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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 15, 2024 7:25pm-8:00pm MSK

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his son, soon hundreds of his comrades will die in battle in the defense of one hundred and twenty thousand magelev. in parting , pavel gave his wife advice that would save the life of his family. vera, when the germans come, don’t tell them that you’re a kid. say your maiden name. this is one of the few stories that is known about the police battalion. for a week, his fighters
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heroically defended the approaches to mogilev. for 24 years working at the museum of local lore. alexandra burakova has told this story hundreds of times. in july forty-first, quiet calm mogilev becomes an arena of military operations. on june 22, 1941, when the great patriotic war began in the city of mogilev , it was planned to hold a dress rehearsal for the all-belarusian physical culture parade. in the evening, the parade participants were supposed to go to minsk, but they learned about... the war, then on the first
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day of the war, june 22, no one knew that in a few days mogilev would become front-line, and military operations would take place around the city. for mogilev, the war began not with shelling, but with silence. the city started refugees appear from occupied territories. on june 25, new units of the red army arrive here, the government is evacuated, it actually becomes the capital of the bssr, and on july 1 , a meeting is held at the headquarters of the western front with the participation of soviet party activists, marshals, shapushnikov and voroshilov. the organization of the defense of the city on the dnieper fell on the shoulders of the meeting participants. konstantin grigorievich, you will sleep through the entire war. i would like to joke, but i haven’t gotten over this news yet. i only
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found out at the station in mogilev. june 22, 1941 police lieutenant konstantin vladimirov arrived in mogilev, where he heard about the beginning of the war on peron. five days earlier, vladimirov took his wife and son to his homeland, vroslavl, a city in the smolensk region, and i hope to join them on vacation soon. evgeniy kovalenok, ex- officio chairman of the regional council of police veterans, is one of those who knows everything about the battalion. when you read vladimirov’s profile, you are surprised that with a fifth-grade education , he spoke several languages, languages, including latin. his mother was an epic story, he there was a large family, two brothers and three sisters who lived with them. in the seventeenth year he volunteered to join the partisans. roslavl in the smolensk region.
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soon he will have to lead a consolidated police battalion for the defense of the city; before the war in 1940, he was sent to oryol as the head of combat service training of the department, but at that time in the forties, after the thirty-ninth year, when the reunification took place, which means the western regions of belarus with the eastern, that is, she has fully recovered, police officers naturally they were now sent to the western side to provide assistance. in the organization of the police, and therefore from russia they were sent here to the mogilev region, so he arrived here, the western front was defeated in a week, he came under attack from the largest german group of the army center, divisions of tank
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groups hoth and gudarian poured in. on july 3 , wehrmacht chief of staff franz halder wrote: it would not be an exaggeration to say that the campaign against russia... was won within 14 days. alexey tyutyunkov, candidate of historical sciences. all began with alexey studying the military exploits of his grandfathers. one went through the entire war, ending it in prague, the second died near mogilev on the twenty-eighth day. where he is buried now is still unknown. gradually, alexey became interested in combat. history of the native land. today he is one of those who study the military archives of mogilev and participate in search activities. during the first days of the war, a fairly large police garrison gathered, about one and a half thousand people. these figures are confirmed by archival
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sources. these were policemen who evacuated from the already occupied territories, firstly, some of the police, about 800 people, were sent to the people. pusa began to advance to the line of the dnieper and western dvina rivers in order to launch an offensive in the moscow direction. the key point on the dnieper was mogilev with its crossings and railway junction. the military also understood this. at the beginning of july forty-one
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, armored units of ruderian’s second tank group began to arrive at mogilev. first of all this. 3rd panzer division general model, from the side of buinich, from the side of the minsk highway , the grossdeutschland regiment, the reich ss division were moving, and from the side of shklov, that’s where we are now, not far from the highway, reconnaissance, advanced units of just these german units that were preparing to crossing the dnieper. nikolai borisenko, historian.
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historical decisions: not to surrender the city until the last minute, to create a powerful line of defense along the dnieper, because there is no such water line before moscow, soviet troops are being brought here, a second echelon is being formed defense, mogilev begins to dig in. on june 28, 1941, the preparation of defensive fortifications around the city of magilevo began, and literally in 6-7 days
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two lines of fortifications were prepared, and one of the lines was an anti-tank ditch, which... already on july 3 , reconnaissance detachments went to the distant approaches to the city germans. by this point, the defenders had built massive defensive fortifications, laid extensive minefields, and fortified houses. shoulder to shoulder with citizens and soldiers. the police are also preparing for the fight, they support order, protect the city from marauders,
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resist saboteurs, they were placed at the disposal of the military commandant of the city , colonel voevodin, that is, the main military commander in the garrison, and they were given tasks depending on the situation, if it is necessary to urgently evacuate some large enterprise, this is security of this enterprise and its property during movement.
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by this time, bombs had already rained down on the city. this was already the second war on his account, and the army suffered serious losses. on duty, the soldiers in blue tunics began to perform combat missions. surviving policemen constantly mention that they fought against dzersan groups.
