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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 16, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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at some stage, yes, spin like this, take it, let’s spin, yeah, here comes the honey under the influence of centrifugal force, when it spins very quickly, honey comes out of the honeycombs and lies on the walls of the honey extractor and then flows down, we take it from there we open the tap, strain and that’s it, and eat, how does this all happen, is it just the same thing? excursions, i can say with confidence that the world of bees is amazing and diverse, and how delicious the honey is here, i will definitely take a couple of jars with me. vika, you know that there are thousands of wishing wells in the world, everyone has its own strength and its own history, but for the wishing well to help you, you need to believe in the power of the well, a belief from 18. you need to quietly
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whisper a wish here, don’t tell anyone, it will definitely come true, try it, i’m sure my wish will definitely come true, it’s time to return home, this was my route around the slavgorod region, see you in a week.
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in the braslav region, the azers are blue like the sky in the early days, which is in the right and the racing forest, at the beginning of the golden dawns, washing creatures and light, and the fall of the azers is known. prices woven smile to the suns, you look from the sea, the bottom, which is polka dotted, and from their end, the accumulated azers, like not most years, so much so , whatever we know, mountains, seas, and the azerans have never forgotten them, dear sir. patrus brouk.
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top secret, from a message from the head of the first department of the nkvd of the ussr fitin, to the secretary of the central committee of the military communist party, shcherbakov, about german atrocities on occupied soviet territory, received from the nkvd of the bssr, august 12, 1945.
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fitin, the germans burned him because they found a corpse in her killed german soldier. such reports from the head of the ussr foreign intelligence service, pavel , to the country's top leadership about the facts of nazi atrocities on the territory of the bssr were received almost daily from the first days of the war. but one thing shocked the world. republic of
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belarus pripetsky swamps. in january 1942, the headquarters of the fourth shock army of the kalinin front had a captured archive at its disposal. germans during the toropets-kholm and velish offensive operations. military translators hastily processed intelligence and operational documents fascists, reports. among them, attention was drawn to the reports of the regiment commanders
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of the ss cavalry brigade with a note about the conduct of the pacifying pripyat operation. even a quick glance at them caused shock. the document was reported personally to the commander of the fourth shock army, colonel general andrei ivanovich eremenko. after studying the reports, it was decided to send them to the supreme high command. the materials were urgently delivered to moscow. on april 27, 1942, the people's commissar for foreign affairs of the ussr vyacheslav molotov sent note to the government and missions of countries not at war with the soviet union. it is about the atrocities
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of the commanders of the ss cavalry brigade during the so-called pacifying pripet operation.
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the real target of extermination was these most undesirable elements: civilians. the fascists covered the territory of the baranovichi, lyakhovichi, gantsevichi, kosovo, ivatseviche, pinsk, dragich, ivanovo and pruzhansky regions of belarus. what this meant for the civilian population is also in documentary evidence. on the eve of august 2, 1941, in the town
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of khomsk, drogichensky district, at noon , cavalrymen in ss uniforms suddenly appeared and immediately headed towards the mill. the main population of the town worked there: men, women, at the sight of the germans, everyone froze, and... the officer, having lined up the men in a line, explained to them that they were heading to other work, immediately ordered two to come forward, they were taken towards the field , soon ambassadors. the officer calmly continued to explain that
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they needed to hand over all valuables, rings, money. they don’t have this at their new place of work. required. ss men with cossacks in their hands approached the doomed men and forced them to put jewelry in them. machine gun fire rang out , they were finishing off those still alive with rifle butts, from the memories of eyewitnesses of those terrible events, we learn that the same tragedies happened in the first...
