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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 14, 2024 1:00am-2:19am MSK

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since you couldn’t kill, you will love more deeply. hayda, nima, nima bo'ldi?
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stay happily, beauty, the saddle of the third horse, can strive to support her on... will, hold it, we are talking about the most fascinating from the world of science, however, every 5 years new studies appear that say that
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the ancient greeks used, they rubbed olive skin was the first to think about sun protection using oil, but as you understand, this did not solve the problem, we have simulator robots that tactilely, the skin feels like a person’s, who blink their eyes, their pupils react to light, we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. wow, radiation, why are we so afraid of it, because it is precisely this radiation that penetrates year-round, both in winter and summer , through the clouds, and reaches the dermis of our skin as deeply as possible, and has its own damaging effect there. watch in the science nearby project on the tv channel. belarus
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24, hey, where are you going, why are you standing here, i’m guarding the entrance. so the gates are open, so i ’ll guard them, yeah, so you would guard the gates, and not guard the entrance, it turns out like this, and what should you do in the castle, i’m going to the temple of god, well, get out of here, you’ll come when the temple is built, so you judge, they’ll build the temple,
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they’ll close the gates, i’d better go through now, the gates are open, and you’re here, i understand, well look, masheka, masheka, well, come here, look, what a master he is, he just ruined the project, look how you are, well, get out of here, get away, i say, get away, it won’t be so bad, but why is this soul screaming, oh, good man , judge us, come here. prince
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sislav, prince dimitri, their sister in turov, and her child, child? yes, she's down the aisle i haven’t been yet, i haven’t been, it will be so, the gates haven’t stood for a year, you have no value, you don’t remember me, one fussy little man made friends with the prince of vitebsk, denounced the gusliur, and you! it’s in vain that they won’t cut off my hands, once i touched the filth, my hand became stained, i had to cut it off, mashka, hurry up, trouble came to your house, you didn’t stop, stop, stop, arrow, you
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have no tip, why are you shouting at your hand, was there an arrow with a tip? who knows, the arrow flew away.
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what's in my house? and nothing in the house, everything was as it was. prince lyubava took away, and you, my friends, are home guarded? lyubava? wolf, wolf, take me with you, i will become your brother. varnish, wolf, wolf, take me with you, i will become your brother, wolf, wolf, take me with you, i will become your brother, wolf.
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let me go, let me go to the third grove, don’t torture me to please you, you won’t be happy, evil comes from evil, if you destroy me, you yourself will die. my mother’s palm takes away all troubles, even saved me from your hand.
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i burned tretyakov grove, i won’t let a hair fall from your head, you will be my wife, a princess! when i was young, i also went into the land and into the waters i looked, and now i want to look at the sky,
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my debtors walk on the earth, the bright prince, our lord, barvin will have transportation today. give me an axe, i have an axe, no, i have an axe, eh!
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who are you? i am a blacksmith, and you are a thief, did you know that a house is without an owner? what would the owner do? i would kill you! leave him, give him a sword! why are left-handed people ringing bells in their heads? it's okay, i'll wait. with him
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it’s like killing him here or rotting in the basement, let him go, he’s gone, he’s gone, nechipor denounced you. why did they cut off your hand? for the song. what was the song about? about the tribe bobrovo. a man threw two black puppies into the river and said: you will swim out. you will be faithful dogs, but those puppies turned out to be smart
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and thought, well, why should such a dog have dogs , the beaver tribe came from them, will you come with me, no, you want to nurse your misfortune alone, to the joy of the prince all the glory. he hit me on the head like a beast! go to the people, a person is strong by family, tribe, hot suffering is still ahead, there is already a harvest in your head, it is this year. will be our gold and foreign exchange reserves, new dairy complexes also work on
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food safety cushion, we will not move away from complexes, the world and the economy are not getting simpler, but belarusian exports are growing, we are moving to the east and beyond, we are working more actively in the distant arc, by the end of the year this will be felt even more. how is the belarusian economy doing today? well, they feel quite confident. i don’t have any extra money, but i don’t mind people’s health. today the enterprise implements all technological stages from the production of high-strength steel to the production of finished products. bmz is the steel pillar of belarus. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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maria! do you want all the glory back? persuade her.
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why are not you sleeping? light the candles, maria, i have a dream, they tied me up, this is fortunate! into a terrible forest, and here it’s even more terrible, but here there’s something to be afraid of, not a single stranger’s soul will leak here, neither alive nor dead, look how many keys there are,
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i know all the secret doors, do you want me to find masheyka? i’ll bring you to you, i’ll hide you two so that your souls can be comforted, but they’ll kill him here.