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at the request of the order , the commander of the 172nd rifle division, the head of the magilev garrison, created this battalion on july 12, a police battalion consisting of three companies occupies positions in the defense of the city, the first second company takes the line of the old pashkova gai, this is one of tank-dangerous directions, the third company takes up the defense of the minsk highway and...
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that means they stretched all the way to the village of
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pashkova, which means i also dug these trenches here. despite the passing decades, sofya veraksa still remembers how the war began in her home village of gai, which was defended by the police. at that time she was 14 years old. everyone was in the trenches and waiting for the germans to come.
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a sedate road that leads to the railway station, the cherezlovskoe highway, and here it is from the point of view of tactics, it is very important here, the dubrovenka river, it seems to be small, but it was so swampy, there the heights are about 30-40 m high, here walks along the edge of the forest, there’s no sign of her there you can’t drive a tank, the only way is the bridge, this small bridge and dubrovenka, that’s why...
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simonov arrives in the city, he is impressed that there is relative order in the city, that there are canteens, refugees can eat in the canteens, and the canteens are open for free , it seemed that every defender of the city had such a selfless impulse, having received a rebuff near the village of buynichi, the advanced divisions began
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to break through in other directions, mogilev was engulfed more and more tightly, the traffic police could not hold the village, he withdrew his fighters from there, leaving several policemen in order to create the appearance of defense of the village of gai. the germans, naturally, brought down all the ammunition, their everything, on the village of gai in order to break through the first line and, but when they went on the attack, vladimir, the flank fighters hit, then they captured the first, which means
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trophies, this is a heavy machine gun, a large number pomegranate and also. there were four guns and the german was in command, which means fay, fay, fay, they were shooting, i thought they were shooting at mogilev.
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30, or maybe 40, a tent full of wounded germans was, having crossed the dnieper, parts of motorized gudarian's corps, having bypassed mogilev, united in chaus, closing a ring around the defenders, the city found itself in complete isolation. on july 15, the germans attacked the heights where the police were entrenched several times; due to serious losses, the main forces moved to the village of gai, and a third was brought here. the police unit fought holding battles and continued to desperately resist. from the report of konstantin vladimirov to the commander
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of the combined regiment vasily katyushin. the police battalion repelled six attacks by superior enemy forces, supported by artillery and mortar fire and aviation. destroyed up to 400 soldiers and officers, 30 were captured. our losses, 118 soldiers, middle-ranking sergeants, died, every second of those remaining in the ranks. injured. during the seventh attack , the enemy captured old pashkovo, and i am planning a counterattack with all available forces to restore the situation. i'm running out of ammunition, i'll hold out for 10-12 hours, i'm asking for help. but no help came. by this time the entire city was under siege. it’s difficult to say how many attacks they repelled, but at least. respects what it is young guys armed with light small arms, nogan rifles, grenades, which held up under fire from mortars, heavy,
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heavy artillery, nebelwerfers, the so -called, these are german rocket shells, well, to give you an idea, each of these shells contains about 50 kg of explosives , these are huge losses, a huge number of wounded, the cartridges have run out. ammunition ran out, so their feat is beyond doubt, one can only admire their courage, counterattack, where the police lieutenant was mortally wounded, from vladimirov, the family he took to vroslav a few days before the start of the war received only one letter. by that time he was no longer alive. there was a machine gun here, maxim, maxim, these are
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policemen, that’s right, yes, yes, they were shooting here at the village, they wanted to knock out the germans from this, from the village, from this, from this side, and... when the battle was already over there , there were five people lying here, there were still dead, and there were wounded, there was a cry, and groans, it didn’t last long, this is a recording of an interview from 2009, it’s more likely here all i remember is the last battle of vladimirov’s battalion at this height, at this time...
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it means that it was so hard for me, i was so sorry, so i was already going to the city. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine, in moscow, in shawarma, in st. petersburg - shawarma, in shlov. ogurverma, i note that
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there are two camps here: the first is meat with balsamic vinegar and blackberry gel, this is fantastic, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces, a question to put into fishing right away, do you think that belarusians know how to cook scea? of course they can, prove it to me now i’ll prove this to you, let’s let the shklov-style cucumber brew for a little while, and then we’ll go try it. and we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country, that is , in fact, sash, we added smoke here, made it from a simple steak in a frying pan, a steak fried on the wing, the residents of the school are still great fellows, to create such a legendary culinary history based on one product, this is necessary try, watch the food project anywhere on our tv channel, the secrets
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of good. and good mood, here comes summer passed as if it never happened, it won’t be like that, i suggest you spend this morning cheerfully, actively in our warm company, i haven’t ground for a long time, you know, you need to have time to look at the beauty, as you said, like a bud growing, like a loved one to my wife, just like that, meeting interesting people, hello comrades, i am a partisan liaison babaraya, hello babaraya! and a lot of useful and exciting information. previously, the place of the forest was an english landscape park. according to legend, she had more than 150 species of different trees. perhaps a park in the future will be restored. in general, why do you think the germans did not enter here during the war years? they were afraid of the swamps. and even during the war years, life prevailed, as they say, yes, over death. and we used to have partisan weddings here.
