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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 16, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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in yerevan. they are being held as part of preparation for the participation of military personnel of the two countries in international peacekeeping missions, the ministry of defense of the republic reported and emphasized that such events are held regularly. so in may, the us army already participated in maneuvers in yerevan to prevent a nuclear threat. the russian foreign ministry stated that the armenian-american exercises undermine the mechanisms of cooperation between the republic and russia, especially against the backdrop of yerevan’s actual freezing of its activities in the csto and public attacks against the organization.
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the monument is intended to encourage hatred in polish-ukrainian relations. the sculpture was cast more than 5 years ago and for a long time could not find its place. the authorities of many polish cities did not want to place the monument on their territory. belarus may establish a new landmark date: the day of partisans and underground fighters. this was stated by the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the partisan parade on the occasion of the liberation of minsk from the nazi invaders. we are ready for this initiative discuss on the platform of the upper house of parliament.
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partisan to pay tribute to everyone who liberated our country from the nazi invaders. and this is the latest news for this minute, see you at 19:00. this is the natural wealth of belarus, the size of the tayamnits can be found in braslauschyna, here you will find enchanting lakes from the extraordinary called bozhae voka. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change during practice.
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o'clock, there is a padanna, what's going on in sochyts for on the right people from heaven, and the size of such charming lusters in belarus. a visit to this city is necessary for anyone who wants to feel the atmosphere of small belarusian cities and plunge into the history of their development. although the town is small, the population is only about 800, there are plenty of attractions here. after all, the first mention of this place dates back to 1136. today we are building our route around the slavgorod region. today in our issue we will find out which corpses catherine ii walked over. where did the legendary battle between the russians and the swedes take place? where does the largest spring in eastern europe come from? and also why is slavgorod region called the cheese capital?
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slavgorod is located in the south of the mogilev region, there is no direct train connection between minsk and the regional center, but you can get there by bus, the journey takes about 5 hours. the most convenient option, in my opinion, is a minibus or a car, but our trip is not limited only to the city , so the choice is obvious. fasten your seat belts, we're about to begin. slavgorod is located in a wonderful place, the confluence of two rivers, pronya and sosh. here is also the ancient settlement of castle hill and...
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a magnificent landscape-type park, so perhaps we’ll begin our acquaintance with the slavgorod region with them. castle hill is a symbolic place. it was from here that the ancient slavgorod once began, which then still bore the very ambiguous name of propoisk. according to legend, stalin personally gave a new name to the search when he added it to the list of cities in whose honor the victory salute was given in moscow. for the sake of this historical moment, not too euphonious the name of the city was changed to slavgorod. ekaterina, tell me why this place got such a name: castle hill? and you know, today this is the place.
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very beautiful and magnificent, and one very interesting event was connected with him, and the fact is that at the beginning of the 18th century, in our pro-polish castle, whoever you think the well-known dmitry nagoy was hiding, this is the same false dmitry ii, he was hiding here from the polish magnates, having issued his first decree, he was very frightened and came here to the castle, where he was actually found by the polish magnates, he had little choice. either take the throne or be executed, and accordingly, he was obvious, having taken the throne, the polish magnates did not yet know that for him the throne would already be dmitry ii directing all his policies against them, at the height of the wars between muscovy and the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, to unfortunately, in the middle of the 16th century the castle was
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destroyed. today castle hill is a park with well-groomed streets and squares; it stretches along the coastline for one kilometer. this place was of strategic importance, here was precisely the observation post of the nazi invaders, and this is also no coincidence, because literally 100 meters from this place there was a jewish eta. in addition to the historical component of the place,
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there are numerous cozy locations for photo sessions. you can, for example, sit in a carriage, or on a throne, and feel like a real empress. catherine could not remain unnoticed by our city, in honor of this significant day, today this is installed here in the city park a significant throne, a symbol of the fact that catherine visited our lands and entered them with her imperial foot. well, i feel quite comfortable on this throne. there is an old linden tree here, on which, as evidence.
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so now we have installed such a bench here, a place for kissing, just under that very linden tree, which is considered the tree of love, let's try to grab it, come on, you feel my hand there, no, just one, well means no luck. ekaterina, let us be together, but we hope that we will still see you again, for sure, there is a very beautiful landscape here and you can feel the spirit of millennia, of antiquity that existed even before this place was mentioned in chronicle sources.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was a goal to create such a thing. it’s not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one fur, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, our equipment today, in fact, a very reliable margin of safety is built into it enormously, these are the most knowledge-intensive, most complex machines, in principle, that exist in the world, we will introduce people who are... dedicated to their work, one of the most important organizers and ideological inspirers in general
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it was the director of our museum who became this museum, it was her long-time dream, i have three children and it is impossible to love someone more, someone less, these are also our children, yes, they are all good in their own way, so really the attitude towards any product is the same, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. well, then we go to another historically significant place, and not only on the scale of the slavgorod region, to the open-air museum complex, which was built in the agricultural town of lesnaya. this open-air museum is located on an area of ​​almost 1 hectare and introduces itself. the result of such a significant
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event in the history of russia and all of europe was a crushing victory for the russian army. for comparison, in that battle the swedes lost about 10 thousand people while the russians are about a thousand. the first thing that attracted my attention was this temple monument, chapel. tell me, has it been here since ancient times or is it part of a reconstruction project.
