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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 15, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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just stood there like a wall, they reacted quickly, clearly, harmoniously, the teachers, children, helpers all grabbed the children in one huge one, let ’s say, under them, under their wings, they brought building number six into the very nearest buildings , the playground, sheltered all the children, also six the guys were injured, two of them are still in hospitals, we are monitoring the situation, details in our next releases, the authorities. europe, torrential rains and hail turned into icy rivers, the streets of french cities, especially gorona, where water flows washed away cars and caused flooding of the first floors of buildings. heavy rains. struck the foothills
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of the austrian alps, a vast region that stretched to the rhine was engulfed in disaster. the largest river in western europe overflowed its banks and flooded several cities. the total damage from the violence of the disaster is estimated at millions of euros, hundreds of farms lost their crops. british mirror - reports the country's ex-prime minister. lizdras took the initiative to raise the retirement age to 80 years. tras spent. on downing street only 44 days, no one before her had such a short term, despite the fact that she resigned, she cannot be called a political pensioner, she remains one of the leaders of the conservatives and a prominent public figure. it is clear that we are not talking about raising the retirement age tomorrow, however, the authorities of the united kingdom are clearly going to use the most radical means to combat the deficit of pension funds. drowning people will be saved with their own hands and at the expense of the drowning people themselves. more up-to-date information in
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19:00, see you on the evening news broadcast, from soviet, election to the pen, july 15, 1944 . troops of the first belarusian front occupied the regional center of the pinsk region, the city of lagishin. as a result of the bombing of soviet aviation in kobrin, large german fuel warehouses were destroyed. at yanov station, the modern city of ivanovo, seven trains were blown up. during july 15 , more than 100 settlements were liberated on the territory of belarus. including
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zabelin, porozovo, soshitsa, kolyadichi, grodno region. until complete liberation belarus had 13 days left. this belarusian town can easily be called a seaside town. yes, yes, there are two reasons for this. firstly, in these parts, according to locals, the black sea flows. there is no geographical error in this statement, you will soon understand. the second reason is historical. the fame of the city spread like a sea wave. one of the largest shipbuilding centers of the black sea fleet of the russian empire was located here. on the yacht disnaska husband. this is where the marriage was truly unequal. and it's not the only local story in which...
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he shouted loudly, calling for his beloved princess, that the city was named after this, guessed where we are, welcome, krichev! and here it is, the black sea of ​​krichev region. this is what the locals jokingly call their favorite vacation spot, which is located near the village of prudok, one of the deepest lakes in belarus. that is why its waters appear dark. in fact, the reservoir is clean, because springs flow from the bottom. some call them lake tears. in ancient times, inhabitants. the blueberry was often used to animate
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the water element, this brown-eyed miracle and they passed by, they say damn it... the lake is a memory of the love of the simple son of the cook alyosha and the princess alyonka promised to the tatar khan. in an attempt to disrupt the unwanted wedding, the lovers ran away. after this story, the expression of blinded love takes on true drama when the fugitives were overtaken, and leshki gouged out his eyes so that he would never see his beloved again. then the runaway bride fell to the ground. in that place it was silvered by the waves of the lake. for a long time alyosha, straining his voice, shouted to his alyonka, and only near the shore he felt warmth. he bowed down to him and turned into a mighty oak tree. several centuries later, a storm broke the trunk and forever united the lovers in these waters. since
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then, the surrounding area has been called the place where someone screamed. this is where the name of the city came from. krichev. here are more realistic versions of the origin of the name. according to the first , there were many swamps in the vicinity, from which ore was mined, otherwise it was called red iron. some historians see the answer in another craft. one of the nicknames of the blacksmith of that time was krych. but perhaps the most controversial version of the origin of the name from the east slavic tribe krivichi. be proud. the place where people first appeared in our city, this settlement dates back to the 9th-12th centuries, it was in this place that the slavic tribes of radimich lived, it turns out that these lands were still inhabited by another tribal union,
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therefore there is one less supposed version about the origin of the name of the city. in the 14th century, one of the most ancient cities in the mogel region rapidly rose, in the literal sense, its center moved to the high right bank of the sozh. for the first time krecheva, they say literally, it is mentioned in the charter of the smolinsk prince rastislav mstislavovich. according to a record from 1136, tribute was taken from the surrounding area in the amount of. the only thing that was considered was the name of the ancient settlement,
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castle hill. the krichev castle reached its dawn in the 15th century, when it was strengthened by one of the most important border castles of the grand duchy of lithuania. and three centuries later, its decline began. the need for a border ... fortress disappeared after the first partition of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, when part of belarus went to the russian empire. last written mention of the construction was recorded in 1780. the abandoned castle began to collapse, they did not begin to restore it, and therefore its complete disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists was preserved. remains of an ancient garden, presumably from the 16th century. this is an analogue of a cellar, allowing you to maintain the temperature at +5-9° throughout the summer. this way the meat and fish did not spoil. the absence of all the benefits of civilization
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forced us to be smart. the glacier was built from polished bricks. if look closely, you will see traces of the master’s fingers, they say, thanks to it. thanks to this unique technique, part of the glacier managed to survive. what cannot be said about st. nicholas church? the local temple appeared here almost simultaneously with the castle, and this is the end of the 19th century. however, according to the stories of local residents, it burned down during the second world war and was restored in 1944. and according to one of the legends at this place. there was a pagan temple. once upon a time, on these lands, pagans made sacrifices to their gods, large horned animals and even captured enemies. the rituals continued until a voice sounded from above, threatening heavenly punishment. he forced
