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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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they continue to build a children's room in the leninsky district of minsk, for almost half a thousand visits. it will house a swimming pool for preventive and therapeutic procedures. the new healthcare facility will be the second children's facility in the area. we carry out basic masonry work - this is external masonry, internal masonry. now we are completing the monolith and will practically begin to close the full contour. and the task next spring is to start improving the area around. seven-story building 850 planned - we don’t have enough visits per shift; we don’t have enough clinics for this area, and this facility will allow us to relieve the burden on the establishment of the twenty-eighth clinic and the eighth clinic. at the height of the honey collection season , about 50 tons are planned to be collected in the minsk region alone. the next pumping will begin in september, and the end of the season will depend on the weather. for the most part , beekeeping in the region is carried out using the nomadic method, during the season. in early july
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, bees are transported to the place where linden trees grow to obtain linden honey; in august, bees transported to buckwheat fields, of which there are also many in belarus. we have forgotten how to enjoy little things and be surprised. to feel the connection between generational times, to simply notice, but every day is made up of traditions, today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves did not notice it.
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we pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it is in our smile, the waves of our hands, in such a familiar look, from simple happy moments that real traditions are formed. we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present. belarus 24!
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hello, tomorrow is independence day, a holiday, which means a special broadcast, so we are going out a day earlier, but as always, we have something to say and something to discuss, there are several examples ahead from different parts of the world that independence is not an option, which by default comes with the country, one has to fight for independence every day on a variety of fronts, let's start with the threats: a sharp increase in tension.
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i think this event should be considered separately from all system events happening in our macro-region, well , it would probably be completely wrong, instability is not only on the southern borders, but we have approximately the same tendency of instability in the northwestern direction in the western direction, where these large-scale exercises only recently ended, defender 2024, which was not given. to live peacefully, combat training centers of western countries were ultimately created there, essentially as a base, yes, bypassing the constitution there, bypassing other legislative acts of these states, that is, today the situation is in general, it is complex everywhere, in its essence, and the fact that in the data, in this aspect, to consider ukraine as a separate one, this one, well, yes, can be considered as a fragment, of course, of what is happening around the increase in...
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well, firstly, this russian volunteer corps, the first presidential special-purpose brigade appears there, and some of the second forces are armed with fairly light weapons, yes, of course, artillery missile systems have appeared there, which accompany any operation to one degree or another for the armed forces of ukraine, but what needs to be noted is whether today ukraine is truly ready to start a military conflict with belarus?
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accordingly, communication and negotiations will be conducted with the head of the verkhovna rada, and not, accordingly, zelensky, who no longer represents anyone, and losses on the battlefield, in this situation, the only legitimacy, as we see, that
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zelensky’s leader is trying to build, this is external legitimacy, this is the so-called peace summit in switzerland, which everyone recognized that it was not peaceful at all, yes, it was about something completely different, but in general there was not much legitimacy there...
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nato should take some part, finally, provoke allied states to use tactical nuclear weapons, that is, in this plan is, i absolutely agree that from the point of view of strategic goals this is absolute nonsense, but from the point of view of tactics and personal survival, here you need to proceed from scenarios that are crazy from the point of view of achieving the immediate goal on the battlefield, but they may make sense in terms of personal...
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we are talking about the fact that kharkov, in fact , falls into, so to speak, a danger zone for ukraine, and so that in the process of negotiations on freezing the conflict, one could say so. a task that is most likely political, because along the line, along the military line, it means that we see that our military
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responded, and most likely, i still think there are certain contacts between our and ukrainian, so to speak, services , which allow, so to speak, to say that the situation is controlled and the question is on the political plane, and the political plane is easy to negotiate with the help of creating this kind of conflicts in the future, say, the process of negotiations on freezing the conflict, for yourself more favorable conditions, including for the defense of kharkov, so here’s one... strike from kiev there in belarus in one form or another, larger or smaller, well
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, we understand that we are not talking about major ones, but about small provocations, is this in the current political configuration that is taking shape in europe, which is taking shape in in the united states, will anyone support kiev in this step against belarus, you know, no one will support it, but no one can say, no to kiev, so kiev today is using that option, the case when it is loved. he is sure, in fact, that this is his best role, the side is indifferent to him, you need to understand, this is actually his personal psychology, for him this is the best role that he has played in his life and which he will play, and he is confident that in this regard he runs everything, he runs biden, he runs nato, manages.
