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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 16, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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expire on january 20 next year, i think that the general course of confrontation to aggravate the situation in ukraine around ukraine will continue in one form or another. at the same time, from my point of view, it is quite obvious that at present the greatest danger is that on the eve of the presidential elections - only it seems to us that nato has
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an inverted picture of the world, in his opening speech, while general secretary saltonberg uttered the word defense and derivative more than a dozen times. for the sake of defense , the alliance will increase arms supplies to ukraine, for the sake of defense, he will create a logistics hub in eastern europe, but the main question is for the sake of the same defense, protection from russia, which is apparently treacherously creeping up to the borders of the rose winds, although the facts speak differently. nato expansion took place in 10 stages, starting in 1952, when greece and turkey joined. in the documents of the bloc , the ussr was listed as the main threat, however, even after the collapse of the soviet union, the alliance experienced eight stages of expansion: the last one, in the twenty-third and twenty-four years , included sweden and finland. by the way, in parallel with the nato summit , documents were declassified according to which washington back in 1994, 30 years ago, was working on kiev’s membership in
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the bloc, it was another, as it seemed to us, a new world of friendship and the end of the cold war, but it only seemed it is necessary to support the possibility of ukrainian membership in nato from the baltic countries; they cannot be allowed to find themselves in a gray zone or in russia's sphere of influence, says a document dated october 1994. it also follows from this that the so-called policy of new containment towards russia should not be spoken publicly. council staff. national security affairs of the white house noted that the possibility of ukraine's membership in nato, given russia's sensitive attitude, should not be discussed publicly. in the near-medium term, we need to develop a strategy towards ukraine while deepening ties between nato and russia. at the same time, russia was twice denied nato membership, first to yeltsin in the early nineties, and then to vladimir to putin in 2000, the same bill clinton. and now it’s clear why: money will be allocated only if...
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the german alliance, western politicians promised later, will not expand eastward further than vladimir putin, will not go to russian borders, they deceived and continued to absorb country after country, in order to to sell the alliance to the average person, in order to explain...
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it will be clear that the actions of the alliance have nothing to do with the stated defensive motives. the alliance will begin to constantly deceive itself and others. instead of a security guarantor for europe it will quickly become a guarantee. and problems for its security, approximately 150 incursions into the territory of 50 countries, the sad outcome of the history of the bloc, millions of victims and war crimes on different continents: the balkans, torn yugoslavia, iraq, tormented libya, 25 bloody years in afghanistan. against this background, nato continues to declare defensive goals. this sounds like a mockery of the whole world. nato is of increased danger and this term is firmly attached to the alliance. its history is richly strewn with ashes and destruction. after the second world war ii, there were 250 military conflicts in the world, 80% of which were caused by the usa and nato. carefully, since 1973, every 12
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months, under the guise of operations, exercises or interventions, a war actually began. the actions of nato aggressors in north korea, vietnam, the persian gulf, vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, libya, syria and other countries have caused large-scale tragedies that have claimed millions of lives under various pretexts. defending peace, human rights and democracy, countering the spread of communism, restoring justice, fight against terrorism, preventing the proliferation of weapons, mass destruction. the united states invaded a sovereign state, destroyed the established order there, the economy, the infrastructure, and brought disasters and misfortunes to these lands. it turns out that where nato is, there is trouble and tragedy. these terrible images are on the conscience of the north atlantic alliance, this national list of victims too.