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the town of mottal, ivanovo district. here the punitive forces herded the entire jewish population to the market square. the men were lined up in a column and led under escort towards the village of osovnitsy, supposedly to work. but soon shots were heard. in total , 1,400 people were killed that day. same scenario. in in august 1941, the population in other villages was destroyed; the fastas spared no one. our
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house, that’s where i was born, and another uncle’s, and a third uncle’s were also at home, they all immediately began to burn, well, people, of course, began to escape as best they could, the first one. on the day of the war, the germans were in our village, my father was at home, and the germans came and said: “you go and drive out the cattle in the neighboring house.” the father seemed to go into the house and start running away with smoke, and of course, they noticed him and started shooting at him. at a meeting in baranovichi on august 14, the group. ss o
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results: 1378 marauders were destroyed, by which they meant the civilian population. the second stage of the pripyatsk, swamp operation will take place from august 19 to... august 31 on the territory of the brest, pinsk, polesie and minsk regions, and is carried out by the forces of 162 and 252 infantry divisions, under the general leadership of the ss gruppen fuehrer, eric vonbach, in execution of a special order of himler , destroy villages in the pripyat marshes where resistance will be shown, shoot all those suspected of supporting the partisans. as evidenced by the materials
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the prosecutor general's office of the republic about previously unknown facts, it was a mass extermination of the population. true, the method did not quite live up to the nazis’ hopes. from the report of the 2nd ss cavalry regiment. this method did not give the expected result, as it turned out to be swamps. not deep enough for them to drown. during the operation pripyat swamps in july-august 1941. villages were burned. khatynichi, gantsevichesky district, 73 people were killed. turov district, zapesochye - 300 people, churchyard - 69, rycha - 26. starazhovtsy - 30 people, chernichi - 40. kosovo region, velikaya gad - 123 people. holy will,
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436. parichsky district. ostashkovishche - 120 people, slaven - 72. pruzhansky district, borki, vybrody, glushets, zalesye, kletnoe, radetsk - 13 people, chadel - 38 people. on one day alone , more than 3,000 civilians were killed in pinsk. in the first months of the war, the nazis.
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and they will be carried out throughout the territory of the republic until the end of the war. tv news agency presents: in the public domain. we have no secrets from ours people. pramyslovs babruisk uzbekistan yashche adny pradomsovye, new garbarny kombіnat.
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on the right, the fee for uladzimir paley and i will give only high quality results. eight chamu. it’s easy to deal with the atk, it’s not easy to get rid of it. when working with such small details, even the most insignificant adhilenny transactions and marriages, the man has to take care of unnecessary reporting. control over all pharmaceutical devices is essential for pharmaceutical devices. the details have been added dozens of times. machines darazats markay svaygo ancestral succession. the gray one has the most powerful planing machine with an automatic carving for finishing parts with a machine and 20 tons. the machine has been awarded the yakastsi sign . businesses visited the headquarters
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of french companies. machines from the minsk brand paspyakhov compete with molded foreign designs. it doesn’t matter what they are bought for. the drummer of the stone craft, czeslav kazimiravich bagenskaya persha, was given a stamp of abuse at the factory. yakasts. these
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mottos were followed by abutniki ab'yadnannya the same day, and hell lay in hell shteparshchytsy ramualda strok, and hell zazyazhchytsy galina kandymavay, hell all the charmers, who wandered about this day, bring joy to the purchasers. zaruka tamu, gety ganarovy henagon.
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gradually, a temple, a parish, a brotherhood was formed here, which was engaged in the construction of this temple, this is the pokrovsky temple, about the sacraments of church services, if i am a priest, then there should always be a choir, because the choir symbolizes, in principle, the prayer of all those praying, those people , which stand on worship, we will tell and show you spiritually.
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we are changing our idea of ​​life in the countryside together with the heroes of the project. i am from the village, and i come home here, this is mine, i really liked it here, and i didn’t think about anything else, when everyone is together, there are five children here, yes, yes, there was an idea that, as if to prevent children from throwing everything in their rooms and spending as much time as possible in nature in the open air, in general , ask them to leave the house for their territory, i think that if i work, then i’m alive, when they work, that means i’m already like that,
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so i’ll work and work, we’ll come up with something, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, which for belarusians is a familiar life, for others it may seem truly exotic, i noticed that you have a ship everywhere, and even in... wealth, yeah, but an indicator of status, and only very wealthy people could acquire it, there were such elites, so we made ships on the spot, one might say,
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shipping on it began from our places, bread symbolizes well-being and prosperity, salt was a kind of amulet, so guests are wished health and prosperity in the form of bread and salt, watch the travel show: like at home on our tv channel.
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yesterday broadcasts on the tv channel belarus 1 pratsegvayutsya news of the capital of the minsk region with you in the live broadcasts elizaveta lashkevich good evenings to our day in short: liquidation of attacks ii to the controller.


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