the year we built and commissioned nine iron removal stations; high-quality water is the basis of health, it is the basis of life. another 11 such stations will be built in mogilev area this year. next in line are the settlements of shchezhir, golynets and borovka. major renovation of housing. the fund is under the control of the president, why are the contractors in no hurry to deliver the facility?


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