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they brought you like a forest girl, unwashed, i thought they’d give you away as a groom, that’s what it’s like i’ve become like a princess, because of you i’m now like a beaten dog, tears are coming out, there’s pain in my heart, witch, you, witch, you’re not enough of a moshe, fame has bewitched everything, i’m like a sore spot in your eyes, hate me, i’m not myself
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chose fate and took me by force, you would have torn me apart like dogs. yes, vseslav doesn’t give you what you want, dimitri. our roads have converged, and i want to help you, get into the castle in his clothes. you are the same height as him, he will hide you in the chapel, in the chapel and you will kill vseslav, behind the fence, he
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will wait for you next to his horse, and lyubava the nun is dressed, and lyubava is in agreement, may she wait for you. why doesn't he kill himself? everyone knows that he is my man, whatever you say, the circle, in my opinion, is a worthwhile thing, but you dream they can deceive you, andrey, but i’ll keep quiet, think about your bride. remember how vseslav bothered you with the dirt. andrey, who is this? this, this is the prince. the prince, the prince, he is still in disguise,
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has no power because he is so meek. he sits in front of me and thinks, masheka will make me a prince and i will catch them all like sheep, strangle them one by one, and impale masheka. great he committed the sin. that he cut off your hand, you should have had your head, prince vseslav. “he let masha go, he knows better, but i, but i’m responsible for everything, where he’s hiding,
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what he’s up to, you goose, you know a lot, you knew him, yes, you knew him, but i forgot everything on...” the bridge needs a canopy, autumn angry, flighty, people have become wiry, axes are no good, there is no one to help, and everyone stares so much, whether execution or fun, he also fed the snake instead of his brother, but we have a simple concern, hello, masheka, and you are a kind
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person, hello, what a joy it is, you forgive me, if what happened between us, and what happened, it’s probably nothing, well, i was strict with you, so i myself would be forced. and now free, free, released on all four sides, gathered again, went away, vagabonds without a herm, who betrayed, i alone, like a withered tree, live only for him. “give me back the son of mashek, free me,
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how much vira for the murdered slave the prince must pay, there were four coins, and now five, they have risen in price, which means, “i’m paying for you, vseslav, i didn’t give it away, okay, okay, i didn’t give it out, i didn’t give it away.” fedor, and me, me. you didn't give it away son of a dog, you are not worth a hryvnia.
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give me the cross of radium, get lost, guideless bastard, hey, don't be offended! man and alms, but granted, the beast runs to the catcher, good catcher,
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free fedor, free fedor, glorifies the circle. blind, blind, where, but alive, lying, and what will remain for me?
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yes, well, goblin, this one escorted me to the platform, and this one gouged out my eyes, we will assign punishment, as you say, it will be so. let the executioner execute olesya, i am a warrior, and you lured me in like thieves! warrior
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you say, then stay with us, i don’t serve two masters, give him a sword, don’t be wise masheka, we’ll finish him all off here, don’t come closer, eh!
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you will leave when you can, i won’t force you, let him go, i won’t go anywhere, i’ll stay with you. we've been waiting for you, stuck on the rapids, prince, look, masheka, for you. rather,
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he should protect us, they were bringing you weapons.
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i've had you for a long time. but i don’t understand whether you love me or not, i submitted, i’m scared, i’m afraid of everything, rustles, dreams, steps, dmitri, meek brother, unmerciful, his eyes... give.
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and the forest rabble wants to live without a prince.
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vseslav, it’s not my fault, it’s not my fault, it’s not my fault, i’m offended, humble the honorable servant was next to you, and you’re in the wrong easily believed s. will torture you all over, are you afraid of death? i'm afraid, why do you hate me? i am
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also a son of a prince, who lives by my will? who needs me? i want everyone to fall at my feet. "scamarokhs, warriors, fools, wise men, and trees, birds, everything, stands like this, thinks, with an odd mind to me, they say i hear better, i see further, and i look like a jester, pea or other, his face is bright, blissful, everything is on he looks at him, and i look down at him, but..." there in the mud so that he can smell his mother's land, and you stand on my path, by right, all your right, in
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the fact that your mother gave birth to you before, to be a prince in the basement among the rats, seslav . in our show, the participants will not be helped by cheat sheets, here you can only rely on your own strength. is it true that korolevich elisha, the hero of pushkin’s fairy tale, during the search for the princess, turns to the wind, the sun and the eagle for help. i remember well that he addressed the wind to the sun, but i don’t remember the eagle. he turned to the whale on which the village was located to the sun to the moon. where is the whale from?
