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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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belarus was able to preserve the industrial scientific, soviet potential, they were able to rebuild all this without shock therapy on a market basis, they were able to preserve the state base, the most powerful material, and increase everything that their ancestors created in the donbass for several decades.
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received here in belarus, graduated from an economics university, how do you remember this time? yes, i graduated from the belarusian state economic university, i honestly admit that there was no great student romance, because it was necessary i had to study a lot, i had to work a lot, but the education was good, it created a strong base and gave me the opportunity to move on in life, develop and be useful to the state and society. what, and what connects you with belarus today? i lived in belarus for up to 20 years, was born in minsk, this is my small homeland, my grandmother antonina vasilievna is here, the other day she turned 92 years old, at the same time i managed to come to congratulate her, she is a child of war, she saw with her own eyes all the horrors that just happened 80 years ago, congratulates you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, of course. definitely congratulate your grandmother
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congratulate all the residents of the republic, this is a holiday for everyone, grandfather is a front-line soldier, at the age of 17 he went to the front, was a partisan, walked to berlin, i didn’t learn all these stories about what happened in those years since childhood from books, not from films, but from the original source, they formed their worldview. what connects belarus and the dpr today? in addition to the historically fraternal relations that have been formed, one might say for centuries, in today’s difficult geopolitical situation, we are trying to lend a shoulder to each other in absolutely different areas of cooperation. today, a huge amount of work is being done in the economy, a lot of work in the industrial sector, we are building those chains that, due to various kinds.
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breadwinners, in the coming years this situation will return to its usual course for people, the economy and industry will all be restored, the people are hardworking, the lands are rich, the potential, you know it, now it’s all the same, despite - of course, that volume destruction, the enemy, leaving any populated area today, tries not to leave anything alive there, tries to inflict maximum harm and damage, and we have gone through all this already in history and restored it, thank god.
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they look with incomprehension, but where are the fighting, and where is the horror that we see, of course, closer to the line of military contact, of course, the situation there is sad, of course, today there are enough areas where roads need to be built, where they just killed, broken, there are a lot of big
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problems in the infrastructure, well, you have to understand, that for decades nothing was done at all, everything that could be obtained and pumped out was pumped out and nothing was done, not restored, there are residents of many settlements, they, in principle, have some kind of concept of overhauls, repairs, whatever , landscaping, but they never had such concepts at all, like they built in soviet times, that’s the point, now, of course, the situation has changed, but if you take mariupol, you remember the footage there when the enemy was knocked out of there, and this is completely destroyed city, there was one building the cultural center with broken windows was more or less intact.
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now there is an emphasis on infrastructure, what does the city look like today? and the city, it continues to be a city of a million , has grown, and despite the daily arrivals, people have such love for this land, when an arrival arrives, something is bombed, something is scattered, services immediately just go there, they clean it all up, without fail, for roses to bloom, this is, you know, some kind of... principled position for which all services are fighting, and this is the city of milionaros, well-groomed, of course, a lot is needed to restore, all programs have already been prepared for restoration, now it has become easier when we pushed the ukrainian armed forces away from avdeevka, knocked it
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out of there, we will certainly push back the enemy and restore our beautiful land. can belarusians help with this? belarusians can help us in absolutely everything, because... true, without unnecessary modesty and flattery, that’s the industry, it’s at a high level, we invite builders from belarus and we are interested in your technologies for low-rise buildings. construction, we are interested in your technologies for water purification, pumping stations, well on engineering structures, well, here we won’t actually continue the whole spectrum, but there is a very large field for work, as things are today on the contact line, under control, tense, our guys are moving forward, everyone is full of fighting spirit, it is clear that not without difficulty, after all, combat operations here do not happen easily, belarus has been accused more than once of taking
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children out of war zones for vacation, who, in your opinion, needs this evil pr on this topic, that children are leaving somewhere , they go somewhere, it is necessary understand that now the enemy is in a difficult situation, not only from the point of view of military operations, from the ideological point of view, those slogans that were heard in 14. for the residents of both ukraine and donbass and the enemy, of course, need some arguments, because people say, you still talked about one thing, you promised one thing,
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in an unnecessary direction and there are the same barrier detachments in which at one time they blamed the soviet troops, they tried to blame those barrier detachments that ukraine is using today, driving there like cannon fodder, mobilized guys, yes, well, this is outright horror, and in principle , the level of repression that is happening today in the ukrainian part, they need some arguments, because... if we understand what we are fighting for, we understand what we we are fighting, what we are fighting for, this is our native land,
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we need to oppose them with something, they are forced to come up with, well, these absurd ideas that they take children out here, which means they are eaten in belarus for breakfast, lunch , dinner, the western establishment, which consumes this information, does not have alternatives, looks and thinks, yes, in fact... they can’t come here calmly, those who come, they see a prosperous region, kind people, they see that, in principle, it’s better here than theirs, but this it’s inconvenient, so you need to come up with such a lie, people will be afraid, i ’m talking about their citizens, they will believe, well, you have to understand, because today, well, if we take europe, the economic situation is difficult, their leaders in relation to their population , well, what...
