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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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80 years under peaceful skies today grodno celebrates the day of liberation from the nazi invaders about the heroic history and peaceful development of the west.
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko is personally monitoring the progress of restoration work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, which affected a number of regions of the country. yesterday and today, in fact until the morning , all necessary measures were carried out at the most intensive pace under the control of the head of state. the situation was reported to the president in detail all this time by the deputy prime minister anatoly sevak. chairmen of the mogilev, minsk and, in detail, the gomel regional executive committees. it was the situation in the gomel region, which suffered the most from the disaster, that received special attention. the president gave the necessary instructions to promptly eliminate the consequences of the bad weather to the heads of a number of ministries and departments, as well as first deputy prime minister nikolai snopkov and deputy prime ministers anatoly sevak and pyotr parkhomchik. they were in constant contact with the head of state with reports on the war. field work, o
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carrying out orders. anatoly sevak, the head of state, was instructed until the morning of july 16 to ensure the removal of the resulting rubble and restore the operation of the entire infrastructure of life support systems for the population. on the morning of july 16, promptly report the situation. as instructed, over the past 24 hours, teams of power engineers, forestry specialists and other industries were mobilized to the maximum extent possible and were fully involved as per the industry situation.
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and the mozyr region and surrounding areas, the wind was abnormally high, and this led to the great destruction of high-voltage lines, where wires were broken, supports were destroyed, which means that we have 54 high-voltage lines there that were damaged, and the main task was to allow electricity to restore power in the very mozor, to today.
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lukashenko also decided to transfer all damaged forest to the disposal of the heads of regional executive committees. the president especially emphasized the heroic work of those who eliminated the consequences of the disaster, including energy workers and forestry specialists , and asked to convey gratitude to everyone who took part in the hard work to eliminate the consequences of bad weather. all operational services are working around the clock to eliminate the consequences of a powerful hurricane and as reported by the ministry of energy. half an hour before the broadcast, power supply to mozyr was restored. electricity is supplied to residential buildings by the enterprise. repair construction teams are helping residents of affected villages and agricultural towns. restore roofs of houses. windbreaks are being cleared out in the forests. today's aerial monitoring by specialized services showed
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the scale of the destruction. the country's farmers also felt the consequences of the hurricane due to bad weather in belarus, 16,000 acres of crops were damaged. about how belarusians. resist natural disasters, reporting by elena vitko. the natural thriller on social networks began with cumulus clouds, but then a tornado absorbed all attention, and the country was covered by the strongest whirlwind in history. sandy forest and fist-sized hail, flying roofs of houses and uprooted trees. the july apocalypse lasted a matter of minutes, but there were no consequences. today they were returned to work. the gomel region suffered the most; emergency mode, all operational services are working heroically around the clock
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, and power engineers from other regions are also helping. and today we even sent out three more teams with drilling rigs and they are fully staffed. as if to provide assistance, the republic of belarus has brought in the forces of power engineers, the ministry of emergency situations, housing and communal services construction workers in order to quickly restore power supply lines, generation systems have been brought up to key facilities - this is water intake, and while the power supply is being restored, let me remind you, at the peak of the hurricane without there are almost 2.0 settlements left in our country, people are provided with everything they need, generators work at social facilities, and water supply is organized. there is where to get water, they bring it, there is where to buy it, there is where to charge phones, if you can survive a day or two longer, of course, it ’s more serious, it seems to me, the bigger problem is who has electric stoves and infants, these shots show an air inspection of the gomel region, however, both
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teachers and young people are working on the scale of the disaster. damage that there were still some, of course, the glass was damaged, by the efforts of the work collective, all the glass was restored, well, within two days, i think that... we will take everything out, that’s what ’s left of the trees by friday, in principle we are working to restore we will complete the order on the territory. the infrastructure of all vital systems needs to be restored urgently; specialists will literally reach every yard; in the agricultural town of lopatina, brest region alone, more than 60 houses were destroyed. very grateful for the help, and well, personal i have already asked the electricians themselves for help, i am very, very pleased for these people, they are very attentive people, you know, probably.