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the residents to pray to root a new faith, christian. it is easy to guess that the name of the city is associated with this divine cry. according to archaeologists, the architectural monument of wooden architecture, which stood on this site before the fire, was the first christian church in the city, after the signing of the grand duchy of lithuania in 1590, it became uniad. the new faith aroused the anger of local parishioners, who defended their rights in every possible way and only with the accession of vladislav iv to the throne. vases here again began to sound orthodox prayers. the king of poland and the grand duke of lithuania granted it in 1633. krichevo-magdaburg law , after 3 years, the emerging dioceses returned
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the orthodox churches to their former greatness. surprisingly, during the years of the northern war between russia and sweden, the temple managed to survive, unlike other buildings on the castle hill. indeed, there is strength in faith. presidency is the most difficult profession in
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the world, this schedule is never static, something is canceled, something something else is added, something else is rearranged , but still, in this schedule there is never a day off mark, so the head of state is the leader of the country 24x365 days a year. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in an instant. all this was gradual, of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our district and region, ministry of culture. our technology today is actually very reliable. the safety margin built into it is colossal; these are the most knowledge-intensive, the most complex machines
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in mechanical engineering that exist in the world. let's introduce people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, this was her long-standing dream, i have three children, and it is impossible to love someone more, someone less , these are our children too, yes they... are all good in their own way, so in fact the attitude towards any product is the same. watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. this is another place of power, military. zabelyshinsky passad, located on one of the historical outskirts of the city. during the same northern war, in august 1708, the russian army was based here. and it was headed by peter ii. the last tsar of all
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russia also settled in a broken camp. thanks to a local resident who, after the rain flooded the rivers, the white and black topy showed the russian troops fords for crossing, the swedes were taken by surprise. under the leadership of general galitsin, the iconographers of prince menshikov in the cruel. first victory on the territory of belarus. the defeated swedes were forced to flee, and russian troops forded the sosh river and settled in krichev. this river, unique to the locals, also flows here. they say that tsar peter himself drank water from it.
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icy, but very tasty. and so that the memory of the arrival of the crowned one would not be erased by time, the residents named the healing spring petrova, and place petrov's meadow. maybe it was the local waters that endowed the russian tsar with such combat power. the long twenty-one year war ended with a russian victory on the map. a new state appeared, the russian empire, and the first all-russian emperor peter received the nickname the great. and yet, what... this seemingly powerful word, great, has a sacred meaning for belarusians when it comes to war, not the northern one, but the bloodiest in the history of mankind, the great patriotic war. in the summer of '41,
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the war reached krichev, the city nazi tanks and units of the thirteenth red army were breaking through. destroy 57 officer soldiers. everyone worships courage equally, even enemies. nikolayatinina.
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with a memorial plaque to eternal memory of the hero. the story of this pilot is not connected with the war; he saved the city in peacetime. captain viktor dashkin diverted the crashed plane on june 4, 1964. nine in the quarry. he paid for the future of local residents with priceless currency, his life. krichev’s entire story is woven from examples of incredible courage and concern. they remember here about one more a local hero not of our time. the feat of vasily vashchila entered the history of the city as a popular uprising of 1740-44. grandson
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of bogdan khmelnitsky, that’s what vasily called himself. led a massive uprising that lasted almost 4 years. armed peasants attacked the estates of the gentry and the houses of merchants, dividing their property, until at the beginning of february 1744 the troops dealt harshly with the leaders and active participants in the rebellion. and the national hero will forever be remembered as the belarusian rubeng. a few years ago, a monument to vasily vashchili the city disappeared and fell into disrepair. a one-story building with pelasters highlighted in the corners, walls and windows decorated with orcish niches. a monument of neo-gothic architecture appeared here in 1850. once this place was an important crossroads on the sovereign highway from moscow to warsaw; the building
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housed the city's first postal station. it's one now. with a telephone number you can deliver a letter anywhere in the world, but previously this was done with the help of horses. it’s a pity that the local stables have not survived to this day. they say that in those days, the station contained about ten horses, many times more could be seen in the gravsk estate. welcome to the 18th century princely palace. according to some information, it was designed by the same master who built the tauride palace in st. petersburg, architect ivan starov. it took almost 10 years to build it for the new krichev owner. it is not difficult to guess who owned the estate. the clue is in the most visible place, and that is the palace itself. you just have
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to look down on him. these are the initials the owner of the palace, count grigory potemkin and the empress of all-russia catherine ii. in 1776, she granted these lands to her third official favorite. only one visit of the empress to the palace is known for sure. in january 1787 during a trip to crimea. the sovereign did not stay overnight in the capacity of the prince. in those days, the table was set this way, perhaps holding one of these cutlery, made from family silver, in her hands. their first acquaintance took place back in 1762. then the twenty-two-year-old son of a poor
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the smolin landowner participated in the palace coup, thanks to which catherine was elevated to the throne. potemkin tried in every possible way to charm the empress, who was 10 years older, but to no avail, until in 1769 he voluntarily went to... it is known that catherine ii very quickly appreciated potemkin’s leadership qualities, ability to govern the state, develop the military power of the state, so these are the moments here at that time for the russian empire, including for catherine, since she needed a strong male hand, they played a decisive factor, but of course about the personal character traits of today and potemkin, catherine, various legends and opinions exist, but first of all, here are the relations at the level of... the entire russian empire and their significance for the state at that point in time they were fundamental. rumor has it that count potemkin and catherine
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ii even got married secretly. such a marriage was called marganetic. under him, a husband of unequal status did not acquire the same high status as his wife. and some historians even claim that the newlyweds had a child. the mystery of the appearance of babies in the estate 1770.