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the pressure can be different, but on the last program we discussed the absurd eu sanctions against ours, our youth of the belarusian republican union, then we noted that every time someone spoils our people, for some reason they quickly appear nearby, this is the pattern, another example, they present this as their achievement, here at the headquarters of the european commission in brussels, one fugitive figure got an appointment with the eu special envoy on sanctions,
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this is the new head of administration, he said, we have our own answers to all sanctions, and we we know how to get out of any situation, you know, i believe him, he is a competent manager, a competent economist, if he makes such statements, then these statements have a basis, and then, well, this is not the first time we are faced with unprecedented sanctions , we certainly understand that other sanctions are possible, and whoever asks for these sanctions, i would like to draw the attention of our tv viewers,
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sanctions, in any case, we have found and will find a way out of any situation, and you know, well, to these sanctions, well you need to watch already, probably, in a philosophical way, well, yes, we often discuss and talk there about polish politicians, about baltic politicians, ukrainian ones, but they can be understood, that is, they pursue one or another of their own interests, sometimes they are even
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convinced that national interests are pursued, they are defended in this way, but in this case we see when people are simply crap.
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in principle, she condemned the actions of the romanian authorities, well, they didn’t let us in, but we still won’t be silent, we will be loud in any case from all possible platforms to declare who we are belarusians, that we are a peace-loving people, that we want to cooperate with all countries on an equal basis, believe me, we have something to say, a wonderful platform in the form of the shanghai cooperation organization, where the day after tomorrow we will already be such full members, that’s where , please, we can declare this. we will definitely be heard, yes, you said about the shanghai cooperation organization and about other organizations, in fact, look, when they say that a world is based on law, a world based on rules, what is the difference, peace based on law is a world where the center is a state with the principle of sovereignty, a world based on rules is where there are
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organizations above states that impose their rules on these states, organizations, usually corrupt, are taken. already under the control of the united states, i remind you that joseph nye, the inventor of the concept of soft power, back in the ninety-first year of the un classified the soft power of the united states as a resource, but romania is important here, this is one of the next steps that shows such not even nervousness, but hysteria in their behavior. they have stopped showing off, playing at being great democrats, they also understand that the world is changing rapidly, it’s as if they are going to the bank, this is exactly what it looks like. well, the fact is that the presence of belarus, the presence of russia at this parliamentary assembly, would show once again that in fact the organization, well, is also privatized, it was privatized by the united states, this was also visible because the osce exercised control over the conflict in ukraine, in fact, this would bring to light completely unsightly pictures,
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at least in europe, and not only in europe, this is a deal with the elites at the expense of their own societies, a deal with the elites.
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that this is the first time we’ve encountered something like this, it’s also important to look at it, well, i mean we’re faced with such unexpected appointments, no one can calculate them, let alone inside the state, that thank god it’s very good outside, none of our so-called traitors and enemies and western think tanks, they can’t read closely, not guessing, not miscalculating the president’s decision regarding personnel, this is very good, this means that our system for making personnel decisions is monolithic, it naturally protects itself in this way. influences ensuring the national security of our state, preserving its sovereignty, so look for some pitfalls here in one direction or another, we have a president, he determines policy,
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internal, external, which means we clearly understand and know the trajectory of this policy, and people who are around the president, they will to help implement this means that this policy is effective today, but in order for this to be effective, rotation is needed, not only at the level of the president, but at the level of all other government bodies . “well, you know, in any case , personnel renewal is good, you know, it’s new blood, the main thing for us is not to allow such a political crisis as we see today in america, yes, today we can talk about what kind of continuity there, well , kind of stagnation , probably personnel within the two main parties, the republican and democratic is observed, the people appointed today are not new, these are experienced people, but these are young people."