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the era of blood and gunpowder, the era of rockets and sights. they are ready to incite the same ukrainian conflict ad infinitum. there is no room for morality among the merchants of death. at the same time, nato is only a screen to protect democracy and human rights. in fact, this is an instrument of influence on all processes in europe, which is increasingly turning, although in fact it has already turned into an american protectorate. to put it simply, they are raking in the heat with someone else’s hands and calmly counting their profits overseas. the past year ended with a cosmic figure for us defense companies; weapons worth a record 238 billion dollars went abroad, of which a third, that is, more than 80 billion, were deals that the american government concluded with the leadership of other countries. for weapons
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business of the west, all these conflicts are a gold mine, easy profits and absolute unprincipledness. as a result of last year , most of the us and european beard giants recorded an increase in production and an increase. profits and predicted further replenishment of bank accounts. the continuation of the ukrainian conflict and the risks of its escalation into the third world war open up truly gigantic prospects for arms concerns. so the other day it became known that rain metal received the largest contract in its history from german defense procurement agency bine for the supply of 155mm artillery ammunition with a total value of up to 8.5 billion euros. the main recipient of the shells will be the bundeswehr, which will transfer some to ukraine. deliveries should begin next year, from the same time the heirs of hitler's industrialists plan to increase annual output to 700 thousand per year. at the same time, modern politics is so cynical that you fight about the scheme, and
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we will make money, even top officials say without hesitation. biden's response in october last year. we send weapons from our warehouses to ukraine, money allocated. we use to replenish our own weapons stocks. so, let’s summarize why nato is fomenting endless wars. firstly, geopolitical influence, the struggle for resources and markets. secondly, as we see, war is an important part of the profits of western corporations and the economy as a whole. thirdly, the acceleration of the military-industrial complex means new jobs not only at specialized enterprises, but in related fields. finally, fourthly, the bombings, missile strikes are a good way to divert attention from internal problems. the creation of new enemies, as we know, is common.
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force countries to refuse to support the formation of a new world order, that is, they don’t even hide it. the harsh business model of the alliance is destroying an entire state, but there were also thoughts of reason in american heads. so back in ninety-seven, diplomat george cannon admitted that nato expansion would be the bloodiest mistake of american policy in the entire period since the end of the cold war. how did you look into the water? but the americans decided that it was better to be not a guarantor of security in europe, but a guarantee of crises and conflicts. the attack on september 11, 2001 in the united states was used as a pretext to start a war against terror, but
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they can even stick this label on the state if they want; lovers of democracy have spent 6.5 trillion dollars on such conflicts in the 21st century. our president spoke repeatedly about the vampire nature of nato even before isvoo, during the so -called years of detente, they needed to reorganize the near middle east. they burst from tunisia, they meant it now they don’t say, i don’t say there, what happened before in iraq, a storm in the desert and so on, they actually destroyed the country, what they did better, no, then they got stuck again, tunisia, libya, syria, uh, then they reached iran, they looked too tough, they couldn’t fit in, they’ve been in afghanistan for 20 years, and the result is that they’re not easy.
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let's go back to the summit and its decision, no hint of compromise and zero desire for diplomacy, instead another statement by atlantic officials: 50 special brigades will be created in europe to contain russia. in one there will be approximately 3.00 people, that's 150,000 soldiers. nato is now planning to create up to 50 new brigades, which are supposedly needed to protect against attacks from russia, but in principle we know how they defend themselves, how they defended themselves from yugoslavia, from libya, from syria, from... all complexes are expensive and their production is small-scale, on the other hand, they need
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a lot for themselves, so the question arises of how to pull this off economically, so the costs there should be simply astronomical , that is, they do something somehow will decide. you understand, the financial flywheel will be launched at a new speed, these are billions, billions of dollars thrown into the furnace of war, and they want to allocate another 40 billion to ukraine, but even zelensky is beginning to see what’s what, the final declaration about irreversible membership. ukraine's membership in nato, according to bloomberg, was not very impressed with kiev, even despite the last- minute changes. the inclusion of the word “irreversible” was sought by the countries of the north atlantic alliance, advocating the speedy admission of ukraine to the bloc, while some members alliance recognized that this was more a symbolic than a meaningful phrase. according to three interlocutors, us president joe biden initially opposed such wording. he said at several white house meetings that ukraine has a lot to do to fight corruption before it can become a member of the military bloc.