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watch the intellectual and entertainment project i know on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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“am i going right, misha, why are you, mishenka,
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leading your guide on a rope? mishenka, all roads are known. what’s wrong with him? it’s him. his trouble, nanny, what kind of
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trouble, clubfoot, his bear fell in love with a hare, why, you, clubfoot, can’t cope with the hare, he’s kind, masheka, kill me, it’s too late, it’s too late, i have masheka’s blood, no, no,
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nothing can turn back her former love, damn you, take it. sword, prince, defend yourself. dolk became a beast, slept on the ground, covered himself with the sky, why did he take the hand club for a bird, about his own. you groan in your soul, but you forgot about human grief, did you
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count how many souls are going with you, do you believe the covenant? father, remember, remember, asheka, from our roots, from the ancestor tretyak , the village came, here everything is ours, water, stones, village, take love, teach the children of the people in the covenant. to honor words, man is strong by the ford, time, will and place, will and place of the native, needs, useless creatures, they cannot make us out of us, tomorrow we will go on an attack,
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turn around. because of me, everything, ashes, grief, blood. you cursed me, so kill me, i am not your judge or executioner, the blood is not because of you.
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“tear off his clothes, deprive him of bread and shelter, and he will not lose money, he will sing a song to warm himself up, rich, and i, i have no evil or good towards you anymore. there is nothing to help you, lord, the earth
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is great, but there is nowhere to go. there is nowhere to go.
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a parent came to me, asked to show his grandchildren, you don’t have grandchildren, i tell him, and the tertikovo grove asks, there is no tertikovo grove, and there are no people, he asks, “people are with me, armed men are standing under the walls, so burn it, raze it to the ground, prince's nest. otherwise you will have neither freedom nor honor,
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save me, god, i have built a temple for you forever eternal.
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the ax sword is longer.
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lord, lord, it’s finally happened! masheka, masheka, masheka, andrey. andrey, andrey, masheka, masheka. i was looking for
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masheka on radnoe pole, i thought i’d meet the living eye and look in, but i had to. cover your eyes that you are burying him, neither a spear, nor a sword, nor an arrow takes him, they didn’t kill him, you hear, they didn’t kill him, he’s alive.
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in this region there would be long and happy forests. we are here until evening. at this time, when i was on him, i pierced him on the head.
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student of the chatsvertag course of the kharavog faculty of the belarusian dzyarzhaunai conservator taisiya tlekhuch was inspired by the idea of ​​creating a vocal-instrumental ensemble as well as singers, only women. and all this idea, as it seems, infected your fellow students, and at the same time they were chatting at the canservatory international, their name was raisa tarasava and...
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we were told that you will have another girl to work with you together, lyutsina shmetkova, she is a competent, wonderful person with musical education and extraordinary. suggested, said: listen, girls, let's have some viros? veros - this is something of ours so belarusian, these are stands, flowers, plants, just like you, you are not afraid
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of any difficulties, and on top of everything, it kind of reminds you of the songs, the veros, that you are circling anxiously, that...
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can you imagine how it was, oh, for it was just such a loss for me, yadviga said that some girls left, of course, they needed a singer, i was practically already a vocalist, an instrumentalist, since i graduated from a music school in piano, and did a lot of vocal training, i was always very attracted to the stage, at the end after all, this is how mine began
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: they fly to the north for a long time, they don’t want to stay anywhere, but are in a hurry to get there, we were once in one small town, after the concert people came up to us, autographs, give us autographs, we say where you are from you know us, there was only one poster hanging, they say, you know, when we see on the poster that belarusian pop artists are coming, we go without even knowing who it is or what it is, they
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just said, it will be honest, it will be sincere, and we will remember you for a long time, we were very friends, we didn’t have there was never any arguing about who would be first, because everyone was doing something of their own...
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plavskaya, that’s because she always built us up, as they say, we just arrived at the hotel, we just checked in, she immediately gets ready to go to her room to sing, we sing, we sing, we sing, well, we went to the concert, we just arrived, we sat down at the piano to sing, and if god forbid we have some kind of misunderstanding among ourselves, this happens, there is someone doing something to someone said the wrong thing, crazy, i’m again... gathering
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everyone, whether you want or not, let’s all go to the poison in the room and we parted already in a truce and sasha tikhonovich came to us, although he was offered to vuyachich’s team, which was more prestigious, because there were trips, and not only within the union, abroad, and so on and so on, but it turned out that sasha already at some rehearsals... he looked out, yes, listened to us, and he really liked us, then, as it turned out, later, his voice fell on me, and he asked the people, oh, the streets at night, this is a quiet voice yours, friends, shadows on the wall, maybe...
