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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 15, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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the view of revenue is still the european union; last year sales amounted to $60 million. there is a noticeable increase in exports to far-flung countries, and the african continent is being actively developed. at the end of last year, deliveries showed a fivefold increase compared to the previous year. trading on the currency and stock exchange ended with the russian ruble rising, the dollar and the chinese yon falling in price. so, the following exchange rates have been established: american currency costs 3 rubles 20 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.48. behind. 10 yuan gives 4 rubles 39 kopecks, and for 100 russian rubles 3.64 belarusian minsk became one of the most popular foreign destinations at upulkovo airport in the first half of the year. almost 2 million passengers used the st. petersburg air harbor during this period of time. and among the popular foreign routes, in addition to the belarusian capital, are also istanbul, antalya, dubai and tashkent. our airline is in the top as one of the most popular air carriers. let me note that pulkova is one of the largest. air transport
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hubs of russia, from the northern capital to minsk there are two regular flights airline, since march regular service has been opened between st. petersburg and gomel. the number of unemployed in the eurasian economic union decreased by almost 14% over the year. according to the data, at the end of may the number of unemployed people registered with employment services amounted to almost 814,000 people. among the countries of the allied five, the highest unemployment rate was recorded in armenia, this... the lowest in russia is 2.8%. in our country the unemployment rate is just over 3%. and finally, over 5 months, russia’s gdp increased by 5% compared to the same period last year, which is significantly higher than forecasts, the russian government said. mechanical engineering remains the key driver; investments have also increased, and consumer activity is stimulated by rising incomes of russians. and that's all for me, have a nice day and a productive week. see you,
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the morning broadcast continues with crime news in the studio zone x violetta sokolovich, hello, the web, as well as equipment for... got to the experts for examination, these items were seized by our law enforcement officers at the brest checkpoint, during the passage border control, a service dog responded to the luggage of a foreign passenger on a bus traveling from poland. the contents of the tourist's backpack were sent to specialists for inspection. according to the expert’s conclusions, the substance of plant origin found in the grinders provided for the study is a dangerous narcotic drug, marijuana. in addition, on... on the inner surface
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of the electronic cigarette cartridge , a dangerous narcotic drug was detected - gosh oil, which a foreign citizen used as a liquid for a smoking device. and, as experts said, this case is not the first this year when violators are trying to smuggle a narcotic substance in electronic cigarettes across the border. dij of criminal and emergency incidents. next in the program. a motorcyclist and his passenger died under the wheels of a train in the stolbtsy district. investigators have begun an investigation into the fatal incident. the incident occurred on the morning of july 14 at the crossing of the kolosovo station, a man and a woman were crossing the tracks on a bike in front of an approaching electric train. despite the loud sound signal and emergency braking applied by the driver, the tragedy could not be prevented. the steam bikers died on the spot from their injuries. investigators worked all night at the scene of a fatal accident near mogilev. according to
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preliminary data, on the evening of july 13 , the driver of a volkswagen, while overtaking a passing truck, lost control of the vehicle. the foreign car drove into the oncoming lane, where it collided with an audi towing a trailer. as a result of an accident, a resident of mogilev and his the five-year-old son, who was in the volkswagen, died on the spot. the wife of the deceased and their three-year-old daughter were hospitalized; two eighteen-year-old residents of the klimovichi district from audi are also in the hospital. it took... to get the injured guys out of the car. an investigative team was working at the scene of the incident; it is reported that the family was returning from a volkswagen car to mogilev, but they were at the dacha, the children were traveling in special restraints. and another accident where the help of rescuers was needed, on july 13 in the morning an accident was reported on rogachevskaya street in bobruisk. a cargo truck with a trailer collided with a skoda octavia passenger car. a man, a resident of bobruisk, was locked inside the skoda using a special tool. the company's employees
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rescued 91 calves, but as a result of the fire , seven calves died, 11 houses for their housing burned down, and five rolls of straw were damaged by the fire over an area of ​​30 km. the cause of the incident is being established. i concentrated psychotropic drugs in the apartment and laid them out in the forest. this is briefly about the work of a drug courier from minsk, who worked for an online store and was detained by the police with the forceful support of amon’s fighters. at the place of residence , a bookmark was detained from the tanikah. which he equipped in a forested area. operatives discovered and seized more than 200 g of the psychotropic substance 4 sms, as well as items used for packaging the drug. it was established that the detainee purchased large quantities of psychotropics from a shady online store, packaged them into small doses and placed them in
