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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 12, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work proactively, it’s time to understand and feel your information enemy, and these are, first of all, the centers of information and psychological operations that are grouped under the roof of nato. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. international non-government. reporters without borders has released its new world press freedom index ranking. ukraine ranks 60th in first place, and belarus and russia are 167th and 162nd respectively. lithuania - 13, latvia - 12. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there at least one portal, russian or belarusian? no, they were cleared out right here one by one. if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are there. only for our tv viewers, we
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choose the best routes. the only city in belarus in which you can arrive at one railway station and start from another. we are located in the west of the country. good welcome to baranoviche. and we go on exciting journeys. good news, you can touch the exhibits with your hands. that is, literally touching history. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish blende, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations.
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landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers, watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward and keep up with your soul , your stomach sings. when traveling on adventures, there is food along the way, you like to eat somewhere, there is always food anywhere. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. we will show you what they eat in the west and east. our country, as they cook in
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the suburbs and polesie, we are going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. today i tried it on the augustow canal. culinary hits of dombrovka, a meat feast in the fresh air, potato boats with chanterelles, forest queens in... when traveling around the grodno region, one wonders where to go first, there are ancient castles, catholic orthodox churches with a century-old history, houses where famous people lived and simply incredibly beautiful landscapes, but there is a place that is simply impossible to pass by, and this is the augustow canal. if you
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visit the augustow canal at least once, you will remember this place for the rest of your life. this is exactly what happened to me, because it’s fun and very interesting here. the canal has a history of almost 200 years: in 1821, prussia introduced a ban on the transportation of goods from poland and lithuania through its territory, which is why access to the sea was practically blocked. to get around the ban, it was decided to build a canal, it was supposed to unite the neman with the vistula to open access to the black and baltic seas, but the construction of the augustow canal took 15 years, but it was worth it. as a result , 18 locks, dams and bridges were erected, however, with the advent of railways, the value of the canal was lost and the need to float cargo disappeared, but as you can see, the story did not end there, the canal is still in operation, an amazing process is now happening behind my back, it's called sluicing, the ship
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moves from one level of the reservoir to another, actually descending several meters, believe me, it’s very interesting and i really want to try it. now, if you watch this process for a few minutes, you will see how the ship actually sinks underground, interesting. the sluices were built of stone; oak beams were used for the base. the places where the greatest load fell were reinforced with sandstone blocks. oak wood and iron shackles were used to make the gates of the airlock chambers. the bottom of the canal was made of both concrete and wood, depending on the type of soil. at the same time, they tried to ensure that the design was not only away. but beautiful. the outside of the gates was lined with red brick. the coastal line was also additionally strengthened with sand and clay, and in some places even with turf. the augustow canal can rightly be called a technological miracle of its century. so much work and attention to detail went into this.
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about 7,000 people were employed in the construction ; for their work, local peasants received liberation from serfdom. so it's not surprising that. one of the gateways even called freedom. i ate little porridge, this is not about these people and not about me today. quite a force is needed to move these gates. and this process happens more than once and even, probably, more than a dozen times throughout the day. today , there are four shipping locks on the belarusian part of the canal, not many. dombrovka, volkushek and kuzhenets. on dombrovka you can take a boat to fully enjoy a walk along the augustow canal. i definitely won’t deny myself this pleasure. the steamboat started moving. now we come to the very crucial moment, to sluicing. in general
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, you won’t be able to get lost here on dombrovka. all tourists are given such wonderful maps and you can easily understand where you are. we are here now, the dombrovka gateway. and here it is, the most anxious, crucial moment, we enter the airlock chamber, what is it? the levels of the reservoirs are completely different, in front there are lower ones, here they are high, accordingly, we will now be driven into a special chamber, and the doors will close and we will descend to a lower level, well further forward, only forward. at dombrovka , locking takes about 15 minutes, an ideal time period for plenty of watching. at the same time, you won’t get bored, but there is something to look at, many elements, gateways and memorial plaques with the names of design engineers, wooden columns and drawbridges were restored manually and retained their authentic appearance, well
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, there is no way back, the gates are closed, we are slowly descending. the water difference between water basins is approximately 3-4 m, well, this is in the dombrovka lock, in other locks the augustow canal is even larger, look, you can even see, yes, you can see the water level, and you can see that we are going down, the width of the lock chamber is 6.8 m, you can...
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take a tour, later a horse trail opened. the canal attracted many travelers.