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let me remind you that a couple of years ago the visit of the belarusian prime minister to kazan and wuf brought contracts worth 3 billion rubles. this was considered a revolutionary breakthrough. now
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the forum of regions, contracts has ended a huge number of contracts were concluded for 30 billion rubles - this is the task facing the belarusian industry, the belarusian economic system, because in fact we forget that the belarusian industry, which has been preserved since ninety-one in a humanitarian form,
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we will talk later about the change of generations in world politics, about whether biden will be given a chance, stay with us. we continue, we are still discussing the debate between trump and biden, the two still main contenders for the post of head of the white house. biden has problems, that's all. one example of what this looks like: the editorial board of one of the main american newspapers, the new york times, called on the current us president to withdraw from the election race and stop further
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campaigning for re-election... what was that, andrei petrovich? well, you and i saw this, it was a debate between two presidential candidates, the current and the former, and this is how , by the way, they were introduced to each other, the current president and the former president. you know, i watched it, probably twice, trying to understand how biden lost to trump. and you didn’t understand the first time, you didn’t understand, yes, if you look honestly, well
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, yes, trump is beyond anything.
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in a nursing home and they gave him a hard one there, but here the post of president of the largest state government, i would like to say, that such events, of course, need to be prepared, and not to go out and start saying that you are a fool there, you are not a fool, you are a whiner there or something else, as they tried in every possible way to each other, but this is of course not the level of the future there or the present presidents of such a state, although we clearly understand that in the united states this is still an element of the show, did you see the future in these debates? usa, you know, i think it will be biden, and here, firstly, he took a more broad approach to all aspects, and secondly, trump, by and large, doesn’t care about anything interested, except for internal problems, and he kept trying to draw on the immigration crisis, on how to replenish the treasury, yes, this is good, without a doubt, but after that they suddenly started even before the debate took place, they already said that biden lost them, don’t you think that this is just the approach of these democrats,
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and this is very well understood, the democrats sent in a huge number of migrants just for this, because in the states almost anyone can vote without presentation of the certificate. republicans, naturally, will try to mobilize their electorate, simply because without this , america will cease to exist, that is, if the democrats are sitting on transnational capital, then the republicans are still , for the most part, a real sector, and these are these
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antagonisms, they really are irreconcilable. as for the same debates, it doesn’t matter what biden said, it doesn’t matter what trump said, because there are speechwriters, yes, who prepare all this, and we understand that blinken is this secretary of biden, who... in fact, will hand-write everything under his prompter, but the main thing is something else, what has tensed all the democrats, that biden got stuck several times, that he lost the thread several times, and this means that such a person with a nuclear suitcase is a global danger for the whole world, and how , accordingly, such a person can rule a superpower, very big questions arise, that is, what the democrats will now try to play is actually a very dramatic thing, that is, biden does not want withdraw from the race. despite all the persuasion, simply because only he can pardon his son hunter biden, and we see that he will make all the sacrifices for family reasons, and the democrats are playing out a situation where, in fact, they can, like
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damn it, blame michelle obama, who distanced herself from the biden campaign at the right time; if you look, she did not make a single statement at all regarding the participation of the biden campaign.
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party first and second only a specific person who represents, the situation here is such that in principle they can vote in america, such a system is difficult for us to understand , there is no democracy there, that they can even vote for a corpse, figuratively speaking, and elect a president posthumously, this will have little effect , because we understand how america is governed, is it governed by one person whom you and i constantly see on tv, who debates and others, so to speak, take actions, including in relation to our region, of course not, we you and i understand this perfectly well. therefore , it is very important for us, for example, i, in particular , support trump, not because he is our man, not because he is our man, because we look from what, let’s say, from what point with our man in quotes, yes, from
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what positions do i take, for example, from the fact that today, so to speak, this rise in the political olympus, its integration into the political configuration of the united states, it creates, within this political establishment of the united states, confrontation, you can’t tell.
