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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 13, 2024 4:40pm-6:05pm MSK

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they support you at some competitions, they allow you to develop, this is what is remembered most of all, and of course, in my memory from school times, i can’t say that there is a lot of this, but from student times i have direct memories , maybe maybe someday i’ll even write some memoirs. do you have an unfulfilled childhood dream, what is it? i probably wasn’t such a dreamer, and today i probably can’t even say what i’m dreaming about, well, globally, i’ve already talked about the world, of course. because we still lived at a time when everything were friends around, but no, i wouldn’t even tell you what my practical dream was, although i can tell you one, but again christina will scold me for it, we have two guys and i really want a girl, and you have a favorite place in vitebsk, where you want to constantly come, think, well, yes, i have a favorite place, it’s called assumption hill, where our cathedral stands, here i am...
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because your umbilical cord is still in vitebsk, and where would you i wasn’t, you still want to go back there, i love you very often and maybe you really come there to say that vitebsk, it is not the best, it is not the worst, it is the only one, because when the lord created, it seems to me, our belarus, well, or the universe, the one who... believes in god, created belarus, then vitebsk and the vitebsk region were responsible for the soul. we may not be as fertile as others in terms of soil fertility, but all our spiritual heritage is in the vitebsk region. after all, you can probably say francis skarina, efrasinya of polotsk, and even marc chagalov, kazimir maleevich, repin, everyone was drawn to it, and some were born here in vitebsk. and today we paid a lot of attention to the slavic bazaar. it seems to me that the slavic bazaar is now largely responsible for the soul of our belarusian people. this signal means that the time for
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asking questions to the hero has expired. gleb, now you have to choose the best question of this program? i want to name the best question of this program, it came from this sector, they were talking about my wife, how you asked the question, what is the strangest habit of your wife that you think is cute? here cute this habit, thank you very much for this question, with which you... revealed, probably, not only that gleb lopitsky is the director of the slavic bazaar cultural center there and so on, but that gleb lopitsky is an ordinary person, who also wants to be loved, he loves, but in my wife i see this reciprocity, this is the most important thing in our lives. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question actually receives a memorable gift from our guest. go out onto the site.
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question: we talked a lot today about values, so i would like to know from you guys, what is the most important value for each of you? very good question. and my most important value is family, love and trust, without this it will be very difficult, and for me the most important value is that everyone is peaceful, friendly, for me the greatest value is the support and feelings of people, the most important value for a person - it should be a family of mutual understanding, when you are valued, loved, respected and accepted only for who you are, it seems to me, most
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first of all , human life is of great value, because each of us is an artist of his day and his life. it's time to say goodbye to our audience. i sincerely thank you all for this meeting. i wish that every day of your life brings you only positive things and that when you complete each day, you understand that tomorrow you will do much more. thank you very much. so, member of the council of the republic of the national assembly, director of the slavic bazaar. today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to platform. gleb, how do you like our children's audience? i won’t hide that i was very worried, because you don’t always communicate with a children’s audience, but i really liked it. what question was unexpected for you today? i wouldn't say there were any unexpected questions. but it was clear
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that the guys delved into the biography very well, today you managed to answer 83 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come, yes, but i will try to answer at least... i am addressing our audience, do you think, that our hero today was as frank as possible with you, whoever thinks so, raise your hand, first of all, the man seemed extremely sincere to me, i am a person far from creative, but at the same time he managed to somehow awaken in me an interest in our culture country, he charged me with positivity, and i think that he also charged all the children who... are sitting here with positivity, i saw how his eyes lit up when he talked to us, from his stories you could hear how much he loves vitebsk, his work, in fact, after his story, i want to go to the slavic bazaar even more, but in my opinion, gleb plapitsky
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was honest with us, but not completely. why did you think that gleb lopitsky was not completely honest, as you said? he hid, how to say, school life. and who else thinks that our guest today was a little disingenuous and didn’t say something? raise a hand. so, there is only one opinion. we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. today i also tried to answer almost every question make it complete, but my most important conclusion is probably what we talked about for most of ours today. program, i really want you all, you, dear friends, you, dear presenters and you, dear tv viewers, to invite you to come to the slavic bazaar, so that you not only now hear what we live there and what we do, but see with your own eyes. i was a guest today on the program 100
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questions for adults, see you in a week. see next issue. so, we welcome our guest, the rector of the belarusian state university computer science and electronics. why study to be a programmer now, if everything can be written by artificial intelligence, all the specialists earn a lot, is this true or a myth? why do our programmers go to work abroad? it is believed that all girls want to marry etish men, do you agree with this? 100 questions for an adult.