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she saved many lives here in the field of lies. well, if you climb to the very top of the chapel in the bell tower, you will truly appreciate all the beauty and power of this amazing place. another remarkable element of the memorial complex is the monument, which is presented in the form of an eagle. it symbolizes the power and strength of the russian states. yes. here is an eagle, which has opened its wide wings, it seems to be looking
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confidently towards moscow, and as if the wingspan symbolizes that this territory is reliably protected, the memorial complex has its own museum, the central place of the exhibition is occupied by a model, etc. ..depicting the battle between the russians and the swedes, it depicts soldiers, horses, carts, and weapons of those times with pinpoint accuracy. tsar peter proclaimed to everyone that the whole victory was the first, here the russian army matured, in poltava they finished off the swedes. yard near the museum is also unusual; its main space is occupied by some kind of installation on the theme of the battle. here you will find both russians and swedes, although they are fake, but
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no one will forbid you to take memorable photos. this is an excellent location for our route, but we move on. slavgorodchina is a picturesque corner in the east of the mogilev region, which is also known for the main pearl of belarus, the blue krynitsa. this unique spring is located near the village of kliny slavgorod. area, you definitely need to see it with your own eyes. blue krydnitsa is the largest spring in eastern europe and is a lake with a diameter of about 25 m. to me. i can’t wait to look at this natural splendor; i’ll do it on a bicycle.
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for the first time in this amazing place, the kronnitsa literally struck me at first sight with its piercing blue and at the same time... absolutely transparent water, the krenitsa changes its color, like a girl’s outfits, every time it is beautiful, there are a lot of legends associated with the krenitsa, and the main reports us evdakim romanov, the famous ethnographer, all the legends go away the roots of kradimiche, when people believed in different gods, mainly svorog, perun and many others, and they endowed water with life-giving strength and life-giving power. people came to pray to it, rituals were performed near it, during christianity the water did not lose its significance, they prayed near it, children were baptized, and the rodimichi themselves were baptized. they say that the water in this well comes to the surface of the earth from a depth of more than 200 m. minsk divers once tried to examine the mine, but were never able to reach its bottom.
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the clinic fills 120 keys, and it happens this is from a mine that has a diameter of approx. this mine appeared as a result of a fracture in the earth’s crust and the washing out of limestone; now people get water from this place. this spring is considered the largest in eastern europe, which is why the water in it is so icy and does not warm up even on the hottest summer day. from radimich we inherited one very interesting tradition: it is believed that the one who goes to the ryanitsa three times will be healthy all year, and no illness will affect him. so i suggest you do it, but i don’t on the contrary, they say that the water temperature here stays at 5° celsius all year round, well, let's check how to speak with our own feet, don't be afraid, when you go out, you won't be cold, oh, oh, oh, oh, i can’t feel my legs, for me it was
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a real challenge, my legs literally died in a matter of seconds, but for the sake of the healing properties of this holy spring, i think i can be patient. by the way, the chemical composition of this faucet also has no equal; it is checked here every year. the water is really tasty, it belongs to hydrocaronate-calcium group. its neutralization ranges from 160 to 197 mg per decimetric. and it can be compared with the best drinking waters that are now sold in...
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there is such a day for blue ice cream, this is the day of august 14, popularly called mokovey. on this day in 988 radimice was baptized. on this day, the seven macabee brothers who died for their faith are honored. on this day, august 14, the honey spas is celebrated, at this time the icon, the vladimir icon of the mother of god, the life-giving cross and the image of saints are venerated. so saint, and it’s also very beautiful here, so when traveling around the slavgorod region , be sure to include the blue one in your route ; this is the holiday that is for kryanica krynitsa, but now i suggest you go with me on a small gastronomic
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tour and make the first stop in the agricultural town of gizhenkarodsky. many call it the capital of belarusian cheese making and it is not without reason that the homemade cheeses of local farmers are known throughout belarus; in slavgorod itself every year a cheese festival is held, which attracts true connoisseurs of this product. well, let's go and we'll find out why slavgorod cheeses are so loved. meet lyudmila. cheese maker with twenty years of experience. cheese production requires a lot of time and patience, but lyudmila, along with her daughter-in-law and dashing , cope with their small co-maker. they not only contain. cows and goats, but they supply cheese outside their area, they participate in all kinds of gastro exhibitions, cheese festivals, and they gladly welcome tourists, a bowl for draining whey,
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a crusher, these are the molds that i brought especially from france for goat cheese cheese, pour it, yes, please, pour milk into a saucepan, today we will prepare classic adegean goat cheese, you can cheese... in your kitchen without any, i think, difficulties, that is, the easiest one, which means we put milk, we need to make a starter, here we have about 20 grams, maybe 15 grams of water, and we will make it with citric acid, please, take a spoon, dissolve it so that everything is completely dissolved, the crystals are all dissolved, which means the milk boils, the foam rises and we... then thin pour our starter in a trickle along the edge of the wall of our saucepan, you see, it rises, so now we pour, pour, pour along the wall, yes, cheese making is still
