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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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belarus russia was the first international event in our country in 2 and a half years; a lot of efforts were made by many ministries to organize it. exclusive interviews with athletes. here in russia at the brix games everything works like at the olympics. we have a common village where we can meet representatives of other sports. it was not an easy path to victory for me, but i am happy that everything worked out. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 20.4 tv channel. natalya alexandrovna, if you had the opportunity to meet any historical character, who would it be and what would you ask him? without a doubt.
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my guest is a unique personality, she knows how to tell about the past in such a way that it changes the present and influences the future, she twists the plot in historical detective stories and spins the intricate twists and turns of the past in documentary series, how she manages to do it, now we’ll find out, today my guest is a writer :
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in order to combine philology, beautiful language, style, with historical facts, events that take on this form, this is how life has come to be. natalya aleksandrovna, history is an exact science, there are exact dates, exact facts, but television documentaries are still in it... the picture or, let’s say, it
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prevails over the semantic content, that ’s how you managed to try one with the other and it didn’t arise do you have any internal conflicts, when the historian inside you argued with the screenwriter, but no, you absolutely correctly said a very wise phrase, and i repeat it constantly, history is the most exact science. where there is a specific historical fact, where there are specific historical heroes, another thing is that we like to ideologize images, heroes, events and so on, so in order to try, as you say, one with the other, and one with the other, you must clearly understand that history is a specific historical fact that does not allow any freedom...
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the historical situation, there are historical events, they themselves dictate the era, the time, in this historical...
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the writer to immerse this particular episode in a specific historical era, into the social environment, and show those historical heroes who acted , accomplished, positively, acted negatively and so on, so i wouldn’t consider reconciliation as sitting there inventing something. here is an event, here are heroes, here is a document, and i’m probably anticipating your question, but i want to say that it’s very important, well, what ’s different about historical science, too, a scientist,
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he doesn’t have the right to open a folder, but to get some kind of document, and there are a lot of documents there, when a person does not know... to analyze all the components, having broken down this session, we can say yes, then it’s impossible to take it out of context just like that, but it’s impossible to take it out of context, unfortunately, but here it happens, my
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life is generally divided into two components, this is before and after, this is an archive, work in archives, and after analysis. from which the plots, images, themes that we offer are made up, and you see that these themes have not yet been sounded, these themes have been sounded, but they were ideologized, or they sounded in a generally expressed form, you know, this is a very big job , do you remember your debut film, is it all then it worked out, and you know, i sort of smoothly approached my participation.
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everything, you know, but one could say that well , the partisans again, yes, a lot has already been said about them,
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in this film we looked at the partisan movement from the point of view of german documents, german archives, in this cycle the partisan line, each episode is recent declassified fund 30 of the ministry of defense archive of german documents, how did they evaluate? with the plot, no, here, natalya aleksandrovna,
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you are a screenwriter, you have worked and are working in completely different genres, this and television, this is documentary, this is fiction, is it possible to talk about different principles of work, in these genres, well , the principle is one, this is...
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presentation, and the actor reveals his talents there, another, so there is an adjustment, but within the framework of the script, filming and writing about real people, is this your principled position or do you still allow some kind of fiction ? and this depends on the work, and let’s say, two of my books, which, well, aroused, so to speak, sufficient interest.
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a high-tech republic with a developed industry, with enterprises, giants, with a nuclear power plant and so on, this is the period from the end of the forties, until 65, when the republic, thanks to its leadership, created its unique industrial, scientific potential and social sphere, no deviations.
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and there is a format, for example, the same kamiya solidat, a military historical detective story, and where there are historical characters and fictional heroes who are the center line, which in general help to reveal the time, the era of the event. are there any topics that are forbidden for you, facts that you try to avoid when creating a script? you know, these may be the facts, little studied.
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yes, in my opinion, we have only just come to the solution and some deep-seated processes of the origin of this operation, the conduct of this operation, yes, so we, perhaps, for the audience it will be a surprise, or someone will accept, someone, so to speak , well, he will condemn, not without that, we took the path to look at this phenomenon, not only based on new, newly declassified documents, i once again...
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success of the operation and show that the operation is not only the liberation of belarus, minsk - it is a set of unique, separate operations united by a single plan, the fifth stalinist blow, after which nazi germany could no longer recover. and... you are not only a screenwriter, but also an author of historical novels, including detective stories, what prompted you to take up writing? well, i don’t know, every person... is born with something, comes into this world, and well, god gave, as they say, and such a passion for creativity, so i’m with it
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i live life freely, but all this happens in parallel, being in party work and in the civil service, in the diplomatic service, all the time i wrote this state of mind as a need, that’s why the choice was a historian from the faculty of philology, of course. what i lacked in science, in literature, therefore, if science is a monograph or scientific articles, and what i did not read,
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you know, if i was still there in my early twenties, in 2006 i published a huge article, collaborators, what kind of independence they stood for, when we seemed to they treated me carefully, yes, that’s what got me, and i wrote, who?
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you, of course, creative inspiration, new, interesting stories, and also that you always have the opportunity to somehow stop, look around, look around, smile at this sun, feel happy, thank you, thank you, thank you, this was the meaning of natalia’s life dove. at one time, everyone, without exception, played with construction sets, cars or dolls, but has anyone ever thought about how this is done, simply destroying stereotypes, turn on belarus 24 and you find out who works on creating toys.
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grown-up guys, we all play with construction sets here, we play with cars, what materials they are made from, i decided to bite a little on one granule, of course i didn’t swallow it, because this is strictly forbidden, i want to tell you, but in my opinion everything is natural, everything safe, you see, alive and well, how many toys does a child need to be happy, we have such a saying, you can’t have too many toys, any child will confirm this, he made it from idea to store shelf. toys together on belarus 24, already this saturday we will arrange a master class , we will show how it is done, your husband has been cheating on you for a long time, dear, this is for you, happy anniversary, just tell her yourself who you love, please leave and stop, i’m saying crazy, don’t bother attention, i recognized her voice, it was she who called me, hello, gleb,
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can you come up to me? my door to my apartment is open, i’m just afraid that someone is there. olga krylova? yes, it's me, and who are you? from the thirty-first hospital you are worried, your husband is with us. olga krylova? yes. then this bouquet is for you. if it's you sent a bouquet, then leave me and my husband alone. understood? well, let's say the roses are not dry at all. yes, and something is wrong, i don’t see something. i think you should see a doctor, and she had a mother too. the same 20 years ago he came out of the window, help, how do you feel, how many fingers am i showing, this is not misha, who are you, watch the series rose and thistle on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work ahead , it’s time to understand and feel your information
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enemy, and this is primarily with... ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. the international non-governmental organization reporters without borders has presented its new ranking of the world press freedom index. ukraine ranks 61st, and belarus. and russia 167 and 162, respectively, lithuania - three, latvia - 12. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there at least one portal, russian or belarusian? no, they were cleared right here after one, if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are in the dock . alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon, ksenia lebedeva’s opinion on the policy of double standards in the project is different.
9:00 am
live news in the studio sergei lopanitson, hello, watch the episode. the maximum red level of weather danger in belarus due to the heat, the air will heat up to +37°. belarus was able to reduce the flow of illegal migrants. diplomats responded to false accusations of poland, latvia or.


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