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in the gomel and minsk regions, here, for example, in terms of the lightness of winter rye, an area of ​​34 hectares. the ear was not damaged, so the harvest will be harvested; the fleet has combine harvesters with special stem lifters; the affected tertiary crops have already been harvested in this way. there was a squall of water, such a powerful wind
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blew through, a little bit of agricultural livestock farming facilities were opened up, which we completely put in order there within 24 hours, they covered it, but basically there was a loss of electricity. there was a very strong overvoltage, some computer systems burned out, on a nearby farm a lightning strike stopped the grain drying complex, the discharge passed through the entire dryer, resulting in a fire. we called the ministry of emergency situations, which allowed us to reduce the damage, the grain that was in the dryer was promptly unloaded, today we are calculating the damage and promptly restoring it. it is planned to eliminate the defects and launch the equipment in the coming days, to minimize the consequences, rescuers are helping in the forest fund, clearing rubble and sawing trees with over 100 units of equipment and 200 employees of the ministry of emergency situations. all necessary measures are being taken to restore the water supply and electricity supply to populated
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areas, so in the near future the power supply to the city of ozere was restored, now populated areas in the mozovsky district are being gradually, step by step restored, in addition, the energy supply to zhlobin is being restored in the populated areas of the zhleblensky district. the damage is colossal from the weather affected almost. there are 70 forestry enterprises in the country, some areas will have to be completely cut down and restored, we have salvage areas - areas where timber was harvested, bereloms were developed, but in the spring , accordingly, we will create leaf crops in these areas. the main efforts are focused on establishing the exact figures of the damage that the storm caused in our country. at the moment, according to the latest data, the figures are very close to the mark of 6.00 hectares; as for exclusively clear sanitary felling, we are not even talking about cleaning up litter or selective
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sanitary fellings, but the volume of damaged wood from clear sanitary cuttings is estimated by experts at approximately 1.3 to 1.4 million cubic meters, that is, we understand how big this figure is, a powerful hurricane that covered almost the entire country, and even though the green tracts and spiky fields could not resist, hundreds of structures were also damaged, belarusians united, and this is the case when there is no place for indifference, only hard work, comprehensive restoration continues. elena vitkoi, anatoly dolotovsky, tv news agency. belarusians do not want war, but the response to any provocation will be harsh. the president stated this today while honoring graduates of higher military institutions, officers who were awarded the rank of general. this is a public confession.
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general's shoulder straps , of course, not everyone succeeds in achieving such recognition; these are people who understand the meaning of the word impeccability, and often heroic grandfathers play a big positive role in this, in the literal sense of the word, grandchildren do not strive disappoint. to become generals, he started with conscript service, served 2 years of conscript service, then 2 years of extra conscription, then entered our belarusian academy, graduated from the combined arms department, became a platoon commander, and is now promoted to chief. the rank of general, i dreamed of becoming a general of the joint training center, i rose to
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the rank of soldier, but my grandfather is a hero of the soviet union, he served in the division in which i now command, there is a bas-relief of him on the alley of heroes, here it is it had to be, here i am i shouldn’t have let you down, just go forward, everyone is in full dress today, white shirts, accelerators, already established commanders with ambitious... career plans, ready to study and work, to combine, by the way, all people have a family, they say it’s difficult to build a career without a reliable rear. there are several levels of higher military education, you can stop. conditionally at the military academy, but you can continue, but these are people who do not get tired of continuing, the real president of the republic of belarus, graduates of military educational institutions of the republic of belarus and the russian federation, collected, the minister of defense, new disciplines, military strategy,
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operational art, state and military management, all of these are students of the highest military.
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therefore , the closest attention will be paid to the training of highly professional officers, true patriots devoted to the country and the people, as evidenced by your graduation. each of you has a decent amount of knowledge behind you, a good opportunity to prove yourself, and in a really difficult situation. moreover, you have to
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implement the new approaches included in the concept.
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took part in this response deserves the highest praise, i am very grateful to you for this, but my experience is that shooting is an extreme method. “this is our method, we must master it, but at the very least, we must always learn to negotiate, including military ones. in this conflict
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, the military played the main role, and in general the entire role, the military played, we did not involve diplomats, but we worked diplomatically language, they have achieved success, they, they don’t need this war of 1500 km.
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good health, goodness, prosperity, great success in the holy cause of serving the fatherland. and most importantly, a strong rear to you. the state will do everything in the next 2 years to ensure that your rear is strong. in a word, good luck, dear comrades and officers. the ceremony itself always follows a fairly strict protocol, just a drill step, an obligatory part of the approach. the head of state will present special sheets of gratitude from the president to graduates who graduated from the military an educational institution with excellent academic performance. and general's shoulder straps by a representative
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of senior officers. the words in response will contain promises that the officers have already made once in principle, but never tire of repeating. i declare to you, commander-in-chief, that each of us will make every effort to strengthen the defense capability of our state, its reliable defense. i serve the republic of belarus. with a traditional glass of champagne, the president will address the officers again more informally. i emphasize once again that we are living in the year of our eightieth anniversary. liberation of our country. from fascism, this leaves a serious imprint on us, and we must be worthy of those people who
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gave us the life in which we live, once again for your rear, health to you and good mood, all for the sake of your service to our fatherland , for you. the ceremonial part ends with mandatory photography. a very significant day, at home everyone is waiting for video reports of this success, every officer talks about it, the whole family is going, there are possible moves ahead, new assignments, but that’s all ready for this. 2 years have passed very quickly, i am glad that i joined our team and received such necessary knowledge in the profession, i will continue to serve in the air force in the air defense forces. the result is not only the education or skills acquired, it is also unique.
