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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 14, 2024 5:10pm-5:45pm MSK

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cucumbers became a common hobby for her and her husband, we traveled together, sold them, it was like we had a tourist trip, where did we sell them? we brought cucumbers to kiev, we brought cucumbers to karelia, we even took our eldest son with us all the time, this is very interesting, even when we stayed there overnight , it was also an overnight stay, yes, but i imagine that the car- then a small one, you probably had, well, at most a volga, right? at that moment, for example, that is, you are in front, there are cucumbers behind, and where was the child sleeping? our baby could even sit on this place, even when they put him on top of the cucumbers, he didn’t even say a word to us and was glad that they took him with them, it’s wonderful, the son slept on the cucumber, valentina has many years of experience in pickling cucumbers, and today she agreed to share one of recipes i was lucky because i ended up in valentina's kitchen. right in the midst of some big
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process, what is this big process? look at the bowl! these are cucumbers with seeds, mustard, um, the smell of mustard, right? take cucumbers, chop them, then add two heads of garlic, uh-huh, dill, greenfinch more, write down more then salt, sugar, sunflower. oil, 150 g of vinegar and one tablespoon of ground black pepper, leave it to marinate for 3 hours. after the cucumbers are pickled, we put them in jars and set them to sterilize for 10 minutes, after which we close the lid. due to the mustard , the cucumbers turn out sweetish, the taste is incredible, but you won’t eat much, so you’ll have to prolong the pleasure or invite a big company home. so that everyone can enjoy themselves,
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cheat sheets will not help the participants in our show, here you can only rely on your own strength, is it true that prince elisha, the hero of pushkin’s fairy tale, asks for help while searching for the princess? to the wind, the sun and the eagle, i remember well that he turned to the wind, the sun, but i don’t remember the eagle, he turned to the whale on which the village was located, to the sun to the moon, where the whale came from, from the emir’s man, a game that will not leave no one is indifferent, is it true that in viktor vosnetsov’s painting there are heroes, a horse in the center is black, option, yes, i remember that... in the middle there was really a black horse, well
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what other heroes do you know? lyosha popovich, ilya murovitsa and, good, i forgot the last one, it’s okay, he remembers about you, yes, he really was black, and it was ilya muromets’s horse. watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel. it’s not time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work. ahead of the curve, time to understand and feel your information enemy, and this is primarily the center of information and psychological operations, which are grouped under the roof of nato. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. the international non-governmental organization reporters without borders presented its new rating.
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world press freedom index. ukraine ranks 61st, while belarus and russia are 167 and 162, respectively. lithuania is thirteenth, latvia is 12th. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics? is at least one portal working, russian or belarusian? no, they were protected right here by one after one. if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are in the dock . alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon. ksenia lebedeva’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. not far from shklov there is an interesting place, it’s called bald mountain. they say that witches once flocked here for a sabbath, so how can i miss this? while you are walking, the mouse does not leave. that mythical creatures really lived here, and maybe still live, here the magic of untouched nature is intertwined with modernity, from the mountain there is a bewitching view of the dnieper and the city: if you go to the right you will find yourself in a fairy tale, to the left you will find friends, you will go straight, you will find fun, i will go everywhere, i won’t deceive the stone, after walking around the territory i was able to find and friends, fun, a fabulously tasty dish. on bald mountain i met tatyana vladimirovna. tatyana vladimirovna came to us from uzbekistan, remember? yes, from uzbekistan, we lived not far from tashkent, the city of angren. belarusian cuisine is very multifaceted, when such a precedent happens, when someone from somewhere comes to belarus, he brings
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his own flavor to belarusian cuisine, which is basically what you, tatyana vladimirovna, did. you did it, i’ll try to repeat it too, what are we going to cook today? we will cook. cucumbers in korean, and i came from uzbekistan, we will prepare cucumbers in korean, but they are already adapted and then let’s call them correctly cucumbers, poshklovsky, right, okay, let it be poshklovsky, everything we need for cooking can be seen on table, interesting, that instead of vinegar we will use red currant juice, how we prepare red currant juice, it generally takes 5 seconds to prepare in a plate. we cut the half into several parts to get a flower like this, we don’t
