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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 13, 2024 1:10am-1:45am MSK

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chernyakhovsky was surrounded by up to 30 enemy divisions in the minsk cauldron. for outstanding services during the belarusian offensive operation, rakosovsky was awarded the title of marshal of the soviet union. at the final stage of the war, rakosovsky's second belarusian front participated in the east prussian, pameranian and berlin operations. june 24. 1945 marshal rakosovsky commanded the victory barad on red square in moscow. the most current events from the world of sports. 50 days before the start of the olympic games in paris , french authorities.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria. jordan, lebanon, tune in
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satellite dish satellite azerspace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. faral rainbow is the most promising species for growing under artificial conditions, it has been specially refined, it is one of the most productive species in uzvt, it is relatively viable and grows relatively quickly, in principle, we don’t need anything else, no matter what we do, this always made from...
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freshly caught fish, this is today, the trump card of the sucker is that the fish is environmentally friendly, of high quality and, most importantly, fresh. i am tkachov vasily, the chief fish breeder of the area for growing valuable fish species - the lakhva parel farm. what is the key to favorable success?
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initially, it consisted of one enterprise, four swimming pools, an administrative building and a garage; over time it expanded; today lakhva includes four complexes, three complexes for growing commercial fish, and also rearing of planting material in one complex in the city of gorka for the production of fry. before the establishment of the enterprise , no one had ever swam in retail chains except for live carp. in the aquariums there was foreign fish, fillets on ice. but for belarusian trout to be on the counter, and i think few people believed in it. today, all large chains in belarus carry live products in aquariums, as well as industrially processed products, that is, smoked, chilled, salted, and the
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like. growing trout is not easy, but such a segment is in demand anyway. we have occupied this niche and are developing. today in belarus there is rainbow trout produced in belarus. it all starts with the delivery of caviar. caviar comes to the fish-breeding-industrial complex in gorka. conventionally, this is the maternity hospital of our enterprise. incubation workshop. the eggs come here and are incubated. grows to a weight of approximately 0.2 g and is transferred to another workshop when it switches to active nutrition. our rma is highly productive, specially designed
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for the installation of a blocked type of water supply, that is, the meaning here is that the food should not decompose when it gets into... that is, if it fell there, it should retain this granule. each bath contains about 15-18 cubic meters of water. this workshop receives fish from the hatchery workshop. she is growing here, that is, from 0.2-03 g , active feeding gradually begins, accordingly we begin to feed her with compound feed, small granules. if suddenly a fish farmer notices that the fish has a weak appetite, accordingly, you need to sound the alarm and take correct solution. it is very important that there is light above the pools, because fish that
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are accustomed to the light, if you turn it off, they simply may not respond to food, well, it is very important to walk around the pool less so that the fish do not get stressed. and once again did not approach the person, at the moment the fish are being sorted, that is, the fry sorts the large ones from the small ones, why this is done so that there is no competition for food, that is, when there are large small fish in the same pool, the large ones create their own flock , simply does not give to small fish approach for food, and accordingly it becomes depleted. accordingly, they get sick, well, in the future they can die, therefore, at the stage up to 25 g, fish are constantly sorted, the concept of marketable fish is that it can be 250 g,
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and it can also be 1.5 kg, this and that is marketable fish, these are these three complexes kostyukovichi, bykhov and vishov, they are engaged in the production of marketable fish, well also... and the rearing of fry, we conditionally grow marketable fish, if it is 100 g, there is an application, accordingly it can be realized, from the moment the caviar arrives in the slides and it takes about 5 months to grow it to about 10 g, that is, and if we take the moment when we receive fish for growing or growing, that is, from 5 g until the end of the year we can grow about a kilo, 200 kilo, that is conventionally, by the second year you can have about 3 kg of farel. the specifics of production are such that you
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are constantly connected with nature, you see this living fish when you planted it, even with the fish farmers we plant fry of 5 g, but when you... well, there is some good feeling that this has happened grow one like this wonderful fish. always happy and positive , you look at the product in a good mood, it breathes something light, well, it’s nice to even hold it in your hands, so we try.