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have stayed away from a possible armed conflict, and i don’t doubt for a minute that there are enough forces in the west who dream
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that there will be - ivan eismant’s opinion is shared by ukrainian politician dmitry vasilets, expert i am confident that leveling the threat made it possible to avoid bloodshed. here you can once again applaud that without shots, without bloodshed, they were still able to maintain this situation; in fact, here you also need to understand that the nato bloc will not stop trying to split it in any way. there is a threat of provocation, an attempt to drag our country into a heated confrontation. belarus builds good relations with everyone who supports the same policy of good neighborliness as we do, even despite
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the distance. today. the president held negotiations with the governor of the primursky territory. oleg kozhimyaka, a longtime friend of belarus , has been in our country many times in the status of head of the amur and sakhalin regions and primorye. this has always allowed us to cooperate productively, to establish active trade and cooperation. the far east has in many ways become an example for other russian regions. alexander lukashenko thanked the guest for the close, effective partnership and personal attention to our bilateral projects. there are a lot of them, not only large volumes. creation of economic and elevator a large complex project is being implemented in the region together with emkador. there is no such thing as vladivostok, geographically distant, but not alien, this is evidenced by our meetings with you, and the agreements that we reach as a result of these, which are not rare.
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there’s no getting around it, the more we grow up, the more we are drawn to those roots, that’s why we are always glad to see you in belarus, come. the governor, in turn , noted that belarus is an important partner for the region, our trade is growing exponentially, and only last year in primorye we supplied over 400 units of our equipment. belarusian goods are loved here, supplies in the opposite direction are growing, close personal contacts strengthen the relations of the allies. in all areas, from agriculture to forestry. this year it is planned to determine the location of the port of belarus in the primorsky territory; it is needed as an important point on our transit route to china. we are now working on the creation of a joint port, which would be both russian and belarusian, including the people's republic of china, i think, would be willing to participate as partner, that is, within the framework of the development
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of the northern route. this plan is very interesting, so the selection of sites is underway, that is, we spoke in advance, i think that this year we will already decide on the choice of a place that is most convenient, has depth, has a certain infrastructure, for the development of contacts minsk and vladivostok have connected transit flight, but the head of the russian region does not rule out that air traffic could become direct and regular; this route is being worked out, this will... contribute to the disclosure tourism potential of belarus and primorye. tourists have a lot to see when visiting, but so far we are only at the beginning of this journey. and this is an example of the development of interaction with the countries of the far arc. today the official visit of the belarusian government delegation to cuba began. the agenda includes negotiations with the prime minister and deputy chairman of the national assembly. contracts and agreements are expected to be signed. there were 2 days of intense negotiations in caracas. about our journey in
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venezuela. each country has its own history and its own national pride. in venezuela.
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in venezuela, less than two weeks before the presidential elections, it is clear that the country’s leadership is busy with a propaganda campaign, nicolas maduro is among the candidates, on the eve of words of support from alexander lukashenko, prime minister roman golovchenko conveyed to him at a meeting with the head of the foreign ministry, and today.
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and oil. the economic war that western forces are waging against us has obliged us to launch domestic production, and tell president lukashenko the following that i am waiting for him here with a very good lunch, everything he will try here will be local venezuelan made. we have started our own path to economic development, and very fortunately we have found mutual understanding with all manufacturers, so your visit is very important and very timely. me:
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there is a lot to discuss, especially how we can use these advantages of sanctions, the reported advantages of sanctions for our further, joint development. there are many achievements ahead that the venezuelan leadership needs to do, and we are ready to be reliable travel companions. now relations that were held back by the pandemic, sanctions and geopolitical tensions are beginning to intensify. the two countries are confidently coping with sanctions challenges. i would like to thank you for your support in the electoral process, as you know, our countries are subject to very serious external pressure, and this is due to the fact that we do not submit to the hegemony of external forces. but the venezuelan people have a very strong civic consciousness and that is why we are
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fighting for our independence, sovereignty and freedom. and we are grateful that you send your observers to our elections. in the economy, we are ready to resume work in all areas. there are many projects in our baggage that started back when...