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in braslava, the azers are blue like the sky in the early days, which is in the right of the racing forest, at the beginning of the glowing
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dawns, washing creatures and light, and the fall of troubles is known, the rising azers are enchanting woven i'm smiling at the sun, look for yourself never from the pestilence, the bottom, which is gilded with gold, and from their end, the accumulated azers, like not every year, with pain, so i want to sustrezta, so that there will be a break.
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between the swamps of the wastelands of the belarusian land on the shores of a fast-flowing river, a monument to the days that are gone, flown away, a moss-covered mound eternal, clouds in the sky have passed, maybe a thousand times, thunderstorms beat from edge to edge, it stands on display like human memory, only there is a legend going around.
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masheka, don’t be afraid, masheka, forgive me for whatever you want, be careful, masheka, drag me to the bottom can. i have a lyubava, you have a merman, i don’t have a merman, the mermaid is a waterwoman, a forest maiden, you won’t live here forever, you won’t live here for a week, go into the deep water, but the blue is high,
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you are behind the forests, martens, for swamp ore, but i don’t ask lyasa for anything, and the monster doesn’t care about me, masheka, if you meet a monster in the forest. say that lyubava will outlive you.
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masheka, masheka, there is trouble in your house.
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take away from my father all the sorrows and illnesses, pains and aches, lessons and prizes, evil thinness. take me to an open field in the blue sea trampling mud, beyond the quicksand swamp, beyond the pine forest, beyond the aspen tyn.
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i saw the sky as a painted canvas. the hour has come, you must not die, remember,
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masheka, the village came from our root, from the ancestor of tretyak. everything here is ours, water, stones, trees, take love, the children of the people, teach them to honor the covenants of their fathers, man is strong by family, tribe, will and native place.
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what do you call your village, tretyakov grove, the blacksmith, i heard about prince vcheslav, i heard him prowling through the forests like a fierce lynx, i heard the ringing, i look like a beast.
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whom are you seeing off, my father, a good cup, you i forged it for my father on the road, i will take you away from the castle, and you will forge copper gates for the new temple. who are you wearing, my bride, your royal bride, a blacksmith, you will never be late for your wedding, and a full wallet will not bother the groom.
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“how are you doing, well done, good fellows, my brother, faithful servants, why did you call us, well done ivan, you should be the senior guard, hmm, golyash is older than me.” there is a place for him, if oles leaves, you value golyash inexpensively, he looks like a commander, the prince grabbed him, and i called you because...
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nights, with him two bodyguards, it seemed to them something more often, they left the path and beckoned the prince to follow them, but then what happened? further, they searched for prince vseslav in the forest for a long time, when they found a knife sticking out in his back, this one, you have always been faithful servants, and this knife is someone else’s. vagrant, prince vsislav’s clever bird, you don’t know what he’s chattering, stop,
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brother vsislav believes me, but you can’t dance between two fires for long. khinas, do this, this one will be executed, and this one will be executed, i know, but oh, prince! you have to serve, why are they, your hands are covered in blood, like an animal you lay in wait for my servants in the forest for prey
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roads, and i’m building a temple for you, i’ll dress the dome in gold, i’ll put up a gilded cross, aren’t you christians, isn’t my temple, not your temple, blind them... “thank you for life, prince! you are kind, prince, with one hand you are building a temple, another you are tearing two skins from me, you are bargaining with me, and you counted how many times you turned to me for help, how many times i fought for you with fierce enemies, you counted my wounds, wounds, you made me a robber, i will be blindly strangle your servants and rob your merchants, dog! i don’t see it, i feel it, flog him.
