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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 15, 2024 8:35pm-9:00pm MSK

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and we will prove that we can do a lot here, no less than the empires that border you and the developed states. all important issues are most often resolved not at official negotiations, not at ceremonial exhibitions and not in formal suits; the most important issues, whether in politics or economics, are most often resolved in an informal setting. the presidency is the most difficult profession in the world, this schedule is never static, something is canceled, something. something else is added, rearranged in some places, but still, in this schedule there is never a day off mark, so the head of state is the leader of the country 24x365 days a year. author's project by igor turay, propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. each of the heroes is special. and i was interested in these little ones.
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to achieve the required necessary result, the policy of our economy, if people ask us something, we always suggest, and if a person wants to achieve something, why not help him, everyone has their own unique story, the pinnacle of skill, you look at the products and don’t understand how it could be done and how much work needed to be invested, how much skill, experience, what we achieved, achieved, surpassed everything. my expectations, i didn’t expect that i would be sitting here in such a paradise, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. autovan in belarusian, first of all, we pay attention to the quality of the laid cement-concrete pavement, how orders are carried out. president for road repair,
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we go around the entire network of our highways using points, and give an assessment based on the criteria. behind that belarusians criticize road workers? they pour asphalt from a kettle and pour hot chinese water over it. what technologies do scientists offer? we are currently working on creating a standard for what roads we will drive on in the future. the secret of high-quality coverage is in the optimal ratio. look. the project is under the control of the president. right now. border of the russian federation, gomel-kobrin. the m10 highway is increasingly causing indignation among drivers on the internet. numerous potholes and dozens of accidents. the prosecutor's office is interested in long-term repairs and state control. the scam will come to light as quickly as it was discovered in the spring. paper, there is a new
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coating and fencing, but in fact someone took and embezzled 3 million rubles. a criminal case has been initiated. this is not the only example: in total, over the past year, road organizations reimbursed 13 million rubles to the budget. however, fines are not the very goal of controllers. recently, the work of inspectors has been focused more on preventing violations, searching for reserves, saving money during road construction without compromising quality. and identification of additional income sources in republican road fund. one of the latest proposals is to limit the appetites of bitumen producers. the introduction of marginal profitability allowed us to save millions of rubles for the budget. due to these savings, tens of kilometers of roads were repaired. according to the proposal of the state control committee, supported by the head of state, the profitability of bitumen producers was limited to 12% for the purposes of road construction financed from the budget. just beyond... out of savelka,
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shklovsky district, local residents forgot, when there was a normal surface here, look what’s happening here with this road, people get sand on the train, they can’t get through on mopeds, the attitude towards the road is bad, and especially since this has been going on for a long time, for example, in the month of february there are potholes , let’s say, all these potholes and all this asphalt, it’s scattering again, people have a lot of jokes about road workers, but a kettle and boiling water are something new, but in every joke there is a grain of humor, complaints about the quality of road... work belarusians really have enough, they need it to repair in compliance with all the technology so that this repair or re-laying of asphalt serves its intended period, there is at least 15 years for asphalt, and at least 25 years for concrete, with some isolated measures, patching holes, we still
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will not solve this problem . highways in belarus are divided into two categories: republican and local. republicans provide transport. communication between key settlements within the country and neighboring countries, all others are local, for example, m3 is awaiting a complete upgrade, this is one of the busiest highways, connecting minsk-vitebsk, therefore the most durable type of covering is laid here - concrete, the turnaround time is 25 years, with proper care the covering can last over 40 years, this is the case when we are building not only for ourselves, but also for grandchildren. first of all, we pay attention to the quality of the laid cement-concrete pavement.