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hiding places. it is known that the person involved does not officially work and is subject to criminal liability was not involved. adhere to destructive views, participants in informal movements, planning to hold a closed party. don't be surprised if gubob and amon stop by. the ministry of internal affairs reported an attempt by a group of neo-nazis, under the pretext of holding a concert , to listen to heavy music and hold an illegal mass meeting in the pinsk region. the brei security forces processed the operational information and eventually identified 56 people from minsk, grodno, vitebsk, brest, pinsk and luninets. most are very colorful characters, including those involved in unrest in 2020, as well as relatives of combatants. currently , 11 participants have been brought to administrative responsibility for distributing nazi symbols and paraphernalia, as well as for distributing extremist materials. a forty-two-year-old resident of pinsk and a forty -one-year-old resident of pinsk district, who is the organizer of the event, were brought to
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justice for violating the procedure for organizing and holding mass events. employees of gubopik of the ministry of internal affairs regularly carry out operational investigative activities against representatives of closed groups. informal movements consisting of destructively minded young people with the aim of preventing and timely suppressing their illegal activities, preventing the facts of their involvement in extremist and terrorist activities on the territory of the republic of belarus. this was news from zone x, stay tuned to belarus 1.
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who loves belarus. i understand that when the cranes fly on vales
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, the pagoda will fall in the afternoon. i am what divides them boiled, then. and dean, good morning, mash, good morning, good morning, will there be news today about the festival, or will it be only about the festival? of course, throughout the week vitebsk lived in a festival rhythm, so all our news was about the slavic bazaar, but we tried to make this morning digest as diverse as possible. this year, the artistic palette of the cornflower festival was complemented by a rich cinematic program. international festival. social cinema hostel lasted for 3 days, in the vitebsk house of cinema
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organized film screenings of thirteen social films about faith, family and history, films that teach to live in harmony with the outside world and oneself, residents and guests of vitebsk were able to see for free, the film screenings were accompanied by meetings with famous directors and actors, this is an excellent initiative, in fact, the film lecture hall , we also visited some of them, so we hope that next year. this tradition will continue. and the slavic bazaar also found a place for business sites. one of them was organized by women entrepreneurs. international the conference of the belarusian women's union brought together business women from all regions of belarus, as well as moscow, st. petersburg and pskov. at the round table they discussed issues of respecting the financial interests of our country, the development of women's entrepreneurship and the dynamics of growth of small medium-sized businesses. results of the conference. was the signing of a number of agreements, including on mutual cooperation between the vitebsk region and the pskov
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region, the russian federation. active, handsome, all this is about belarus. and most importantly, slavyansk is going on productively market in vitebsk. masha, what is there in the caucasus? yes, indeed, our next news is also about the signing of an agreement that is truly historical. the first twin festival appeared at the slavic bazaar in vitebsk. this is the caucasus music fest, a big ethnic holiday that takes place to... preserve the popularization of the national culture of the peoples of the caucasus, as well as get to know the culture of other peoples. in general, we will monitor how this cooperation develops, this is excellent cooperation, we love caucasian culture, we hope that they love belarusian well, he didn’t sleep in vitebsk, 24. at seven he danced, sang, and showed films, what your plot will be about,
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tell us, as a festival dessert we offer our viewers one of the brightest episodes of the slavic holiday, a street festival on the seven winds, in this year, celebrating its first tenth anniversary, great, in just a second we’ll see this, masha, last question: how are you doing now, today in vitebsk, when just a few hours ago we heard the final fanfare. but it seems to me that it’s a holiday feeling, it’s still in the air, because when you get to work, you still feel these festival notes, and viteps will continue to live with it, there will be additional concerts and entertainment programs, so we continue, but it seems to me that the slavic bazaar never ends , as soon as one ends, preparations for the next one are already beginning, so slavic bazaar are synonymous words, yes, but for now, let’s see how the street art festival went at... mash, thank you very much and see you soon!