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parel is a cold-loving fish. our summers in belarus are quite warm and the water reaches 20°. that is, it is very important. that is, conditionally, if the pools were outdoors, in the summer one could have a lot of problems, starting with the temperature. feeding would come from this, we can absolutely create the conditions that we needed and which are needed for trout. in all areas, concrete pools are not located indoors; this was done for a reason. we present to your attention a typical pool for growing fish in a recirculation system, that is , it is one pool, its volume is 1,200 cubic meters of water. respectively, 700 cubic meters for keeping fish,
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and the rest turns out to be 400 cubic meters, this is process water, that is, it is a biofilter, a mechanical filter, due to the fact that the module is located in an indoor pool, so our average water temperature is 10-12°, in the summer, it conventionally reaches 14, which is good,
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technology is the key to future success, to grow carp, you need to have not only good water, also specialized food, here ordinary carbine feed is not suitable for carp, there is food for ras, that is, what is it for food, it is very poorly soluble in water, has low dust content, and most importantly contains the necessary micro and macroelements, as well as the presence of a large amount of protein. day we are conducting an experiment with belarusian food, we are looking at how it will behave in
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ras conditions, and if the experiment goes well, we will use belarusian feed for feeding. at each site of the lakhva trout farm , there can be about 100-120 tons of fish at a time, if something is violated somewhere, 30 minutes are enough for... the trout to fall asleep in the pool, this is monitored by certain sensors, and a diesel station, oxygen, if any one aspect may... be missing, accordingly it will pull another, this is important, so personnel decides everything, we see - the cleaning system of this pool, that is, what is present is a biological filter, most importantly, there is also a mechanical filter that removes feces, fish waste products,
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respectively, when working with a mechanical filter, waste sediments go into the sewer system and... settling tanks, so we have a replacement water per day is about 10-15%, we monitor sanitary standards, that is , we carry out preventive maintenance twice a month in order not to create an overgrowth of various microflora of all kinds of parasites, well, here we have little choice, we use table salt from... we are trying experimental baths for keeping and holding fish, that is, today we are trying to raise fry here, there are nuances, but we are working on them so that
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there are conditionally favorable growing conditions for planting material. we started working at this enterprise when it first appeared, in principle no one knew how to handle trout, what he knew was offered, and somehow conditionally, we began to feed, and something grew, and over time it appeared we have some experience. cherepovsky district, where the breeding stock will be kept, eggs will be incubated and planting material will be grown. thanks to this complex, we will be able not to depend conditionally on buying caviar abroad, but to produce our own caviar, that is , to take caviar from our own females; when
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production had just begun, we began to try to sell. fish in nets, when there was an offer to the store to buy belarusian trout, well, people could not understand how they could bring live fish into the aquarium, of course there were moments, the stores were not ready accept it, you can’t put 150 kg of trout in a 300 liter aquarium, like carp, so there were times when fish died in stores because the aeration was incorrect. the water temperature was wrong, but little by little we settled in minsk, then we moved to other cities, a couple of years ago we already started transporting fish to brest, on the site in kosich there is a
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fish processing workshop, live fish comes there, just caught from the pool from overexposure. and accordingly it is processed, in the fish processing plant we we produce finished products from our rainbow trout, the fish comes to us live, we work on request, we produce cold smoked, hot smoked, chilled fish, frozen, preserved fish, caviar, salted fish, our fish products are as healthy as possible, because that no food additives are added, all fish is smoked on alpha chips, and no preservatives are used, the processing process takes a minimum of time, it’s about 12-14 hours, this is good because the client receives
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a high-quality product, fresh, always fresh. we have fish straight from the oven, in order to choose the right fish, it must have a head, that is, by the head you can always determine the quality of the fish, why some manufacturers sell fish without a head, you can no longer determine what quality your fish is , only after defrosting it at home, conditionally, fresh fish, it will always be dense, when pressed it will return to its original shape. and if it’s not quite fresh, you press it, this dent remains, we release chilled fish, which is very is in demand, we produce, by machine in a modified gas environment, fillet steaks, which immediately go to the buyer, then at mgs we do hot smoking, we produce
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cold smoking, these are headless, back, side, the fish is very tasty and is very popular, in demand, we produce vacuum packed salted fillet. caviar, we also have preserves in our range, the fish grown at the enterprise is a pure product, natural feed is used, no additives, uh, it’s tasty and healthy, it contains a lot of vitamins, omega-3, acids, a lot protein, which is very beneficial for the body. after some time of establishing the farm, but to this day, there is a feeling of joy that a project that was done and
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no one believed in it, today there is a full-fledged farm that produces marketable fish that is present on store shelves. trout production is a new thing, relatively speaking, we just started producing trout 10 years ago, there is something for science to strive for, because it is possible to develop various drugs in...