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in some places there are these roads, but it is necessary to seriously work on them, in some places they need to be rebuilt, in some places the surface must be cut off and the profile must be crescent-shaped, water should not stand on the roads, as soon as there is water on the road, this entire road will be destroyed, our weather is like this, today it froze at night, melted during the day, cars drove past everything, and this asphalt begins to crumble, people know all this, but we are irresponsible about it. there is no demand, pay attention to this. the total length of highways in belarus is 86,000 km, of which 87% are paved roads. the density is one of the highest among the cis countries, so in the future the emphasis will not be on the construction of new highways, but on
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the reconstruction of existing ones. in the current this year, more than 5,000 km of roads are planned to be repaired, with 1.3 billion belarusian rubles allocated for this. the latest figures from the ministry of transport are more than 1,800. already restored. the main objects of republican importance being implemented are the p-53 highway in the section from smolevichiy to zhodino. it is planned to open traffic at the beginning of july. in addition, reconstruction will continue beyond this road, from zhodino to borisov. also, in august of this year we plan to complete the reconstruction of the bypass of the city of lida. it is planned by the end of the year. completion of work already the familiar m3 from logoisk to pleschenitsy, a large construction project on the p-46 from lepel to polotsk, it is clear that it is impossible to roll all the roads in concrete in the country, and there is no such goal, for example, some local roads pass through forested areas and not always have a hard surface. a road experiment in
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the goritsky district of the mogilev region, our film crew is the first among the media to delve into the process. if recycling pays off. it will be used throughout the country; it is a technology for reusing old coatings with the addition of new ones. let's prepare road, then we distribute the cement, we mill it, mix it and then distribute it with a grader, roll it, and then we maintain it, well, when it has gained strength for 28 days, and this road will be ready for use. the technology is designed for the restoration of gravel roads, only in the mogilev region. more than 3,000 km. the traffic flow on such routes is small, but heavy agricultural machinery is constantly driving along them. in the off-season, roads become unusable, people experience inconvenience, but it is not economically feasible to lay asphalt or concrete, hence the emphasis on recycling; the technology should improve
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the quality of the coating and reduce costs significantly. our goal is to ensure that good roads and good services reach every person in our country, everyone. people are valuable to us, and we must also take care of these people who live in remote parts of our region. and this is already young. the area has almost two dozen complaints about the same section of road. i would like to draw your attention to the molodechno ilya road. the area is laid out in such a way that in some places you have to go either in the center, or with one wheel on the side of the road. such conditions lead to an increase in emergency situations; if the road is left unattended, we will sue for damaged rims, tires, and wheels. please tell me when the road surface will be repaired on the molodichna ilya section, there is just such a road.
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to assess the effectiveness of government agencies, at the end of last year, kgc opened a hotline. in just a few days, 450 requests were received; it is noteworthy that more than half of the problems were resolved in for a month and a half, and recently the department received information about problems on the roads through an online panel on its website. this year, the head of state instructed the government. transport and other interested parties to put the roads in order by may 9. as part of monitoring this instruction , the committee organized an online feedback panel on the official website, which received about 280 requests in just one month of its operation. most of the deficiencies were corrected within a few days. a number of problems, of course, are not immediately decided because this requires the development of design and estimate documentation somewhere and the allocation of additional financial resources. however. all requests have been left under control, order will be restored. inspections are not meant to punish; by being proactive, as
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practice shows, it is possible to find reserves to reduce the cost of work without losing quality. valuable material, sometimes literally, is under our feet. current technologies make it possible not only to lay it on top of asphalt, but also to remove a certain layer. this also turns out to be, let’s say, quite valuable material, which can later be used to fill local roads. we carried out monitoring. on this issue, only at one enterprise, minsk dortocenter , more than 50,000 tons of such material have accumulated, which can be used in the future for road repairs, which will save budget funds, let’s say, and the quality will not be worse. most of the problems on highways are associated with temperature changes; it is not for nothing that they say that the worst enemies for the road are water and frost; such road construction materials are needed as if they could withstand any weather swing. asphalt concrete contains three main
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ingredients: crushed stone, sand and bitu. the secret of high-quality coverage is in the optimal ratio. our scientists are working on this. each road surface has its own characteristics. there is no universal recipe, but we will still try to figure out how to mix the ideal mixture, and the head of the organic binders department of the belarusian road research institute will help us. let's take granite. mix, get a homogeneous mass, finally add bitumen binder, our road dough is ready, we often wonder why a hole appeared here, why a crack appeared here, why is this all the result of heterogeneity, that is , even if we look at our mixture, it is approximately homogeneous, but because of what we applied before ... quite small pebbles and a small amount of sand, accordingly we were able to create uniform films, and
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you know the well-known russian saying, where it is thin it breaks, that is, if our film turns out to be thin, then in this place most likely at some point with us, well, not right away, but after some time , a crack or some kind of defect may form. here is a ready-made sample of asphalt concrete, you don’t need to wait several years to find out what load it will withstand, this installation allows you to determine. rut depth. the unit imitates the movement of a car wheel, so experts determine the service life of the future road surface. there is only one method for determining the rut depth of a loaded wheel. advanced methods that operate in europe and the russian federation make it possible to determine the depth of the ruts that form in the pavement, and we already have an idea of ​​what will be formed, we are now working on creating a standard that will allow us to use the rut method, that is , so that already at the stage, let’s say,
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of selecting and preparing an asphalt concrete mixture, we can understand after its laying on the road, whether a rut will form or not , this is a problem for everyone, it is both for public roads and for the streets of populated areas. a question that haunts car owners: is it possible to lay asphalt concrete in the rain? clarified, it is possible, technology really allows road services to work all year round in different weather conditions. each weather has its own type of asphalt concrete, in summer it is hotter type of asphalt concrete, in winter it is possible to produce warm ones, these are special bitumens.