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as a result of the bombing of soviet aviation in kobrin, large german fuel warehouses were destroyed, and seven trains were blown up at the yanov station, the modern city of ivanovo. during july 15 , more than
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100 settlements were liberated on the territory of belarus. including zabelin, porozovo, soshitsa, kolyadichi, grodno region. there were 13 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. belarus and chuvash can. to double trade turnover by the end of 2024, president alexander lukashenko announced this during a meeting with the head of the russian region oleg nikolaev. the chuvash republic, according to the president, is still a new partner for belarus, but very promising. during the meeting , opportunities for developing cooperation ties and new projects were discussed. the head of state noted that belarus is ready develop and produce the entire necessary line of metalworking machines.
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cheboksary is very familiar with belarusian transport. there is work ahead in the agricultural sector, this is oleg nikolaev’s first visit to belarus in the status of head of the chuvash republic, the program includes visits to industrial giants, mtz, mas and bkm. about 60 heads of foreign institutions gathered at the academy of management under the president. the advanced training program is a kind of synchronization of clocks on the main issues of implementing belarus’ foreign policy and development trade and economic cooperation with countries of the world, including issues of promoting the belarusian. economic union and indonesia. both sides are interested in the speedy completion of this process, and this is a serious factor that allows us to count on further expansion and deepening
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of cooperation, primarily in trade and economic matters. and now it is important for us, even before this process is completed, for all our enterprises and businesses to think about how to increase our belarusian presence in the indonesian market. from china's point of view absolutely everything is a priority now, because china is one of our key strategic partners, the head of state has set specific tasks, they relate to almost all areas, from industrial cooperation, from the supply of agricultural products, to, as was recently the case during the visit delegations of rectors of belarusian universities, ending with cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, therefore, almost every direction. must be worked out in detail for managers the diplomatic missions will include many business meetings, business briefings, working meetings with senior officials of the country, and participants will also visit the country's leading industrial enterprises. discuss
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the entire range of issues in the trade and economic sphere and express strong support for the president of venezuela nicolas maduro on the eve of the elections from the president of belarus. these are the main goals of the official visit of the belarusian government delegation led by the prime minister. roman golovchenko at a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs affairs of venezuela noted that the new agreements and decisions made will help belarus and venezuela improve their performance in mutual trade, as well as resolve issues regarding the functioning of some industrial projects. before the start of official negotiations , the prime minister of belarus paid tribute to the memory of the legendary comandante ugachavis at the monument in the historical museum of caracas. venezuela is the first point of negotiations in latin america. afterwards the government delegation will head to. we are here to consolidate the agreements that historically. you remember very well that surge, the peak activity that occurred between belarus and venezuela not so long ago. and today we are here to renew this
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activity. we are ready to discuss with our partners a wide range of these issues, which are aimed at expanding trade and economic cooperation, political interaction, and cultural interaction. we see in this the meaning and result of that guiding policy. our president, why we are here, we are expanding cooperation and deepening it with the countries of the far arc. personnel, strict adherence to technology and modernization of the vehicle fleet. the approach to the development of the agro-industrial complex is comprehensive. this season, for example, 62 new combines are working in the golden fields of the minsk region. in total, over 1,600 units are used for grain harvesting. to create a good harvest for next year, winter sowing in the region will begin earlier. rapeseed will open the sowing season on july 25th. along with harvesting , flax is being pulled, and work continues on the preparation of grass feed. sick leave has been paid in a new way in the country since the beginning of july. average daily earnings are now calculated the social protection fund even takes into account one-time payments, including financial
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assistance and bonuses for holidays, and also those with 10 years of experience are paid 100% of the average daily earnings from the first day of incapacity and is relevant for part-time workers. sick leave is now paid only at the main place of work. but taking into account the earnings of all employers, plans for this year include the launch of a mobile application, where each employee can see his average daily earnings and required payments. during the first working week, the social security fund received more than 180 requests to calculate the average daily earnings, and as we see, everything was calculated successfully, employers received the necessary notification with information to assign benefits, in addition, we are also analyzing how much a person won under the new conditions... after all, the benefit has decreased and here it is necessary it should be noted that, indeed, taking into account the new approach, basically all calculated sick leave benefits will be of a higher level. the slavic bazaar resounded
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with sold-out concerts and gathered an unprecedented number of artists and spectators in vitebsk. in during the ceremonial closing , one of the main intrigues of the festival was resolved. grand prix of the pop song performers competition for caroline balan from moldova, imagine. for kazakhstan, based on the results of two appearances on the stage , the first prize, the second for italy and russia. the six-thousand-strong audience applauded the representatives of bulgaria and belarus, who shared the third prize. the special prize "slavic hope" will take representatives home.


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