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cut the cucumber in half, after which ours is too small, but... and not too large, but tell me, in uzbekistan everyone cooks this dish or not? you know, here are the weddings, when uzbek families have weddings, they make just such a salad, after finishing cutting the cucumbers, add to add a teaspoon of salt, honey, red currant juice, and you feel how the smell of honey is transmitted from the currants, but if you really smell it, it’s probably due to the fact that i... squeeze a little, yes, cucumbers secrete juice when mixed with honey, they just they explode with fireworks, but that’s not all, now the frying has come, the trick is that we use hot frying, what
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else will be added there, we forgot to say about it, soy sauce is like this, while the onions are fried, we must prepare the garlic , the garlic needs to be finely chopped or use a garlic fork. we send it after the onion to the frying pan, you can also add a pinch of coriander to the frying, so the taste of the spice will be better revealed, also for our salad we will need greens, of course it is ideal to use cilantro, but if you can’t find it, then arugula is also suitable, we continue to cook it, it will not change, that is, there is no overseas ingredient, find your belarusian one, believe me, you will succeed, our frying is ready, put it in a bowl with cucumbers and add spices, red pepper, coriander and sesame, let's let the poshklovsky cucumber brew for a little while, and then we'll go try it. recipe for poshklovsky cucumbers. we cut the cucumbers into strips, add
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red currant juice and honey to them, then mix and fry them with onions and garlic. during frying, add soy sauce and coriander, transfer the frying to a bowl with. and add the spices red pepper, coriander, sesame, cut the greens, we will need cilantro, but you can also use rukalu, send to the cucumbers, then mix everything again, before serving, let the salad brew, since i have free time, i’ll spend it usefully, prepare another dish, everyone loves cucumbers in the kitchen, from small to large... now we move on to the phrase from small. these young girls, diana and lera, will teach me how to cook a very simple dish. what is it called? lavash with cucumber. it's clear. well, actually, we prepared it. it was not for nothing that i emphasized youth, because students always
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cook in a hurry. our dish will be in this style. you can call it shklovsky fast food. let's start by grating the cheese and crushing the garlic. i see that... they are not simple, we have them lightly salted, yes, you can use different ones, by the way, but we chose lightly salted ones, not salty, not fresh molosal, the golden mean is like that, but the cheese is ready, cucumber. garlic too, so put them in one plate. is it sour cream or mayonnaise? mayonnaise. you see how a wonderful dietary dish is spoiled before your eyes by mayonnaise. it’s always like this, there should be a fly in the ointment, put it down, okay. however, if you are like i’m not a fan of mayonnaise, you can add sour cream, or make homemade mayonnaise. we wrap our pita bread into a roll, folding the edges. for real aesthetes, we decorate our dish with cucumber. what, even a studio? they want to eat beautifully, in moscow they have shawarma, in st. petersburg - shawarma,
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in shklov - agurverma, that’s what i called this dish, but in reality it’s a wonderful, wonderful lavash with pashklovsky cucumber, oh, it’s really nice to do this, you need to let it soak, and then we’ll try it, a recipe for lavash with cucumber, cut the cucumber, egg, three cheese and crush garlic. in the fresh air i managed to work up an appetite, so i move to the table, just look, it’s literally bursting with food. it's all made from cucumber. i myself am shocked, in fact, how many dishes can be prepared using. chuvklovsky cucumber, this is wonderful, i will be happy to give you a tour, but first i’ll try the dish
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that tatyana vladimirovna and i, i hope , prepared perfectly, this is the poshklovsky cucumber, hmm, this is a very fresh and rich dish at the same time, i don’t know why it happened, but here... the taste of sesame is clearly audible, and the spiciness is felt, it’s not for nothing that we put so much pepper, well, the taste of cucumber, which is an excellent basis for any dish, i would of course add more meat here, but i can definitely say that this is a real belarusian dish, however, no one forbade experimenting, remember, we let the dish brew for a while, so... during this time, the cucumber turned from fresh to pickled, or, to make it
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clearer, to lightly salted. and it seems to me that this it just improved the taste. the cucumber is still crunchy, but infused with the flavor of all the other ingredients. in addition to our salad , there are such amazing dishes on the table as khinkali with cucumber, pancakes with cucumber, cucumber jam and much, much more. from the variety of cucumber dishes comes real cucumber. in terms of preparation technology, cucumber jam is not much different from other versions of a similar dessert; i can only note that lemon is almost always added to it, it not only gives a pleasant aroma, but allows you to preserve flowering. beyond the taste here. there is also the taste of some confectionery seasonings, but the taste of cucumber remains, and this
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is really cool, this is a cucumber, but only sweet, this is a cucumber dessert, the residents of shklov are still great, creating such a legendary culinary history based on one product, this you need to try, and you try... find time to come to shklov to get acquainted with the wonderful cucumber.