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classic works, national motifs and pop music hits, amateur artists in the historical center of vitebsk are an excellent addition to the concert program of the slavic bazaar. to immerse yourself in the festival atmosphere, you don’t need tickets or accreditation, just a desire to become a part.
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meet many people, this is truly an amazing professional city, the festive atmosphere of vitebsk leaves no one indifferent. a lot of people, very cool. the city comes alive, it's great, there are a lot of craftsmen, a lot of artists, different interesting for every taste, everything is cool, the weather is cool, it’s the second time at the slavic bazaar, i’m not local, from the smolinsk region, almost from the moscow region, we came like tourists, i like everything, everything is wonderful, i came from moscow, my
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parents live here, vitebsk is very beautiful, the first place i went to -
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in braslau, the azers are blue like the early sky, which is right in the racing forest, at the beginning of the evil dawns, the washing of creatures and the world. and we know the fall, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, the suns are smiling at the sun, look for yourself and never from the sea, the bottom, which is golden and sandy , and would be from their end, on the braslav azers, like not most years, so much so and i want to sustrezza, so as not to know, mountains,
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seas, and azeras you have never been forgotten.
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says july, i will be hot, but everyone is so steely, i want rain, and in the evening there was already a hurricane and rain, so dear belarusians, be careful with your thoughts, thoughts are material, let's see how the weather will manage today in the morning until +19 in the capital brest has the same situation up to +20 in vitebsk, in gomel +20 +22, up to +18 in grodny, in mogilev +19 +21 there will be rains everywhere, all the rains of july, i want to sing and paraphrase this composition, how... how the situation will change during the day, and it will change, look, it will be up to 28° in the capital region in brest, up to 29 +25 +27 in the vitebsk region there will be rains up to 33° the heat will be in the gomel region, and it will also rain there, +27 +29 in grodno, no rain, cloudy with clearings and up to 29° warm, the air will warm up in mogilev and
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there will be precipitation , i hope that small, yes... such hot temperature readings forecasters are expecting us today, they have announced an orange level of danger, so please take into account the weather conditions, do not forget to drink plenty of water, take shelter from the sun, it is dangerous in places, it is dangerous, if you are tempted to swim, also be careful, do not overheat, but you know, despite this the sun is outside the window, the hottest news of the past weekend certainly concerns the slavic bazaar, we never tire of talking about it, it seems like the grand closing took place yesterday, but no, and we returned to the studio 600 m, anyway we will tell you, yes, you probably know that our team has been broadcasting from the northern capital of belarus all last week in order to be in the center of the largest... arts festival in our country. by the way, you can always watch parts of the broadcasts of our program on the youtube channel of the good ranitsa belarus, so check it out, and about the brightest
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moments of the thirty-third international arts festival slavic bazaar in vitebsk, always in the project diaries from helena mirai. yes, yes, this is the final release.
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i preferred not to worry about my heels, shoes, to concentrate on my feelings and emotions, so i performed barefoot, we only got dressed now. you see, the rain is pouring down like buckets, so we save the outfit is beautiful, we have a brilliant costume, in every sense of the word, a brilliant performance with 69 points, what can i say, cool, i liked it, so cool, i seem to have the most points, but let's not give up. well, i didn’t expect the highest rating, why? how is it that the main thing is not victory, but victory? why do you need a slavic bazaar then? if not for victory, for what? well, to
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feel this whole atmosphere of this holiday, this festival, finally come to this stage! the weather in vitebsk was another surprise, so i also decided to please the residents of the city with such an interesting gift, because you... will be properly withered, and such a brooch will remain for a long time, keep the gift for you, the slavic bazaar ends the festival, after all, i decided to give you a little cornflower like this, they can really benefit my hand sit down, but all i had to do was give you a brooch, you know, i want to give you this little thing, so that you are in a good mood, i hope you don’t mind, don’t mind, i decided that i’ll give you a gift, do you want it, oh yes, keep it up, i have become a little happier and kinder. the festival is, after all
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, about people first and foremost, so i’ll try to take a photo with everyone right now. if anyone blinked, please excuse me. so you understand, even vitebsk turned off its flox rain, because today the concert is wonderful, not lorok! the question is what the track we're looking forward to the most? i've already heard it's dancing, even cosserta! can i park somehow like this, girls, because between you here you can safely stand, so to speak, reliable support, protection, in short, what track
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are we most looking forward to, girls, she has all the songs, what song do you like best? annilo has a song about exes, well, i don’t remember anything, show me your finger. about which ex, about which, girls, no need, girls, i wish you the same love as annie lorach, honestly, look, just look how sweet it is, soprano and slow, that is, i can’t breathe, but my heart knows, i really want to scream, what does it mean.
