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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 11, 2024 9:30pm-9:51pm MSK

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the opening ceremony of the thirty-third international music forum has just taken place there; according to tradition, it is always opened by the head of state, as alexander lukashenko emphasized, the slavic soul is limitless in its openness to the world, so the festival has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood. this long-awaited july evening has arrived, we are opening the international arts festival in the slavic bazaar. a festival that has become an entire era, through art to a world of mutual understanding, this is how we defined the philosophy of this festival, it has deep roots. here, on the picturesque bank of the dvina, 1050 years ago the first stone of the city was laid, which today we rightly call our cultural capital.
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there is something in this corner of belarus that over the centuries has inspired the creation of masterpieces of fine art, unique architectural objects, great literary and musical works, as well as festivals, competitions, and many other creative projects. over the centuries, a unique atmosphere has been created here. the sphere of creative search, the atmosphere of dialogue of civilizations. for centuries, trade routes crossed here, connecting east, west, north and south, this city gratefully absorbed new ideas and trends, and developed due to this. therefore, the history of our forum began right here, in the city of those famous throughout the world. people whose
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professional path is through his workshops. vitebsk has become the creative homeland of real geniuses. dear friends, the slavic soul is limitless in its openness to the world. therefore, our festival has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood, and today you are you will feel that this forum has brought together like-minded people. from more than 40 countries, from russia to india, from china to colombia, dear friends, behind the scenes our favorite artists are waiting to meet you, they are waiting just like you, let’s relax together today with our hearts and souls, the thirty-third international arts festival, i declare the slavic bazaar open in vitebsk. according to tradition,
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alexander lukashenko presented a special award of the festival through art to mutual understanding in the world; the winner was people's artist of russia grigory leps. also awarded union state prize in the field of literature and art for the years 23-24, to people who have made significant contributions to strengthening friendship between the peoples of belarus and russia. alexander lukashenko also awarded the youngest.
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a joint project of the state control committee and agencies under the control of the president: major repairs of the housing stock. wishing you a good evening. the house was brought to such a state that the pipes simply fell apart. cracks, mold, unpresentable appearance, stairs, everything has fallen into disrepair. who takes on such sources and why do the quality and timing actually diverge from what was promised? here they are.
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to make sure that it is not common practice, where the contributions for major repairs from the owners' associations were dissolved, why this scheme no longer works, of course, there are certain inconsistencies, but there is no such wave of problems that existed before, the joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency is under control president, watch right now. a complete overhaul is coming to us, and the inspector, to continue the phrase from the classics, is not at all at this construction site i signed up for almost 10 years. house 18 on kalinina street in minsk, a record holder, first broke records in terms of technical condition, here
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balconies literally fell and water pipes burst one after another. the house was brought to such a state that the pipes simply fell apart, and since i was on...
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and that’s where it all stopped. after another pause, the builders returned to restore the façades and roof to their proper form, then silence again. they started working on the balconies and entrance canopies in 2023, while major renovations were being carried out here. not once the project was adjusted and legislation in the housing and communal services sector changed, and for many years the contractors managed to deliver one start-up complex at a time, while the documents showed the house was completely ready, so they were in no hurry. this gap played into the hands of the organization for years, and with them the list of houses with excess construction grew rapidly. the decision was made at the end of the twentieth year, in general the housing and communal services accepted these points for implementation. that is, it does not allow delay, yes, for example, definitely,
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definitely, it does not allow delay and does not allow full control, including from the housing and communal services, for the execution of work and the full disbursement of financing. the economy organized an inventory of all completed housing for 2019 across the country, housing was carried out by launch complexes, and as a rule, after the first launch complexes , departmental reporting on the commissioning of the entire house, supposedly the entire house,
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was already completed, in fact, by this time only work on the first launch complex is a gas supply system, a water supply and sewerage system, and sometimes... even staircases cells, mainly in minsk, over 90% of houses were removed from the statistical record of commissioning. after this, at our suggestion , a change was made to the legislation, which clearly stated that reporting on the results of commissioning should be done after the completion of all construction work at the site. the largest number of long-term construction projects was in minsk, sometimes these figures exceeded 70% of the total. number of houses in overhaul. for a long time, this house on beruta street was also on the unenviable list. well, cracks, mold - well unpresentable appearance, stairs, well, the blind area has all fallen into disrepair.
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builders were busy working on the house, and the wind was blowing through the walls of the panels, which had long since become leaky, and the residents were divided. the private contractor who took on the renovation of this house did not calculate his strength. at first. i tried to enter the house according to an already proven scheme through descent complexes, and then stopped work altogether. the customer tried to influence the situation on his own, but the fight against inaction was resolved by...