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serves as a kind of barrier to chlorine, iron, pesticides and microbes, and some its species are even capable of reducing water hardness. today it is found in almost every city. apartment, but at enterprises you can also see it, although the dimensions of the design are different than in everyday life. surely you have already guessed that i am talking about a filter for water purification, we will talk about it together with specialists in the next half hour to once again make sure that in the topic of improving water quality, and this is the main task
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of filters, science is also nearby. my name is ekaterina beretskaya. hello, look at the program. needles, sand and hippocratic sleeve, what does the father of medicine have to do with the topic of water purification, we will tell you in our section history of the issue. transparent does not mean safe. let's work with experts to figure out how the quality of the water that flows from our taps is controlled. determination of the integral indicator dry residue, which. shows the total salt content of water, also an integral indicator that shows total pollution, a big conversation in the program studio about the latest developments of our scientists in the field of water purification. people began to purify water in ancient times, but
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at least they made such attempts with the help of, as we would now say, filters. natural, i will tell you how it was in our traditional section history of the issue. one of the very first simplest ways to purify water was boiling; people essentially began boiling water as soon as they learned how to make fire. next were pine needles, sand and tree bark. the invention of the first design specifically designed for water purification is credited. medicine for father hippocrates. and this device is still called that in some sources hippocratic sleeve. the essence is really simple: the ancient greek doctor passed water, and it had to be boiled, through a cone or tube made of burlap. documents that describe this design and the features of its application date back to approximately the 5th century bc.
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archaeologists have documented the first methods of mass water purification. no egypt. according to some sources, people purified water from the nile using fabric folded in several layers. sand dams were built under the other. there is even information that exactly in ancient egypt they began to settle the water in tanks, and there were several tanks. it was a kind of multi-stage filtration system. it is known for sure that the water was settled and thus they were sure that it was being purified in ancient rome. since school, we all remember about the first sewer system. and the first water supply system, but there were also lead pipes, which, as is now clear, are literally fatal for humans, so the ancient greeks were the first to use flavorings; they added citrus fruits and other fruits to the water, as well as herbs with disinfectant properties and even wine. in ancient times, in order to obtain drinking water in russia, snow and
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river water were melted, settled in barrels and then filtered using... tree bark. a real breakthrough in the topic of water purification occurred after the invention of the microscope, when scientists were able to examine what was in the water . together with the discovery of chlorine, this marked the beginning of the process of active decontamination. chlorine killed cholera microorganisms and also effectively purified water that was contaminated with dysentery typhus. in europe and the usa , entire water purification stations are beginning to be opened, which made it possible to save water. non-human lives, but it soon became clear that water now needs to be purified from chlorine, and filters designed for this appeared in the second half of the 20th century, specifically filters with reverse osmosis technology, which we still use today. well, let's return to our time
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right now, i propose to find out how much. and safe water flows from our taps today and how who checks it. doesn't exist in the nature of crystal clear water, all because it is a universal solvent for most impurities, minerals and substances, both beneficial and harmful. this is why the water needs to be tested periodically. belarusian scientists have developed water testing programs specifically for these purposes. these studies can be carried out by anyone. in our center , four testing programs have been developed to analyze water for the population, the first is five safety indicators, iron, manganese, nitrates, permanganate... oxidability is organic matter in water and hardness, the second program, indicators are added that indicate the ingress of wastewater of various origins
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; quality indicators, based on the amount of calcium and magnesium content in water, scientists determine its mineralization, after research it will become clear whether the sample belongs to drinking water or to the mineral one, here is the third extended program, microbiological indicators are also added there, in simple words, this is the identification of those microorganisms. specifically those indicators that are of interest a constructor that allows you to test the consumer. before choosing a package, the center provides an oral consultation, during which employees will advise what exactly needs to be checked, it all depends on where the water comes from: from a well, a well, or simply from a tap. we generally recommend medium. before this, spill it thoroughly, bring it to
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us, conclude an agreement, and we will examine this water. for the first two programs, 3 liters of water is enough, in two plastic bottles of mineral or drinking water without flavorings, but for the extended third the package is given out in the center, it must be absolutely sterile, when the water enters the laboratory, it... is first assessed by organalyptic indicators, we evaluate its color, turbidity, also smell, taste, and then we will conduct instrumental methods of analysis , determination of the integral indicator dry residue, which shows the total salt content of water, also the integral indicator, which shows general pollution, the following important indicators are directly what salts are contained in drinking water, because they determine the taste quality of water. after checking the elements, the center issues a research protocol and, if desired, a special passport,
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which lists all the indicator values ​​of a particular sample. the science is nearby project is on air, today we are going through the scientific parts of the water purification system, and here’s something else we’ll tell you about. modern. filters, how to choose the best? in addition to, let's say, pollution, but you remove calcium and magnesium ions, and these are bones, teeth and heart, respectively, if you if you install such a system, you need to change your diet a little, but this remains behind the scenes, what new developments in the field of water purification are proposed by our scientists and we will check how the filters work, a big report on the experiment will be broadcast soon. our hygienists are developing a program to test this filter system.