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she married a military man, a greek by birth, christopher kologeorgiy, gave birth to 10 children from him, six girls and four
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boys, and lived a happy family life. and initially , potemkin’s sister was involved in raising elizabeth, that is, this says a lot, but also the fact that later, in the future, the fate of this girl was monitored, but it says that she, to grigory potemkin , was still not a stranger, but i repeat, perhaps this is... potemkin’s daughter catherine may be the daughter of one of potemkin’s many mistresses at that time. yes, there is also such a historical fact. it's good that today palace weddings do not cause so much controversy. the local zads is located in one of the parts of the estate; however, most of the architectural monument of the 16th century is occupied by museum halls. some of them replicate the interiors of that time. estate manager's room, buffet dining room. a hall is made in the style of a winter garden, which tells about the history of the palace, and about the county itself since 1772
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year can be found in the library office. under the control of count grigory potemkin, krichev became one of the major industrial centers of the russian empire. up to 300 workers worked at the porusina factory alone. in 1783, 820 pieces of sailing fabric were made from it, from which glass for ships was later made, but the most successful decision of the most serene prince was the opening of a shipbuilding base in the city, which made him famous. i found out that he was involved in the construction of a shipbuilding facility on the sosh river ancestor of the famous russian poet of the golden age. great-uncle of alexander pushkin, general and engineer ivan hannibal. in 1785 , 25 ships were launched here. a fleet of
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thirteen yachts. and twelve mushroom ships for catherine's travels. over time , shipbuilding in krichev fell into decline. big business has literally become small. we head to the local children's and youth creativity center to see miniature models of ships that roamed the seas several centuries ago. new horizons mutually beneficial cooperation opens between minsk and baku. the parties also plan to create a joint production of medicinal and veterinary drugs, mixed fertilizers from azerbaijani nitrogen and belarusian potassium. today, business makes a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations. let me remind you that the goal is to reach the level of mutual trade turnover of a billion dollars. at the forefront, including
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the stable operation of the union state and... belarus economy. domestic enterprises are developing new markets. tell us about examples of successful supply diversification. there are plenty of them, one of the latest in the industry is grodnoazot. the company began supplying its products to brazil, india, and turkey. exports exceeded the plan, the july volume was sold out. alexandria is once again preparing to gather friends. this year the date of the festival coincides with the folk calendar on july 6 and 7. in russia from moscow to arkhangelsk - this is more than 90 people, we also welcome guests from azerbaijan and uzbekistan. the holiday on the banks of the dnieper will unite for the fifteenth time connoisseurs of folk art, a large fair will unfold, an exhibition of products of belarusian brands will be dedicated to the year of quality, and thematic platforms will also operate. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the program events on thursdays on tv channel belarus 20. four.
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as i already said, krichev is the only shipbuilding center in the 17th century. and it all started with galira, on which catherine ii herself traveled. this is a sailing ship.
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it was, the ship's timber was also not needed, that's all it naturally fell into disrepair. there was no sale of sailcloth, no sale of ropes. today's craftsmen recreate the ship only in miniature, under the professional and sensitive guidance of alexey tetov, who had a dream of becoming
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a shipbuilder in early childhood. at the age of 6 i went to sea, well , let’s say, the handsome alexander pushkin is a liner, and cosmonaut yuri gagarin on the roads, led to these ships, more modern, knowledge of the russian imperial fleet, i was interested, studied history, again led to creating these models of ships, well, don’t think that this is pure, i just did it, no, we have an association with the guys, we built this with the boys, well, i see, there are a lot of small details here, how many of these holes did you say in this model? 1.388, this is how much time it takes to spend six months, a guy sitting, a guy drilling, a guy processing, and any person can master this skill, or for this you need to eat.


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