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no matter how sad it is to say goodbye, it’s still the finale, i’ll see you in a year in the market story, my name is helena mirai, bye-bye. in our sport, just like runbike, this is exactly up to 6 years old, enough to then move on to some more serious sport, where there is precisely the aspect of this difficult coordination.
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if we just ride on a balance bike, the muscles will not develop sufficiently in one direction or another, so we use some elements of general physical training, introduce them to sports, so the child can then easily climb some difficult mountains and perform such heavy movements. tricks for balance bikes, they have collected from all types of sports, cycling, attachments, we even use such elements, we use the same elements of gymnastics and various elements that allow us to qualitatively develop coordination in a child in the early years. age, any child is, in principle, subject
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to it. unevenness, so the main thing here is the right approach to the child, it’s already like a cult, because initially it was like this, mothers gathered, in principle, somewhere near the kindergarten, maybe somewhere on the children’s playground, well, they saw a child riding alone running bike on the second balance bike, they began to gather in small companies like this and then a movement like this began to develop as training began to develop in support. cycling is very important for us it is important to recruit children from an early age, we are already preparing them from the age of 2 , they are already full-fledged racers, they know what is wanted from them, they are already performing well in this big sport. good morning everyone again,
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everyone faces their work. citizen, yesterday employees of the tax authorities of our country celebrated their professional holiday. and on this festive occasion , we are pleased to welcome in our morning studio the head of the main department of taxation of individuals of the ministry of taxes and duties of the republic belarus andrey kovalevsky. good morning, happy holiday. thank you. andrey aleksandrovich, one of the key priorities of the new development strategy of the tax authorities of belarus for the period until the twenty-sixth year is digital development. let's talk about that. and what is the opportunity for those who already use, or rather do not use, pay taxes today, that is, how will it become easier to pay taxes? probably, indeed, the tax authorities are taking many different measures to ensure that payers it has become convenient to fulfill your tax obligations, the main measures are , of course, the digitalization of all processes, from accrual to control over the payment of taxes, for example, for individuals, a personal account of the payer has been operating for many years, where you can always see the objects of taxation
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for land tax. real estate transport tax, receive notifications electronically, that is, you don’t have to wait for the paper, which you then put somewhere in the beard in the car, i remember where my notification is, that is, everything is summarized, from personal office, you can quickly view information about settlements with the budget, about paid amounts, about accrued amounts, that is, everything can be done online, you can submit a tax return, that is, everything is very simple and convenient, and in order for a citizen to use his personal account an individual does not need an electronic digital signature key; it is enough to obtain an account and password. yeah, this key is required only by individual entrepreneurs, that’s right, yes, entrepreneurs are already working and an organization with an electronic digital key signatures, but citizens do not need this. it would seem that you are telling the story in full, yes, much more advanced digitalization, but the world is still developing, trends in this direction, how will taxation be further simplified for citizens and for business? various schemes are envisaged, for example, pre- filling out a land tax declaration
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for an organization in the nearest one is already in effect today. in the future it is planned to launch the same pre-filling for transport tax by organization, for freight vat, for there are payers on the simplified tax system for individuals. the concept of a pre-filled tax return, where those objects of taxation, such as income abroad, income from the sale of property, are loaded in advance; from this year, payment of property taxes in one payment is introduced, the so-called single property payment, this is when an individual pays three taxes in one amount, moreover, he can divide the amount into parts, that is, everything according to his financial capabilities, and at the same time, having paid part of the amount through erib, yes, that is, literally in the next second, when he logs in again, he will see the balance, that is, before he had to choose a budget. and go into irib three times, enter the data three times, now you will need to do it once, yes, yes, once, three times - this is if there are three objects, and if there were five objects there was a bureaucracy, that is, as simple as possible for any citizen, but they are simplified all tax payment procedures