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we will continue to understand the topic of water purification, which means improving its quality in our studio, our guest is the director of the institute of physical-organic chemistry of the national academy of sciences of belarus, alexandra viktorovich, hello. let's go straight to your latest scientific developments. do i understand correctly that we are talking about unique membranes that are used in filters? we have two quite interesting areas: membrane technologies for water purification and ion exchange technologies for water purification, they solve different problems, but are in demand. let's talk about the tasks, membrane technologies are the second direction. if i understand correctly, each purifies water from certain elements? there are certain requirements, for example, for water for drinking purposes. in our the country, as a whole, has an artesian water supply, our artesian wells, as a rule,
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have an excess of iron, sometimes there is an excess of manganese ions, well, in general , our country is not facing a water shortage, this is already good, this is already good, and, accordingly, there is traditional technologies for deferrization, they...
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heavy metals, in some cases we have good experience in purifying natural waters, this is river water from the so-called natural organic compounds, this is what gives the water a yellow color, these are humic acids, well our geology is such that we have a lot of peat, so the water removes a little of these colored compounds from there, which are quite easily removed with the help of our
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materials. membrane technologies, i would like to return to them, again i read that even in medicine, naturally, two processes are used, this is primarily hemodialysis, which is the removal of toxins from the blood and the so -called membrane oxygenation, this is the saturation of the blood with oxygen. by the way, we have a very serious enterprise, it is located in borisov, which is completely... cycle, which is not very simple, i can immediately say, produces membranes for hemodialysis and the corresponding hardware. let's get back to filters for water purification, and to our main topic of the program, and well , who else if not you to ask about the types of classification, because when we talk about a filter for water purification, most often, of course, we imagine some kind of household one, but there are also and
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industrial, tell us. but as a rule, suppliers of water for drinking needs comply with these requirements, otherwise they simply cannot work, this fair. and then, what happens next, we have a very extensive network of pipelines that supply this water, so-called secondary pollution occurs, that is, this water already removes the pollution
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that has been accumulated over many years. it all depends on, well, let’s say, what region you are in, what specific features of your water you have, but in some cases manufacturers even go overboard, for example, multifunctional water purification filters, which include a number of stages, including mechanical cleaning, absorption on active carbons, put back osmatic membranes,
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this is a membrane. but this remains behind the scenes, and naturally, when you have, say, five stages of purification, the cost of such a product is quite high, we took a slightly different route, we do not use reverse osmosis, although we are specialists in membrane technology, because we know that this is not entirely useful, well, from the latest such work, we make general-purpose household filters, they, well, now...
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must be subject to the so-called regeneration, that is, to restore their ability, to cleanse themselves of the impurities that they have captured, and to work for many years, so we smoothly moved on to industrial filters and told
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how they differ, so that the whole topic can be completed, then i would like a little more about your scientific developments from your team, what are you working on now, that is, developing? honestly, they cannot be built, since they damage microbiological purification, and accordingly, next month we will supply the appropriate industrial equipment, a container station that will solve this problem, these are membrane
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technologies, as for ion exchange technologies, today a new generation of ion exchange materials has been developed that have an increased ability... in total to retain heavy metals such as iron, copper, nickel, this can be used for domestic needs, we have experience in cooperation with the minsk vodokanal, for small settlements, where it is not economically feasible to build a deferrization station, and small ones semi-industrial filters, that is, slightly larger ones, provide these small settlements with water of normal quality that meets regulatory requirements. thank you very much, i wish you and your team, of course, success, continue to surprise us, although it would seem that the filters are very, very interesting, thank you very much, and i again pass the floor to my colleagues, they are already ready to provide a detailed
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video report on how water purification filters actually work. the basis of any filter is a special cartridge, using that's what happens. this is water purification, the cartridge is placed in a special, most often plastic flask, its design will depend on the type of filter, for example, in popular jug ​​filters, the cartridge is filled with activated carbon, but main filters contain several cleaning flasks. water purification filter...


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