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stop, stop, hold him!
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“woe to me in his lair, there’s blood on the scaffold at the guard’s gate, i’m sad for you , we’ll take you to the castle on the way back! it’s not going anywhere.
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untie me, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, where are you from, where did you come from, i’m not there, run , get in, blacksmith , masheka, before the princely dogs return, don’t forget to forge a battle axe, masheka, why do i need it, but the hour is unequal
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, i cut off the straps, i’m not used to straps, i’m free, free, we’ll fasten you to the saddle,
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wait for us. in the hunting house, brother vseslav the lodges were spread wider, another wedding night, dear sister, cuckoo.
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since you couldn’t kill, you will love more deeply.
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qayerda, nima, nima bo'ldi. stay happy, beauty, saddle the third horse. maybe we’ll try to support her, it will be necessary, you’ll hold her,
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hey, where are you going, and why are you there? you’re standing here, i’m guarding the entrance, but the gates are open, so i ’ll guard them, yeah, that’s how it would be, you ’re guarding the gates, but you’re not guarding the entrance, it turns out like this, what should you do in the castle, i’m going to the temple of god, well, get out, so judge, they will build a temple and close the gates, i’d better go through now, the gate is open, and you are here, i understand, well
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, look, masheka, masheka, come here, oh, look, what a master he is, he just ruined the gate, look how you are, well, get out of here, get away, i say, get away, not like that it will be bad, but what is this one shouting about... sha, oh, good man, judge us, come here, prince sislav, prince dimitri, their sister, the one in turov, and her child,
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child, yes, she i haven’t been under the crown yet, i haven’t been, so it will be, the gates won’t stand for a year, sons. you are not there, you don’t remember me, one fussy little man, he made the prince of vitebsk friendly, he denounced the guslar, his hands were in vain they won’t cut me off, once i touched the scum, my hand became stained, i had to cut it off. masheka, hurry up, trouble has come to your house, you didn’t watch out, lyubava, wait, wait, wait, wait, arrow, you ’re without a tip, what are you, what are you, colleague, shouting under your arm, there was an arrow with a tip, who
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knows, the arrow flew away.
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what's in my house? but nothing in the house, everything was as it was, the prince of lyubava took him away, and you, my friends , were guarding the house, wolf, wolf, take me with you , i’ll become your brother, wolf-wolf, wolf, wolf, take me with you, i’ll become your brother, wolf, wolf, wolf, take me with you, i will become your brother, wolf.
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let me go, let me go to tretyakov’s grove, don’t torture me to please yourself, you won’t be happy, evil comes from evil, you’ll destroy me. you yourself will perish, my mother’s palm, takes away all troubles, even saved you from your hand.
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no, i burned tretyakov’s grove, i won’t let a hair fall from your head, you will be my wife, a princess. when i was young, i also looked at the earth and into the waters, but now i want to look at the sky, my debtors walk on the earth, bright prince. our lord, barvin will have transportation today,
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give me an axe, here is my axe, the ax is not from me.
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who are you, i’m a blacksmith, and you’re a thief, you knew that the house was without an owner, so what? if the owner would do, he would kill you, leave him, give him a sword,
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why should a left-handed person ring bells in his head? it’s okay, i’ll wait, what’s wrong with him, sveslav, to kill him here or rot in the basement, let him go, he walked, walked, nothing. reported on you,
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for which your hand was cut off, for the song of two black puppies in the river and says: you will swim out, you will be faithful dogs, and the puppies... turned out to be smart, they thought, well, why would a dog like that have dogs, so the beaver tribe came from them , will you come with me, no, you want to nurse your misfortune alone, to the joy of the prince all the glory,
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he hits me on the head like a beast. go to the people, a man is strong in his family, his tribe, mary, mary! if you want all the glory back, persuade her.