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steamships plied along the canal, clubs for yacht lovers operated, and kayak tourism developed. here, in the area of ​​the dombrovka lock, a grand festival of the sea was held. over its almost two-century history , the augustow canal has survived many twists of fate and stores in its waters secrets that people are still trying to uncover. have you heard anything about... treasures of the augustow canal, this is not a joke, they really exist, once there was a corps of the russian army that was surrounded, the entire treasure of this corps was hidden, and this is gold and silver. try to find it. the first world war bypassed the canal and had almost no effect on the construction. the same cannot be said about the second world war; it brought much more destruction. behind me is the right bank of the canal, and for you it’s just a beautiful forest. actually the place very dangerous, because during the second world war there was, well, such a line
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fortified the area, in these forests there are more than 100 camouflaged pillboxes, they still exist. in the fifties, the canal was abandoned for many decades, but at the beginning of the 2000s it was reconstructed, specialists restored the river beds, the washed away sections of the banks and ancient hydraulic structures. and also, and this is perhaps the most important thing for a culinary traveler, the channel has a lot of delicious fish, eel, trout and carius are found here. also in the vicinity of the canal there are several dozens of rare bird species. sometimes you can spot a black stork here, and in the depths of the forest you can come across traces of bears or deer. the views here are the most picturesque, but it is understandable: the grodno forest stretches around the canal and many of the trees here are more than 200 years old. this territory is protected, so during the trip i introduced myself.
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what else do you do in life? is this our hobby, cooking a hobby? yeah, wow, what about the main activity? hairdresser? it’s amazing how many people are not attracted to the august channel, however, i’m sure that a talented person is talented in everything; local chefs definitely know how to handle meat. what do you surprise tourists who want to have a snack? well, you yourself understand that our people in nature want barbecue? i decided not to stop at one barbecue, i ordered all the culinary hits of the establishment, i didn’t have to wait
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long, and that’s good, the fresh air worked up my appetite, and when you see such views before your eyes, you get double pleasure from food. so, here are the top seven dishes that the dombrovka gate spoils its tourists with. during the time that they come here tourists, the menu has hardly changed, the choice of dishes may not be...
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rent a bike and ride, but i was on the augustow canal many years ago and rode a simple bicycle, look what a monster met me this time. in general , there are more than ten cycling routes on the augustow canal, the longest of which is 32 km. on such a monster, overcoming it is generally a piece of cake. you can either follow a prepared route or create your own. i decided to keep my way to the gateway a little, it is considered the largest gateway and can boast its length, it is
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almost 44 m, and the water drop is impressive - about 10 m. it is not surprising that locking there takes almost an hour. besides me, many kayakers go to little. along the way you can see their bases. the augustow canal is very popular among them. i would n't mind kayaking either, but cycling has its own distinct advantages. i am not limited by river banks, i can always turn to the side to admire the sights. on the way, looking into svyatsk, where the restoration of the valovichi palace is being completed. i visited this palace many years ago, and honestly, what i see now is amazing; soon there will be one more beautiful attraction in belarus. the palace was built at the end of the 18th century under the direction of the italian architect giuseppe sacco. the location for construction was not chosen by chance. ponds, canals and
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a picturesque park became a wonderful setting for the palace complex. residential buildings include three buildings. i think it looks incredibly beautiful, separate attention should be paid to the central building, or as it can also be called, the front building. this is what i understand, a real luxury approach. can you imagine, then guests were not just driven to the entrance, but taken straight to the doors. the central building contained ballrooms and living rooms. the inside of the palace looked the same. like the outside, the walls, the fireplaces, the doors, all of this was done according to sacco's sketch, who paid attention to every detail. a perfectionist to the core. in interior decoration, he used stucco and painting, making the room look even more elegant. the palace cannot be attributed to any one style. the features
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of boroccan classicism can be traced here. the palace in svyatsk was supposed to become a family nest in alovichi, but this did not happen. there is a legend that they brought disaster upon themselves: volovich’s daughter fell in love with a groom; when her father found out about this, the young man became cruel and was drowned in one of the ponds. it soon became clear that the daughter had become pregnant by a commoner; in order to hide the shame, volovich ordered her to be walled up alive in one of the columns of the palace on the second floor. after this, misfortune rained down on the people; they say that you can still see a lonely white shadow wandering around the palace, not calming down. gursky lost it, the state took it for debts, then there was a drug treatment sanatorium here, but this is a story with a happy ending, now the palace is more beautiful than before, i would like to stay here longer, but it’s time for me to return to my original route, so i’m going home for a little while you may
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simply not get there. initially, the little gateway had two chambers, but in 1833 a third chamber appeared, and after reconstruction a fourth was added. metal gate gates weigh about 6 tons, just imagine this weight. i'll tell you what's happening now. the kayaks floated into the tear chamber, now this chamber should be filled with water, and it is huge, not just big, it’s downright huge. the gates open and a huge stream of water fills the lock chamber, look how they hold on, holding on to the chains. with all our might so that the wave does not wash them away. it seems to me that emotions can be experienced here steeper than a roller coaster, but to hold on you will need a lot of physical strength, an excellent alternative to going to the gym. the impressions will definitely remain unforgettable. i have compiled for myself a top, i don’t
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know, three or five attractions of the augustow canal; when you come here, you should definitely ride a bike. after you've had enough impressions, it would be nice to have a snack; my trip cannot be imagined without delicious food prepared with my own hands, so on the way back home i turned towards ivya. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio!
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i believe that a successful state and country understands that building a reliable foundation and state is possible only by respecting the past. watch the project 100
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questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . everyone sees that the west, when a country comes, when it develops a network of ngos, when it imposes its policies there, then...