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or even better, trip him up, or even better, make a color revolution, or even better
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, divide him into a bunch of subjects and manage these to rule accordingly, that is, the theory of controlled chaos is how you can split your opponent into its component parts and make him subservient.
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in this regard, for them this is the only chance to survive in the conditions of a landslide increase in public debt, this is already a separate thing, and for trump, the republicans, and so on, their native america is more important for them, they didn’t give a damn about the rest of the world, why did trump, in fact, talk about the migration crisis, he was addressing his voters, he knows very well that for the average american this is a very difficult question, it’s about other countries, because the american is not sure that they exist.
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usa, as the american political publication writes, early elections are a rash step by macron. the states fear that the consequences of macron’s daring adventure will go far beyond france, weaken the eu and create it.
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yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, perhaps this is so,
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but of course, uh, this is the situation inside countries, when europe itself is already unsettled, well, not a very good signal, yes, but on the other hand, look, they say that there may be consequences for the european union, could they be, given that the same bardelan says, yes, we do not want direct confrontation between france and russia, but at the same time we will clearly continue our course of support. but the fact is that in any case, we already see the trend that those forces are coming to power in europe that, in principle, prioritize solving their internal problems within their own countries, and of course for the european union this is also a definite call, because there are already some contradictions within the european union, and how brazen they are - the people voted, ursula is put in charge, because in general the elections showed a protest against that course , which.
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a very interesting theory, by the way, it will be necessary to study these approaches more deeply, because it will turn out that soon it will be the democrats who will become so ultra-left and to a greater extent, so well, the approach is actually very interesting, interesting, as for directly from macron, well, it seems to me that he was again trying to outplay himself, if the situation is more or less clear in the united states, then what is happening today in europe. precisely that the elections that were called by macron are essentially a consequence of the elections that took place in the european parliament. the americans, who were afraid, andrei petrovich, don’t have much time, so i come to this issue, if we return to this issue, then we understand the most important thing, france today is the most powerful country in the european union, this is what
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the european union, by and large, is holding together even by gluing together, despite the fact that, well, france has always had some kind of separate position in relation to. this is the state that today, by and large, glues it all together, but one thing should be noted is that today, later you will remember that not a single event in the military sphere on the european continent took place without macron, everywhere he inserted his 5 kopecks. today france will definitely weaken, and it will weaken precisely in the military-political concept. today there will be no such statements, today already, well, or rather there will be no such statements today after the elections.
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united states. i agree that macron actually chose this matter, the best of two evils, which, so to speak, was shining in front of him, yes, that is, he, if he had waited a little longer, we and...
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most likely it’s like since there will be a lupine bloc, and naturally, his party will receive some ministerial portfolios, but as for the international agenda, international politics, in france these issues are up to the president, so in any case, until 2027, international politics in france, what interests us first of all will be determined by macron, will be determined by the word cohabitation, which they constantly use, and once every 10 there 20 years they necessarily have a period of cohabitation, when everyone... everyone in parliament , all groupings begin act only exclusively in your own interests, and we have cooperation and very soon a summit in astana, which we are really, really looking forward to, we thought.
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value sovereignty, which comes from international law, respectively, based on sovereignty, and the main force,
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which is driving states into the sco into brix is ​​the united states, which says that the world should be based on rules, that is , on those actual decisions that are constantly made and changed by international organizations, which are essentially controlled by american corporations, that’s what the sco became the center along with brix, here are two.