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a separate form of art, here you need to take into account even the smallest nuances, our whey is light , yes, uh-huh, here it is visible, yellowish to the naked eye, yes, well, transparent, so to speak, that’s right, this is how it should be. whey, if the whey is milky in color, it means there is not enough acid here, you need to add acid. all that remains is to add salt and drain our leave the cheese mixture in a special mold until it cools completely. there is so little of it, well, now it’s like yes, yes, yes, knock, here, here, here is our freshly brewed one. cheese, hello, handsome, how to cut it, and how you want, like a cake, yes, please, cut it like a cake, you will be surprised, but to get 1 kg of such
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cheese, you will need at least 20 liters of goat milk, dear, after all pleasure, but so tasty, enjoy the raw food diet, what a vika, well done, yeah, vika, it worked the first time, well done, you're real cheese maker, so you can come to our estate for part-time work, then we won’t be able to cope, i agree, yes. this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work proactively, it’s time to understand and feel your information enemy, and these are, first of all, the centers
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of information and psychological operations that are grouped under the roof of nato. ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. international the non-governmental organization reporters without borders presented its new ranking , the world press freedom index. ukraine ranks 61st, while belarus and russia are 167 and 162, respectively. lithuania -3, latvia - 12. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there at least one portal, russian or belarusian. no, they were defended right here one by one. if we take latvia, these are 14. journalists who are in the dock. alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different.
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we decided to continue our delicious gastronomic route in another hospitable corner. district in the agricultural town of rzhavka. it seems to me that very proactive and hospitable people live in the slavgorod region. before i had time to leave the meeting with the cheese makers, i was immediately invited to another estate, only this time a honey one. hello, this is the meeting, hello!
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spouses galina and alexey ermakov are masters of your business. for many years, from generation to generation, they have been caring for the family apiary and sharing their knowledge with others in an interactive manner. when visiting a family apiary, you can not only learn about the traditions of beekeeping and look at different types of beehives, but also get a visual acquaintance with the life of a bee family in nature. by the way, it is not necessary to wear a protective suit. to our left is a bee patch. this is where the bees fly out, here is their window, and they live in a glass hive, when we go to that part of the excursion, we will open a glass oley for you, the bees are peace-loving, what are you talking about, yes, the bakvast breed, yes, you see, we can walk peacefully, there we saw the ice of the bees, the window, well, now please find where they live here in in our room, here’s one, 2, 3, 4,
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5, and now find the living ones, besides me, the real chicks, where do you think they live, here, yes, here, it opens like a botleyka, hold it, once, open, two, open, oh, i see, three. look, they are already working. did you know that not only do they have medicinal properties? bee products. just being near beehives in apiaries already has a healing effect. for these purposes , apidomiki have even been created here. the design of the house is quite simple, it is a wooden house. at the lika, the ice is located there in the apiary. the netting is closed
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at the top of the house, look here. yes, i see further that not a single insect can get through here, not a single one, not a single one, further on, boards with such holes, the release of air, all beekeeping products, plus you lie down, lie down, lie down on a pillow, they are working under you bees, yours, happening microvibration, your body warms up, liberates, and is cleansed of the layers of all negative energy, that is, the bees, like grandmothers , take off your money. all the negativity, in 15 minutes the strength is restored, but they are just under me, or they are everywhere, they are under you, they are not there, they are not there, they are only under you, this is a hive, a real hive, 2 hours, if you slept here, as if you had enough sleep, slept for 8 hours, set the alarm clock, and go to bed, you have something to do for 2 hours, of course, sleeping on the hives is a kind of meditation at the same time time is an effective way to strengthen the entire
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body. breathing here is easy and unusually pleasant thanks to the biologically active substances of propolis, and the continuous buzz of bees in the hives puts you in a peaceful mood. here we have a master class, here we eat pancakes with honey, and now my master, the drone, is standing here. this, yes, these are his patrimony. yes, now he will tell you what he has here. we have it here. chair for printing honeycombs, this is when the bees bring the honey to the desired consistency, they seal it with wax caps, then you need to remove these caps and roll out the honey to roll it out, we have this honey extractor, a new computer-type honey extractor, this computer here, you set the program, set the frames , it rolls, and we can look at
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some stage, yes, just like that... take it spinning, let's spin it, yeah, here comes the honey under the influence of centrifugal force, when it spins very quickly, honey comes out of the honeycombs and lies on the walls of the honey extractor, then flows down, we open it from there, sit down and all and we eat, this is how it all happens and it’s the same thing, only we don’t twist our hands. here it’s cool or, well, this greatly simplifies the process, yes, of course, after such a fascinating excursion, i can say with confidence that the world of bees is amazing and diverse, and how delicious the honey is here, i’ll definitely take a couple of jars with me, vika, you know, that there are thousands of wishing wells in the world, each with its own power and history, but for the wishing well to help you, you need to believe in the power of the well, a belief from 18 centuries.


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