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why are not you sleeping? light the candles. maria, i have one dream. it’s like they tied me to a pine tree, fortunately, it’s scary in the forest, but here it’s even more scary, but here there’s something to
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be afraid of, i’m not the only stranger here. it won’t leak, neither alive nor dead, look how many keys there are, i know all the secret doors, if you want i’ll find masheyka, i’ll bring you to you, i’ll hide you together, to console the soul, well... they will kill him here!
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they brought you like a forest girl, unwashed, i thought they would give you as a groom. what a princess i have become, because of you i am now like a beaten dog. tears come out, pain sits in your heart,
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witch, you, witch, little moshes are enough for you, fame has bewitched everything, i’m like a thorn in your eyes, you hate me, i didn’t choose my own fate, they took me by force. you would tear me apart like dogs, but vseslav won’t let me! what do you want, dimitri, our roads have converged, and i want to help you, get into
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the castle, in his clothes, how tall are you and him? the same, he will hide you in the chapel, in the chapel and you will kill vseslav, behind the fence. he will be waiting for you as a neighboring horse, and lyubava is a nun dressed, and lyubava is in an agreement, yes, he is waiting for you, why doesn’t he kill himself, everyone knows that he is my man, what can you say, the circle, in my opinion, is a worthwhile thing. and you can deceive your son andrey, and i’ll keep quiet, think about your bride,
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remember how vsislav interfered with you with dirt, andrey, who is this, this is a prince, prince, prince, he’s still in disguise, he has no power from that, he’s sitting in front of me and thinks he will make me masheka will be the prince and i will catch them all like sheep, strangle them one by one, and put masheka on a stake, the one who cut off your hand committed a great sin, you should have had your head.
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prince vseslav let vashka go, he knows better, but i, but i am for everything. where is he hiding, what is he up to? tyguser a lot, you know, he knew, you are his guide, he knew, but he forgot everything, there is a need for a canopy on the platform, autumn is angry, windy, people have become wiry, this... is no good, there is no one to help, and looking at everything is like execution, what fun, the snake, he also
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fed instead of his brother, but we have concern simple, get a salary, keep your eyes open, it’s dark in your soul, ivan, hello, masheka, and you are a kind person. “hello, what a joy this is, you forgive me, if what happened between us, and what happened, it’s true nothing, well , i was strict with you, so i myself was involuntarily, and now i’m free, free, they let me go on all four sides, gathered again, went away, tramps, homeless people, what do you want?” you'll break the neck of some greenie in the forest on the other side, and we
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live on the prince's side, because of you, mashek, my son, fyodor in the yoke they took me away, in the yoke who betrayed me, i am alone, like a dried up tree, i live only for him, return my son mashek to me, free him. how much vira does the prince have to pay for a murdered slave? there were four coins, but now there are five, they have become more expensive, which means i am paying for you.
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i didn’t give away all the glory, okay, okay, i didn’t give it away, i didn’t give away fyodor, and i didn’t give away andrey, son of a dog. you're not even worth a hryvnia,
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give me a cross, get lost, guideless bastard! hey, don’t offend a person, ah, alms, ah, welcome, the beast runs to the catcher, good catcher! free fedor, free fedor,
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the circle praises. blind, blind, where? but he is alive and lying, and what will remain for me? well, the goblin, this one
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escorted me to the platform, and this one... gouged out my eyes, we will assign punishment, as you say, it will be so, let the executioner execute olesya. i’m a warrior, and you lured me in like a thief, a warrior says, then stay with us, i don’t serve two masters, give him a sword, don’t be wise masheka, we’ll finish him all off here.
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don't come near me ! you will leave when you can, i won’t force him, let him go, i won’t go anywhere,
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i’ll stay with you. we've been waiting for you, we're stuck on the thresholds, prince, look, masheko, he should be protecting us at the castle, they brought you weapons.
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i’ve had you for a long time, but i don’t understand. do you love or so, i submitted, i’m scared, i’m afraid of everything, rustles, dreams, steps, but you’re not afraid of my brother, he
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wishes me death, i imagined you, dmitry, a meek brother. it's not a mere illusion, his eyes give him away. and the forest rabble wants to live without a prince.