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scientific support is provided in solving some production problems, building new password complexes, and this also takes place with our
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participation. a student who has already come to us, we cannot tell him, but that is, if he did not sleep during his studies, he can teach us a lesson about growing fish. educational laboratory of the department. is equipped with several closed water supply installations, these are small exact models of exactly the real closed water supply installations, and just according to the installation system of the lock water supply all trout complexes operate, including the lakhva trout farm, so students already in class learn how such installations work, what main elements are included, what components are available and how to work with them, how to maintain them? if you look around belarus, there are also directors who are graduates of the belarusian state academy,
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and let’s not even go far, i myself graduated from industrial fish farming. i chose my future profession because i had a hobby from childhood: fishing, my hobby i i haven’t abandoned it, although you seem to see it every day with fish, but i also don’t miss the opportunity to go to the river on a day off, to hunt, in particular for...
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our rainbow trout, if you compare it with imported fish, what is different with us, this is firstly the price, the price of foreign fish is almost twice as expensive, foreign fish, basically what it is, is chilled or salted, smoked, almost no one makes smoked fish from salmon, we can conditionally
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make smoked fish from our own fish... chemistry has reached such a level that thanks to chemical processes it is possible to produce food for both animals and humans, that is, to occupy a niche of a product with high quality - this is a very big deal today. you still have to believe in yourself, in your country, and the prepositional approach, with technology and with the right work, you can achieve a lot, we hope that in the future the products of the lakhva trout farm will also have a solar quality mark, as conventionally our meat and dairy products. and
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i would like the concept of red fish to leave belarus as a product of some kind of festive feast, so that it would be, if not every evening, well, twice a week or every thursday on the tables of our residents.
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i am a belarusian, i belong to this cossack land, where the forests and bushes of the past have lived for centuries, i am a belarusian, i am born in this name, and the good glory of belarus is known forever, i'm belarusian, i'm happy, what 's the matter with me i gave that i can smell the songs of my relatives and close ones. i am a belarusian, and even though i am small today, i will say, i will come from a tribe of pakorns, and i will never give a damn, an event that will go down in the history of the sovereign
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belarus is ours. the country became a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization. bet on cooperation. belarusian enterprises are participating in the state program for updating electric transport in russian cities. new significant results. the sixteenth belarusian antarctic expedition has been completed. and all the flowers of july festival vitebsk invites the slavic bazaar. the program of the event in the lapo studio is live. hello. a day that went down in our history. belarus has become.
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membership of the republic of belarus in the shanghai cooperation organization has been accepted. dear alexander grigorievich, i sincerely congratulate you. i am sure that today will become a bright page in the history of belarus. president of belarus alexander lukashenko, speaking at the summit, thanked his colleagues for the unanimous decision to support our country in its desire to join the organization. i indicated the direction that. the belarusian state intends to pay increased attention as a full member of the sco. we are deeply convinced that in the 21st century it is necessary to build genuine and indivisible global security. at the same time, the initiative should
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take over the countries of the global majority, since the narcissistic, selfish west was not capable of this. there today. outside the region of responsibility of the sco. the answer is that everyone will benefit, including the challenges in the global policy of unity; the president of belarus called on the leaders of world powers to do this, and also proposed a number of concrete steps towards
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creating a greater eurasia. one of them is the further promotion of settlements in national currencies. another proposal from belarus to adopt the eurasian charter diversity and multipopularity in the 21st century. idea. the creation of such a dialogue platform arose in minsk at a specialized conference, and today it is an annual forum on regional security. belarus considers it as an alternative to the munich conference. joining the shanghai cooperation organization is a serious achievement for belarus, which will help boost economic development. it is clear that indeed one of the main export goods of belarus is food, so this is of interest. well, if we talk about the economy as a whole, then i would be here. more, for example, i paid attention to investments, which are also one of the priorities within the sco, and secondly, transport flows are not working, and the expansion of these transport corridors, north, south,
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west-east, chairmanship in the shanghai organization is passing to china, in the twenty- fifth year the summit will be held in china, it has been announced that belarusian enterprises are participating in the state program for updating urban electric transport in volgograd, what is known about this? the region will have safe and high-quality roads as part of the project passenger equipment is being updated, focusing on environmental friendliness. for volgograd , comfortable urban transport is a key condition for improving the quality of life. belarusian trolleybuses with autonomous capabilities are already operating on the city streets. the authorities are considering the possibility of new supplies. this city on the volga, like minsk, was literally wiped off the face of the earth during the great patriotic war. but he managed to be reborn from the ashes. and today. 80 years later, we are fighting shoulder to shoulder again, but on the economic front. most of vehicles have been supplied to belarus, including electric vehicles using gas engine fuel, and they are already operating here. in addition,
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we, of course, are discussing with our partners questions about participation in this serious program for the modernization of belarusian enterprises that operate directly on environmentally friendly fuels, such as...


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