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zelensky’s team sharply opposed this approach, and secretary of state blinken managed to persuade biden to use tougher wording. apparently it won’t take long to persuade biden i had to, because during the press approach with the secretary of state, nato again misspoke, so that many members of the alliance choked. i led the alliance through one of the most important moments in history. the decision to fire british weapons deep into russia and present it almost as a sensation.
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the presentation is not entirely correct. official london publicly gave this permission back in the spring through the mouths of sunak and cameron. in fact, he did not prohibit these strikes before. that is, starmer merely confirmed the long-existing order of things, nothing more. in general, new the british prime minister is now trying to use aggressive rhetoric to highlight the problem. with the growth of the military budget, which is what nato partners and the opposition demand from him. realizing that there was no money for this and no money in sight, starmer made a cunning move. he declares that he will definitely increase it. military spending, but only after a comprehensive audit of the defense budget has been carried out , which could take several months. and it turns out that the results of the war summit, there is no other way to call it, are sad, more soldiers, more money and deeper conflict, they demand a new counter-offensive from ukraine, simply throwing manpower and new metal into the positions, another confused
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declaration all about the same thing, kiev must wage war until the last ukrainian. nato summit. is a milestone, because before the countries of the collective west talked about good in everything, they talked about human rights, they talked about - about a rules-based order, now they just say that we are preparing for war, the whole thing is related to rights. man and some kind of justice, he has already simply been dumped, we are talking about preserving dominance, it’s about dominance, by the way, that’s what the resolution says, it’s not for nothing that former american intelligence officer scott ritter called nato a monster out of control, we see this in the final declaration, russia
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was officially listed as the main threat, belarus also got it, our union turns out to be the same poses a danger to... the americans, who are pumping poland with weapons, whipping up war psychosis and demonizing minsk and moscow, the course of which is clearly prescribed by the states. we are pleased to announce an increase in nato's operational capabilities to missile defense - the declaration says the launch of the ashore base in poland complements existing facilities in romania, spain and turkey. in addition, the bloc called on the international community not to provide any support to russia. the final statement says that... condemns every state that supports moscow. nato countries also agreed to develop recommendations on a strategic approach to relations with russia for the next alliance summit. in addition, nato is going to strengthen itself in africa and the middle east in pacific region. once again, everything is done by the defense. but what about washington’s defense, say, on the korean peninsula,
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11 km away? so maybe it’s worth finally speaking loudly and openly about the fact that there will be no peace as long as there is such a trogladite bloc, which is always short of money, territories of influence, and is ready to grind not just civilians, but entire nations, if, of course, these nations do not have strong leaders who are ready to give a worthy rebuff, i hope now this will be clear to you, happily.
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just one chance to show my strength, i'm there i remember that minsk.
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what are we going to do to reduce the backlog? due to self-confidence, probably in myself, due to the fact that i know the answers, everything, just everything, well, you sent it to me, watch it in
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the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world, my name is pavel morozov, i came to belarus from russia and perform the duties of the consulate general of the russian federation in the city of grodno. i came from venezuela 8 years ago because i fell in love, my husband, andrey from belarus and everyone found something for themselves here. i like to be on camera, of course, because i like to show my emotions, i like to talk, i can endlessly talk to you now, but it won’t work. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. belarus is more about the soul, it was belarus that gave me a part.
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we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, but every 5 years new research appears that suggests that the use of sunscreens is primarily the prevention of skin cancer, just as high technology in healthcare is growing, so is the technological effectiveness of simulation training. let's share interesting facts. the first who thought about sun protection were the ancient greeks; they rubbed their skin with olive oil, but as you understand, this did not solve the problem. we have robotic simulators that feel tactilely, skin, and mucous membranes like a person’s.
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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. electricity supply, water delivery, clearing of rubble in enhanced mode works. all services of belarus, liquidation of the consequences of bad weather are under the personal control of the president. patriotic motor rally, city concert program.


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