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are great, that’s what concerns unscrupulous taxpayers, is it often you have to look for such people to collect money from them, well, tax authorities are vested with the right to carry out control measures, and accordingly, too... we have a large block of various information, therefore , special software analyzes the information, and automatically prepares notifications to payers whom something, they didn’t submit a declaration, they didn’t pay taxes, but i’ll tell you right away that, of course, our citizens are very disciplined, property taxes always show yes, that is, after 15 november, that is, well, about 3-5% are those who have not fulfilled their tax obligations on property payments, i just have the following question, to what extent are there statistics, to what extent? message, that is , preventive work with payers, many of whom immediately received an sms, says:
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oh, i forgot, i’ll pay now, only after several waves of sms messages, yes, only then we proceed directly to collection, but in any case in case, thank you for reminding me, not just one, but several waves - how much is that? usually two or three waves of sms, two or three waves. well, you tell it so easily, and there is also a user account, go in, see what you need to pay, everything seems easy and simple, but nevertheless, advise how to learn to understand taxes if you do not have the appropriate education, if you are a humanitarian, let's face it, let's put it this way, for individuals yes, that is, there are no difficulties, as a rule, all taxes for individuals are calculated by the tax authority, this applies to property taxes, filing a declaration, if, for example, you received income from abroad, it is also quite simple, it is pre-filled in your personal account.
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a lot of information is posted, our territorial tax authorities also post any information about changes in shopping centers, in public transport, that is, maybe sometimes you rode the subway, heard, walked around the shopping center, also heard advertisements on behalf of the tax authorities, yeah, then what taxes are there, where, when, everything. tells someone about taxes, reports, numbers, constant communication with people, that’s what you think is the most difficult thing in your work and in general what qualities should people who work in your profession have? well, the most difficult thing is probably the volume of data, yes, because
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there are really a lot of payers, only individuals are registered as unique, more than 7 million people, to process this information, and in fact, correctly, how do you manage, electronic assistants. that is , information is being processed, but the quality of a tax inspector is, probably, first of all, an analytical mind and a desire to learn, to continue their education, don’t stop there, well, we haven’t talked to you yet, we didn’t even think that this was such a difficult job, we congratulate you on the holiday once again, here’s a free camera for you, please congratulate all your colleagues, colleagues, happy holiday to you from everything congratulations on this important professional holiday in your life and we wish you more health, success, optimism, our... thank you very much and once again we join in congratulating you on the holiday, thank you very much for coming, just wait, i wouldn’t like end like this conversation, what else would you advise taxpayers, what to pay attention to,
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to be wise, honest, that is, an honest taxpayer is happiness for the state, and to do everything on time, remember this, and information support is already provided to everyone, thank you very much, let me remind you , today we have... a block of news, our parting with you will not be long, so we strongly recommend that you stay on tv channel belarus 1, don’t switch, we... we are all in a hurry for miracles, but there are no miracles
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, nothing, something the earth is under heaven, where the roof of your house, where is the roof of your house, and if you suddenly feel sad, then sadness means nothing when you... know that under the sun there is the roof of your house, there is the roof of your house, any moment of grief. every single one of you will disappear,
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as soon as you remember the blue stars above the roof of your house, above the roof of your house. the world is full of the joy of happiness, but the native land is dearer than all, and it is so wonderful to return under the roof of your home, under the roof of your home.
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this is the natural wealth of belarus, the standard of jumping can be applied to braslauschyne, there is a famous charmer here...
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the morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with news in the studio pavel lazovik, hello! belarus leveled tension on the southern border during negotiations with the neighboring side. our country has demonstrated the ability to build a constructive dialogue. with ukraine. this is the opinion.


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