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they gather neither in winter nor in summer. what happened inside was that the workers refused it , not boiling water, but a special emulsion. according to the technology, we pour emulsion grooves so that the asphalt and old surface have good adhesion and can be rolled normally. such here's a life hack from road workers. you can laugh, they say, what teapots are like in the 20th century. technology has moved forward a long time ago. yes. our specialists are aware of all road trends and actively use them, multi-lane concrete roads, like the m3, there is confirmation there, it doesn’t matter if it’s a small gravel road or a republican highway, we need a result, i would like to not be ashamed of the roads we are building today tomorrow, i always watch, my children also watch, when i
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pass, i even made an overpass somewhere in the river, they pass there, he says, this is mine dad built it, so this too someday... i will drive along this road, and of course i will remember it. markov fedor grigorievich, commander of the partisan brigade named after voroshilov. with the beginning of the great patriotic war in the red army, he was a political instructor of a company on the western front, a participant in the defensive border battle in belarus. in august 1941, he was
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recalled from the front and sent to the enemy's rear with the task of deployment. the brigade under his command from january to october 1943 destroyed 8835 german soldiers and officers, and also 60 policemen and traitors to the motherland, eight tanks, armored vehicles, 72 motor vehicles, 35 trains were mowed down, 42 railway and 140 road bridges were blown up. for the exemplary performance of government tasks in the fight against the nazi invaders behind enemy lines, and for the courage and heroism shown, fedor grigorievich markov was awarded the title of hero
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of the soviet union with the order of lenin and gold star medals. awarded two orders of lenin, the order of the red banner of labor, medals, including for a partisan patriotic war of the first degree. streets in many belarusian settlements are named after him. in the city of molodechno there is a park and a street named after markov, on which a bust of the hero is installed.
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since the creation of significant cultural objects in the region of the country, the elements of the forest plantation appear to be two alkezhas, which histories of architecture are connected with the earliest baronial functions. these palaces would be completely destroyed, and in the 19th century, when pennies appeared and then, they would be published in the style of inconvenience. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. inflatable campasiyai. we are very much abelisk with gadzinnikam, sadziba aginskaga, i just fell in love with my whole world today, watching this element, watching on our tv channel. time
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to work ahead, time to understand and feel your information enemy, and this is, first of all, the center of information and psychological operations, which are grouped under the roof of nato. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. and half the world, but our main weapon is not staging and lies, our favorite methods enemy, but the truth. the international non-governmental organization reporters without borders has presented its new ranking of the world press freedom index. ukraine ranks 61st, while belarus and russia are 167 and 162, respectively. lithuania is thirteenth, latvia is 12th. well, which one is free? the press can be in the baltic states, is there at least one portal, russian or belarusian? no, they were cleared out right here one by one, if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are
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in the dock. alexander lukashenko he very correctly said that the word is a weapon. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 244. we have forgotten how to enjoy little things, be surprised, feel connected, but every day is made up of traditions. today, a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through. generations, it is in our smile, the waves of our hands, in
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such a familiar look, from simple happy moments that real traditions are formed. we proud of the heritage. our ancestors, we value the past for our present.
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let's sum up the main results of the day, this is a panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, watch the episode.


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