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dzіўnay jumping the natural riches of belarus. the size of tayamnits can be adshukatsya in braslauschyna. there are charming lakes here s unexceptional call god's voca. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. there is a shame that there is a lot of people behind the right people with nyabyosam. and the size of such enchanting chandeliers in belarus.
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if while traveling around belarus you come across an alley. of centuries-old trees, feel free to go along it, you won’t be mistaken, you’ll probably find some kind of landowner’s estate in the belarusian fan maentek. so, it seems to me, i was not mistaken, myon is so, on face, and the hospitable hostess also greets me. by the way, meet galina. galina, hello. hello. galina, what is your place famous for in particular, this ogro-farm, what’s so special about it? especially we have a beautiful forest, in this beautiful big forest, we have very tasty mushrooms, chanterelles, chanterelles, i adore chanterelles,
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these are incredibly tasty mushrooms, you know, galina, that every year 200,000 tons of chanterelles are collected in the world, and the lion's share is collected in ivye, i am sure of this, so it is not surprising that it is the chanterelles that will become the star of our today's dish, and i got ready, picked a couple of these wonderful mushrooms along the way, here they are, sunny, bright, orange, calling incredible sympathy, and personally, i’m all about the chanterelle department, i want to draw your attention right away, yes, what are you in general, i was never surprised by the ingredients, but we practically don’t have them on the table, chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes , sour cream, pepper, salt, everything, and you want to save me something tasty, and i want you. feed, this is belarusian cuisine, how simple everything is and at the same time, how delicious it is, we we use new potatoes, so
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there is no need to peel them, we cut them in half, we make a notch in the middle, that is, we make such a boat, a boat, oh, here, by the way, this is such jewelry work in haute cuisine, well, more precisely in restaurants, it’s called carving, yes, when something is cut out of something, we call it cartoshing, as i understand it, this is where we will put our filling, yes, so there are fewer potatoes, more indentations, and , accordingly, more mushroom filling. the boats are ready, what needs to be done next? salt, yeah, that is, we essentially, well, not exactly marinate, season, then pepper in the same way, as you know, i love spicy dishes, so i don’t skimp on the pepper, leave our potatoes aside and proceed to the filling, mushrooms finely chop, yeah, you know, today we are preparing the perfect dish, golin,
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because we don’t need to... peel the potatoes , we don’t need to peel the chanterelles, because chanterelles are the only mushroom that not a single worm can eat, but do you know why? because chanterelles contain very important a substance that simply kills all parasite eggs, so chanterelles are always a clean and always tasty dish. if you sort chanterelles by composition, you can discover a lot of interesting things. in terms of vitamin a concentration , chanterelles are equal to carrots... the amount of vitamin c in them is the same as in citrus fruits and garlic, and you know that chanterelles are so yellow and rainbow-colored, because they contain a very important element called carotingali , just like that, an amazing mushroom, it’s not for nothing that chanterelles are still sometimes they call them forest queens, the potatoes are pickled, i think that now we should put chanterelles in the potatoes,
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how many, well, until it’s full, well, we don’t mind anything for ourselves, well, of course there should be a lot of chanterelles, during cooking the chanterelles will be stewed, so we compact them into our recess to the very edges, after which we cover them with sour cream, let me while you lay the next one, i will also make myself such a layer of sour cream, like the zhegal you have, look, your potatoes, yours, your mushrooms, yours, sour cream, also my own, also my own, oh, great, good, well, actually , it turned out, it seems good, yes, now we take the second one, cover the boat, cover it, it’s clear, well, you see, i also made a fairly large hole in the second boat, so if you allow me, i’ll make one for myself it’s good to have a double filling, because there will be something to cover, and we’ll put it in the oven, yes, we put it in the oven, set it to 200°. into
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a steam convector and for about 25 minutes, what a beauty, just look, we cook for 5 minutes, bake for 25 minutes and volodya is well-fed, happy on his face, cut the potatoes in half and cook in make a hole in the middle, then add salt and pepper, finely chop the chanterelles, tamp them into the resulting hole, and cover the top. cover the other half of the potatoes with sour cream and bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 200°. i’ll tell you a little secret, before baking we still added a few fresh tomatoes, finely chopped, to the dish, because well, it sparkled with color, but it seems to me that it sparkled
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with taste, but... i won’t say a lot about potatoes actually , i'll open it and see what's hidden behind the wonderful potato cap. kalin, where does the recipe for this dish come from? this dish was prepared by my parents, grandparents, and it seemed to be passed down by inheritance. the most important thing is that this dish, i think, is hundreds of years old and has been prepared here for a long time, but what remains unchanged is the quality of taste and... chanterelles, i can’t wait to try, our dish can be eaten as your heart desires, with the help forks with a knife and hands, and first eat all the filling, and then finish the potatoes, there are no restrictions, here, here i am, i don’t know how to eat it correctly so that to feel the full taste, seriously, that is , if you cut it off with a fork, it seems like everything will fall into your mouth layer by layer, but it seems to me that the most delicious thing is that...


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