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something is wrong with us, the chinese will figure out who is a friend and who is, they figured it out a long time ago, and today we have been with the chinese for what, 30 years, and close relationships, today ours are only in within the framework of, say, sovereign belarus is sovereign, of course, i’m talking about sovereign, i’m talking today about modern belarus, and i want to tell you that our relations are called all-weather, i want to tell you that today we already have very... not only economic close ties, but today there is very close interaction at the level of the two parliaments, if you have observed, then
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quite recently the first meeting of a high-level committee took place in the people's republic of china, our parliamentary delegation was on a visit to china, quite such productive work took place, of course the goal, first of all, is at the level for... this interaction is to expand, so what duda is trying to say, as always, is to say something, well, listen to him, he will leave with nothing, so
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he left, yes, that’s why , well, about that, of course. have already figured it out, this is also the fact that we will literally soon become full members of the sco, of course, and you know that both china and russia, they are also organizations, members of the shanghai cooperation organization, we have big plans there, most importantly, that we are deciding very important economic tasks, first of all , new markets are opening up for us, and of course, security issues, which is also important, because we said here, as...
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outlined that we began to develop relations , we really clearly understood this chronology with china for a long time before it became fashionable, today we really have the exclusive status of an all-weather partner, joining the sco, without moscow, without beijing, it wouldn’t be, well, this revolution wouldn’t be so rapid, that’s our strength, that’s what makes us so attractive to in order to such giants attracted us; they have now become not the ninth, but the tenth shanghai organization. cooperation, well, look, well, it’s already a force, at least duda went to complain about lukashenko, to sidzenpin himself, can you imagine that some problems were created there by the migration crisis, and at the same time, believe me, no duda will be able to close these border grants -transition, this is already a priori understandable, because the conversation between senzimpin and duda was purely of this nature, more economic, less political, and xindenping made it clear: yes, we are ready to develop
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cooperation with poland, which is interested in this. because she wants to become the navel of this land, which is called the european part of our continent, but at the same time she clearly understands that by closing the passages here, she, together with belarus, becomes, and to the west can be a blank spot of transit, because belarus today is needed in general as the air of this poland turned out to be, in fact, for the interaction between the polish polish republic, and the chinese people's republic, exactly what was said sinzenpen is a very key phrase: i hope that poland will retain its status. first of all, the silk and intar roads, well, to which dudi could only shake his head, that yes, yes, in principle he agrees, i want to say that belarus, even in this situation, by and large, came out in a very advantageous position, firstly , i can say right away, everything that happens on the territory of belarus is controlled by the relevant authorities and structures, so we receive additional information, and as it turns out,
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western countries are interested in cooperating with us, including through our joining the shost. what does joining the shakkai cooperation organization mean to us? yes, it is clear that we have chosen the eastern vector. but we are becoming a truly important part, an important part of the eurasian community. and the eurasian community, today, is precisely those components that include, like the east, which we often talk about, that global south and this cooperation. it was right here it is said that, of course, there is still one organization.
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one can say, including thanks to joining the sho, it becomes, among other things, the center of world fair politics. they look at us, they take us into account, they respect us, and this is very expensive, all this will affect our, including
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socio-economic development, which was discussed here today, our security, this, to summarize, on the eve of day of independence, i would also like to say this, this is what it is, including our contribution, the contribution of those who lives today deals with these issues of ours, our foreign ministry for the first very president in strengthening sovereignty. independence of the republic of belarus. thank you, sergey mikhailovich, thank you very much for participating in this conversation. indeed, tomorrow is a wonderful holiday, independence day, 80 years of liberation of belarus and we, it seems to me, as a people, as a country, not just as a population, but as a people, a country, a nation, have adequately approached this wonderful holiday, so congratulations to everyone , thank you for the program, see you in a week, happily. for a moment i want to stop running to see how
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it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how our life is built from all these little things, i want to look at this world differently every day to discover for myself. something new, we are so interested in it, because we do it with love, with love from belarus.
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let's sum up the main results of the day, this is a panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, watch the episodes, stars emotions.


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