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in order to have finances not only for production, but we understand how to ensure the delivery of machine-mash kits here from the start of production, most importantly, how to provide a financial scheme. for the sale of finished tractors, at least half of the volume produced is what can be exported, and, accordingly , what our joint enterprise and country with certain foreign exchange earnings. what does venezuela have? there is metal in venezuela that interests us in a certain area. this is aluminum, this is hot briquetted iron, this is cast iron. we are waiting for commercial proposals from them. prices may be quite interesting to us, even taking into account logistics.
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what started in venezuela continues in havana.
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the official visit to cuba started in the evening. agenda, negotiations with the prime minister of cuba, as well as the deputy president of the national assembly. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey youth, tv news agency, caracas, havana. another round of escalation from the next day. latvia banned entry tonight.
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neighboring state: cars with belarusian license plates are now prohibited from entering latvia. and now another unfriendly gesture at the belarusian-latvian border, a car with belarusian license plates moves towards the paterneiki checkpoint and after some time reverses. latvia didn’t even let me in for a u-turn, discussions say. is not subject to, and such cases only during the first day of the ban ten for entry into the european union from belarus. i, as a law-abiding citizen, taxpayer and citizen of latvia, am extremely outraged by this and do not understand why such actions limit our peoples and instill discord among them. my car does not pose any threat to national security or public order. nikolai, but the man asks not to show his face and is generally not eager to communicate. journalists, but still sincerely without censorship, which is inherent in
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democratic europe, tells how he, a citizen of latvia, was turned away by the security forces his own state, he says that they didn’t really look at the documents, when they saw the belarusian license plates, they gave a turn, yet it was an individual case, it would seem that they would sort it out in europe, so he, with the sidelines of european democracy, returned back to belarus with a latvian passport, if i show my face, then in relation to... restrictions will begin on the part of the authorities, possibly law enforcement agencies, perhaps my close relatives, i am of course afraid of this and cannot give any explanations so openly, a neighboring state thus, the eighth package of eu sanctions against belarus shows in action, however, in the queue at the border in a rut, truck drivers are simple people and in the border areas they do not count the number of those same packages, european politicians say again.
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passenger cars with belarusian license plates, only modest messages on official websites. the fact that riga is banning the entry of those responsible for the lawlessness of the latvian services is an exception. when crossing the border they will do it for diplomatic and consular missions, but not for others, in case refusal of the threat of confiscation of cars in queues, and this is a dubious merit of european politicians, they say every now and then that initially they tried to intimidate the russians in this way, they even staged a demonstrative flogging with confiscation, so they decided to set democracy
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against the belarusians. i believe that ordinary people should not suffer because of some political problems. people want, like ordinary people, like, for example, i want, they want to go to relatives there and so on. how can one comment on, at best, the behavior of the mentally ill; at worst, it deliberate idiocy, provocation, and pushing belarus into an active conflict with latvia, although the weight categories cannot be compared, but some pug latvia is still a large country by european standards , belarus, well... how can you comment on all this, being in sane, when i often, including on your channel, say that the political establishment, the rulers of latvia, they don’t just want to annoy or somehow politically bypass belarus there in a competitive struggle, they hate you, you shouldn’t be with his
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the belarusian language, with its own national holidays, everything else is there, this should not be on the world map, the latvian security forces are not at all... used to standing on ceremony, just take the case of beaten refugees and a multi-kilometer rut. the queues from their own country are explained either by a power failure, however, this is not uncommon in latvia, or they blame the belarusians for everything, while they are in no hurry to draw up documents and in general they have not received orders to work at least at half capacity for a long time. hence the wasted nerves of tourists questions without answers even for latvian citizens. there were no incidents; all cars with belarusian license plates that tried to leave returned to the republic of belarus. when communicating with them, everyone expressed indignation and at the same time hope that this would all return to normal. the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus considers this step inhumane and inhumane, this is a blow to ordinary people. and the belarusian country does not intend to respond with such methods. our country is open and peaceful, where tourists from the baltic states are welcome without visas. i would like to note that
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there are no intentions in the plans of the belarusian side take symmetrical measures against latvian citizens. vice versa. “we are openly interested in developing contacts with our neighbors, including using the current visa-free regime for visiting our country. there have already been horror stories about belarus, barriers and barbed wire, the europeans who suffered first of all, because they were deprived of earnings in cargo transportation and the opportunity to come to belarus for food, it didn’t work and europe continued to hit people, breaking not only logistics, but also family ties, however, for..."
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a fence on the border with russia by the end of the year, on the border with our country already this month, the total cost of the project is almost 300 million euros, latvia wants to invest another 300 million in military strengthening of the border, including digging up roads, digging ditches and strengthening them with concrete and anti-tank mines.


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