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a wealthy contractor, but in during the construction process, apparently, there is a lack of some possible working capital, labor reserves, well, it turns out that during the construction process, he cannot, according to the contract, ensure the fulfillment of the obligations for which he has assumed. new roof, fresh facades. the only thing left to do with the utility network is to repair the entrances, the common areas are the responsibility of the residents; as a rule, after major repairs, people agree to whitewash them and paint them, so as not to return to the dusty issue: the final cost of this work often increases by a round sum, which can be quite significant. however, the vigilance initiative of residents sometimes produces much more tangible results. this is a bar. spoiler for the contractor , this story ended in crime. last year, a participant with a good
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reputation and an offer beneficial to the customer came to the site. the work was not easy, the two-story building was pretty worn out, surprisingly, but they did it on time, reporting to the local gereo. the most interesting things began with the arrival of cold weather. corner apartment, here we felt that somehow the panels were completely leaky, it was cold it was, it was leaking before the repair, but before the repair, of course, what was 60? in the summer after major renovations, the temperature in the apartments remained at the same level before the repair limits, and here questions arose not only from the customer, but also from the state control committee. moreover, he was cunning, you know, such an interesting argument was given that at the time of completion of the project there was no necessary insulation provided for in the design estimate documentation, yeah, well, the builders, probably, now they all smiled and said, well... sorry, we will at any moment when discussing on planning meetings, we can make changes, insulation,
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well, there is no such insulation, no such mineral wool that would not be made in belarus, a private construction organization, according to the contract, had to purchase insulation for the roof, the building materials were processed according to documents, on the basis of which it was made from the regional budget payment, upon commissioning of the facility on the ground, yes, we saw the insulation on... the contractor told us that this was the insulation in full, so we believed the contractor, we left the site, additional work was carried out at our organization proceedings with the technical supervisors who accepted this object. the amount of damage is just over 13 thousand belarusian rubles. a criminal case was initiated into the theft; in addition, it was not possible to avoid legal assessment of the actions of officials who were supposed to monitor the implementation of the necessary overhaul work. the problem is now solved.
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only after the intervention of the committee were the violations eliminated. major repairs are one of the most vulnerable topics for the population. quality, deadlines, guarantee, the questions are not getting smaller, they take up more than half, among those heard on hotlines regarding the provision of housing and communal services. therefore, the highest control remained. something happens often in life. they came, destroyed the apartment or the roof, made it worse than it was, they stole the materials, people
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complain, when i see something like this on tv, i’ll tell you frankly, my blood boils in my veins, i think, but you are the officials who are doing this, your roof isn’t leaking, but this person or woman says that she made repairs yesterday and spent a lot of money, these are usually ordinary people, for... contractors, this measure turned out to be effective, and the question here is not about not allowing housing and communal services organizations to appoint private contractors to projects themselves, but giving the work to those who maintain their reputation. today , as a rule, no problems arise with contractors appointed by local authorities; of course, there are certain rough edges, but
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there is no longer such a wave of problems as there were before; cases when government contractors fail are rare. objects, plus there is a 5-year guarantee, that is , any emerging issues are always resolved promptly, roughness in half of the cases is associated with pre-design work in houses that were built a long time ago from the start of work, many nuances emerge that flow into the adjustment of the project and its re-evaluation during all interested authorities, and this is all the time, which ultimately goes beyond the limits of what is permissible, we are in the attic space of a residential building and... here we see a completely replaced rafter system, well and the need to replace it, unfortunately, was revealed only at the start of the work, when they opened the roof and saw that all the rafters were affected by rot at the end, in addition , serious defects were revealed on the facades, balconies, window openings, this house in the very
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center of minsk is of historical value, a lot of attention to detail in order to preserve the appearance, while bringing the building into proper... technical condition, here they increased the renovation for six months, not so much, if you remember the long-term construction of past years, if earlier up to 400 there were over-the-standard capital repair facilities throughout the country; today there are literally dozens of facilities, and each of the problematic facilities is under special control by the state control committee. every year, the country overhauls 3-and-a-half apartment buildings; today there are 1,200 houses under construction, only dozens of them... stretch from previous years, the builders are ready to complete most of the buildings by august 1, time has shown to significantly optimize time and material costs, reduce the number complaints from the population, experience helps comprehensive overhaul of groups of residential buildings, such as today took place at lynkovo ​​in minsk. currently
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, construction and installation work has been fully completed at these facilities to replace window units in common areas. to replace the in-house water supply and sewerage systems and to replace the gas supply system. the five-story buildings are of the same type, so the list of necessary repairs is not very different. roofing, utility networks, facades, there is also landscaping ahead with the installation of small architectural forms they say everything will be ready in the third quarter of this year, but the residents are understanding of the matter. what is it like to live when they drill and saw from all sides? it's a bit difficult.
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they work well, the team is well-coordinated, but if there are any tails left, then well , you have to wait and wait a lot, but in general, thank you, thank you for taking such care of us, well, we need to be patient, we definitely need it, the state takes care of itself 60% of the cost of major repairs, only 40% comes from contributions from the population, these are the funds that we pay monthly we transfer the amount in fat to a special place. accounts that are opened with local authorities. the exception was the owners' associations, which saved in their accounts and often spent related needs. at the suggestion of the state control committee, the situation was leveled through amendments to the legislation. it is clear that the owners’ association today, neither in 30, nor in 40, nor in 50 years, taking into account the tariff that is currently
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established by law, has been able to raise money for major repairs. in general, in the country to carry out capital repairs this year, 640 million have been allocated from the budget. in the context of a regional city, this amount amounts to several tens, for example, in brest they calculated that about 41 million would be spent on major repairs, for this money from...


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