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they didn’t want to let you into this competition, literally in the last few days, the issue was being resolved, to the point that glebov and orekhovsky, the director of estrada, stood up for us, we were released, and we went to this competition, the god of love has no shame, love comes suddenly and from nowhere, it was so , it will always be so. and therefore it’s immortal,
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this is a blow, because it’s immortal, this is a miracle, this is a miracle, there was also a story that the director said, if you pass, i’ll quit, when we made it to the third round, sasha tehanovich says, i said i gave a telegram to the director , you can quit, we are already a laureate.
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two camps: the first is meat with balsamic vinegar and blackberry gel, this is fantastic, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces. a quick question, a quick question: do you think that belarusians know how to cook sy? of course they can, prove it to me, now i’ll prove it to you, let’s let the shlovski cucumber brew for a little while, and then we’ll go try it and draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our...
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architecture of belarus. above the respectful campasic we are very abelisk with gadzinnik. syadziba aginskaga yana just fell into the chair i pile eight yakraz suchasnasst dzyakuyuchi getam element. glyadzice on our tv channel.
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i'm happy to help you in the competition and in the warehouse.
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it sounded good, television filming began, our first concert was on march 8, television, in the model house they embroidered such beautiful flowers from snow-white kremplein, that is, it was an amazing dress, red boots, but not from leather, but from substitute leather , and you can’t imagine how hard it was to work in them when it was hot, there were not our songs for the repertoire... we were told that you should prepare, we prepared a tango, read lyrics by ashanin, if you love, find, if you love, find, if you want, come, this day will not pass without a trace, and if there is no love,
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don’t call me, you’ll never find me anyway, one of the first tour after this program was the city of olenegor. to live and live to do good things, to give joy to people, you understand this very well when you go on stage, when there is a large audience of the public, and you see that many are admiring and rejoicing, this is a great pleasure in terms of
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energy, so the wave just washes over you, it’s like you don’t feel it at a concert, but then you come out after the concert and you know, it’s like swimming in the ocean. white, a sail, a thin wing, if only it were, if only it didn’t pass away, white is the sail of my childhood, you cut my sail, nothing else. in the spring of 1975 , verasam received a fee to unite the hell of the ussr at the international festival of palette songs. people from all over the world came to this festival in helsinki,
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such countries as the usa, chile, cuba, portugal, germany, czechoslovakia, poland, italy, france were presented, the scope of the festival was simply amazing.
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spanish, a finn comes up to me, offers to speak in spanish, i don’t understand, i don’t understand german, i don’t understand english, as soon as in russian, well that’s all, then it means one of the finns too , the address was written, right there, right there, who accompanied us, under no circumstances should you write anything, they took it away, that’s it, okay, that’s how it was strictly,
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the ensemble of the faith would be champions in the series of married couples that were created within the kalektiv, napeina , such a phenomenon has never happened in another generation. the surname is not inclined, nor mikulich is inclined, neither medvedka is inclined, but he
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is settling under my last name, soupovaya, and i am settling under his last name with white, for this, coming to minsk, someone there laid a lien on us, they called us with a referral, they made such a decent remark, well, without any entries in it’s a personal matter, but the moral way of life, well, that’s it, then we got married, it turned out to be a strong family. in 1978, the verasa ensemble became part of the international festival of palette songs alen mak in the balgar city of blagoegrad. syarod gastsey festival akazaўsya suvetna vyadoma the american scoundrel dzin ryt is a frequent guest in many socialist countries. and first for everything in the ussr. at the festival dzin ryt zealous respect for...
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by the way, we
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saw with our own eyes, his translator, oleg smirynov showed us, at one time in the popularity rating. denrite was in first place, elvis presley in second, can you imagine? we came to the rehearsal, the sheet music was lying right on the floor, dindrid, vasya, our sound engineer maxim, the lighting man, they were discussing something, he stood up, so simply, you you see, well, here is a person whom you seem to have known for a long time, that is, what is called no antlers. there was absolutely no, we sang everything at once with him, he was so surprised, well, first of all, he liked the fact that he came, with the first rehearsal, we played everything, we were in the hotel of youth, i remember, we gave a concert, an idea immediately arose drive to the bank, and we went with him to irkutsk, there we toured with great success, we were so received there, and the best impressions
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were about this trip, in tyndi itself we were in mostly they worked in the hills. on the street, this hill is all planted with komsomol members, a small platform has been built here, rails, posters, the departure is all komsomol, everything is on stage, and we are all on stage, the concerts were a great success, denrid was worn out, he just stood in a handstand drinking you could say he's so...


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