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vseslav, it’s not my fault, it’s not my fault, it’s not
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my fault, i’m offended, humble the noble servant who was next to you. and you easily believed the word, your conscience is torturing you, are you afraid of death? "i'm afraid why you hate me, i also a son of a prince, who lives by my will, who needs me, i want everyone to fall at my feet, buffoons, warriors, fools, wise men, and
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trees , birds! i hear him, then i see him, and i’m in the middle of nowhere, or someone else, his face is bright, blissful, he’s always looking at the sky, and i’m looking down at him, nose in the dirt, so that he can smell his mother’s earth, and you ’re rightfully standing on my path, that’s all your right is that your mother gave birth to you first, to be a prince in the basement among the rats, vsislav journey!
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- this is not only an acquaintance with history and sights. konstantin mikhailovich lived in this forest village for 12 years, here he learned to read and write, this is the place about which the national poet talks about the life of his own family. travel is an opportunity to try something new. we have such a tradition, dear lord, all for this taroshka.
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you can’t see it, because an evil spirit will move into the doll, but it’s dangerous, look in the project, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. am i going right, misha, why are you mishenka do you lead your guide on a rope? targets, all roads are known!
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what about him? this is him, his misfortune, nanny! what a problem, clubfoot! the bear fell in love with the hare, why, you, clumsy, can’t cope with the hare, he’s kind.
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masheka, kill me, it’s too late, it’s too late, there’s blood for me masheka, no, no, turn back her former love time with the sword. if you don’t turn around, damn you, get pregnant, prince, defend yourself,
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take it. you became a beast, slept on the ground, hid yourself in the sky, why did you mistake a hand-held club for a bird, and you groan in your soul, and forgot about human grief, you did you think? how many souls go with you, they believe in you, the father’s testament, remember, remember,
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masheka, from our roots, from the ancestor of tretyak, the village came, here everything is ours, water, stones, trees, they can’t make us out of us, tomorrow we will go on an attack, contact. because of me, everything is ashes. grief,
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blood, you cursed me, so kill me, i am not your judge or executioner, the blood is not because of you. “tear off his clothes, deprive him of bread and shelter, and he will not lose money, he will sing a song to warm himself up, he is rich, but
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i am no longer with you...” evil is unkind, there is nothing to help you, lord, the earth is great.
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a parent came to me, asked to show his grandchildren, do you have any grandchildren, i tell him, tertikova grove is asking, there is no tertikova grove, and there are no people, he asks, people are with me, the soldiers are standing under the walls, so burn it, level it. out of the ground, prince's nest, otherwise you will have no freedom, no dishonor!
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save me, o god, i will build a temple. eternal to you forever.
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our lord, bright prince, dimitri, accept, prince, the sword of all glory, they sent for the blacksmiths, prince, be merciful. lord, lord, it’s finally happened!
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masheka, masheka, masheka, andrey, andrey, andrey, mashek. masheka, i was looking for masheka, on the battlefield, i thought i would meet
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a living person, eyes. “i’ll look in, but i had to cover my eyes, that you’re burying him, neither a spear, nor a sword, nor an arrow takes him, they didn’t kill him, you hear, they didn’t kill him, he’s alive.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives with today on the belarus 24 tv channel , this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with... on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq,
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kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia. syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellitepace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast. form and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. the hot suffering is still ahead, the harvest is already in my head. this year it is not bad, it will be our gold and foreign currency reserves. new dairy complexes too. work for a food safety net, from we will not move away from the complexes, the world and the economy are not becoming simpler, but belarusian exports are growing, we are moving to the east and not only more actively,
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we are working on the far arc, by the end of the year this will be felt even more. how is the belarusian economy doing today? well, he feels confident, quite. there is no extra money, but i don’t mind people’s health, a new fork is a gift to the residents of derzhinsk, this is so that we take care of our... health, and most importantly, so that our children have the opportunity to play sports. today the enterprise implements all technological stages, from the production of high-strength steel to the production of finished products. bmz - steel support of belarus. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. formation, a twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk in
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the company of our guides, find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also propose projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the project: watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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