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many things, you know, they’re even embarrassing to say out loud what, unfortunately, they have sunk to, although it is also strange, this process of degradation, look, it happened over a number of decades, because it happened to them too. it has its own history, it has its own culture, somehow there were some traditions, but today these are some immeasurable number of genders, sexes there, well, a sane person won’t understand this, it’s just impossible to figure it out, so it’s well, it’s stupidity, nonsense, absurdity, but people live in this, they start teaching children this nonsense in kindergarten, and
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of course, you know this, today there is such a civilizational struggle between light and darkness, yes... even look at the example of how we are building relations between russia and belarus, that there are no older, younger brothers, mutually beneficial, fraternal relations, and we
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see a different model of relations between them, when they are colonies, this is to take away some resources. approach of kindness, love, brotherhood to each other, how our people live, you look, pay attention that with this , look at our cities, look at our villages, look at how our countries. this is the way of life of politicians and country leaders, which further translates into the quality of life of people, the standard of living of people, and the conditions in which their children grow up. today, of course, we, both russia and belarus, are a very inconvenient example, we are such an eyesore for their citizens, because it is obvious
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that they took a wrong turn somewhere, and people ask the question, it still differs, that’s all equals someone.
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observers come, look, they come, look, no one reveals any violations, we are open to journalists, if there are any some constructive proposals, our leaders always talk about this, vladimir vladimirovich putin says, alexander grigorievich, you show how it should be, well, if we see that there is something better, we will certainly take it for ourselves, but no, you do everything it’s not like that, we’ll vote by mail, it will be
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normal, that’s not the case here, it’s not like that, it’s such a big information... war. let's return to the children's topic. children from the dpr feel great in our belarusian camps. many people don’t want to leave, very much. we are grateful for the humanitarian support provided by the republic of belarus, including to the children of donbass. and of course, for our children this is such a breath of fresh air, because for 10 years the children have become accustomed to living in war, they have not seen another life, they do not understand that they can live somehow differently. this rehabilitation, this calm atmosphere, it is very necessary, there were ideas that the children of donbass would be able to receive education in belarus, this initiative, has it received any development? belarus has a very strong education system, i know firsthand that i received my first higher education here, and this laid such a solid foundation for further education
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on the territory of the russian federation, and of course, it’s good that today there is an opportunity for our guys to come to study here, and here there is what to learn, the big thing is that today the guys are from belarus. also, by passing centralized testing here, they can also enter universities throughout the russian federation, and here it is important to continue in all areas this policy of openness, that is, a policy of support, when we, in any industry , try not to compete, not to drag ourselves away, but to show that we have here the best that we can teach, our guys definitely have a lot to learn.
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what my grandparents told me about the great patriotic war, those horrors, no one thought that we would face this in the 21st century, we would face it on our own land. it’s important to remember the events that took place 80 years ago on this land, it’s important to remember in order to prevent the enemy from allow the enemy in, do not give the opportunity to swing.
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you have something to fight for, something to be proud of, you were able to preserve this connection between the past and present, and build the foundation for a prosperous life for future generations. thanks for the interview.
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there are actually many more countries in the world that need our technologies, and not vice versa. in economics, we will prove that we can do a lot here, no less than the empires that border you and the developed countries. all important issues are most often resolved not at official negotiations, not at ceremonial events. exhibitions and not in formal suits, the most important issues, whether in politics or economics, are most often resolved informally. in this situation, the presidency is the most difficult profession in the world, this schedule is never static, something is canceled, something is added, something else is rearranged , but still, in this schedule there is never a day off mark, so that the head of state is the leader of the country 24x7 365 days a year. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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it is necessary that the bag contains as little ice chips as possible, a good radish is easy to determine, it must be firm, have a bright, evenly colored skin, not only according to the manufacturer, let’s not forget about invigorating exercises, while charging i do usual rotations with the head, shoulders, warming up the chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times, open your arms wide, from this
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position tilt to... the side, stretch the entire lateral line of the body. watch the breakfast of the champion program on our tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. my name is pavel morozov, i came to belarus from russia and serve as the consulate general of the russian federation in the city of grodno. i came from venezuela 8 years ago because my husband, andrey from belarus, fell in love. and everyone found something here for... themselves, i like to be in the frame, of course, because i like to show my emotions, i like to talk, i can talk to you endlessly now, but it won’t work, each hero has his own unique story and your view of belarus. belarus is more about the soul, it was belarus that gave me inner happiness, spiritual harmony. belarus definitely helped me reveal my strength, now i feel so comfortable. it's
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like i'm exactly where i need to be. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
7:00 pm
hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch in this evening episode. draw for performers in the adult competition. who will be the first to conquer?


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